scholarly journals Materiaaliosaamisen ydintä etsimässä: Opettajien käsityksiä alakoulun käsityönopetuksen materiaaliosaamisen ydinaineksesta

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Tarja Kröger ◽  
Virpi Turunen

Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa tuodaan esille yleisellä tasolla materiaaliosaamisen tärkeys käsityössä, muttei eritellä materiaaliosaamisen sisältöjä tarkasti, joten opettajille jää tilaa itse määritellä ja tarkentaa, mitä sisältöjä he pitävät keskeisinä, ydinaineksena. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään opettajien käsityksiä alakoulun käsityönopetuksen materiaaliosaamisen ydinaineksesta. Aineisto koostuu käsityönopetuksen parissa työskennelleille tehdystä verkkokyselystä. Kyselyyn haluttiin vastaajiksi käsityötä opettavia tai opettaneita, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita alakoulun materiaaliosaamisen sisällöistä. Kyselyyn saivat vastata siis muutkin opettajat kuin vain alakoulussa käsityötä opettavat. Vastaajista 56 % oli tekstiilityön työtapoja opettavia, 22 % teknisen työn työtapoja opettavia ja 13 % opetti molempia. Tärkeimmiksi ydinsisällöiksi nousivat materiaalien käsityöllinen työstäminen, materiaalien tunnistaminen ja nimeäminen sekä materiaalien ominaisuuksiin tutustuminen ja tutkiminen. Avoimissa vastauksissa tuli esille ajanpuute käsitellä materiaaliasioita sekä oppilaiden halu mieluummin tehdä kuin tarkastella teoreettisia materiaaliasioita. Lopuksi pohditaan materiaalilähtöisen käsityön pedagogiikan mahdollisuuksia materiaaliosaamisen kehittämiseksi.   In Search of Core of Material Competence: Teachers’ Perceptions of the Core Material Competence in Primary School Crafts Abstract This article delves into the core of material competence in primary school craft education. The Basic Education Curriculum 2014 states that one of the goals of craft education in grades 3–6 is to “guide the student to identify concepts and to know many different materials and work on them appropriately”. The text of the curriculum leaves room for teachers to define and specify what they consider important. This study examines teachers’ perceptions of the core material competence in primary school crafts. The data consists of an online survey of those who work or have worked in craft education. Thus, other teachers than those who actually teach crafts in primary school were also allowed to answer the survey. 56 % of the respondents taught textile work methods, 22 % taught technical work methods and 13 % taught both. The results reveal that the most important core contents were crafting of materials, identification and naming of materials, and familiarization and research into the properties of materials. The answers to open-ended questions reveal a lack of time to deal with material issues and the students' desire to do crafts rather than deal with theoretical material issues. Finally, the possibilities of material-driven craft pedagogy for the development of material competence are considered. Keywords: crafts, materials, material competence, core content

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. S887-S887
Matthew Enriquez ◽  
Jonathan Lio ◽  
David Pitrak ◽  
Renslow Sherer

Abstract Background There have been few studies performed or guidelines made to address which topics in Infectious Diseases (ID) should be essential for medicine residents to learn during their training for their future practice of clinical medicine. Furthermore, when residents rotate on ID specialty electives, rarely is there formalized, standardized instruction tailored to residents. Thus, the purpose of this project is to define which core topics in ID residents should focus on learning during their training as pertains to clinical practice rather than for simply passing Internal Medicine (IM) board exams, which many programs tend to instead use as a guide for teaching ID content. Methods An online survey was designed and distributed to the faculty of the University of Chicago Medicine (UChicago) IM and ID sections. The survey was 8 questions, one of which was to rank 28 topics in ID on a modified 5-point Likert scale (1 = “absolutely unimportant;” 5 = “absolutely essential”) with regards to importance for a resident to practice general medicine. A cutoff for inclusion was ≥ 4.0 (moderate importance) and ≥ 25% of the faculty ranking the topic as absolutely essential. Open-ended feedback was encouraged and evaluated via a semi-structured evaluation. Results The survey was distributed to the 88 attendings in the UChicago ID and general IM sections. The response rates were 85% (ID) and 44% (IM). Ten of the 28 topics were ranked ≥ 4.0 (moderate importance) and had ≥ 25% of the faculty designate the topic as absolutely essential (Figure 1). Open-ended feedback included to focus on value-based care, to include Infection Control, and to focus on areas not taught in other aspects of their residency curriculum such as in their outpatient rotations. A majority (61%) indicated that 2–5 hours of structured teaching (lectures, online modules, etc.) would be most appropriate during a 2-week ID specialty rotation. Conclusion This project defined the core topics in ID that medicine residents should focus on learning during their training. The next step will be a needs-assessment to survey baseline resident knowledge of the above topics. The ultimate the goal will be to design, deliver, and evaluate an ID curriculum that focuses on teaching this core content. Disclosures All authors: No reported disclosures.

Computers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 65
Angeliki Leonardou ◽  
Maria Rigou ◽  
Aliki Panagiotarou ◽  
John Garofalakis

Educational games and digital game-based learning (DGBL) provide pupils interactive, engaging, intelligent, and motivating learning environments. According to research, digital games can support students’ learning and enhance their motivation to learn. Given the central role teachers play in the learning process, their perceptions of DGBL play a significant role in the usage and effectiveness of game-based learning. This paper presents the main findings of an online research on primary school teachers’ attitudes toward DGBL. Furthermore, the research investigates teachers’ opinions about the functionalities provided by the implemented Multiplication Game (MG) and the newly incorporated teacher dashboard. The MG is an assessment and skills improvement tool that integrates an adaptation mechanism that identifies student weaknesses on the multiplication tables and in its latest version also supports a strong social parameter. Students can be informed about their own progress as well as the progress of their peers in an effort to examine if social interaction or competition can increase players’ motivation, which is a subject that raised some concerns in the teaching community. The paper describes the functional options offered by the MG dashboard and documents the outcomes of an online survey conducted with the participation of 182 primary school teachers. The survey indicated the potential usefulness of MG and the benefits it can offer as a learning tool to improve pupil multiplication skills and help teachers identify individual pupil skills and difficulties and adapt their teaching accordingly. The analysis applied has found a correlation between teachers’ perceptions about MG and their view on using digital games in general.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 142
Sukarman Sukarman Sukarman ◽  
Subaidi Subaidi Subaidi ◽  
Azzah Nor Laila

<p>Dalam rangka mengontrol perilaku dan perkembangan anak pada usia pendidikan dasar, perlu adanya sinergitas serta komunikasi antara pihak sekolah dengan orangtua. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis program konseling dalam mengontrol perilaku siswa Sekolah Dasar Unggulan Terpadu Bumi Kartini Jepara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan penelitia lapangan melalui wawancara, observasi langsung dalam implementasi program konseling. Hasil temuan  penelitian menunjukkan ada tiga program konseling yang dilaksanakan di Sekolah Dasar Unggulan Terpadu Bumi Kartini Jepara. <em>Pertama, </em>konseling secara individu yang dilakukan guru kelas dengan siswa. Program ini dilakukan sesuai kebutuhan pada waktu kondisional. <em>Kedua, </em>konseling bulanan antara guru kelas dengan orangtua siswa. Jadwal pelaksanaan setiap hari Jum’at pada akhir bulan. K<em>etiga, </em>program layanan <em>parenting </em>bersama orangtua siswa setiap akhir semester. Program parenting dilakukan dalam bentuk variatif seperti seminar, sarasehan, <em>gathering</em>, dengan tema berbeda setiap semester. <em>Parenting </em>merupakan media <em>update</em> dan sharing informasi tentang perkembangan sikap anak dengan fasilitator ahli. Media komunikasi penunjang konseling adalah grup <em>whatsapp </em>orang tua siswa, guru, pimpinan sekolah, dan buku konseling tentang catatan masalah beserta hasil konseling.<em><br /><br />In order to control the behavior, attitudes, and development of children in the age of basic education, there needs to be synergy and communication between stakeholder of the school and parents. This study aims to analyze counseling programs in controlling the behavior of students of Integrated Primary School Bumi Kartini Jepara. The research method used descriptive qualitative. In collecting data using field research through interviews, direct observation in the implementation of counseling programs. The results of the study are three counseling programs carried out at the Integrated Primary School Bumi Kartini Jepara. The first, individual counseling by class teachers with students. This program is carried out as needed in conditional time. The second, monthly counseling between class teachers and parents. Implementation schedule every Friday at the end of the month. The third, parenting service program with parents of students at the end of each semester. The parenting program is carried out in various methods such as seminars, parent class, gatherings, with different themes every semester. Parenting is a medium for updating and sharing information about the development of children's attitudes with expert facilitators. There are communication media in order to supporting counseling program, such as WhatsApp group of parents, teachers, school leaders, and counseling books about the problem notes and the results of counseling.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 637
Tomas Astrauskas ◽  
Tomas Januševičius ◽  
Raimondas Grubliauskas

Studies on recycled materials emerged during recent years. This paper investigates samples’ sound absorption properties for panels fabricated of a mixture of paper sludge (PS) and clay mixture. PS was the core material. The sound absorption was measured. We also consider the influence of an air gap between panels and rigid backing. Different air gaps (50, 100, 150, 200 mm) simulate existing acoustic panel systems. Finally, the PS and clay composite panel sound absorption coefficients are compared to those for a typical commercial absorptive ceiling panel. The average sound absorption coefficient of PS-clay composite panels (αavg. in the frequency range from 250 to 1600 Hz) was up to 0.55. The resulting average sound absorption coefficient of panels made of recycled (but unfinished) materials is even somewhat higher than for the finished commercial (finished) acoustic panel (αavg. = 0.51).

Catalysts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
Christian Zambrzycki ◽  
Runbang Shao ◽  
Archismita Misra ◽  
Carsten Streb ◽  
Ulrich Herr ◽  

Core-shell materials are promising functional materials for fundamental research and industrial application, as their properties can be adapted for specific applications. In particular, particles featuring iron or iron oxide as core material are relevant since they combine magnetic and catalytic properties. The addition of an SiO2 shell around the core particles introduces additional design aspects, such as a pore structure and surface functionalization. Herein, we describe the synthesis and application of iron-based core-shell nanoparticles for two different fields of research that is heterogeneous catalysis and water purification. The iron-based core shell materials were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, as well as N2-physisorption, X-ray diffraction, and vibrating-sample magnetometer measurements in order to correlate their properties with the performance in the target applications. Investigations of these materials in CO2 hydrogenation and water purification show their versatility and applicability in different fields of research and application, after suitable individual functionalization of the core-shell precursor. For design and application of magnetically separable particles, the SiO2 shell is surface-functionalized with an ionic liquid in order to bind water pollutants selectively. The core requires no functionalization, as it provides suitable magnetic properties in the as-made state. For catalytic application in synthesis gas reactions, the SiO2-stabilized core nanoparticles are reductively functionalized to provide the catalytically active metallic iron sites. Therefore, Fe@SiO2 core-shell nanostructures are shown to provide platform materials for various fields of application, after a specific functionalization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 272
Outi Haatainen ◽  
Jaakko Turkka ◽  
Maija Aksela

To understand how integrated science education (ISE) can be transferred into successful classroom practices, it is important to understand teachers’ perceptions and self-efficacy. The focus of this study is twofold: (1) to understand how teachers perceive ISE and (2) to assess if science teachers’ perceptions of and experiences with integrated education correlate with their views on self-efficacy in relation to ISE. Ninety-five Finnish science teachers participated in an online survey study. A mixed method approach via exploratory factor analysis and data-driven content analysis was used. Self-efficacy emerged as a key factor explaining teachers’ perceptions of and their lack of confidence in implementing ISE as well as their need for support. In addition, teachers regarded ISE as a relevant teaching method, but challenging to implement, and teachers primarily applied integrated approaches irregularly and seldom. Furthermore, teachers’ experiences with integrated activities and collaboration correlated with their views on integrated education and self-efficacy. These findings indicate teachers need support to better understand and implement ISE.

CrystEngComm ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (46) ◽  
pp. 8036-8044
Jannis Wehmeier ◽  
Markus Haase

is an interesting shell material for β-NaREF4 particles of the lighter lanthanides (RE = Ce, Pr, Nd), as variation of its strontium content x allows to vary its lattice parameters and match those of the core material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 112
Rubén Fernández Álvarez ◽  
José Fernández

This research focuses on the design, construction, and validation of a questionnaire that seeks to analyse the perception of the landscape amongst undergraduates studying for a Degree in Primary School Teaching at Salamanca University. The process has involved using both qualitative and quantitative techniques to test the content’s validity and the construct’s reliability and suitability through the participation of a panel of expert judges and a sample of 432 subjects. This has been followed by the introduction of an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of the data provided by the cohort that has led to a study of the questionnaire’s core characteristics, a reduction in its size, and the validation of its pertinence.

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