Анастасия Сергеевна Персидская

Введение. Исследование лексического состава селькупского языка обусловлено актуальными задачами современной лингвистики, заключающимися в необходимости описания языков, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения, и возрастающим интересом к изучению архаичных и устойчивых компонентов лексической системы, раскрывающих особенности материальной и духовной жизни народа. Представлены результаты комплексного структурно-семантического анализа ранее не исследованной группы лексем, относящихся к названиям частей опорно-двигательной системы человека. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили тома полевых записей, собранные А.П. Дульзоном, словари селькупского языка российских и зарубежных авторов, включая труды по фонетике и этимологии, а также издания, посвященные культуре селькупского этноса. Комплексный подход обусловил использование нескольких методов при проведении исследования, среди которых основными являются описательный, сравнительно-исторический и сравнительно-сопоставительный, а дополнительными – метод компонентного анализа, метод лингвистической реконструкции культуры и квантитативный метод. Результаты и обсуждение. Структурно в рассматриваемой группе выявлено ядро, к которому отнесен соматизм *le, lī ‘кость’, и периферия, которую образуют два основных типа лексем: 1) включающие в себя компонент *le, lī ‘кость’ и 2) не включающие в себя данный компонент. Проведенный структурно-семантический анализ позволил выявить и комплексно исследовать 51 название частей опорно-двигательной системы человека в селькупском языке. Соматизмы данной группы обладают разными морфологическими структурами; шесть простых названий были образованы в уральский период формирования языка; большинство простых и некоторые производные названия обладают полисемией; простые соматизмы имеют дериваты, относящиеся к разным частям речи, и сфера их применения не ограничивается только обозначением частей тела человека; выявлены мотивы номинации исследуемых соматизмов; названия трех частей опорно-двигательной системы имеют непосредственную связь с духовной культурой селькупов. Заключение. Названия частей опорно-двигательной системы человека, имея древнее происхождение, являясь активными в плане словообразования, обладая многозначностью и отражая в себе информацию о культуре и мировоззрении носителей селькупского языка, свидетельствуют о том, что части тела, которые они обозначают, являются не менее значимыми для представителей селькупского этноса, чем любые другие. Introduction. The investigation of the vocabulary of the Selkup language results from actual tasks of modern linguistics aiming at description of endangered languages and the increasing interest to study of archaic and stable components of the vocabulary, revealing the peculiarities of material and spiritual life of people. The article considers the results of the complex structural and semantic analysis of a part of the vocabulary referring to the names of parts of the human musculoskeletal system. Material and methods. The books of field notes made by A. P. Dulson, dictionaries of the Selkup language written by Russian and foreign authors, including works on phonetics and etymology as well as books on the Selkup culture provided the material of the research. The complex approach determined the use of a set of methods at the research. The main methods are descriptive, comparative and comparative historical. The secondary methods are the method of componential analysis, the method of linguistic reconstruction of a culture and the quantitative method. Results and discussion. According to the structure the vocabulary under study has a core lexeme *le, lī ‘a bone’ and periphery which is formed by two main types of lexemes: 1) with the component *le, lī ‘a bone’ and 2) without the component *le, lī ‘a bone’. The undertaken structural and semantic analysis helped to select and carry out a holistic study of 51 names of the parts of the human musculoskeletal system in the Selkup language. The somatic vocabulary has specific characteristics. The somatisms have different morphological structures; 6 simple names were formed in the Ural period of word-formation process of the Selkup language; most of simple and some derived names are polysemic; simple names have derivatives belonging to different parts of speech and they are used not only to denote parts of a human body; the motives of nominations of some somatisms has been revealed; the names of three parts of the human musculoskeletal system reflect some elements of spiritual culture of the Selkups. Conclusion. The names of the parts of the human musculoskeletal system, being ancient in their origin, active in word-formation, polysemic and reflecting information about culture and world-view of the Selkups, prove that the parts of a human body that they denote are not less important to the representatives of the Selkup culture than any other.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 549-557
I. B. Tikhonova

The article focuses on the cognitive function of metaphor in professional discourse, which is a professional terminology system and a linguistic manifestation of a professional world view. The article demonstrates evolution of different approaches to the phenomenon of metaphor in scientific discourse and professional terminological systems. Convergence of research directions and methods, as well as integration and interpenetration of approaches to the object under study, made it possible to build the framework of the conceptual logic of mental knowledge structures objectified in systems of terminological units. A conceptual analysis of metaphorical terminological derivates enriched with semantic analysis of term definition components provided the empirical evidence that anthropocentric principle is the basic trend in the process of metaphor forming in the professional discourse of petroleum refining. The author sees metaphor as a cognitive mechanism that associates new unknown concepts with familiar phenomena from everyday human life. The dominant conceptual metaphors develop on the principle of anthropocentrism by combining the source-domain, including a system of deep ontological knowledge about a person and a target-domain representing special concepts of professional discourse. The cognitive potential of metaphorical models is described on the basis of the metaphorical derivation of the professional oil refining terminology system. In addition to their nominative function, metaphorically formed terminological units perform explanatory function by visualizing the processes of petroleum refining to provide an opportunity to understand complex structural organization of professional discourse.

2021 ◽  
pp. 69-78

Существенную часть лексического состава любого языка составляют дериваты, ввиду этого, особое значение в номинативной деятельности человека приобретает словообразование. Всестороннее и разноаспектное исследование словообразователь­ной системы языков и их диалектов является одной из самых актуальных проблем в современном языкознании. Данное исследование посвящено одному из самых про­дуктивных способов словообразования – словосложению (композитообразованию) в дигорском диалекте осетинского языка. Существует ряд научных трудов по данной проблеме, но они освещают лишь отдельные словообразовательные виды, типы и модели, комплексного исследования композитного словообразования в дигорском ди­алекте не проводилось. Следует подчеркнуть, что словосложение по-разному прояв­ляет себя в разных частях речи. Особенности наблюдаются как в характере связи компонентов, так и в различной продуктивности самих типов сложений и разных лексико-грамматических классах слов. Отдельное изучение словообразования каждой части речи дает возможность выделить все способы и все средства, свойственные этой части речи. Исследование словообразовательных типов новых слов, их появ­ления в результате различных взаимодействий с другими словообразовательными типами может дать представление о том, какие тенденции проявляются в совре­менной словообразовательной системе языка. В соответствии с этим, основной це­лью работы является структурно-семантический анализ композитов-наречий, их типологическая характеристика, выявление наиболее продуктивных моделей. Ком­плексный подход к исследуемому материалу обусловил необходимость использования таких методов, как: описательный, сравнительно-сопоставительный, компонент­ный, статистический. В ходе исследования выявлены основные словообразователь­ные модели композитов-наречий в дигорском диалекте; проведен частеречный ана­лиз компонентов композитов-наречий; определена типология отношений между компонентами с учетом степени продуктивности. Derivatives make up a significant part of the lexical composition of any language, in view of this, word formation acquires special significance in the nominative activity of a person. Comprehensive and multifaceted study of the word-formation system of languages and their dialects is one of the most pressing problems in modern linguistics. This research is devoted to one of the most productive ways of word formation - word composition (compositing) in the Digor dialect of the Ossetian language. There are a number of scientific works on this problem, but they cover only certain derivational types, types and models; a comprehensive study of composite word formation in the Digor dialect has not been carried out. It should be emphasized that word composition manifests itself in different ways in different parts of speech. Features are observed both in the nature of the connection between the components, and in the different productivity of the types of additions themselves and different lexical and grammatical classes of words. A separate study of word formation for each part of speech makes it possible to highlight all the methods and all the means inherent in this part of speech. The study of word-formation types of new words, their appearance as a result of various interactions with other word-formation types can give an idea of what tendencies are manifested in the modern word-formation system of the language. In accordance with this, the main goal of the work is the structural and semantic analysis of composites-adverbs, their typological characteristics, and the identification of the most productive models. An integrated approach to the material under study necessitated the use of methods such as: descriptive, comparative, component, statistical. In the course of the research, the main derivational models of composites-adverbs in the Digor dialect were revealed; a part-of-speech analysis of the components of adverb composites was carried out; defined a typology of relationships between components, taking into account the degree of productivity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4(73)) ◽  
pp. 29-33
N.S. Bagdaryyn

The article continues the author's research on the toponymy of the North-East of the Sakha Republic, in particular the Kolyma river basin, in the aspect of the interaction of related and unrelated languages. The relevance of this work is defined in the description of local geographical terminology of Yukagir origin, as a valuable and important material in the further study of toponymy of the region. For the first time, the toponymy of the Kolyma river basin becomes the object of sampling and linguistic analysis of toponyms with local geographical terms of Yukagir origin in order to identify and analyze them linguistically. The research was carried out by comparative method, word formation, structural, lexical and semantic analysis. As a result of the research, phonetic and morphological features are revealed, the formation of local geographical terms and geographical names of Yukagir origin is outlined, and previously unrecorded semantic shifts and dialectisms are revealed. The most active in the formation of terms and toponyms is the geographical term iилil / eҕal 'coast‘, which is justified by the representation of the Yukagirs’ coast' home, housing

2021 ◽  
pp. 3-29
Kateryna Horodensʹka ◽  

This study aims at investigating the development of grammatical theory at the Institute of the Ukrainian Language for the last 30 years. The paper summarizes achievements in grammar theory from applying the functional, i.e., semantic and grammatical, approach developed by I.R. Vykhovanetsʹ to differentiating units into word and nonword classes and distinguishing morphological categories of major word classes. This facilitated the establishment of the theoretical basis of functional and categorical morphology. The author analyses studies in formal grammatical, semantic, functional, categorical, deri vational, and anthropocentric syntax that attest to the multidimensional growth of a syntactic theory and main aspects of the Ukrainian word formation on the basis of semantic and categorical syntax and a formant- and stem-based derivatology. Some of the latest multi-pronged processes in word formation reflect dynamics of word formation rules, the replenishment of word formation resources, and the development of the word-formation system of Standard Ukrainian. The solving of a complex set of theoretical issues in the modern Ukrainian word-formation introduced the methodological foundations for the recent normative description of the word formation system of Standard Ukrainian. The article addresses issues in studies on applied grammar determined by the process of glo balization and democratization of the Ukrainian society and the needs of Modern Ukrainian language practice to be met. Particular importance is attached to the grammatical prescriptive norms in the professional use, the actualization of case forms appearing in the passive vocabulary, and the dynamics of morphological and syntactic norms in various functional and stylistic dimensions of Standard Ukrainian. Keywords: functional grammar, functional morphology, functional syntax, categorical grammar, categorical syntax, categorical word formation, classification of parts of speech, morphological categories.

Ольга Вячеславовна Орлова ◽  
Юаньин Ван

Введение. Изучены ксенонимы-интерпретативы в сетевом дискурсе русскоязычной диаспоры Китая как репрезентанте русской лингвокультуры, ориентированной в область китайской культуры. Ксенонимы-интерпретативы имеют полноценные лексические соответствия в языке-реципиенте, не отмечены этнокультурной маркированностью в матричном языке и служат восприятию, пониманию и интерпретации иностранной языковой и социокультурной реальности диаспоральным сообществом. Цель. На основе рассмотрения одного из наиболее распространенных в изучаемом дискурсе китаизмов – ксенонима мафань – проследить механизмы лингводискурсивной адаптации, а также особенности функционирования ксенонима-интерпретатива в публичной интернет-коммуникации русскоязычного сообщества Китая. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили более 500 текстов сетевой коммуникации русскоязычной диаспоры Китая, включающие ксеноним-интерпретатив мафань. Вместе с методологическим инструментарием интерлингвокультурологии, теории заимствования и лексической семантики используются приемы контекстологического и дискурс-анализа, а также корпусной и квантитативной лингвистики. Результаты и обсуждение. Ксеноним-интерпретатив мафань при вхождении в сетевой диаспоральный дискурс и адаптации в нем, в том числе графической, претерпевает значительные семантические, деривационные, стилистические, морфолого-синтаксические трансформации, демонстрируя на всех этих уровнях крайне высокую степень подвижности и вариативности. Анализ вариантов письменной фиксации показал доминирование написания китаизма в соответствии с нормативной транскрипционной системой записи кириллицей китайских имен, наряду со значимым количеством некодифицированных и иероглифических написаний. При приспособлении ксенонима к специфике морфолого-синтаксического строя русского языка также наблюдаются его значительная грамматическая вариативность и факты включения в процесс окказионального словообразования. В ходе анализа данных словарей, а также корпусных и иных данных об употреблении лексемы в аутентичной речевой среде выявлено большое количество различных по честеречной принадлежности и семантике эквивалентов лексемы при ее переводе, а также наличие книжной и этикетной стилистической окраски в китайском языке, не сохраняющейся при вхождении в русскоязычное неформальное общение. Анализ фактов метаязыковой рефлексии по поводу ксенонима, а также совокупности контекстов его употребления в гипертексте диаспорального дискурса обнаружил наличие в русском языке семантической и стилистической лакуны, которую восполняет ксеноним мафань как универсальное понятие, обозначающее неприятную, доставляющую дискомфорт деятельность или ситуацию. Заключение. В результате проведенного анализа составлен нуждающийся в дальнейшей доработке проспект методики комплексного анализа ксенонима-интерпретатива в сетевом диаспоральном дискурсе. Introduction. This research is devoted to the study of xenonyms-interpretatives in the network discourse of the Russian-speaking diaspora of China as a representative of the Russian linguistic culture, which is focused in the area of Chinese culture. Xenonyms-interpretatives have full-fledged lexical correspondences in the recipient language, are not marked by ethno-cultural marking in the matrix language and serve the perception, understanding and interpretation of foreign language and socio-cultural reality by the diaspora community. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the study, based on the consideration of one of the most common in the analyzed discourse xenonym мафань, is to trace the mechanisms of linguistic and discursive adaptation, as well as the peculiarities of functioning of xenonym-interpretative in public Internet communication of the Russian-speaking community in China. Material and methods. The material of the research is more than 500 texts of network communication of the Russian-speaking diaspora community of China, including xenonym-interpretative мафань. Together with the methodological tools of interlinguoculturology, borrowing theory and lexical semantics, the methods of contextual and discourse analysis, corpus and quantitative linguistics are used. Results and discussion. Xenonym-interpretative мафань when entering and adapting in the network diaspora discourse, including graphic adaptation, undergoes large semantic, derivative, stylistic, morphological-syntactic transformations, demonstrating at all these levels an extremely high degree of mobility and variability. The analysis of written fixation variants showed a substantial dominance of spelling according to the normative transcription system of Chinese names written in Cyrillic alphabet, along with a significant number of and hieroglyphic writings. When the xenonym is adapted to the specifics of the morphological and syntactic structure of the Russian language, its significant grammatical variability and facts of inclusion in the process of occasional word formation are also observed. The analysis of dictionaries data, as well as corpus and other data about the use of the word in the authentic speech environment revealed a large number of different in semantics and parts of speech affiliation equivalents of translation, but also the presence of book and etiquette stylistic coloring in the Chinese language, not preserved in the Russian-speaking informal communication. Analysis of the facts of metalanguage reflection on the xenonym, as well as the totality of contexts of its use in the hypertext of diaspora discourse revealed the presence of a semantic and stylistic lacuna in the Russian language, which is filled by the xenonym мафань as a universal concept that denotes unpleasant, discomforting activity or situation. Conclusion. As a result of the research, a project of the methodology of complex analysis of the xenonyminterpretative in the network diaspora discourse has been compiled.

2020 ◽  
pp. 39-71

This article describes the derivational potential of root word combinations belonging to the noun, adjective and verb groups in the English and Uzbek languages and their grammatical functional features on the basis of comparative-typological, comparative and distributive methods at the lexical and syntactic levels of the language. Structural models of derivation of verbs, nouns and adjectives in the English and Uzbek languages and their features are considered based on component analysis, as well as morphological factors that ensure the completeness of derivation, their distinctive and similar features in both languages, the role and importance in the formation of verbal compounds is analyzed in detail. The article also identifies the factors that ensure the transposition of root verbs, nouns and adjectives in English and Uzbek, and describes their structural-functional and contextual-semantic analysis at the required level. Until today’s period of development of linguistics, many problematic processes related to the language system have been studied and researched. This situation can be observed both in the context of world linguistics and in the context of Uzbek linguistics. Linguistics, like all sciences, is constantly evolving. Due to this, it is natural that there are still problematic processes in this sphere today. The fact that the phenomenon of derivation less researched in the context of root words can be related to such problems, because in both English and Uzbek linguistics the problem of derivation of root words is not studied at the required level. Any new word that exists in a language takes its initial form from speech, and thus the speech dependence of the word formed ends, because the next life of a derived word goes on in a language. That is, the derived word takes its place in the paradigm of its own analogical forms after being tested in social speech activity for a certain period of time. Only derivatives that have fully passed such tests will receive the status of a language unit and, like their other paradigms, will begin to function as a means of enriching the language with new constructions. It is well known that the derivational sequence of linguistic units cannot be fully understood only on the basis of grammatical research, because word formation in its extralinguistic basis is a product of speech activity. Since related words are considered not as a finished product of the language, but as a product of speech, since they are artificial words, in speech they are activated only in the form in which they are adapted for communication. In some places, depending on the need for speech, we can also observe cases where two or more related words are involved in the process of communication or in context. In this article, the works of English and Uzbek writers are selected as a source, as well as the degree of influence of the speech situation of both languages on the choice of words is studied and scientifically substantiated on the examples taken for analysis. As a result of syntactic-semantic analysis of root word combinations in the English language, on the basis of a detailed analysis, it was shown that root words can be combined with other words in speech, forming various models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-213
Antonina Petrovna Guskova

Recently transposition became the issue of many research papers for being a complicated and sophisticated language phenomenon, and its definition has been broadened. The issue of transposition and the degrees of verb transitivity are the most controversial and difficult ones both in Hungarian and Russian linguistics. This issue may be investigated on different language levels: lexical, syntactic, morphological and on the level of word formation. Taking into account the mobility of parts of speech boundaries in the compared languages we attempt to find the cause of words transitioning from one lexico-grammatical class into another, investigate transposition as a natural phenomenon both for the Hungarian and Russian languages, differentiate transition in parts of the speech system from other language phenomena, solve some contentious issues regarding parts of speech, for example ‘noun-adjective’ relations, and others. Despite having extensive literature concerning nominalization in Russian linguistics and some works in Hungarian linguistics, some aspects are not comprehensively covered in them. For example, different types of transitions from other parts of speech into nouns, thorough semantic and thematic categorization of substantivized words, characteristics of their functioning in texts of different functional styles, principles of creating lexicography, etc. In this article we compare the process of substantivation amidst the system of parts of speech in languages of such different structure as Hungarian and Russian. Comprehensive and comparative study of the process of transition of other parts of speech into nouns allows us to conduct a deeper investigation of each of these languages’ structure and also to reveal typological similarities and differences between them. These languages have not been explored this way so it provides scientific novelty to the research. For the first time we define the main conditions of a systematic process of transposition in Hungarian and Russian and reveal both specific and universal opportunities for transition in the compared languages. We use comparative analysis for researching semantic models of substantivized words, distinguish different types of transitions into nouns and describe structural and stylistic features. Thus, the topic of the research is the grammatical, semantic, structural and stylistic features of substantivized words in Hungarian and Russian. The objective of the study is to discover linguistic nature of substantivation of adjectives, verbs and verbal formations, numerals and pronouns, to find out specific and universal features caused by typological differences of the researched languages. To achieve this goal we need to solve the following problems: determining the place of substantivation in the system of word formation in Hungarian and Russian, discovering how much substantivation and conversion being productive ways of word formation are identical in Russian and Hungarian, distinguishing semantic models of substantivized words and compare them, comparing models of usual and occasional substantivation and determine its productivity, studying their structure which means showing peculiarities of substantivized words’ grammatical structure in Hungarian and Russian, discovering similarities and differences between them and finding adequate models. The research is based on data of dictionaries of Russian and Hungarian languages, examples of fictional texts, live speech and not the least on the idioms. Theoretical importance lies in the following: 1) the research develops the theory of transitivity as we study transposition in two languages of different structures using comparative analysis of substantivized words and taking into account grammatical, semantic and functional aspects; 2) using the materials of two languages of different structures we discover the main conditions of systematic transposition and distinguish its universal and specific features; 3) for the first time the problem of transposition is studied on the basis of Russian and Hungarian from a theoretical point of view (on the example of transition of other parts of speech into nouns); 4) we develop the methodology of a comprehensive approach to study substantivation in Hungarian and Russian which can be used when describing this phenomenon in other languages of different structures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 400-410
Fedosia M. Lelkhova

Introduction. The vocabulary of the plant world of the Khanty language contains a significant amount of information, closely connected with ethno-mentality, ethnography and thinking of the people. In this regard, the study of vegetation seems to be one of the most interesting layers of the vocabulary, since it reflects the degree of practical and cultural development of the surrounding nature. The purpose of the article is to establish the lexical and semantic features of the nominations of wild-growing herbs, the definition of dialectal features. The aim of the research is to identify the nominations of herbs with the greatest possible completeness, to establish the lexical meaning of each name in dialects of the language. The relevance of the topic is determined by the research interest to the study of differences between the dialects in the theoretical and practical terms; the attention recently been paid to folk spiritual and material culture; and the loss of certain plant names in the modern Khanty language. Materials and Methods. The study uses a set of methods and techniques for analyzing linguistic material: the method of semantic classification, lexical-semantic analysis, word-formation, linguistic-geographical analysis, as well as the elements of etymological analysis. The description is the main method for studying names of the plants. The source of the material is based on the vocabulary of the Khanty language, which was collected during field work; the source of Eastern dialects was the materials contained in lexicographic publications. When collecting the lexical material, the observation was conducted mainly on the speech of representatives of the older generation, as well as the people who have a traditional way of life, who retain the patterns of active spoken language. At the same time, not only facts that are in the active vocabulary of speakers were recorded, but also the words related to the passive vocabulary, which native speakers use only in conversations and sharing the memories of the past. Results and Discussion. The study of dialectal material based on the names of plants in the Khanty language is of great research interest. The life of the Khanty people since ancient times is closely connected with nature, the vocabulary of the plant world covers almost all spheres of economic activity of the Khanty, thereby making up a significant part of their vocabulary. In Khanty linguistics, this vocabulary has not yet been the subject of a special and detailed study, which makes it an urgent research task for today. The article identifies the signs that underlie the motivation of plant names and highlights the borrowed words. Conclusion. The collected vocabulary tells about the richness and vastness of phytonymic vocabulary of the Khanty language. The authors collected about 50 Khanty names of wild herbaceous plants in the Northern and Eastern dialects of the Khanty language. As a result of the research, new lexemes were identified and described, and the interpretation of the semantics of lexemes was clarified. Late borrowings of Russian origin are recorded. It was found that some dialect words are not actively used in the modern Khanty language. In flora vocabulary, the diversity and multiplicity of the nomination principles was revealed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4.36) ◽  
pp. 983 ◽  
Anastasia S.Volskaya ◽  
Olga A. Chupryakova ◽  
Svetlana S. Safonova ◽  
Gulnaz T. Karipzhanova

The paper is devoted to the study of semantic and functional features of expressive derivatives, both usual and occasional, in the artistic gist of the novel “Asan” by V. Makanin, as well as their role in structuring the individual-author’s linguistic picture of the world. It has been proven that the derivation of expressive lexemes is the result of improvisation according to established patterns, and that the formation of occasional substantives, adjectives and verbs involved the main methods of the Russian word derivation. It is noted that in the artistic discourse of V. Makanin, in the substantive word-formation, suffixation plays a leading role, which takes place in the sphere of abstractness and includes such lexical-semantic groups as expressive substantives with the meaning of a person, expressive substantives with the meaning of abstracted action or an abstract feature with connotation, as a rule, negative and/or reduced colloquial connotation. While in the sphere of adjectival and verbal word formation, confixation and prefixation, as the formation of expressiveness, is most productive. The paper considers the phenomenon of semantic word formation, describes the formation of semantic derivatives, including in the field of occasional vocabulary. Expressive derivatives in the artistic discourse of V. Makanin are a bright sign of his individual style, an important means of expressing the world view and outlook of the writer.  

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