scholarly journals Urgensi Rekonstruksi Pengaturan Praktek Perjanjian Perdagangan Melalui E-Commerce

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 235
I Dewa Ayu Dwi Mayasari ◽  
Dewa Gde Rudy

In general, the agreement is made face-to-face. However, along with technological developments, agreements can now be made through electronic media (internet) or E-commerce. Through E-commerce, it has brought changes in human activities because through the internet, any transaction can be done, including making an agreement. However, many problems arise in transactions conducted electronically, such as trading transactions or buying and selling online. The problems that can be conveyed are firstly the urgency to reconstruct the practice of trade agreement arrangements through E-Commerce, second form of legal protection against parties who are disadvantaged in practicing trade agreements through E-Commerce and thirdly the settlement that can be carried out if there is a dispute in the practice of a trade agreement through E -Commerce. This research uses normative legal research, with a statutory approach and analysis of legal concepts and uses primary, secondary and tertiary legal sources. Furthermore, it is collected systematically using documentation studies and added with supporting data. The conclusion of this research is that the reconstruction of trade agreement practice arrangements is very urgent to be carried out for philosophical, sociological, juridical and practical reasons, both forms of legal protection against the aggrieved party, namely the Civil Code, ITE Law, Consumer Protection Law and the third settlement that can be done if a dispute occurs is through the Litigation, Non Litigation or BPSK channels.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 1291
I Dewa Ayu Dila Pariutami ◽  
I Made Udiana

Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mekanisme penelusuran upah dengan kedudukan Pekerja Rumah Tangga (yang selanjutnya disingkat PRT) berdasarkan pengaturan hukum serta perlindungan hukum bagi PRT, apabila majikan tidak memberikan upah sesuai kesepakatan dalam perjanjian dibawah tangan. Metode penelitian dan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Sedangkan, pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan dan  analisis konsep hukum. Dalam tulisan ini terdapat norma kosong yang tertera pada pasal 1 angka 2 yang menjelaskan pengertian “Pekerja/buruh adalah setiap orang yang bekerja dengan menerima upah atau imbalan dalam bentuk lain”. Jika dilihat memang benar pekerja harus mendapat imbalan yang sesuai, akan tetapi di dalam Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan tidak mengatur pekerja informal. Pengumpulan bahan hukum dibuat dengan menganalisa buku-buku hukum,jurnal, internet. Dari hasil yang diperoleh yakni kesepakatan yang dibuat dua pihak yang diperjanjikan sepanjang pekerjaan tidak sama, maka akan menjadi kewajiban majikan untuk memberi hak PRT. Menteri Ketenagakerjaan membuat suatu terobosan baru mengenai perlindungan hukum ini yaitu adanya Permenaker No.2 tahun 2015 yang dianggap dapat membantu. Namun, Permenaker memiliki kelemahan dan kekurangan yang masih belum dapat menjamin sepenuhnya kepastian hukum dalam melindungi PRT. Maka dari itu membentuk perjanjian harus menentukan upah dari kewajiban yang telah ditentukan serta memiliki kepastian mengenai upah tambahan diluar kewajiban yang dilakukan PRT agar mengetahui lebih rinci dan memperjelas daripada si PRT dalam menerima haknya. This writing aims to determine the mechanism for tracking wages with the position of Domestic Workers (hereinafter abbreviated as PRT) based on legal arrangements and legal protection for domestic workers, if the employer does not provide wages according to the agreement in an underhand agreement. The research method and approach used is a normative legal research method consisting of primary and secondary legal materials. Meanwhile, the approach used is the legal approach and analysis of legal concepts. In this paper there are empty norms listed in article 1 number 2 which explains the meaning "Workers / laborers are every person who works with a salary or reward in other forms". If it is seen that it is true that workers must receive the appropriate compensation, however in the Manpower Act it does not regulate informal workers. The collection of legal materials is made by analyzing law books, journals, the internet. From the results obtained, the agreement made by the two parties agreed as long as the work is not the same, it will be the employer's obligation to give the rights of domestic workers. The Minister of Manpower made a new breakthrough regarding the protection of this law, namely the existence of Permenaker No. 2 2015 which is considered to be able to help. However, Permenaker has weaknesses and shortcomings that still cannot guarantee legal certainty in protecting domestic workers. Therefore forming an agreement must determine the wages of the obligations that have been determined and have certainty about additional wages beyond the obligations of domestic workers in order to know more details and clarify than the domestic worker in receiving their rights.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Wawan Fransisco

This scientific work is entitled the role of law on consumers of online buying and selling in Indonesia, in writing using normative legal research methods, namely by reading, studying, analyzing various laws and regulations, literature, scientific writings, and papers related to the material being examined. Online buying and selling is a way to shop through cyberspace or the internet where the payer uses a credit card or debit card, so without the need to meet face to face. Buyers or in this case consumers can order goods to sellers throughout Indonesia so easily. Therefore in this paper will explain in general about legal protection for consumers buying and selling online in Indonesian.

Yuridika ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 177
Ria Setyawati ◽  
Mas Rahmah ◽  
Rahmi Jened ◽  
Nurul Barizah ◽  
Agung Sujatmiko

Batik artwork has been known for hundreds of years and has become part of the culture of Indonesian society. Some batik motifs in Indonesia have philosophical values and are part of traditional traditional ceremony activities. Along with the times, the creativity of batik artists has become varied even though ancient traditional motifs are still mass produced and used as inspiration. This research examines the legal protection for traditional batik in order to avoid the abuse of rights by certain parties who merely exploit it in order to benefit from the existence of traditional batik works. The formulation of the problem that will be examined in this research is whether traditional batik gets legal protection under the copyright regime in Indonesia? Are there any legal safeguards at the international level for traditional Indonesian batik works? In answering this problem formulation will use a conceptual approach and a statutory approach. This research is a legal research that will examine existing legal concepts and related legal rules in solving legal problems related to the protection of traditional batik.

Ni Putu Ria Dewi Marheni

This Research is entitled “Legal Protection for Consumers Related to the Inclusion of Disclaimer by Business Owner in Website”. The problems of the present study are: first, how the inclusion of disclaimer in websites in Indonesia is like; second, what the legal protection for consumers related to the inclusion of disclaimer by business owner in websites is like. The method used in the present study is the normative legal research. The results of the study showed: first, no norm regulating disclaimer in the Act Number 11 of 2008 concerning the electronic information and transaction which specifically regulate activities in the cyberspace. However, if generally viewed from the protection for consumers in the Act Number 8 of 1999 concerning Protection for Consumers, most inclusions of disclaimer in the website is classified as exoneration clausal which is partially prepared by business agents to avoid what they are supposed to be responsible for. Second, the form of legal protection needed by consumers in the internet is still weak. However, the general legal protection for consumers may be provided through: a) Being preventive:  Reliability Certification Board ‘Lembaga Sertifikasi Keandalan’(LSK) which is supposed to give certification for every internet site already regulated by the Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 82 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of Electronic System and Transaction  which is a derivative of Article 10 clause (2) of the Act Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transaction; b) being repressive: through Litigation Lane which may be done by submitting a civil suit and civil sanction based on the Act Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transaction. Another alternative is through the Non Litigation lane, that is, the Arbitrate Lane, which is settled using the Alternative of Dispute Settlement

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 115 ◽  
Dragan Mitrović

The existence of legal reality implies the existence of the subjects of law as the creations of that reality. The law cannot even exist without its subjects. They are conditio sine qua non for the law. First, natural persons had become the subjects of law – although not all of them and not at the same time, and thereafter their creations - legal (moral) persons, also became the subjects of law. In both cases, it is about traditional virtual legal creations. However, as the information and technological developments could not have bypassed contemporary law, more and more frequently and intensively it is being thought about the third type of the subjects of law – virtual characters as the new subjects of law (law avatars). Today, this is not done out of curiosity, but for very practical reasons – i.e. for promoting business communication that is rapidly migrating to the area of computer virtual reality. Such a change requires reconsideration of traditional beliefs and theories about what a subject of law is. It also requires determining the possible legal nature of virtual characters, irrespective of whether it is about virtual natural or legal persons. When it comes to the explanation of their essence, it seems that at this moment the fiction theory is more acceptable than the reality theory, which might prevail sometime, as it had happened with the subjectivity of the legal person at some point in time in the 17th century.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Thania Christy Corne

Technological developments in the era of globalization bring humans into the digital age. All things will directly contact with an electronic system. And so with the data, some of the data among this world is privacy. That’s why encryption is needed to be applied. Initially, encryption was used as a privacy data protector, but in its development encryption gave birth to problems in the legal field. Where criminals use encryption as a shield for their crimes. Therefore, legal issues arise, whether for reasons of government or state security can have access to one’s privacy data. How does international or national law regulate the issue of using decryption of encryption technology? The method used in this paper is a juridical-normative comparative legal research method. The result shows that international law does not regulate the use of encryption in protecting privacy data in the digital world comprehensively because some of the countries claim that the use of encryption is a part of human right, on the other hands some country has another vision on national security.

Acta Comitas ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 352
Made Utami Jayanti

The enactment of Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning Number 29 of 2016 concerning Procedures for Granting, Releasing, or Transferring the Right to Ownership of Residential Houses by Foreigners Domiciled in Indonesia has not sufficiently accommodated the interests of Foreign Citizen while in Indonesia. This is evidenced by the lack of sufficient rules to protect the interests of foreign national while implementing a sale and purchase agreement on ownership of a residence during their domicile in Indonesia. This research is a normative legal research. Normative legal research consists of statute approach and legal concepts. The legal material collection technique was by using snowball techniques. The results of the study show that the regulation of residential property that can be owned by foreign nationals while domiciled in Indonesia is not sufficient to provide legal protection for foreign nationals in the event of losses, which require foreigners to pay for the shortage of the nominal purchase of a residential house due to the transition of legislation. The importance of establishing new legislation regarding the ownership of housing by foreigners during their domicile in Indonesia as an effort to realize legal protection for foreign nationals who have contributed to the development of the national economy. The Indonesian government should immediately make or amend the laws and regulation concerning the ownership of houses by foreigners. This must be done so as not to reduce the trust of foreign nationals to invest in Indonesia, which will certainly have an impact on the national economy.

2011 ◽  
pp. 81-102 ◽  
Brian D. Loader ◽  
Barry Hague ◽  
Dave Eagle

Throughout the world millions of people are getting online to the Internet to exchange information and communicate with each other to form what Howard Rheingold has famously described as ‘virtual communities’ (1994). The revolutionary potential of the new Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), currently epitomized by the Internet and other Web-based technologies, to transform social relations has not surprisingly grasped the imagination of the media, academics, politicians, businesspeople and members of the public more generally. It has produced an extensive and often fierce debate about the possible beneficial consequences of such technological developments for social interaction which is based more around common interests rather than spatial proximity. Such optimistic visions have also been matched by alternative dystopian depictions of the new media facilitating the emergence of surveillance societies (Lyon, 1994; Davies, 1996). Yet, in whatever form the arguments are couched, their emphasis on remote communication often acts to disassociate individuals from the everyday experience of the communities they live in. It is as if there is no place for localized face-to-face interaction between people in the Information Age. Whilst we do not preclude ‘communities of interest’ and recognize that the term community itself can be used in many ways, our own approach to community informatics (CI) has been shaped by the desire to reconnect locally spaced communities to the wider electronic network of cyberspace.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 440
Moody R Syailendra

Technological developments give rise to various kinds of influences in human life. This influence not only has a positive impact, but also has a negative impact because of the misuse of technology. One of the recent incidents is the widespread distribution of pornographic videos (sex tapes) played by artists or ordinary people, for the benefit of the spreader or as a medium for extorting objects in photos/videos. This paper aims to look at forms of legal protection against the ownership of personal data containing pornography and to see steps that private owners can take to protect their personal data. In this paper, the author uses a legal research method, which is a know-how activity (finding how), not just know-about (searching about). As a know-how activity, legal research is conducted to solve legal issues faced. In this study, it can be concluded that the Electronic Personal Data containing pornography can be protected by law as a scope for the personal interests of the object in the photo/video itself. However, the data must be maintained and stored so that there is no access from other parties who can disseminate the data. The owner of personal data has personal rights to his electronic personal data, if the personal data is in the hands of another person, then the right holder has the authority to do something or not to do something to his personal data. One of the protection measures that can be taken is the destruction of personal data to prevent data misuse. Perkembangan teknologi memunculkan berbagai macam pengaruh di dalam kehidupan manusia. Pengaruh tersebut tidak hanya memberikan dampak positif, tetapi juga turut berkembang pula pengaruh negatif Sebagai dampak penyalahgunaan teknologi. Salah satu kejadian yang marak belakangan ini adalah maraknya penyebaran video porno (sex tape) yang diperankan oleh kalangan artis atau masyarakat biasa, demi keuntungan penyebar atau sebagai media pemerasan kepada objek di dalam foto/video. Tulisan ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap kepemilikan data pribadi bermuatan pornografi dan melihat langkah yang dapat diambil pemilik pribadi untuk melindungi data pribadi miliknya. Pada tulisan ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum, yaitu suatu kegiatan know-how (mencari bagaimana), bukan sekadar know-about (mencari tentang). Sebagai kegiatan know-how, penelitian hukum dilakukan untuk memecahkan isu hukum yang dihadapi. Dalam penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Data Pribadi Elektronik bermuatan pornografi dapat dilindungi oleh hukum sebagai lingkup untuk kepentingan pribadi objek di dalam foto/video sendiri. Namun data tersebut haruslah dijaga dan disimpan agar tidak ada akses dari pihak lain yang dapat menyebarluaskan data tersebut. Pemilik data pribadi memiliki hak pribadi terhadap data pribadi elektroniknya, apabila data pribadi tersebut berada di tangan orang lain, maka sebagai pemegang hak memiliki wewenang untuk melakukan sesuatu atau tidak melakukan sesuatu terhadap data pribadinya. Salah satu upaya perlindungan yang dapat dilakukan dengan pemusnahan data pribadi untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-77
I Komang Mahesa Putra ◽  
Ni Luh Mahendrawati ◽  
Desak Gde Dwi Arini

Abstract-This trade activity by utilizing internet media is known as electronic commerce, or abbreviated as e-commerce. Regarding the relevance of existing legislation with the need for regulations in buying and selling transactions through internet media, especially the seller's responsibility. The formulation of the problem in this writing is how the legal protection for the parties in the sale and purchase agreement through the internet media and how the seller's responsibility in the sale and purchase agreement based on article 1320 of the Civil Code. The author uses the type of normative legal research and the problem approach used is the basis of the conceptual approach and legislation. The agreement needed to give birth to an agreement mandated in Article 1320 of the Civil Code is considered to have been reached if the statement of one party was received by the other party. In summary, an agreement is considered to have taken place when one of the parties agreed. The government should provide more stringent supervision for the parties who carry out this electronic transaction, namely by conducting a registration of all activities involving public interest in electronic traffic. Keywords: Sale and Purchase Agreement, Seller responsibilities, e-commerce Abstrak-Kegiatan yang menggunakan elektronik komersil sudah digandrungi beberapa orang dengan penggunaan yang semakin meningkat dengan pesat setiap tahunnya atau disingkat e-commerce. Berkaitan dengan relevansi peraturan perundang–undangan yang sudah ada dengan kebutuhan akan peraturan dalam transaksi jual beli melalui media internet terutama pertanggungjawaban penjual. Rumusan masalah dalam penulisan ini adalah bagaimana perlindungan hukum bagi para pihak dalam perjanjian jual beli melalui media internet dan Bagaimana tanggung jawab penjual dalam perjanjian jual beli barang berdasarkan pasal 1320 KUH Perdata. Penulis menggunakan tipe penelitian hukum normative dan pendekatan masalah yang digunakan adalah dasar pendekatan konseptual dan Peraturan perundang-undangan. Persetujuan antara kedua orang yang menjalin suatu hubungan keperdataan di anggap telah sah apabila keduanya setuju. Ringkasnya, suatu perjanjian dianggap telah terjadi pada saat salah satu pihak menyatakan sepakat. Pemerintah seyogyanya memberikan pengawasan yang lebih ketat lagi bagi para pihak yang melakukan transaksi elektronik ini yaitu dengan jalan melakukan suatu pendaftaran terhadap segala kegiatan yang menyangkut kepentingan umum didalam lalu lintas elektronik. Kata Kunci: Perjanjian jual beli, tanggung jawab penjual, e-commerce

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