scholarly journals Fungsi Ekstrakurikuler Karawitan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Sendangguwo 01 Semarang

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 553
Cahya Prabowo ◽  
Prasena Arisyanto ◽  
Aries Tika Damayani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui  fungsi ekstrakurikuler karawitan bagi Sekolah dan siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode wawancara, observasi, dan angket. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa dan pelatih karawitan di SDN Sendangguwo 01 Semarang. Dari hasil penelitian, Pelaksanaan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler karawitan di SDN Sendangguwo 01 Semarang dilaksanakan di luar jam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Pembelajaran ekstrakurikuler karawitan di bagi menjadi 3 kegiatan yaitu kegiatan pendahuluan, kegiatan inti, dan kegiatan penutup. Fungsi ekstrakurikuler karawitan bagi sekolah yaitu menanamkan cinta budaya sejak dini dan dapat memajukan SDN Sendangguwo 01 Semarang atas prestasi karawitan. Sedangkan fungsi ekstrakurikuler karawitan bagi siswa yaitu pengembangan personal siswa melalui peluasan minat, pengembangan kemampuan dan rasa tanggung jawab. Berdasarkan penelitian ini saran yang disampaikan kepada Sekolah hendaknya mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler karawitan agar ekstrakurikuler karawitan menjadi wadah bagi siswa untuk pengembangan diri siswa dan mempelajari kebudayaan lokal sehingga dapat melestarikan kebudayaan lokal.Kata Kunci: Fungsi Ekstrakurikuler, KarawitanThis type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection in this study was conducted by interview, observation and questionnaire. The research subjects were students and musical trainers at SDN Sendangguwo 01 Semarang. From the results of the study, the implementation of karawitan extracurricular activities at SDN Sendangguwo 01 Semarang was held outside of teaching and learning hours. Karawitan extracurricular learning is divided into 3 activities namely preliminary activities, core activities, and election activities. Karawitan extracurricular function for schools is to instill cultural love from an early age and can advance Sendangguwo 01 Semarang Elementary School on musical performance. While musical extracurricular functions for students are the personal development of students through complementary interests, ability development and a sense of responsibility. Based on this research, the advice submitted to the School is the need to maintain and improve musical extracurricular activities so that extracurricular musicians become a place for students to develop themselves and develop local agriculture so that they can be used to preserve local sports.Keywords: Extracurricular Function, Karawitan 

Intan Juwita ◽  
Zulinka Manissha ◽  
Joko Supriyanto ◽  
Karmila Sari ◽  
Aang Praboyo ◽  

This research discusses about the management of extracurricular activities in developing students' interests and talents in SMA Negeri 2 Mendo Barat. Extracurricular activities are educational activities outside the subject and counseling services to assist the development of students according to their needs, potential, interests, and talents through activities specifically organized by education or education staff who are capable and authorized in school. The purpose of this research was to determine extracurricular management in developing students' interests and talents. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection by observation, interview, documentation, and questionnaire. The research findings that extracurricular activities at SMA Negeri 2 Mendo Barat are required for all students and have been running well according to the provisions set by the school although there are still some obstacles in their implementation such as lack of experts in their fields, lack of facilities and infrastructure that support the implementation of activities, the lack of motivation from students so that there are still some students who do not follow extracurricular activities. In addition, the extracurricular activities that have just been active in SMA Negeri 2 Mendo Barat amounted to 8 extracurriculars, namely soccer, volleyball, scouting, rohis, 4 pillars of education, Taekwondo, KIR, PKS. The very limited number of extracurricular activities is one of the reasons students do not participate in extracurricular activities at school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-176
Tasdin Tahrim ◽  
Firman Patawari ◽  
Ali Nahruddin Tanal

Abstract This study aims to determine the educational supervision plan, educational supervision feedback for the principal or teacher, and the techniques used in educational supervision at SDN 246 Rantebelu Kecamatan Larompong Kabupaten Luwu. The type used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and documentation study. The research subjects were teachers and administrative staff. The results showed that: (1) the education supervision plan carried out at SDN 246 Rantebelu Kecamatan Larompong Kabupaten Luwu is to prepare RPP, syllabus, list of scores, absence of annual programs and semester programs. (2) educational supervision feedback to the principal or teacher, namely verbal (verbal), providing comments on the results of direct observation of the learning process through face-to-face, no distance or equipment used. This method is usually carried out by talking to each other / dialogue, interviews, meetings, speeches, and discussions. Apart from that, giving comments can also be done indirectly through intermediary tools such as telephones, cellphones, etc. because of the distance between the speaker and the interlocutor. Non-verbal (written), providing comments on the results of observations of the learning process by means of writing without direct conversation using short, clear, and understandable language by the recipient. This method can be in the form of correspondence, sms, e-mail, learning photos, and so on. (3) There are 2 types of techniques used in SDN 246 Rantebelu Kecamatan Larompong Kabupaten Luwu, namely direct supervision, which means that the supervisor goes directly to the class to see the learning of students from beginning to end. While administrative supervision is only the administrative aspects that are assessed.   Keywords: educational supervision

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-322
Ach. Baidowi

Character education is an effort to foster and shape student character according to school culture. The research objective was to describe the process of cultivating character in students through school intracurricular and extracurricular activities. The research method with qualitative, data collection with interview, observation, and documentation. The results showed (1) character planting through intracurricular activities with (a) strengthening learning, namely character building in accordance with the theme or material, and (b) spiritual paradigm by inserting Islamic values ??in the learning process. (2) character planting through extracurricular activities with (a) scouts, namely forming leadership characters, being independent, solving problems, and loving nature, (b) leadership, forming leadership characters, responsibility, and making decisions, (c) painting, forming detailed, focused, creative characters , (d) martial art, forming tough, skilled characters, (e) reciting recitation, forming religious, moral, orderly characters, (f) child preachers, forming brave characters, positive thinking, art of communication, influencing others. Pendidikan karakter merupakan upaya membina dan membentuk karakter siswa sesuai dengan budaya sekolah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan proses penanaman karakter siswa melalui kegiatan intrakurikuler dan ekstrakurikuler di sekolah. Metode penelitian dengan kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) Penanaman karakter melalui kegiatan intrakurikuler dengan cara (a) Penguatan pembelajaran yaitu pembentukan karakter yang sesuai dengan tema atau materi, dan (b) paradigma spriritual dengan menyisipkan nilai keislaman dalam proses pembelajaran. (2) Penanaman karakter melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, (a) Pramuka yaitu membentuk karakter kepemimpinan, mandiri, memecahkan masalah, dan cinta alam, (b) Kepemimpinan, membentuk karakter kepemimpinan, tanggung jawab, dan membuat keputusan, (c) Melukis, membentuk karakter detail, fokus, kreatif, (d) Pencak silat, membentuk karakter tangguh, terampil, (e) Mengaji, membentuk karakter religious, akhlak, tertib, (f) Pendakwah cilik, membentuk karakter berani, berfikir positif, seni komunikasi, mempengaruhi orang lain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-52
Fu'ad Arif Noor ◽  
Sri Suwanti

The problem in the research is that group A students at BA Aisyiyah Wunut Tulung Klaten, do not yet have the ability to recognize optimal numbers in terms of mentioning numbers 1 to 10, counting objects, mentioning the order of objects, and connecting objects with number symbols. So how is the implementation of playing bowling to improve the ability to recognize numbers in group A children at BA Aisyiyah Wunut Tulung Klaten. And how to increase the ability to recognize numbers through bowling for group A children at BA Aisyiyah Wunut Tulung Klaten.The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of bowling in improving the ability to recognize numbers in children of group A in BA Aisyiyah Wunut Tulung Klaten and to determine the increase in ability to recognize numbers through bowling in children of group A in BA Aisyiyah Wunut Tulung Klaten. This study used a classroom action research (CAR) approach with 16 children in group A at BA Aisyiyah Wunut Tulung Klaten as research subjects. The research was carried out in two cycles, using qualitative data collection techniques with observation, interviews and documentation.The results showed that the implementation of learning to recognize numbers by playing bowling made the children of group A in BA Aisyiyah Wunut Tulung Klaten interested, which can be seen from the results of research with completeness before the action reached 0%, increased in cycle 1 it reached 25%, in cycle 2 it reached 50 %, so the child's ability to recognize numbers from pre-action and cycle II has increased by 50%.

Field Methods ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1525822X2198948
Adeagbo Oluwafemi ◽  
S. Xulu ◽  
N. Dlamini ◽  
M. Luthuli ◽  
T. Mhlongo ◽  

Transforming spoken words into written text in qualitative research is a vital step in familiarizing and immersing oneself in the data. We share a three-step approach of how data transcription facilitated an interpretative act of analysis in a study using qualitative data collection methods on the barriers and facilitators of HIV testing and treatment in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-110 ◽  
Claire Smith

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to discuss how fieldwork impacted the author's own and one participant's positioning; the author's reflexivity, experiences and feelings of alterity; the participant's performances and conversations between the author and participant.Design/methodology/approachThe author uses a confessional tale to describe the time spent with the participant and confesses how it impacted on the author as the researcher. The author examines her biases, feelings, and vulnerabilities, and explores some of the methodological and positioning issues with which she struggled.FindingsThe author ponders on what she learned while being in such close quarters with a participant and discusses what she should keep in mind about herself as the researcher during subsequent data collection forays. Researchers should know themselves well before attempting such closeness because when we are researchers, we can’t change who we are as people.Originality/valueIt is believed that the extreme researcher/participant closeness was unique but was, at the same time, an extremely useful form of data collection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-120
Lazuardi muhammad Latif ◽  
Faisal Bin Ahmad Shah

Wasl al-Fiqh bi al-Hadith integrates jurisprudence and hadith so that it enables fiqh experts to rely on hadith in formulating their rulings while hadith experts can derive a more accurate interpretation. Among others, this concept is applied at Aceh traditional dayah as the oldest Islamic educational institution in the Malay Archipelago which Acehness put their respect as the reference in Islamic rulings and teaching. This field study took place at Dayah Mudi Mesra, Samalanga, Aceh, due to its long-established reputation and great influence among Acehnese. The study aims to shed some light on the concept of wasl al-Fiqh bi al-Hadith according to some Islamic scholars, analyze the concept as perceived by the traditional Dayah of Aceh, and portray the polemic on Friday prayer ritual as prescribed by the traditional Dayah. The study employs qualitative data collection instruments consisting of library data, interviews, observations, and documentation. Inductive, deductive, and comparative methods were used for data analysis. The study found that implementation of this concept at the Dayah has been synonymous with the exclusive adoption of Shafi’i school as it heavily relies on several Shafi’i books or opinions of Shafi’i scholars as primary references.(Wasl al-Fiqh bi al-Hadith memadukan kajian fiqh dan hadis sehingga ahli fiqh dapat berpedoman kepada hadis dalam merumuskan aturan-aturan hukum sementara ahli hadis dapat mengetahui makna sebuah hadis dengan lebih akurat. Konsep ini salah satunya diterapkan di Dayah Tradisional Aceh, sebuah lembaga kajian Islam tertua di Kepulauan Melayu yang disegani dan menjadi rujukan dalam hal aturan serta ajaran Islam di masyarakat setempat. Kajian ini merupakan studi lapangan yang bertempat di Dayah Mudi Mesra Samalanga Aceh karena pengaruhnya yang sudah lama dan berakar kuat bagi masyarakat Aceh. Ia bertujuan mendalami konsep wasl al-fiqh bi al-hadith menurut para cendekiawan Muslim, mengkaji pemahaman akan konsep wasl al-fiqh bi al-hadith di kalangan Dayah tersebut dan memotret polemik soal pelaksanaan Salat Jumat di dalamnya. Kajian ini merupakan studi kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data secara pustaka, wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Sementara itu, analisis data dilakukan secara induktif, deduktif, dan komparatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi konsep tersebut sebenarnya tidak lebih dari adopsi eksklusif terhadap madzhab Syafi’i karena ketergantungan yang demikian kuat pada buku-buku madzhab Syafi’i serta pandangan ulama-ulama Syafi’iyyah sebagai referensi utama)

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Jamaluddin Ahmad ◽  
Astinah Adnan

Application of transparency, participation, and accountability in the procurement process of goods and services is in need to achieve good governance. Local governments Sidenreng Rappang has committed to implement through regulation principles so important to study. Therefore, this study aims to determine the principles of transparency, participation, and accountability and bureaucratic behavior that influence the process of procuring goods and services.This type of research is descriptive qualitative data collection techniques through documents, questionnaires, and informants. The data were then analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis.Behavioral results showed that bureaucracy tends political types in the application of the principles of transparency, participation, and accountability services for goods and services. This supported the existence of a Representative Observer of Society (ROS) that help implement it. The factors that influence still more in human resources and the enforcement of sanctions against irregularities rules or procedures.

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 868-875 ◽  
Grace Wong ◽  
Jane Koziol-McLain ◽  
Marewa Glover

Health researchers employ health interpreters for research interviews with linguistically diverse speakers. Few studies compare inconsistencies between different interpretations of the same interview data. We compared interpreted with independently reinterpreted English language transcripts from five in-home family interviews conducted in five different Asian languages. Differences included augmented, summarized, and/or omitted information. Researchers should ensure that they, and their interpreters, follow rigorous processes for credible qualitative data collection, and audit their interpreted data for accuracy. Different interpretations of the same data can be incorporated into analyses.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 12
Emmanuel Jude Abiodun Akinwale

The purpose of this paper is to assess the extent of relevance of the federal character as a national policy in recruitment into the Nigerian federal civil service and probe whether or not the level of application of merit supersedes the application of ecological considerations in recruitment into the service. It utilizes quantitative and qualitative data collection to espouse its theme. The paper finds that there are personnel problems connected with poor application of federal character policy in recruitment into the civil service and this affects the quality of entrants. It recommends strict application of merit standard to attract best workers while implementing federal character policy through proven certification of state of applicants. The paper notes that the Nigerian federal character policy is one that places premium on state representation in governance and bureaucracy and a strategy for national integration. However, there must be predominant application of merit in recruitment.

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