scholarly journals El Von Bertalanffy and Mortality from Fish Kurau (Polynemustaenitatus) of The Catch Fisherman in Waters Bunyu

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 165 ◽  
Gazali Salim ◽  
Pius Bae Kelen

The aim of the research are analyzing the growth model using Von Bertalanffy and mortality in Polynemus taeniatus.  Research methods a descriptive kuantitatif by using the case study. Determining the location of sampling are purposive sampling, by following fishing boats Drift Gill Net. Sampling funded every two weeks once upon a huge tide. Data collection techniques using survey. Data retrieval in the form of total length and total weight. The samples from 4 (times) for 3 months. Each sample taking having vulnerable time between 2-5 day in bunyu waters. Research results use the model von bertalanffy obtained maximum length fish kurau (p.taeniatus) is 156,794 cm in 349 days. Value K of 0.0364 cm.  Value To of -1,2819 cm. The results of data processing of fish catch kurau (P.taeniatus) obtained by mortalitas natural 0,435; mortalitas total of 1.121; mortalitas arrest of 0,6859; the exploitation of fish kurau 0,61.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 18
Aulia Farihanum ◽  
Nazaruddin Nasution ◽  
Abdul Halim Daulay

<p><em>A research has been carried out which aims to determine the subsurface structure using the geoelectric method in Panungkiran Village, Kab.  Deli Serdang, Prov.  North Sumatra Geoelectric data retrieval uses the Wenner configuration to determine the distribution and depth of subsurface structures in Panungkiran Village, Deli Serdang Regency.  Prov.  North Sumatra Data collection is 1 track with a length of 90 meters, Data processing in the study using MS office software Excel Notepad, and RES2DINV The results of the measurements consist of several types which are distinguished based on the range of resistivity values, namely in the range of 34.0-3188 2m interpreted by lithological layers  topsoil (34.0-65.1</em> Ωm<em>), sandstone (65.1-1252</em> Ωm<em>) weathered tr</em><em>a</em><em>vertine limestone (125-456</em> Ωm<em>), fresh trvertine limestone (456-3188</em> Ωm<em>), and resistivity &gt;3188  Qm is interpreted as a cave at a depth of 9-12 meters.</em><em></em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-196
Nisa Maya Sari ◽  
Mahfudh Mahfudh

Inclusive school is a school that combines children with special needs with other normal children in one class and this school was implemented in Kediri two years ago SMPN 05 Kediri. In order to make it easier for children with special needs to understand the teachings of Islam at school, the school organizes extracurricular writing the Qur'an every Thursday. This study uses qualitative research methods with a case study approach because researchers want to see and understand directly how the extracurricular process is carried out. Data collection techniques, researchers used interviews, observation and documentation. With this extracurricular, children with special needs little by little can already recognize the Hijaiyah letters and read the book Iqra.   Sekolah inklusi merupakan sekolahan yang menggabungkan anak berkebutuhan khusus dengan anak normal lainnya dalam satu kelas dan sekolahan ini sudah terlaksana di Kediri dua tahun yang lalu SMPN 05 Kediri,. Agar anak berkebutuhan khusus lebih mudah memahami pelajaran agama Islam di sekolah, pihak sekolah mengadakan ekstrakurikuler bca tulis Al-Qur’an setiap hari kamis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, karena peneliti ingin melihat dan memahami secara langsung bagaimana proses ekstrakurikuler tersebut terlaksana. Teknik pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi.  Dengan adanya ekstrakurikuler ini, anak berkebutuhan khusus sedikit demi sedikit sudah bisa mengenal huruf Hijaiyah dan membaca buku Iqra

2021 ◽  
Vol 328 ◽  
pp. 08011
Sajriawati Sajriawati

The purpose of this study was to determine the fishing technology used by fishermen in Merauke to catch snapper and post-harvest handling of fish maw snapper. This research was conducted in January 2021 in Kumbe Village, Malind District. Data collection was carried out by interviewing fishermen on the fishing boat KMN Nur Aqila07. The results showed that the fishing boat KMN Nur Aqila07 has a weight specification of 30 GT. The main fishing gear is a drift gill net with a length of 50 meters with a width of 2 meters with a mesh size of 7.5 inches. The pulley machine is used to help pull the gill nets when they want to pull fishing gear (hauling). Fish maw of snapper is removed manually using a knife, then cleaned with running water and then dried in the sun to dry. Fish maw is sold dry. The highest price for fish maw is in the weight range of 150 grams which can reach Rp. 22,500,000 per kg, while the lowest price is in the weight range of less than 50 grams, which is Rp. 4,500,000 per kg.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-148
Habsul Nurhadi

This research inspired from the fact the low readiness of bureaucratic reform in the Secretariat General of the MPR-RI in 2013, as well as lack of the evaluation of bureaucratic reform in 2014, making it nearly did not get the performance benefits (remuneration). The study aims to find out how far the Secretariat General of the MPR-RI has been carrying out bureaucratic reform. This study adopted qualitative approaches, to dimension case study, presented in a descriptive, with between other uses the theory of reinventing government (1992) and the theory of banishing bureaucracy (1997). This research is naturalistic paradigm, where observation and data collection done just as there are. Based on data processing suggests that in generally the bureaucracy reform in the Secretariat General of the MPR-RI 2010-2014 still not fully way implementation guidelines for the bureaucratic reforms are already published by the Ministry of Administrative State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform.

2021 ◽  
Vol 325 ◽  
pp. 06013
Dewina Inggar Santi ◽  
Sri Rum Giyarsih

The existence of COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on residents’ travel, including in Sonosewu Hamlet, Bantul Regency, Indonesia because the government has implemented recommendation to reduce residents’ mobility in order to accelerate the handling of COVID-19. This research is interesting because there was no research that specifically examines the characteristics of residents’ travel during COVID-19 pandemic in the suburbs of Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study was to identify the travel characteristics of the residents of Sonosewu during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data collection was carried out through questionnaire surveys. The data processing and analysis were carried out by using descriptive statistical methods. Based on the results obtained from 328 respondents, it is known that the travel frequency from November 30 to December 6, 2020, tended to be high with 6 to 7 trips a week. The purpose of travel was mostly to work and shopping, and the main travel destinations are Bantul Regency and Yogyakarta City. The result of this research will be useful for the development of knowledge, especially in the field of urban geography and can be taken into consideration by the government for the development of suburban areas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Rengga Kusuma Nawala Sari

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p> </p><p>Batik Tutur merupakan hasil pengembangan dari motif batik <em>Afkomstig Uit Blitar 1902</em>, warisan budaya masyarakat blitar pada masa lampau yang dikoleksi museum belanda. Saat ini batik tutur memiliki 15 motif dengan berbagai macam nama sesuai motif dan makna, nama pada setiap motif mengandung pesan moral atau pitutur yang ingin disampaikan Eddy Dewa sebagai pencipta motif kepada pemakainya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu latar belakang penciptaan batik tutur karya Eddy Dewa. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data dan pengolahan data. Pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka, sedangkan pengolahan datanya menggunakan interaksi analisis,hasil analiss dari penelitian ini yang didapat adalah batik tutur memiliki fungsi sebagai sarung dengan pola motif yang sama dengan pola sarung yang memiliki tumpal tengah, dan makna yang terkandung merupakan intepratasi Eddy Dewa dalam memaknai lingkungan sekitar.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata kunci: </strong>Revitalisasi, Batik<strong> </strong><em>Afkomstig Uit Blitar</em>, Batik Tutur.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p><p> </p><p><em>Batik Tutur is the result of the development of batik motif Afkomstig Uit Blitar 1902. It is the cultural heritage of Blitar community in the past which was collected by the Dutch museum. Currently, batik </em>tutur<em> has 15 motifs with various names according to the motives and meanings. The name of each motif contains a moral mes-sage or a message that Eddy Dewa wishes to convey as the creator of the motif to the consumers. The purpose of this study is to know the background of batik </em>tutur<em> creation by Eddy Dewa. The research used is qualitative research methods with data collection and data processing. Data collection includes observation, interviews, and literature study, while the data processing uses interaction analysis. The results of this re-search tells that batik </em>tutur<em> has a function as a sarong with the same motif pattern as a sarong pattern that has a middle tumpal. The meaning contained tells about Eddy Dewa’s interpretation in handling interpreting the surrounding environment.</em></p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Revitalization, Batik Afkomstig Uit Blitar, Batik Tutur.</em></p>

EduFisika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 131-139
Rosinta Dehong ◽  
Melkyanus Bili Umbu Kaleka ◽  
Ana Silfiani Rahmawati

This study aims to analyze the steps of applying the discovery learning model in physics learning. This type of research is qualitative with the type of case study. The subjects in this study were physics teachers and students of class X SMKN 2 Ende, totaling 33 students. The object of this research is the application of the discovery learning model. Data collection instruments using questionnaires and documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the application of the discovery learning model in physics learning for class X students of SMK Negeri 2 Ende was in accordance with the syntax. The syntax of the discovery learning model consists of stimulation, problems, data collection, data processing, verification, generalization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-141
Tasya Kartika Chandra ◽  
Nur Hadi

One of the diversity that Indonesia has is in terms of local culture. This culture can be in the form of tangible and intangible culture. One of the intangible cultures is the tradition Selamatan by most of the Javanese Muslim community, one of which is in Wonosari Village, Malang. Selamatan is held to fulfill someone's nadzar or for the purpose of connecting humans and the god to ask for salvation in life and the next life. In addition to Selamatan, there is also a puppet tradition that is held to tell various kinds of stories according to the request of the respondent and for the purpose of ruwatan. The purpose of this study was to determine the syncretism of culture and religion in the tradition of Selamatan and wayang performances. Where syncretism can be seen in the food served, the scripts and mantras that are read, as well as the stories on the puppets that are delivered. The sample used was purposive sampling and data collection methods were observation and interviews. This study uses qualitative research methods and data processing uses Miles and Huberman's analysis. Dalam keanekaragaman yang dimiliki Indonesia salah satunya yaitu dalam hal kebudayaan lokal. Kebudayaan ini dapat berupa budaya benda dan tak benda. Salah satu budaya tak benda adalah tradisi selamatan yang dilakukan oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Islam suku Jawa, salah satunya di Desa Wonosari, Malang. Selamatan ini diadakan untuk memenuhi nadzar dari seseorang atau untuk tujuan penghubung antara manusia dengan sang pencipta untuk memohon keselamatan dalam hidup dan kehidupan selanjutnya. Selain selamatan juga ada tradisi pewayangan yang digelar untuk menceritakan berbagai macam cerita sesuai permintaan penanggap dan untuk tujuan ruwatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengenai sinkretisme budaya dan agama dalam tradisi selamatan dan pagelaran wayang. Dimana sinkretisme terlihat pada makanan yang disajikan, skrip dan mantra yang dibacakan, serta cerita pada pewayangan yang dibawakan. Sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan metode pengumpulan data adalah observasi dan wawancara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan pengolahan data menggunakan analisis Miles dan Huberman.

2019 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Syamsuri Syamsuri ◽  
Muhammad Reno Fathur Rahman

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This study aims to analyze the government’s creative economic strategy in improving the welfare of the community, especially in the BAPPEDA of East Java Province and also to find out the efforts of regional governments in developing a sharia-based creative economy. Descriptive qualitative research methods are used by the author as an approach in this study. Data collection techniques are by documentation, interviews and observation. The results of the study indicate that the government’s creative economic strategies are established by building synergy with pentahelix elements, motivating innovation, realizing the “smart economy” program, and collaboration with BEKRAF. It also explained that the efforts of the regional government in developing a sharia-based creative economy are by producing halal products and involving syaria institutions into pentahelix elements and implementing the concept of mashlahah in creative economic activities.</p><p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Ekonomi Kreatif Syariah Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Ekonomi Umat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis strategi ekonomi kreatif pemerintah dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, terutama di BAPPEDA Provinsi Jawa Timur, dan bagaimana upaya pemerintah daerah mengembangkan ekonomi kreatif berbasis syariah. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dokumentasi, wawancara, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi ekonomi kreatif pemerintah dilakukan dengan bersinergi dengan elemen pentahelix, motivasi semangat dan inovasi, sadar program “smart economy”, dan kerjasama dengan BEKRAF. Hasil penelitian juga menjelaskan bahwa upaya pemerintah daerah dalam mengembangkan ekonomi kreatif berbasis syariah adalah dengan menghasilkan produk-produk ekonomi kreatif yang halal dan syar‘i, melibatkan institusi syariah ke dalam elemen pentahelix, dan menerapkan konsep mashlahah dalam kegiatan ekonomi kreatif.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Ekonomi kreatif, kesejahteraan, ekonomi kreatif syariah</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Puspa Indraswari ◽  
Qudsi Fauzi

This study aims to analyze the role of BMT “Amanah Ummah” in empower the small traders. The research methods used in this research was case study qualitative method, using data collection techniques performed with conductive interviews and direct observation with the object of research. The result of this study indicate that BMT has been instrumental in increasing the business of small traders in Karah market. The business improvement from the small traders can be seen from the business turnover, business asset, business income and the stability of their business. The member of BMT in Karah market, on average has increased their business seen from their business volume, increasing of daily inventory such asequipment used for trade and revenues of their business income.

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