scholarly journals Film Dokumenter Seni Tabuh Jegog: Sebuah Musik Kegotong-Royongan dari Bali Barat

Kadek Agus Putra Negara . ◽  
Gede Saindra Santyadiputra, S.T., M.Cs . ◽  
I Made Ardwi Pradnyana, S.T., M.T. .

Abstrak— Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) menghasilkan rancangan dan mengimple- mentasikan hasil rancangan Film Dokumenter Seni Tabuh Jegog “Sebuah Musik Kegotong-Royongan dari Bali Barat”; (2) mengetahui respon pengguna terhadap rancangan Film Dokumenter Seni Tabuh Jegog “Sebuah Musik Kegotong-Royongan dari Bali Barat”.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan menggunakan metode cyclic strategy. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, studi literatur angket, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini diimplementasikan menggunakan Adobe Premiere Pro CS 6 sebagai aplikasi pengedit video dan Adobe After Effect CS 6 sebagai aplikasi penambahan efek pada video. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan menunjuk- kan bahwa Film Dokumenter Seni Tabuh Jegog “Sebuah Musik Kegotong-Royongan dari Bali Barat” dalam kriteria sangat baik. Hasil yang diperoleh berdasarkan analisis uji ahli isi, uji ahli media, dan uji lapangan. Untuk isi dari film dokumenter Seni Tabuh Jegog sudah sesuai dengan realitas. Respon pengguna terhadap film dokumenter Seni Tabuh Jegog dapat dikategorikan sangat baik dengan persentase 91.64%. Film dokumenter ini bertujuan untuk memberikan manfaat dalam menyampaikan realitas yang ada mengenai seni tabuh Jegog serta memberikan wawasan bagi penonton terkait sejarah seni tabuh Jegog, proses pembuatan, cara memainkan, dan instrumen Jegog. Dengan dikembangkannya film dokumenter ini, diharapkan dapat menjadi sebuah media informasi sehingga seni tabuh Jegog semakin dikenal dan tetap dilestarikan. Kata Kunci : Cyclic Strategy, Film Dokumenter, Seni Tabuh Jegog. Abstract—The aims of this research are; (1) to produce and to implement the result design of Film Dokumenter Seni Tabuh Jegog "Sebuah Musik Kegotong-Royongan dari Bali Barat", (2) to know about responses from user about the design of film Dokumenter Seni Tabuh Jegog "Sebuah Musik Kegotong-Royongan dari Bali Barat". This research use cyclic strategy method. The technique that use for collecting data are observation, interview, study literature questionnaire and documentation. The implementation of this research uses Adobe Primer Pro CS 6 as the application in editing the video and Adobe After CS 6 as the application that use to adding the effect in video. This research show that Film Dokumenter Seni Tabuh Jegog “Sebuah Musik Kegotong-Royongan dari Bali Barat” has an excellent criteria. The result of this research are based on the analyzes; test of the content, test of the media and test of the activity. The content from film dokumenter Seni Tabuh Jegog is based on reality and the category of this film is excellent with percentages 91.64% that stated by user. Purposes of this film gives a good benefit by telling about the reality of seni tabuh jegog, knowledge about the historical of seni tabuh jegog, how to create, how to operate and instruments of Jegog. In developing this documenters' film, the writer hope that this film will become an informations' media until seni tabuh jegog will famous and everlasting. keyword : Cyclic Strategy, Documentary Film, Seni Tabuh Jegog.

I Nyoman Narawidia . ◽  
I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna, S.Kom, M.Sc . ◽  
Gede Saindra Santyadiputra, S.T., M.Cs .

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) menghasilkan rancangan dan mengimplementasikan hasil rancangan Film Dokumenter Sejarah Drama Tari Gambuh Desa Batuan; (2) mengetahui respon masyarakat terhadap Film Dokumenter Sejarah Drama Tari Gambuh Desa Batuan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan menggunakan metode cyclic strategy. Film dokumenter sejarah drama tari Gambuh Desa Batuan menganut jenis film dokumenter sejarah, namun dalam beberapa bagian akan dimunculkan unsur rekonstruksi berbantuan animasi 2D, di mana film ini nantinya akan menceritakan bagaimana awal mula drama tari Gambuh muncul hingga berkembang sampai sekarang di Desa Batuan. Dalam film ini tipe film dokumenter yang diusung yaitu tipe interactive, di mana nantinya akan ada beberapa tokoh yang menyampaikan langsung fakta dilapangan lewat wawancara yang ditampilkan dalam film ini. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, studi literatur, angket, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini diimplementasikan menggunakan Adobe Premiere Pro CS 6 sebagai aplikasi pengedit video dan Adobe After Effect CS 6 sebagai aplikasi penambahan efek serta animasi pada video. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan menunjukkan bahwa Film Dokumenter Sejarah Drama Tari Gambuh Desa Batuan dalam kriteria baik. Hasil yang diperoleh berdasarkan analisis uji ahli isi, uji ahli media, dan uji respon penonton. Untuk isi dari film dokumenter Sejarah Drama Tari Gambuh Desa Batuan sudah sesuai dengan realitas. Respon penonton terhadap film dokumenter Sejarah Drama Tari Gambuh Desa Batuan dapat dikategorikan baik dengan persentase 89.51%.Kata Kunci : Cyclic Strategy, Film Dokumenter, Drama Tari Gambuh. The aims of this research are; (1) to produce and to implement the result design of documentry film the historical of drama Gambuh dance of Batuan village, (2) to know about responses from audiens about documentry film the historical of drama Gambuh dance of Batuan village. This research use cyclic strategy method. Documentry film the historical of drama Gambuh dance of Batuan village genre is historical’s film, but on some scene there’s will be showed a recontruction use on 2D animation, where’s this film will let’s us know how drama Gambuh dance raise and grow up untill now at Desa Batuan. Film type of this documentry is interactive, where’s there will be some people who will bring the facts that’s exist with live interview that’s shown up on this film. The technique that use for collecting data are observation, interview, study literature, questionnaire and documentation. The implementation of this research is uses Adobe Primer Pro CS 6 as the application in editing the video and Adobe After CS 6 as the application that use to adding the effect and animation into the video. This research show that documentry film the historical of drama Gambuh dance of Batuan village has an good criteria. The result of this research are based on the analyzes; test of the content, test of the media and test of the audiens response. The content from documentry film the historical of drama Gambuh dance of Batuan village is based on reality. The category of this film is good with percentages 89.51% that stated by audiens. keyword : Cyclic Strategy, Documentary Film, drama Gambuh dance.

I Dewa Made Satria Sitangga Wijaya ◽  
I Made - Agus Wirawan ◽  
I Gede - Partha Sindu

The purposes of the study were: 1) To develop a documentary film “Ngantung Ari-ari” antara Nalar dan Nalusi dari Tradisi Bali Kuno in Bayunggede village. 2) To find out the response of the people to the final results of the Documentary Film “Ngantung Ari-ari” antara Nalar dan Nalusi dari Tradisi Bali Kuno in Bayunggede VillageThis research was a research and development that used the Cyclic Strategy method, which is a method that uses a looping system at each stage if there are deficiency that determined by testing stage. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, literature studies and documentation. This research was implemented using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 as a video editing application and Adobe After Effect CS 6 as an application for adding effects and animations to videos and using Adobe Audition Pro CS6 as a sound editor.The test was did through several stages, there were the content expert test and media expert test in pre-production, content expert test and media expert test after the production until the audience respondent tests to determine the achievement and quality of the film. For the results of the test the audience respondents get very good results, by the percentage of 96%. After the film was finished, it was hoped that the people understanding of the tradition, both hanging and buried and tolerance between religious people is rising and solve the ongoing conflict. Keywords: Documentery Film, Cyclic Strategy, “ngantung ari-ari”

I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Suryawan . ◽  
I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna, S.Kom, M.Sc . ◽  
I Gede Partha Sindu, S.Pd., M.Pd. .

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk : (1) mengimplementasikan Film Dokumenter Kain Gringsig di Desa tenganan Pegringsingan (2) mengetahui respon pengguna terhadap Film Dokumenter Kain Gringsing di Desa Tenganan Pegringsingan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan. Film Dokumenter Kain Gringsing di Desa Tenganan Pegringsingan di kembangkan menggunakan metode cyclic. Aplikasi ini diimplementasikan menggunakan Adobe Premiere Pro Cs6 sebagai pembuat video dengan bantuan Adobe After Effect sebagai penambah efek video. Pemanfaatan aplikasi pembuat video dari dampak kemajuan teknologi menyebabkan para remaja atau anak muda mampu berkreasi dalam mengolah video dengan berbagai efek sesuai kemampuan dan keinginan sehingga video dapat dijadikan berbagai sarana yang vital dalam berbagai media promosi. Oleh karena itu, penulis mengembangkan sebuah film documenter yang berjudul “Film Dokumenter Kain Gringsing”. Dengan dikembangkannya film documenter ini, diharapkan keberadaan kain gringsing di desa tenganan pegringsingan semakin di kenal, serta dapat dijadikan sebuah media pembelajaran baik dari segi penggunaan dan makna di balik sebuah kain gringsing yang berada di desa tenganan pegringsingan. Hasil akhir film documenter kain gringsing dapat memberikan wawasan bagi penonton terkait proses pembuatan kain gringsing , penggunaan kain gringsing dalam upacara yang ada di desa tenganan pegringsingan serta makna filosofi yang terkandung dalam kain gringsing.. Respon pengguna terhadap film documenter kain gringsing dapat dikategorikan sangat positif dengan persentase 88%. Kata Kunci : Kain Gringsing, Tenganan Pegringsingan, Film Dokumenter, Tradisi. The purpose of this study was to: (1) implement Documentary Fabric Gringsig in the village of Tenganan Pegringsingan (2) determine the user response to the Documentary Fabric Gringsing in Tenganan Pegringsingan. The method used is research and development. Documentary Fabric Gringsing in Tenganan Pegringsingan developed using cyclic method. This application is implemented using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 as a maker of video with the help of Adobe After Effects as an addition to video effects. Utilization maker application video of the impact of technological advances led to the teenagers or young child is able to be creative in the process the video with various effects according to ability and desire so that video can be used as the means vital in a variety of media promotion. Therefore, the authors developed a documentary film titled "Documentary Fabric Gringsing". With the development of documentary film, it is expected the presence of cloth in the village of Tenganan Pegringsingan gringsing increasingly well known, and can be used as a medium of learning in terms of both the use and the meaning behind a Cloth gringsing located in the village of Tenganan Pegringsingan. The final result documentary gringsing fabric can provide insight for the audience related to the process gringsing fabric, use fabric gringsing in a ceremony in the village of Tenganan Pegringsingan and philosophical meaning contained in the fabric gringsing . user response to the documentary film gringsing fabric can be categorized as very positive percentage of 88%. keyword : Fabric Gringsing, Tenganan Pegringsingan, Documentary, Tradition.

I Gede Adhi Narayana . ◽  
I Made Putrama, S.T., M.Tech . ◽  
I Gede Partha Sindu, S.Pd., M.Pd. .

Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Untuk menghasilkan rancangan dan mengimplementasikan hasil rancangan film dokumenter Tradisi Mebuug-buugan, ”Tradisi Desa Adat Kedonganan yang Telah Kembali”, (2) Untuk mengetahui respon masyarakat terhadap hasil akhir film dokumenter Tradisi Mebuug-buugan, “Tradisi Desa Adat Kedonganan yang Telah Kembali”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada film dokumenter Mebuug-buugan, “Tradisi Desa Adat Kedonganan yang Telah Kembali” adalah dengan metode cyclic strategy. Tradisi Mebuug-buugan yang dipilih sebagai subjek penelitian adalah Mebuug-buugan yang ada pada Desa Adat Kedonganan, Kecamatan Kuta, Kabupaten Badung. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa film dokumenter Mebuug-buugan dalam kriteria sangat baik. Hasil yang diperoleh dari uji ahli isi dan uji ahli media seluruhnya sudah sesuai. Sedangkan dari uji respon penonton disebar ke 30 responden. Berdasarkan data uji responden yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan hasil rata-rata presentase yaitu 91,20% dengan tingkat pencapaian “sangat baik”. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan yaitu film dokumenter Mebuug-buugan sudah sangat baik dan bisa digunakan sebagai media pelestari dan promosi Mebuug-buugan. Kata Kunci : Desa Adat Kedonganan, Film Dokumenter, Mebuug-buugan, Cyclic Strategy This study aims: (1) to produce a design and implement the results of the documentary design of the Mebuug-buugan tradition, "The Return of Traditional Village Traditions of Kedonganan", (2) to investigate the community response to the final results of the Mebuug-buugan tradition, "The Return of Traditional Village Traditions of Kedonganan". The research method used in the Mebuug-buugan documentary film, "The Return of Traditional Village Traditions of Kedonganan" was the cyclic strategy method. The Mebuug-buugan tradition chosen as the subject of this study was Mebuug-buugan in Kedonganan Traditional Village, Kuta District, Badung Regency. The results of the study showed that the Mebuug-buugan documentary film was in very good criteria. The results gained from the content expert test and the media expert test were all appropriate. Meanwhile the audience response test was distributed to 30 respondents. According to the respondents' test data that had been conducted, the average percentage was 91,20% with a "very good" achievement level. To conclude, the Mebuug-buugan documentary film was very good and could be used as a preservation media and promotion of Mebuug-buugan. keyword : Kedonganan Traditional Village, Documentary Film, Mebuug-buugan, Cyclic Strategy

I Dewa Gede Angga Sitangga Putra . ◽  
I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna, S.Kom, M.Sc . ◽  
Gede Aditra Pradnyana, S.Kom., M.Kom .

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) menghasilkan rancangan dan mengimplementasikan hasil rancangan Film Dokumenter Anjing Bali, Tuan Rumah Sejuta Kisah; 2) mengetahui respon masyarakat terhadap Film Dokumenter Anjing Bali, Tuan Rumah Sejuta Kisah. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan menggunakan metode cyclic strategy. Metode cyclic strategy dimulai dari Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, studi literature, angket, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini diimplementasikan menggunakan Adobe Premiere Pro CC Pro 2012 sebagai aplikasi pengedit video dan Adobe After Effect CS 6 sebagai aplikasi penambahan efek serta animasi pada video serta menggunakan adobe audition Pro CC 2017 sebagai pengedit suara. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan menunjukkan bahwa Film Dokumenter Anjing Bali, Tuan Rumah Sejuta Kisah adalah kriteria baik. Hasil yang diperoleh berdasarkan analisis uji ahli isi, uji ahli media, uji ahli film documenter, dan uji respon penonton. Untuk isi dari film dokumenter Anjing Bali, Tuan Rumah Sejuta Kisah dapat dikategorikan baik dengan presentase 89,20%. Kata Kunci : Anjing Bali, Cyclic Strategy, Film Dokumenter The purpose of this study are to: 1) resulted in the design and implementation of the draft outcome for Film of Documentary Anjing Bali, Tuan Rumah Sejuta Kisah; 2) know the public response for Film of Documentary Anjing Bali, Tuan Rumah Sejuta Kisah. Type of this research is research and development using cyclic strategy. Methods of cyclic strategy starts from Data collected by observation, interview, literature study, questionnaires, and documentation. This study was implemented using Adobe Premiere Pro CC Pro 2012 as a video editing application and Adobe After Effects CS 6 as additional applications in video effects and animation as well as using adobe audition Pro CC 2017 as a sound editor. The results of research and development shown that the film of documentary Anjing Bali, Tuan Rumah Sejuta Kisah is good criteria. The results obtained by the content analysis, media analysis, analysis of documentary film, and audience's response. The content of the documentary film Anjing Bali, Tuan Rumah Sejuta Kisah can be categorized as good with a percentage of 89.20%. keyword : Cyclic Strategy, Balinese dog, Documentary Film

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-122
Terrence Reno ◽  
Arta Uly Siahaan ◽  
Alfian Alfian

One of the purpose information technology nowadays is to deliver the information in an interesting way. For example, the using of animation tend to be more interesting to present the information. This project created a 2D animation for introducing Nirmana. Some steps were conducted to finish this product starting with creating the storyboard namely finding the idea and arranging the synopsis, continuing with creating the character sketch and storyboard. After completing this step, the next step is making animation by using Adobe After Effect Software. It is started with editing and composing based on the scene by using Adobe Premiere Pro. Project software. For the final step, the researcher intends to test the using this 2D animation by applying motion graphics as the media for teaching Nirmana to the children. This 2D animation is presented with a colorful layout and completed by voice effect for getting the children’s attention.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Greis S Lilipaly ◽  
Djoni Hatidja ◽  
John S Kekenusa

PREDIKSI HARGA SAHAM PT. BRI, Tbk. MENGGUNAKAN METODE ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) Greis S. Lilipaly1) , Djoni Hatidja1) , John S. Kekenusa1) ABSTRAK Metode ARIMA adalah salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan dalam memprediksi perubahan harga saham. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat model ARIMA dan memprediksi harga saham PT. BRI, Tbk. bulan November 2014. Penelitian menggunakan data harga saham  harian  maksimum dan minimum PT. BRI, Tbk. Data yang digunakan yaitu data sekunder yang diambil dari website perusahaan PT. BRI, Tbk. sejak 3 Januari 2011 sampai 20 Oktober 2014 untuk memprediksi harga saham bulan November 2014. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa data tahun 2011 sampai Oktober 2014 bisa digunakan untuk memprediksi harga saham bulan November 2014. Hasilnya model ARIMA untuk harga saham maksimum adalah ARIMA (2,1,3) dan harga saham minimum adalah model (2,1,3) yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi data bulan November 2014 dengan validasi prediksi yang diambil pada bulan Oktober 2014 untuk selanjutnya dilakukan prediksi bulan November 2014. Kata Kunci: Metode ARIMA, PT. BRI, Tbk., Saham THE PREDICTION STOCK PRICE OF PT. BRI, Tbk. USE ARIMA METHOD (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) ABSTRACT ARIMA method is one of the method that used to prediction the change of stock price. The purpose of this research is to make model of ARIMA and predict stock price of PT. BRI, Tbk. in November 2014. The research use maximum and minimum data of stock price daily of PT. BRI, Tbk. Data are used is secondary data that taking from website of PT. BRI, Tbk. since January 3rd 2011 until October 20th 2014 to predict stock price in November 2014. From this research show that data from 2011 until October 2014 can be used to predict the stock price in November 2014. The result of ARIMA’s model for the maximum stock price is ARIMA (2,1,3) and the minimum stock price is (2,1,3) can use to predict the data on November 2014 with predict validation that take on October 2014 and with that predict November 2014. Keywords: ARIMA method, PT. BRI, Tbk., Stock

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Maulida Dwi Kartikasari

This research aims to find out the benefits of using the Card Payment Inatrument in Tegal. This research was conducted in the Tegal by taking 100 respondents to visitors shopping center in Tegal. The respondent despite into two groups, 50 male respondents and 50 female respondents this research use qualitative method. Respondents were randomly selected and the data were collected based on in depth interview results. The results of this research show that the Card Payment Method has a huge benefit for its users. Some societies state. able to bring cost-effective behavior because it can control spending. Of money. However, there are also people who give the perception that APMK is a secure payment instrument because mostly card has a Personal Indentification Number in it. Some of respondents sid that Card Payment Method are able to avoid the crime of counterfeit money  Keywords: Card Payment Instrument, Financial Behavior, Perception, Benefit

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 863
Salwa Nabila Putri ◽  
Ariusni Ariusni

This study aims to find out determine of wages for disabled workers in Sumatera Barat. This research use cross section with 481 samples. The variables used are wage for disabled workers,education, number of hours worked, age, work experience, type of work. This research’s methods used Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Multiple linear regression analysis. This research show education, number of work, work experience  had significanlly positive effect on wage for disabled workers in Sumatera Barat. Type of work has significanlly negative effect on wage for disabled worker, age had nonsignificanly positive effect on wage for disabled.

Sociologija ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-95
Smiljana Milinkov ◽  
Dinko Gruhonjic

The paper problematizes the presence of political clientelism in the media in the Republic of Serbia. The aim of this research is to point out the examples of establishing mechanisms of clientelistic practice in the media, using the News agency Tanjug as an example. Three analytical categories, which are relevant for perceiving the problem of clientelism, have been included: regulatory framework, financial allocations from the state budget and the reporting of the news agency Tanjug. The results of the research show that the illegal functioning, the unsolved ownership issue, non-transparent financing and unprofessional reporting are characteristics of the media work of Tanjug agency. According to the law, the former state agency was scheduled to stop work by the end of 2015. However, Tanjug still, with unclear legal status and significant financial help from the state, publishes information, some of which were proven to be disinformation. The analysis of examples of unobjective and unprofessional reporting points out to the ignoring of public interest, in order to satisfy the particular interest of the governing political structure, which financially makes Tanjug?s functioning possible, in an illegal manner. This case represents a closed circle of interrelationships on the relation politics-economy-media, through which clientelism is defined, using quid pro quo practice.

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