2021 ◽  
pp. 208-221
Наталья Николаевна Мозговая ◽  
Нвард Галустовна Манвелян

Представлено изучение суверенности психологического пространства личности, функции его границы и уровня субъективного контроля у супружеских пар с разным семейным стажем. В основу исследования положены современные методики Т. С. Леви, С. К. Нартовой-Бочавер, используя которые, продолжается изучение феномена личностного пространства, его границ с точки зрения субъектно-средового подхода. Исследование психологической границы личностного пространства человека – тема, актуальная не только в пределах отдельной личности, но и в проблематике семейных отношений. Семья – первичный элемент социального пространства, формирующего содержательные характеристики личностного пространства человека, который в будущем, создавая свою семью, сформирует такое пространство и у своих детей. В исследовании приняли участие супружеские пары с разным стажем семейной жизни: менее 7 лет и более 7 лет, всего 110 человек. Установлены различия в «суверенности социальных связей», нарушения границ физического «Я», территориальной целостности семей с разным стажем жизнедеятельности. Данное исследование продолжает серию работ по изучению специфики психологического пространства личности не только у субъектов образовательной сферы школы, вуза, но и у взрослых респондентов. The article presents the study of the sovereignty of the psychological space of the individual, the function of its boundary and the level of subjective control in married couples with different family experience. The research is based on the modern methods of T. S. Levy, S. K. Nartova-Bochaver, using which we continued to study the phenomenon of personal space, its boundary from the point of view of the subject-environment approach. The study of the psychological boundary of a person’s personal space is a topical topic not only within the individual, but also in the problems of family relations. The family is the primary element of the social space that forms the content characteristics of the personal space of a person who in the future, creating his family, forms such a space for his children. The most important characteristic of psychological space is the integrity of its boundaries. The presence of a holistic psychological space plays an important role in family relationships. The study involved married couples with different experience of family life: less than 7 years and more than 7 years, a total of 110 people. Differences in the «sovereignty of social ties», violations of the boundaries of the physical «I», the territorial integrity of families with different life experience are established. This study continues a series of studies on the specifics of the psychological space of the individual not only in the subjects of the educational sphere of school, university, but also in adult respondents.

2017 ◽  
Vol 163 ◽  
pp. 313-323
Beata Waligórska-Olejniczak

On the experience of old age in the context of contemporary existential dilemmas. Film Elena by Andrei ZvyagintsevThe article constitutes the attempt of looking at the problem of the old age from the point of view of Vladimir, the main male character of Andrei Zvyagintsev’s film Elena. His retired existence can be treated as the model example of the golden autumn of life. This vision can be associated with the images promoted by today’s media as the period of so called “third age”, i.e. old age full of new opportunities, with health good enough to take advantage of newly marketed products guaranteeing comfortable and worry-free life. The publication examines the quality of the family relationships, built up by the selected film character, on the basis of the interpretation of space in which he is meant to function. The analysis allows the author to come to the conclusion that the old age and life experience does not protect the characters from impulsive behavior, which is the consequence of spiritual crisis of the contemporary society and disintegration of the harmony between the individual and the community. The old age in Zvyagintsev film turns out to be the time when the opportunity of improving interpersonal relationships is wasted.Проблема старости в контексте современных экзистенциальных дилемм. Фильм Елена Андрея Звягинцева Статья представляет собой попытку взглянуть на проблему старости с точки зрения Владимира, главного мужского героя фильма Андрея Звягинцева Елена. Его пенсионное существование можем рассматривать в качестве примера модели золотой осени жизни. Такой подход связан с изображениями сегодняшних СМИ, представляющих старость как „третий возраст”, то есть период полный новых возможностей, в достаточно хорошем здоровье, чтобы воспользоваться новыми вещами, гарантирующими комфортную беззаботную жизнь. Автор рассматривает качество семейных отношений, созданных Владимиром, анализируя аспекты пространства, в котором он функционирует. Интерпретация позволяет прийти к выводу, что старость и жизненный опыт не защищают героев перед импульсивным по поведением, которое является следствием духовного кризиса современного общества и распада гармонии между индивидом и обществом. Старость в фильме Звягинцевa оказывается периодом, когда возможность повышения межличностных отношений не осуществляется.

The article is devoted to the current issue of sexuality. Significant expansion and development of psychologists’ professional activity necessitate creating of generalized classification of individuals and married couples’ behavioral erotic types. The destruction of self-reflection, self-perception and the difficulty of interpersonal understanding are due to the substitution of concepts. The study of sexual-psychological characteristics of behavioral patterns of women in erotic relationships is very important in this regard. The new material on the topic under study is generalized. Erotic imagination functions and erotic images impact on the process of forming a fixed erotic Image of a sexual partner in women are determined. The impact of early life experience (imprinting) influenced on the individual erotic code formation is determined. Several motivational schemes of sexual behavior are described. Authors submit the definition of «individual erotic code» for the first time. «Individual erotic code» is found out as the unified recording system of the individual model erotic behavior and her «ideal partner» reactions on this behavior. The types of women individual erotic code, based on the concept of archetypes (K.G. Jung, D. S. Bolen) study are defined. Types of individual erotic code were named after the ancient Greek goddesses: Artemis, Athena, Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Persephone, Aphrodite. The attention is focused on the deep analysis of individual women erotic code stages realization, such as, the genesis of erotic impulse, the tempting process, the sexual act behavior, the pregnancy, the caring of posterity. Materials of research can be used in the practical work of psychologists and psychotherapists which working both with married couples, as well as in individual work with the client.

P.M. Pershukevich ◽  
I.P. Pershukevich ◽  

Agricultural production is considered as a social ecological and economic system (SEES). The purpose of the research is to study the social subsystem of SEES from the point of view of its formation. The social structures of the village (which are the individual with his physical, social and spiritual needs, the family and the village as components of a whole) form the way of life of the peasants. The social subsystem has a significant reverse effect, “pressure” on the ecosystem and the state. The degree of development of the individual in rural areas is characterized by the level of development of its needs, motivational complex, potential, including labor, and its orientation. The labor potential of an employee is formed by the characteristics of a person that determine their capabilities in the course of work, and depends on their education, natural data, life experience, and upbringing. Labor potential includes the following components: health, morality, creativity, activity, organization, education, professionalism, working time resources. Human labor can be regulated and innovative (creative). As a rule, the cost of regulated labor increases the cost, but does not create surplus value. It is formed by innovative work as a result of the manifestation of creative abilities of a person.

2019 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
Violetta Jaros

A Description of Joachim Lelewel’s Familial Language Concerning the Family Social Space (on the Basis of Letters to His Loved Ones)This article is a contribution to research on Joachim Lelewel’s familial language. The study is limited to a range of linguistic phenomena concerning the family social space, and considers the two-volume collection of his letters from many different places written in various periods of his life. The epistolary prose under examination reflects the language of nobility and intelligentsia circles of the first half of the nineteenth century, with its distinctly marked hierarchical structure of the family social space. Its exponents include family names (e.g. the names for kinship and family relations, maritonymics and patronymics, names used with reference to married couples), familial forms of address (with the conventional forms Pan/Pani ‘Sir/Madam’, Dobrodziej/Dobrodziejka/Dobrodziejstwo ‘Sir/ Madam/Sir and Madam’, lit. ‘benefactor/benefactress/benefactors’ in relation to the elderly), emotional colloquial vocabulary and unofficial anthroponyms. This use of familial language, characterised by infrequent use of personalised forms, belongs to marked informal register. Charakterystyka języka familijnego Joachima Lelewela dotyczącego społecznej przestrzeni rodziny (na podstawie listów do najbliższych)Niniejszy szkic stanowi przyczynek do poznania właściwości języka familijnego Joachima Lelewela. Charakterystyka ograniczona została do repertuaru zjawisk językowych dotyczących społecznej przestrzeni rodziny. Podstawę materiałową tworzy dwutomowy zbiór korespondencji pisanej z wielu miejsc pobytu w różnych okresach życia historyka. Badana proza epistolarna odzwierciedla język środowiska szlachecko-inteligenckiego pierwszej połowy XIX wieku, w którym wyraźnie zaznacza się zhierarchizowanie struktury przestrzeni społecznej rodziny, czego wykładnikami są nazwy rodzinne ( nazwy pokrewieństwa i powinowactwa, marytonimika i patronimika, określenia par małżeńskich), familiarne adresatywy z konwencjonalnymi formułami Pan // Pani, Dobrodziej // Dobrodziejka // Dobrodziejstwo w stosunku do starszych, emocjonalną leksyką potoczną i nieoficjalnymi antroponimami. Realizacja języka familijnego, w którym ujawniają się nieliczne indywidualizmy, sytuuje się w obrębie rejestru nacechowanego języka potocznego.

2019 ◽  
pp. 86-100
K. Sedykh ◽  
T. Zozul

The article is devoted to the current definition and justification of the men’s individual erotic code typology. Significant expansion and development of psychologists’ professional activity necessitate creating of generalized classification of individuals and married couples’ behavioral erotic types. The study of sexual- psychological characteristics of behavioral patterns of men in erotic relationships is very important in this regard.The new material on the topic under study is generalized. Erotic imagination functions and erotic images impact the process of forming a fixed erotic Image of a sexual partner in men are determined. The impact of early life experience (imprinting) influenced on the individual erotic code formation is described.Attention is concentrated on analysis of the phenomenon individual men erotic code. The types of men individual erotic code, based on the concept of archetypes (K. G. Jung, D. S. Bolen) study are defined. Types of individual erotic code were named after the ancient Greek gods: Zeus, Apollo, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Hades. The attention is focused on the deep analysis of  individual women erotic code stages realization, such as, the genesis of erotic impulse, the tempting process, the sexual act behavior, the pregnancy, the caring of posterity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 73
Eusebio Medina

Resumen: En este trabajo indagamos sobre las diversas maneras de percibir, construir y legitimar las fronteras geográficas y políticas, tomando como escenario o referente contextual a la frontera luso-española. Siguiendo la lógica de la producción de espacio de Henri Lefèbvre confrontamos dos visiones diferentes y, sin embargo, complementarias de la frontera: la del Estado nación, cada vez más interesado y empeñado en una delimitación lineal y topográfica de sus fronteras, entendidas éstas como límites territoriales precisos, y la de las comunidades fronterizas, vinculada estrechamente con las prácticas espaciales y las representaciones tradicionales del territorio sobre las que se levantan los paisajes morales y culturales de la frontera, conectados con la experiencia vital de los sujetos, sus estrategias de supervivencia e identidades individuales y colectivas. Trazamos además, a grandes rasgos, la evolución histórica de ambas formas de hacer y de estar en la frontera, tratando de poner de relieve sus imbricaciones e interinfluencias.Palabras clave: Fronteras políticas, comunidades fronterizas, paisajes culturales, identidades colectivas, España, Portugal.Abstract: This work investigates varying ways of perceiving, constructing and legitimizing geographical and political borders, using the example and contextual reference of the Portuguese-Spanish border. Following the logic of Henri Lefèbvre’s production of social space, it confronts two different and yet complementary visions of the border: on the one hand, of the nation state, which is increasingly interested and committed to a linear and topographical delimitation of its borders, on the understanding that they form precise territorial limits; and on the other hand, of the border communities, which hold close ties not only to the spatial practices and traditional representations of the territory from which the moral and cultural landscapes of the border arise, but also to the life experience of the populations, their survival strategies and the individual and collective identities. We also outline, in broad strokes, the historical evolution of ways of doing and being on the border, trying to highlight their overlaps and interactions.Key words: Political borders, border communities, cultural landscapes, collective identities, Spain, Portugal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 167-178
Sitorabanu Kholboeva ◽  

Introduction. The problem discussed in the article concerns family pedagogy, which has recently been separated from the pedagogical sciences as an independent scientific field. The object of the research is family development trends and its present state, the topic is the essence of family upbringing, this process mechanisms and their influence on personal development. Family pedagogy does not attempt to create a single rule that is binding on every family and clearly regulates the upbringing of children. It studies only those situations that are controversial and cause the young its difficulty. As all scientific knowledge, its conclusions can never fully replace wisdom and life experience. Preparing youth for family relationships cannot help but affect this aspect of pedagogical activity, more precisely on the preparation of youth for family relationships.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (38) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Olga Donina ◽  
Alsu Salikhova ◽  
Irina Aryabkina ◽  
Margarita Kovardakova ◽  
Yulia Chernova

The article notes that each culture has its own «normative» model of the family, characterized by its defining parameters. These parameters reflect different indicators – descriptors – as attributes that determine the corresponding value and behavior in society. The types of family relationships identified by humanitarian science are revealed. It is proved that in a retrospective of the historical development of mankind, the relationships not only of the family and society, but also of the family and the individual changed, which depended on many factors. The article analyzes the negative trends of marriage and family relations, it is noted that along with the form of actual (civil) marriage, there is a tendency to the appearance of a large number of other forms of marriage unions: guest, concubinate, open marriage, business marriage, fictitious, creative union, polygyny, group marriage, same-sex cohabitation, virtual marriage (web-marriage), etc. This trend leads to a change in the content of the phenomenon of marriage, the adoption of actual marriage as a social norm. It is noted that today the semantic attitudes of a person are deformed and the concepts of the purpose and values of life are distorted, there is a noticeable turn of mass consciousness from the collectivist values of the family to the individual values of the person, which to a certain extent disorganizes both family life and social relations. It is noted that according to the results of the study, the authors of this article developed an educational module "Modern Family" for students of a different professional fields.

2019 ◽  
pp. 22-29
Н. В. Фрадкіна

The purpose and tasks of the work are to analyze the contemporary Ukrainian mass culture in terms of its value and humanistic components, as well as the importance of cultural studies and Ukrainian studies in educational disciplines for the formation of a holistic worldview of modern youth.Analysis of research and publications. Scientists repeatedly turned to the problems of the role of spirituality in the formation of society and its culture. This problem is highlighted in the publications by O. Losev, V. Lytvyn, D. Likhachev, S. Avierintsev, M. Zakovych, I. Stepanenko and E. Kostyshyn.Experts see the main negative impact of mass culture on the quality approach, which determines mass culture through the market, because mass culture, from our point of view, is everything that is sold and used in mass demand.One of the most interesting studies on this issue was the work by the representatives of Frankfurt School M. Horkheimer and T. Adorno «Dialectics of Enlightenment» (1947), devoted to a detailed analysis of mass culture. Propaganda at all socio-cultural levels in the form is similar in both totalitarian and democratic countries. It is connected, according to the authors, with the direction of European enlightenment. The tendency to unify people is a manifestation of the influence of mass culture, from cinema to pop. Mass culture is a phenomenon whose existence is associated with commerce (accumulation in any form – this is the main feature of education), in general, the fact that it exists in this form is related to the direction of the history of civilization.Modern mass culture, with its externally attractive and easily assimilated ideas and symbols, appealing to the trends of modern fashion, becomes a standard of prestigious consumption, does not require intense reflection, allows you to relax, distract, not teach, but entertains, preaches hedonism as the main spiritual value. And as a consequence, there are socio-cultural risks: an active rejection of other people, which leads to the formation of indifference; cruelty as a character trait; increase of violent and mercenary crime; increase in the number of alcohol and drug addicts; anti-patriotism; indifference to the values of the family and as a result of social orphanhood and prostitution.Conclusions, perspectives of research. Thus, we can conclude that modern Ukrainian education is predominantly formed by the values of mass culture. Namely, according to the «Dialectic» by Horkheimer and Adorno, «semi-enlightenment becomes an objective spirit» of our modern society.It is concluded that only high-quality education can create the opposite of the onset of mass culture and the destruction of spirituality in our society. It is proved that only by realizing the importance of cultivating disciplines in the educational process and the spiritual upbringing of the nation, through educational reforms, humanitarian knowledge will gradually return to student audiences.Formation of youth occurs under the influence of social environment, culture, education and self-education. The optimal combination of these factors determines both the process of socialization itself and how successful it will be. In this context, one can see the leading role of education and upbringing. It turns out that the main task of modern education is to spread its influence on the development of spiritual culture of the individual, which eventually becomes a solid foundation for the formation of the individual. Such a subject requires both philosophical and humanitarian approaches in further integrated interdisciplinary research, since the availability of such research will provide the theoretical foundation for truly modern educational and personal development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 556-563
Adam Burley

This is a personal and reflective piece written from a clinician's point of view on the influence that the developing awareness around the consequences of childhood adversity has had upon the discussions, thinking and practice across the areas in which they are working. It seeks to argue that the increased understanding and recognition of the potential impact of early adversity can not only enhance and deepen the understanding of an individual's difficulties, but can serve to inform how services respond in a way that takes account of this. It suggests that the research and literature on childhood adversity can offer a route map away from a model of mental health that focuses predominantly on the individual as the sole source of interest.

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