scholarly journals Falsifikasi Karl R. Popper dan Urgensinya dala Dunia Akademik

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 261
Maydi Aula Riski

A problem that is often debated by both the western and eastern world is the problem of determining the truth of a scientific field or theory. In western science, a thought emerged from a philosopher, namely the theory of falsification put forward by Karl Raymond Popper. In his theory Popper argues that the truth of a science is not determined through justification (verification), but through refuting the propositions that science itself builds (falsification). The study of Popper's falsification has been very widely published and discussed in various writings, especially in Islamic studies and science (science). In this article, the author tries to briefly describe the urgency of Karl R. Popper's thought in the academic field. The method used in writing this article is library research (literature review), using relevant documents, journals, and research. Through this research, it is known that the application of Karl Raimund Popeer's theory of falsification is very important in the academic field. This is evidenced by the concept of falsification which is used to determine the scientific knowledge. In addition, the concept of falsification was used long before Popper introduced the theory. One of them is used by the Muslim philosopher Imam Al-Gazali in defending and proving his arguments and thoughts. In the development of scientific methods, the principle of falsification plays an important role in strengthening scientific theory because it serves as evidence to disqualify other irrelevant theories.

Wardah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-49
Ainor Syuhadah Binti Khalid ◽  
Intan Delsa Putri

Abstract: Article with the title ‘Analysis of the Concept of Integration of Science in Islam’, it discusses describing and analyzing concepts between sciences in Islam. Science we will describe later, is a system of meaning of reality and truth, based on revelation supported by reason and intuition. The method used in this study uses the method or literature study (library research). Literature study can be interpreted as an activity relating to the method of collecting library data, reading and recording and processing research materials. With nadzar and fikr processes, ratios will be able to articulate, make propositions, express opinions, argue, make analogies, make decisions, and draw conclusions. In the Islamic worldview, science is closely related to faith, ‘aql, qalb, and taqwa. Not only is knowledge systematically gathered, but knowledge is also an understanding. Where to calculate the haq Of course you will not argue with the haq. However, over time, hegemony and colonialism caused Muslims to replace and apply the concept of Western knowledge that is blindly. This attitude certainly causes confusion. So, trying to develop and develop the concept of science in the Qur'an can be made the basis for formulating the basis of knowledge in Islam. Keywords: Integration of knowledge, worldview, and scientific methods.   Abstrak: Artikel dengan judul ‘Analisis Konsep Integrasi Ilmu dalam Islam’, ini bertujuan memaparkan dan menganalisis konsep intergrasi ilmu dalam Islam. Ilmu sebagaimana akan kita uraikan nanti, merupakan system pemaknaan akan realitas dan kebenaran, bersumber pada wahyu yang didukung oleh rasio dan intuisi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan metode atau pendekatan kepustakaan (library research). Studi pustaka dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Dengan proses nadzar dan fikr, rasio akan dapat berartikulasi, menyusun proposisi, menyatakan pendapat, berargumentasi, membuat analogi, membuat keputusan, serta menarik kesimpulan. Dalam worldview Islam, ilmu berkaitan erat dengan iman, ‘aql, qalb, dan taqwa. Tidak hanya merupakan satu pengetahuan yang terhimpun secara sistematis, tetapi ilmu juga merupakan suatu metodologi. Dimana metodologi yang haq tentu tidak akan bertentangan dengan yang haq. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, hegemoni dan kolonialisme menyebabkan umat Islam cenderung meniru dan mengadopsi konsep ilmu pengetahuan Barat secara membabi buta. Sikap ini tentu saja menyebabkan kebingungan (confusition) yang berlanjut pada hilangnya identitas. Maka, upaya menggali dan mengembangkan konsep ilmu dalam al-Qur‘an dapat dijadikan landasan bagi upaya merumuskan kerangka integrasi ilmu pengetahuan dalam Islam. Kata kunci: Integrasi ilmu, worldview, metode keilmuan.    

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-87
Dian Rahmawati

Usaha penyalinan mushaf al-Quran di Indonesia salah satunya dilakukan oleh  ulama-ulama yang berada di tanah Melayu Kepulauan Riau. Ini dibuktikan dengan ditemukannya manuskrip-manuskrip al-Quran yang ditemukan di Pulau Penyengat dan di Pulau Lingga. Namun, sayangmya keberadaan manuskrip al-Quran di Pulau Penyengat saat ini mulai rusak termakan usia. Hal ini tentu akan menjadi kerugian besar sebagai aset sejarah yang berharga. Oleh karena itu  kajian tentang  manuskrip al-Quran di Kepulauan Riau, khususnya Pulau Penyengat dapat menjadi salah satu upaya pelestarian yang menjadi pilihan. Sehingga informasi mengenai keberadaan manuskrip-manuskrip al-Quran di Pulau Penyengat tidak hanya menjadi cerita saja. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan(library research/literature review). Peneliti juga akan menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Adapun Manuskrip al-Quran yang terdapat di Pulau Penyengat yang berhasil diketahui berjumlah cukup banyak  yakni 7(tujuh) manuskrip al-Quran dan merupakan mushaf yang disusun sebagai  hasil tulisan tangan. Kertas yang digunakan sebagai tempat menuliskan ayat-ayat suci al-Quran ini pada umumnya menggunakan kertas Eropa yang diperkirakan berasal dari abad Pertengahan. Gaya Sulawesi Selatan dapat ditemukan dalam gaya penulisan hurufnya, sedangkan Gaya Pantai Timur terlihat jelas dari gaya iluminasi floral yang terkesan mewah,indah, teliti dan bersepuh emas. Masing-masing manuskrip al-Quran Pulau Penyengat memiliki keunikannya masing-masing. Namun, manuskrip-manuskrip ini sebagai khazanah mushaf al-Quran di Kepulauan Riau memiliki gaya dan ciri khas iluminasi yang disebut  ‘Gaya Sulawesi Selatan” dan Gaya Pantai Timur”

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Muhammad Rusdi Bin Muhammaddiah Muhammad Ihsan

This research is an attempt to understand and explain the repositioning of qanun based local wisdom in the effort of enforcing Islamic law at the village. In the context of Acehnese society (after the implementation of Islamic Sharia rules), at the village has not accommodated the implementation of Islamic law such as the establishment of village qanun in the areas of worship, syiar and adat gampong. Qanun gampong should be an extension of Acehnese qanun atprovincial, district/city level based on local wisdom of community/gampong community. Therefore, this study is an effort to re-functioning local qanun based on local wisdom which is not contradictory to higher qanun province, regency/municipality qanun where village qanun will be able to balance the implementation of Islamic law between qanun syariat Islam in Aceh with village qanun. Interest to review this concept, especially as an effort to raise the spirit of Islam at the village level. On the other hand, it is also interesting to see how the track record of the implementation of Islamic Shari'a in the gampong level. This research is descriptive, with approach of Shari'ah discipline and cultural anthropology. Techniques of collecting data through Library Research (literature review), and Indepth interviews with informants are capable with this study. The results of this study indicate that the village apparatus is still hesitant in forming the Islamic Shari'ah qanun because it is absent at the district level, so one of the efforts to restore the village qanun position which previously had not existed was to integrate the value of local wisdom in qanun, in addition to not be separated from the Islam law    

2011 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Abdul Muhid, Meria Zakiah Alfisuma

This paper discussed one of the sexual disorders called sexual masochism through literary study. By discussing one of the novels by Junichiro Tanizaki entitled Diary of a Mad Old Man, the writers have some objectives in writing this paper. First, to describe sexual masochism experienced by Tokusuke Utsugi through the symptoms reflected on his behavior and way of thinking. Second, to uncover the causal factor and the impact of Tokusuke Utsugi' sexual masochism in Junichiro Tanizaki's Diary of a Mad Old Man. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods; all of the data are obtained by doing library research (literature review). The analysis result shows Tokusuke Utsugi was a sexual masochist, ie man who has sexual deviations by symptoms experienced such as 1) Tokusuke Utsugi’s sexual desire resulting from torture or acceptance of pain from Satsuko, 2) Tokusuke Utsugi’s sexual desire resulting from suffering due to his various illnesses, 3) Tokusuke Utsugi’s sexual desire resulting from the insult he received from Satsuko. Sexual masochism suffered by Tokusuke Utsugi is the result of burial deviant sexual fantasies. As a result of the fulfillment of a deviant sexual desire, he was willing to do crazy things to satisfy his sexual desire.

2020 ◽  
Quang Ngoc Nguyen

Without a guideline or structure, conducting a literature review on a psychological construct might become a chaotic process . This canvas was built based on the author's experience in order to help psychological researchers classify, organize, and summarize the information relating to the psychological construct of interest into several essential aspects including definition, classification, measurement, sample, predictors and outcomes, mediators and moderators, interventions, and theories. For each aspect, there are some guiding questions which are expected to help researcher decice which information should be focused while examining scientific documents. The completely filled canvas should depict the status quo of the research on the psychological construct of interest, facilitating the research process.

Вадим Леонидович Афанасьевский

В статье анализируется проблема взаимоотношений философии права и научной теории права. Рассматриваемая проблема стала особенно актуальной в российском образовательном пространстве в связи с введением после длительного перерыва в государственный образовательный стандарт магистратуры по юриспруденции учебной дисциплины «Философия права». Автор статьи в качестве базисного принимает тезис, согласно которому философия права, являясь сферой философской мысли, и теория права как область научного социогуманитарного знания представляют собой разные типы теоретического дискурса. Исходя из этого, в статье выстраивается теоретическая концепция, согласно которой задачей философии права как философского типа мышления является конструирование или экспликация онтологических, эпистемологических, аксиологических, феноменологических оснований для формирования и функционирования научных теоретико-правовых и историко-правовых построений. Для реализации поставленной в статье задачи подробно рассматриваются ключевые характеристики как теории философского типа, так и идеалов, норм и характеристик научного знания. Выявленное различие экстраполируется на взаимоотношение теории права как продукта научного творчества и философии права как конструкции, задающей базовые мировоззренческие смыслы. В качестве примера выработанных философией права и государства оснований научных теорий прогресса, государства, морали и права, автор приводит взгляды мыслителей западноевропейской философской классики: Т. Гоббса, Ж.-Ж. Руссо, И. Канта, Г.В.Ф. Гегеля. Именно их философские концепции предопределили образы теоретико- и историко-правовых учений XVIII, XIX, XX и даже начала XXI в. Таким образом, отношение философии права и теории права выстраивается по «вертикали»: от онтологического основания к возведению теоретико-правовых и историко-правовых научных построений. The article analyzes the problem of the relationship between the philosophy of law and the scientific theory of law. The problem under consideration has become especially urgent in the Russian educational space in connection with the introduction of the Philosophy of Law discipline master's degree in law after a long break. The author of the article takes as the basis the thesis that the philosophy of law, being the sphere of philosophical thought, and the theory of law as a field of scientific socio-humanitarian knowledge are different types of theoretical discourse. Based on this, the article builds a theoretical concept according to which the task of the philosophy of law as a philosophical type of thinking is the construction or explication of ontological, epistemological, axiological, phenomenological grounds for the formation and functioning of concrete scientific theoretical and legal and historical and legal constructions. To implement the task posed in the article, the key characteristics of both a theory of a philosophical type and ideals, norms and characteristics of scientific knowledge are examined in detail. The revealed difference is extrapolated to the relationship between the theory of law as a product of scientific creativity and the philosophy of law as a construction that sets basic philosophical meanings. As an example of the foundations of the scientific theories of progress, state, morality and law developed by the philosophy of law and the state, the author gives the views and thinkers of the West European philosophical classics T. Hobbes, J.-J. Russo, I. Kant, G.V.F. Hegel. It was their philosophical concepts that predetermined the images of theoretical and historical-legal doctrines of the XVIII, XIX, XX and even the beginning of the XXI centuries. Thus, the attitude of the philosophy of law and the theory of law is built along the «vertical»: from the ontological foundation to the construction of theoretical and historical and historical legal scientific constructions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Lars Fuglsang ◽  
Anne Vorre Hansen ◽  
Ines Mergel ◽  
Maria Taivalsaari Røhnebæk

The public administration literature and adjacent fields have devoted increasing attention to living labs as environments and structures enabling the co-creation of public sector innovation. However, living labs remain a somewhat elusive concept and phenomenon, and there is a lack of understanding of its versatile nature. To gain a deeper understanding of the multiple dimensions of living labs, this article provides a review assessing how the environments, methods and outcomes of living labs are addressed in the extant research literature. The findings are drawn together in a model synthesizing how living labs link to public sector innovation, followed by an outline of knowledge gaps and future research avenues.

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