scholarly journals Digital Learning Media Assisted by Quizizz Application (METALIQ) on Science Content of Ecosystem Topic for Sixth Grade Elementary School

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Nanda Sekar Astafiria ◽  
Gede Wira Bayu

Distance learning requires learning activities that focus on the use of technology, so we need a digital learning media that not only functions as an evaluation tool, but can also convey learning materials. This study aims to produce “METALIQ” which was developed on the topic of Ecosystems for the sixth-grade elementary school students. This research was a development research based on the ADDIE model procedure. The subject of this research was "METALIQ" with the topic Ecosystem for sixth grade elementary school students involving four lecturers as experts who assess the validity of the product content, two teachers who provide practitioner responses, and 10 sixth grade elementary school students filling out student responses. The object of research was the feasibility of "METALIQ" which is viewed from the content validity, practitioner responses, and student responses. The data collection methods in this study were observation, interviews, document studies, questionnaires and instruments rating scale. To measure the validity of the content of "METALIQ", the instrument was used rating scale, meanwhile to measure the responses of practitioners and students’ responses used a questionnaire. The learning media validity data obtained were then analyzed using the Aiken’s V formula to measure the content validity coefficient. The mean is an analysis to determine the average score of teacher responses and student responses. The results of the analysis of the validity of the “METALIQ” data for content experts were in the range of 0.75-1.00 and learning media experts were in the range of 0.625-1.00. This indicated that the content validity of “METALIQ” was high. The practitioner response test got an average score of 4.3, and the student response test got an average score of 4.55. This means that all aspects of the response test to “METALIQ” have very good qualifications. Based on this analysis, “METALIQ” in the science content of the Ecosystem topic was feasible for use in learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1085
Farida Zakiah ◽  
Sukirman Sukirman ◽  
Sri Utaminingsih

The purpose of this research was to analyze the effectiveness of gabilpanet-based number line learning media to enhance elementary school students’ understanding of the concept of integer counting operations at grade IV in Kabupaten Jepara. This research was a development research using Borg & Gall model. The development steps included: 1) researching the existing products, 2) studying the literature, 3) planning the product development, 4) designing the product, 5) conducting limited trial, 6) conducting main field trial, 7) conducting operational field trial. The subjects of this study were sixth grade students at SDN 4 Tulakan, SDN 2 Bandungharjo, SDN 3 Bandungharjo, and SDN 4 Bandungharjo. Data were collected through observation, questionnaires, tests, and interviews. Then, the validation results were analyzed by accumulating the scores and the statistical test of the effectiveness was carried out with SPSS version 26. Data on the effectiveness of gabilpanet-based number line learning media were analyzed through normality and homogeneity tests at a significance level of 0.05. The finding revealed that gabilpanet-based number line learning media was effective and useful to be utilized in learning activities in order to enhance studetns’ understanding of the concept of integer counting operations. Based on the data obtained, the average score of students’ learning activities was 0.76 with a percentage of 76%. Moreover, the result of students’ learning outcome based on the average score of n-Gain was 0.69 with an average pre-test score of 43.00 and the average post test 82.50. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 416
Ni Putu Feby Mulia Buana Rosnata ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Tri Agustiana ◽  
I Ketut Dibia

Lack of student understanding of the material provided online by the teacher, students feel bored with monotonous learning using mobile phones, teachers provide materials and assignments through student books, the media used is still simple and less attractive. This study aims to develop media fun thinkers based on fill the blank questions for grade 1 elementary school students on theme 3 of my activities. Media development in this study is guided by the ADDIE model procedure which consists of several stages, namely analysis (Analyze), planning (Design), development (Development), implementation (Implementation), and evaluation (Evaluation). The trial subjects of this study consisted of 2 subject matter experts, 2 media experts, 2 practitioner responses, and 10 student responses (small groups). The data collected in this study, namely qualitative data and quantitative data. Data was collected using a questionnaire method with the distribution of rating scale instruments. The results showed that the average validity and reliability scores from the point of view of material experts were 4.3 with very valid qualifications and 93% with reliable qualifications, in terms of media experts it was 4.4 with very valid qualifications and 92% with reliable qualifications, from In terms of practitioner responses, it is 4.6 with very valid qualifications and 96% with reliable qualifications, and in terms of student responses it is 4.8 with very valid qualifications and 97% with reliable qualifications. This shows that the media fun thinkers based on fill the blank questions for elementary school students in grade 1 on theme 3 of my activities is declared suitable for use in learning. The implications of this research are expected to help students during online learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-84
Cecilia Novianti Salsinha ◽  
Eva Binsasi ◽  
Elinora Naikteas Bano

[Bahasa]: Salah satu metode pembelajaran yang cocok digunakan untuk operasi perkalian adalah metode jarimatika. Metode ini diberikan kepada siswa SD di Kefamenanu mengingat berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Kefamenanu telah memiliki empat perguruan tinggi namun masih banyak siswa yang belum memiliki kemampuan berhitung cepat. Kelebihan metode jarimatika adalah tidak memerlukan alat peraga dan hafalan karena perhitungan dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan jari tangan sehingga diharapkan operasi hitung perkalian dapat lebih mudah dipahami, menyenangkan, dan tidak membebani memori otak siswa. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berhitung siswa sekolah dasar. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di SDN Neonbat Kefamenanu, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) dengan subyek pengabdian seluruh siswa kelas V yang berjumlah 60 orang. Pengabdian dilaksanakan dalam bentuk workshop yang dibagi menjadi 2 hari. Pelaksanaan hari pertama fokus pada review kemampuan dasar siswa yang meliputi perkalian 1-5 dan dilanjutkan dengan perkenalan teknik berhitung cepat dengan jarimatika untuk perkalian 6-10 dan 11-15. Pengabdian dilanjutkan pada hari kedua yaitu review materi pada hari sebelumnya dan penyampaian teknik berhitung cepat untuk kelompok 16-20 yang diakhiri dengan pemberian latihan. Kegiatan pengabdian tidak hanya berhenti pada workshop tetapi dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan terhadap siswa yang dipilih sebanyak 20 orang. Kegiatan pendampingan ini memberikan dampak positif terhadap hasil belajar yang diperoleh siswa. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari peningkatan nilai rata-rata pada pre-testsebesar 55,84 dan pada post test sebesar 75. Kata Kunci: berhitung cepat; metode jarimatika; perkalian; sekolah dasar [English]: One of the appropriate methods to learn multiplication is Jarimatika. It was given to elementary school students in Kefamenanu which, based on data from statistical central agency (BPS), has four colleges but there are still many students who do not have rapid counting skills. The advantage of this method is not requiring learning tools and memorization because calculations are done by utilizing the fingers so that the expected counting operation of multiplication can be more easily understood, enjoyable, and does not overload students’ memory. The purpose of this community service program was to improve the counting skills of elementary school students. It was held at SDN Neonbat Kefamenanu, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) involving 60 5th-grade students. The program was carried out in two-day workshop. The first day focused on the review of students ' basic ability which includes multiplication 1-5 and continued with the introduction of quick counting techniques with Jarimatika for multiplication 6-10 and 11-15. The second day was to review the previous day and introduce the rapid counting technique for multiplication 16-20. This program did not only end with the workshop but also continued with the assistance of 20 selected students. This assistance provided a positive impact on the results students get which can be seen from the increasing average score: 55,84 in the pre-test then increased to 75 in the post-test. Keywords: fast counting; jarimatika method; multiplication; elementary school

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-45
Rahayu Winingsih

The purpose of this study is to find out the improvement of elementary school students' learning achievement through the medium of picture word cards. The problem in this study is still the low learning achievement of students seen from the initial test of learning achievement. This research took place in class I SDN Babatan IV/459 Surabaya. The school is located at Jalan Raya Menganti Babatan Wiyung District of Surabaya City. The research time was carried out in semester 1 (odd) in October of the 2020/2021 School Year. The subject of this study was a student of class I SDN Babatan IV /459 Surabaya which amounted to 28 students. This research design is class action research (PTK) through stage flow (planning, research action, data collection and data analysis) carried out with two cycles. The result of this study is an increase in student learning achievement in each lesson cycle with a minimum completion criteria (KKM) of 70, cycle I completed learning of 15 students or 60% of students who have achieved the minimum completion criteria with an average score of 72.95. While cycle II has increased, 28 students completed their studies or 100% of students have achieved the minimum completion criteria with an average score of 85.4.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 209
Ratmiati - - ◽  
Sunarti - -

Thisstudyaims toimprove poetry writing skills with acrostic techniques in elementary school students. This research is descriptive qualitative. This type of research is a class action research (Class Action Research). The research carried out consisted of two cycles, each cycle being carried out three times.TheThe research procedure includes planning, implementing the action, observing and reflecting. The subjects in this study were 34 grade V elementary school students.After carrying out the research in the first cycle 21 of 34 students got a score of 72.35 who got a "low" qualification. After that, the second cycle of research was carried out, 33 students got an average score of 80 in the "High" qualification. Based on the results of the research in the first and second cycles it proves that the application of acrostic techniques in learning to write poetry in fifth grade elementary school students is very appropriate because the application of these techniques can improve student learning outcomes in writing poetry for the better.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Lilis Diah Kusumawati ◽  
NFn Sugito ◽  
Ali Mustadi

Interactive multimedia is a technology that mediates the development of learning activities to make it more interesting and enjoyable so that it can motivate students to learn. This study aims to determine feasibility of interactive learning multimedia product in motivating student for fourth grade of elementary school to learn mathematics. The research method uses the concept of ADDIE models to develop products with five stages, 1) analyze; 2) design; 3) develop; 4) implement; and 5) evaluate. The result showed that the development of interactive learning multimedia is feasible used for motivating students in grade 4 to learn mathematics. The result of validation by material experts showed that the products developed reached a score of 43 so that it was included in the "very good" category, while the results of the validation by the media experts showed that the products developed reached a score of 59 so that it was included in the "very good" category. Teacher responses related to the practicality of product use reached a score of 113 so that it was included in the "very good" category, while student responses related to the practicality of using the product reached a score of 83 so that it was included in the "very good" category. In motivating students to learn mathematics, interactive learning multimedia can be applied to elementary school students in grade 4.AbstrakMultimedia interaktif adalah teknologi yang memediasi pengembangan kegiatan pembelajaran agar lebih menarik dan menyenangkan sehingga mampu memotivasi siswa dalam belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan produk multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dalam memotivasi siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar untuk belajar matematika. Metode penelitian menggunakan konsep model ADDIE untuk mengembangkan produk dengan lima tahap, 1) menganalisis; 2) desain; 3) berkembang; 4) mengimplementasikan; dan 5) mengevaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif layak digunakan untuk memotivasi siswa kelas 4 dalam belajar matematika. Hasil validasi oleh ahli materi menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan mencapai skor 43 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”, sedangkan hasil validasi oleh ahli media menunjukkan bahwa produk yang dikembangkan mencapai skor 59 sehingga masuk dalam kategori "sangat baik". Tanggapan guru terkait dengan kepraktisan penggunaan produk mencapai skor 113 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”, sedangkan respons siswa terkait dengan kepraktisan penggunaan produk mencapai skor 83 sehingga masuk dalam kategori “sangat baik”. Dalam memotivasi siswa untuk belajar matematika, multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dapat diterapkan untuk siswa sekolah dasar di kelas 4.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Dewa Ayu Putu Mega Noviyanti ◽  
I Gede Margunayasa

The limited relevant learning resources and the lack of development on natural science content on the topic of the animals and human digestive system were the reasons for this research. This research aimed at developing Pop-Up book media on the topic of animal and human digestive system in which the validity had been tested. This research was developmental research by using some steps, such as analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation models. However, the implementation steps and the evaluation steps were not conducted due to time limitations. The data collection method used in this research was a questionnaire method. The subject of this research was a learning media in the form of a Pop-Up book on the topic of animal and human digestive system on the fifth-grade elementary school students and the object of this research was the validity on learning media for Pop-Up book media. The instrument used in this developmental research was the rating scale. From the results of the assessment by four experts, an average score of 4.79 was obtained into very good qualification. Based on the results of the assessment, it could be concluded that the Pop-Up book media on the topic of animal and human digestive system was valid with a very good qualification. The existence of a Pop-Up book media was useful to assist the teachers’ tasks in implementing learning specifically in developing natural science materials on the topic of animal and human digestive system.

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
Antonio Valle ◽  
Irene Pan ◽  
José C. Núñez ◽  
Susana Rodríguez ◽  
Pedro Rosário ◽  

AbstractThis work arises from the need to investigate the role of motivational variables in homework involvement and academic achievement of elementary school students. The aims of this study are twofold: identifying the different combinations of student academic goals and analyzing the differences in homework involvement and academic achievement. The sample was composed of 535 fourth-, fifth- and sixth-grade elementary school students, between the ages of 9 and 13 years old. Findings showed three groups with different motivational profiles: a group of students with high multiple goals, another group with a learning goal orientation and a third group defined by a low multiple goals profile. Focusing on the differences between groups, it was observed that the amount of time doing homework was not associated with any motivational profile. Nevertheless, the differences were statistically significant between the motivational groups in the amount of homework (F(2, 530) = 42.59; p < .001; ηp2 = .138), in the management of time spent on homework (F(2, 530) = 33.08; p < .001; ηp2 = .111), and in academic achievement (F(2, 530) = 33.99; p < .001; ηp2 = .114). The effect size was large for the amount of homework performed and was also relatively large in the case of management of time and academic achievement.

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