Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy
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Published By V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

2410-9037, 2410-1249

The current state of interethnic relations indicates that, along with the processes of globalization, there are reverse processes of deglobalization, which are reflected in the desire of peoples to preserve national identity. One of the factors in the emergence of multicultural conflicts is ethnopsychological differences between nations and peoples. On the basis of the analysis of literary sources the most characteristic features of representatives of the European and Russian cultures are allocated. The author proceeds from the assumption that ethnopsychological features are determined both archetypically and ethnogenetically, ie socioculturally. Myths, legends, fairy tales, epics, rituals, orders, archaeological, psycholin guistic, socioanthropological, historical data allow the reproduction of some significant ethnopsychologica l features of a particular people. As a result of the application of this approach, certain features inherent in Europeans and Russians were identified, which allows to expand the dimensions of the generally accepted context of understanding the problem.

We carried out the study, on which the article is based, in a psychodynamic paradigm in the relationship with the disclosure of the problem of archaic heritage of the humanity, which is manifested in the pralogical properties of thinking. The latter includes duality of the reality of the psyche (in the equivalence of the real and the imaginary), lack of contradictions and conformity subordination to law of involvement, etc. Masochism is a form of expression of subordination to the pralogical perception of reality while ignoring the contradictions between the tendency towards self-punishment and self-preservation instinct. The article proves the presence of Oedypal origin of masochistic initiatives in their illogicalness and subordination to the “other logic” - the logic of self-punishment. In-depth psycho-correction can free a person from illogical trends, aiming at energy self-preservation and actualization of prosocial self-realization processes.

The article presents a diagnostic complex of psychological support for families with problem children, the main purpose of which is to study and understand the essence of the family problem, its carriers and the potential for solving the dysfunctions. The diagnostic stage captures the signals of the problem situation with the subsequent construction of the appropriate logic for the further diagnostic study. Trusting contact is established with all participants in the problem situation, assistance is provided in verbalizing the problem, joint assessment of the possibility of its resolution. The final part of this stage is a clear definition of the problem. Comprehensive psychodiagnostics consists of the initial diagnosis to study the strengths and weaknesses of family members, identify and solve problems that arise during family interaction, conducting the diagnostic minimums in order to analyze the dynamics of functioning and overcome possible difficulties. Further work provides in-depth psychological diagnosis of members of the nuclear family system.

Sexual aversion is the problem, which is little discussed in medical literature. The article contains definitions of sexual aversion in some classifications and dynamics of concepts of this pathology represented in other classifications. In the author’s opinion, its removal from a list of sexual disorders in certain classifications cannot cancel the very existence of this disorder. The author’s case study is described, which deals with sexual aversion and absence of libido (they both are psychogenic). A 38-year-old female patient B., married during 3.5 years, had not got any children. She had higher education and worked within her speciality. Her husband was 36; he finished vocational technical school. During previous 3 years he had not been working (he was supposedly looking for suitable job, but allegedly could not find it). Their family was financed by the patient. When she was asked what really troubled her, the patient reported: “I don’t want him. I have no desire to have sex either with him or anybody else. I don’t perceive him as man, because he does not work, does not bring any money in the family and does not do any household chores. I accept him more as my brother or son.” She also had sexual aversion to her husband. When he approached her and began kissing, he disgusted her and caused an unpleasant sensation, as if “some slug is creeping”. She was disgusted with her husband. His touches were unpleasant for her. “Some rejection has begun”. She allowed her husband to have sexual intercourse only once a month. She described sexual aversion to her husband in the following way: “Now he is approaching and begins pouting his lips towards me, but even his smell becomes unpleasant for me, though before I liked how he smelt, and his smell is the same. Then he begins kissing me, but I absolutely hate his slobber, though before I accepted it normally. And his beard is spiky. I don’t like it either, but before I accepted it normally. Also I don’t like that he’s got thinner. He has become so thin, even thinner than me, though he eats well. But he is keeping a diet because of a chronic disease of his gastrointestinal tract. He’s become so skinny… He has already had such a figure that he becomes resembling a woman. Before he did not look like that. He was well-nourished and strong; he went in for sports. But now he says that he is ill, feels bad and has a stomachache”. The facts, described above in the complaints, appeared more than one year before. As a result of my analysis I drew a conclusion that her sexual disorder developed in the patient as a consequence of psychotraumatic effects caused by the fact that her husband had not been working for a long period of time and, naturally, did not earn anything. It should be added to the above that the chronic pathology of his gastrointestinal tract resulted in worsening of his body composition. The patient sought medical advice to sort herself out and reveal causes of her sexual problems. When she completely perceived their psychogenic character and assessed the difficulties, with what their therapy may be involved, she did not express any desire to undergo treatment.

The article presents a model of psychological support for families with problem children, describes a system of events that has a clearly structured and organized nature and is built on psychological principles. The latter is provided with the help of special forms and methods of the program of psychological support, which include: 1) at the level of the psychodiagnostic stage, standardized and projective techniques; 2) at the level of the psychoeducational stage - psycho-preventive techniques and educational activities in accordance with empirical data regarding gaps in psychological knowledge and the needs of the subjects themselves; 3) at the level of the psycho-counseling stage - conversation and interpretation as specific forms of providing psychological assistance focused on personality and interaction among family members, their assimilation of effective ways to independently solve problems; 4) at the level of the psychotherapeutic stage - interpretation and discussion of the results obtained in the process of empirical research, conducting psychotechniques "Family Chest", "Writing a Fairy Tale", "Family Diagram" with subsequent feedback.

The article considers the main problems that arise when conflicts of interest between people in the sociometric dimension. The need for their comprehensive study will help to eliminate the negative consequences and use positive solutions to these conflicts for the development of the individual, his integration into society. The urgency of the work lies in the search for rational approaches to the origin and prevention of psychological bullying in the sociometric dimension as a consequence of the conflict of personality in agreement with its characterological education, psychological attitudes and beliefs. that is why the problem of bullying deserves in-depth study. The aim of the article is to study the influence of bullying on the uncertainty of adolescents in the sociometric dimension. The work is based on the provisions of prevention and reduction of external discrimination, isolation, humiliation and harassment, which will serve as factors to prevent personal uncertainty in the future. Bullying undermines the victim's self-confidence, destroys health, self-esteem and human dignity. There is a bullying structure, which is a social system that includes the offender, the victim and observers. Methods of measuring the manifestations of psychological bullying are determined, the corresponding set of methods of psychodiagnostics is presented and tested. Empirical data show that with insufficient and excessive mobilization of the individual there are with a high degree of probability such mental states that disturb the adaptive balance. Thus, with insufficient mobilization in a difficult life situation, it is likely to appear apathy and reduce energy expenditure. On the other hand, in a situation of excessive mobilization there is a state of high voltage against the background of excessive energy consumption. The results of this study are important in establishing international cooperation in the study of programs and projects in the context of transforming the human health system in accordance with international partnership standards and implementing a cultural exchange program for education and culture between countries.

The basic theoretical principals of the process theory in client-centered psychotherapy - its stages, the purpose, the basic properties - are discussed in the article. It has been concluded that the process represented by C. Rogers hardly describes the psychotherapy itself; it reflects the process of personal growth. The model of the process motion as liberation from “blocking” emotional experiences is presented. The “block” structure and the model of a “capillary blocked with plaques” as well as clinical examples of “organismic flow” liberation are described. These ‘blocking’ emotions have specific qualities: 1) they are “stuck together” – there are no stand-alone offence, anger, helplessness etc.; they form an integral conglomerate; 2) they are resistant to an influence; 3) they do not disappear completely – they only abate and hide, forming a potential emotionality, which can become actual on the most insignificant occasion; 4) they are somatized,; 5) they are not flowing. “Blocking” emotions have a complex structure: they are based on unconscious primary “blocking” emotional experience (for example, the feeling of second-ratedness) and “secondary” emotional experiences are overlaying on it. Only when the primary components are removed from the structure of “blocking” emotional experience, the conglomerate of “blocking” feelings falls apart into separate emotions, that are ready to move. If any part of psychic becomes “dead”, for example, love and sexuality, then the quality “sort of” emerges in the functionality of an individual. Two clinical examples of work with “blocking” experiences are presented.

We will try to present critically published works on Quantum Mechanics (QM) and Psychology (perhaps more generally regarding the so called social sciences), partly by ourselves (Giacomuzzi, 2008, 2002), in an overview. It is of course impossible to give a complete summary here, but critical points should be emphasized, which perhaps leave a more differentiated view on the problems of "psychological reality". Nowadays QM is “hip” in scientific literature. But common approaches doesn`t take into consideration that physicists already 80 years ago tried to establish a connection between life sciences and physics. But do neuroscientific findings really validate essential psychological basic assumptions? Do they really open up new, interdisciplinary research perspectives? Physics itself today struggles with its theories and we`ve a big gap between on what we experience and on what we really understand. Maybe this gap of understanding our own reality is much bigger than 120 years ago when QM was born by the work of Max Planck.

The article is devoted to theoretical and empirical research, important personal characteristics of servicemen: neuropsychological stability and socio-psychological maturity, which are the focus of psychological influence by the psychologist of the military unit at all major stages of military activity from conscription to discharge. The article empirically examines the system of relationships between indicators of neuropsychological stability, socio-psychological maturity and social relations in military servicemen at the stages of adaptation and performance of tasks. A correlation analysis was performed, according to Pearson, with indicators of neuropsychological stability, social maturity and the quality of relationships with the immediate social environment. As a result of the analysis of the obtained data, it was found that social maturity is directly related to the quality of social relations in a serviceman, both in the family and in the military, and tends to increase during military service. The level of stability of neuropsychological stability associated with the growth of social maturity due to the reflex component. The servicemen performing the assigned tasks have a positive dynamics of increasing the level of social maturity due to the reflexive and moral component, which indicates their personal and professional growth due to organized psychological support. The tasks and the expected result of psychological support at the stages of adaptation and performance of tasks as assigned are determined. The main vectors of psychological influence on the part of a military psychologist are indicated. to increase the level of neuropsychological stability and socio-psychological maturity in the military.

A case history is presented, where hypersexuality could be conceptualized as a manifestation of persistent genital arousal disorder / restless genital syndrome [PGAD/ReGS]. Female patient Sh., 75, who sought our medical advice on April 16, 2015, presented complaints about a feeling of a “sexual drive in my pubic region”, burning in her legs (along the inner surface of her thighs), in her pubis and on her abdomen over the pubis in a small area. “I need intimacy, but I understand with my head that it is not necessary for me”. The above burning and sexual desire were felt, but not always. The appearance of the desire coincided with the appearance of the burning. At first, the burning developed and was followed by the desire, or on the contrary. The burning and desire could begin in the morning and trouble her all day long, but when she was engaged into some activity, she changed over and forgot about it. The appearance of the disorder was preceded with the death of her elder brother, who some time before was actually a substitute for her father. He always supported her both morally and financially. He was a rather valued personality for her, she loved him very much. Therefore, she took his death, which happened in the beginning of December in 2013, very hard. The disorder, concerning which the patient consulted me, appeared on February 14, 2014. She woke up in the night because of her heavy jittering, she felt a terrible sexual drive and a bad burning in her lower abdomen over the pubis and on the inner surface of her thighs. She could not sleep any more. The arousal, which appeared in the night, did not leave her till the morning and remained during the whole day, but then became weakening. She was treated by different medical specialists. Though some weakening of her symptoms was achieved, she failed to get rid of the disorder, which developed in her. As a result of our analysis we supposed its cerebrovascular genesis, which impacted on functions of the brain. As a weighty contributing factor we regarded her long-term distress caused by a manifested psychological trauma (the death of the person who was extremely significant for the patient). Our treatment (hypnosuggestive therapy, Sonapax, Hydazepam, irrigation of the pubis with 10% Lidocaine aerosol), where hypnosis was the main component (its 10 sessions were performed), resulted in complete disappearance of the symptoms. The interview performed 5 years after the end of the treatment demonstrated persistence and duration of the obtained results. The presented clinical case is not very bright, but this fact can be explained to a great extent by the patient’s age that excluded appearance of a number of phenomena typical for PGAD/ReGS.

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