scholarly journals Hubungan Pengetahuan K3 dengan Hasil Praktikum Mahasiswa di Workshop Konstruksi Teknik Sipil FT UNP

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 133
Nurhasan Syah ◽  
Jonni Mardizal ◽  
Fitra Rifwan ◽  
Zulkifli Gusti Arianto

This research aims to (1) know how much knowledge of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Students of the Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering of Padang State University class of 2019, (2) Know how high the results of OHS practices Students of the Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Of Padang State University class of 2019, (3) know the relationship of OHS knowledge with the results of student practice in the Construction Workshop of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Padang State University. This research is a correlational descriptive study. Instrument validation is tested with expert judgement and score percentage to assess data and analysis of question items. The results showed that (1) ohs knowledge of students of the Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Padang State University class of 2019 fall into the high category. The results of the analysis of the data that has been done, obtained a percentage score of 80.94%. This shows that Students of the Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Padang State University class of 2019 have a high basic knowledge of OHS, (2) The results of practicum students of the Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Padang State University class of 2019 fall into the high category. The results of the data analysis that has been done, obtained a high percentage score of 81.25%, (3) there is a significant positive relationship between ohs knowledge and the results of student practicum at the Civil Engineering Workshop of the Faculty of Engineering of Padang State University. This is indicated by a correlation coefficient of pearson product moment of 0.483 and fall into the moderate category.

Jurnal PenSil ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Nur Dewi Ratih ◽  
Dadang Suyadi ◽  
Santoso Sri Handoyo

The objective of this study to know there is do not it him difference of learning achievement between students who participate and who did not participate in Student Association Hima in the Departement of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, State University of. The place of research at Departement of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta in June-July 2012.This research uses survey methods with documentation.. The sample in this study a number of 60 students. The result of the research is found the difference of learning achievement between students who participate and who did not participate Hima in Civil Engineering. Matter of this means deciphrable research result that learning achievement from students who participate better than students who did not participate Hima in Civil Engineering

Jurnal PenSil ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-175
Yudhi Tri Pratama ◽  
Tuti Iriani ◽  
Amos Neolaka

This research aims to determine the relationship between student’s basic skill of teaching during Teaching Apprenticeship Program (PPL) at the Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering – State University of Jakarta and the results of learning process at vocational school majoring in building engineering. The research was conducted in nine vocational schools majoring in building engineering in the second semester – school year 2011/2012. The method used is surveying with the correlation approach, student’s basic skill of teaching data obtained from 240 samples PPL using Likert questionnaire that had been tested its model of validity and reliability. Validation is done by analyzing each item of proble; while reliability is obtained by using a formula that produces alpha r of 0.971 with the interpretation criteria is very high. Preparation of hypothesis testing is using regression done by generating a regression equation Y = 37.493 + 0.238 x. Hypothesis testing is done by t test and obtained tcount> Ttable with α = 0.05 (8.65> 1.651). Further, testing of correlation coefficient (rxy) with Product Moment formula obtained rxy = 0.489, the value shows the pattern of relationships was quite variable. The result of calculation of the coefficient of determination (rxy2) is 0.239. This means that the students' vocational 23.90% influenced by teaching students the basic skills of PPL. Thus the study concluded there is a relationship between teaching students the basic skills of the Field Experience Program (PPL) Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta on vocational students' basic skills in the areas of teaching expertise

2020 ◽  
pp. 248-260
Irina SUVOROVA ◽  

The study aims to identify the hierarchy of value dominants in the axiosphere of the Karelian Arctic residents, which has developed under the influence of natural, social, economic, and cultural-historical factors. The methodology used is complex and includes sociological, economic questionnaires, focus groups, and in-depth interviews. The study’s cameral stage is based on an analysis of the empirical stage results conducted during a comprehensive scientific expedition of scientists of Petrozavodsk State University to two Arctic regions of Karelia in the summer of 2019. The most important in the study is the cross-cultural approach, based on comparing the results of a survey of respondents - the Karelian Arctic residents with the “general cultural profile” of S. Schwartz and identifying the level of validity of the applied psychological methodology. During the study, the author’s hypothesis about features in the axiological preferences of the inhabitants of the Arctic zone at the level of dominant indicators is confirmed. At the stage of analysis and synthesis of the empirical stage results, the relationship of preserving human capital in the Arctic regions of Karelia with the identified value dominants of residents’ health and safety is established. Special attention is paid to the influence of the current socio-cultural situation on the formation of the axiosphere of the inhabitants of the Arctic zone, and the conclusion is also made about the need for an integrated scientific approach in determining the prospects for the development of society in the Arctic regions.

Bekti Wulandari

This research was conducted to describe planning, implementation, and evaluation of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in laboratory and workshop of Electronic Engineering and Informatics Department FT UNY. This research is a non-experimental quantitative research with descriptive approach method. Descriptive research is a study conducted on independent variables, without making comparisons or connecting with other variables, especially regarding OHS. This study aims to obtain information or description of OHS in the laboratory and workshop of Electronic Engineering and Informatics Department, Engineering Faculty, Yogyakarta State University. This research is only limited to describe that found in data retrieval. The results of this study indicate that the OHS System in the laboratory and workshop of Electronic Engineering and Information Technology Department of Engineering Faculty, Yogyakarta State University still needs to be improved. OHS planning in those places still needs to be improved to achieve effectiveness. Meanwhile, the implementation of OHS in the laboratory and workshop still needs to be improved. While the evaluation of OHS in the laboratory and workshop needs to be done continuously. In addition, it can be included that the factors of administration, supervision, and improvement of OHS culture needs to be done in order to achieve a systematic OHS Management System.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
M. A. Rodionov ◽  
I. V. Akimova

In the submitted study the problem of the formation of financial literacy of students at informatics lessons and relevant training of future informatics teachers is considered. Financial literacy is understood as a set of basic knowledge in the field of finance, banking, insurance, as well as budgeting for personal finances that allow a person to choose the right financial product or service, soberly assess and take risks that may arise during the use of these products, correctly accumulate savings and identify doubtful (fraudulent) investment schemes. The authors conclude that successful development of meaningful lines of the course of financial literacy requires integration of a few school subjects, such as mathematics, history, informatics, social science and literature. The role of modern informatics teacher in the formation of financial literacy of students is great. Therefore, in the training of a future informatics teacher, it should be paid the attention to issues related to the study of elements of financial literacy in informatics lessons. In order to solve the problem, the authors propose to use the special course “Basics of work in 1С:Enterprise”, which is implemented at Penza State University. The article contains a program of the course and the methodological recommendations for its implementation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Catur Hary Wibawa

Abstract This research aims to reveal 1. the condition of older people who lives in Plosokerep Shleter, 2. the psychological condition of older people in Plosokerep Shelter, 3. the social condition of older people in Plosokerep Shelter, 4. the relationship of physical condition experienced by older people with their functional disabilities in Plosokerep Shelter, 5. the relationship of psychological condition experienced by older people with their functional disabilities in Plosokerep Shleter, 6. to know the relatonship of social condition experienced by older people with their functional disabilities in Plosokerep Shelter. The research method used is explanatory-analytic correlational design, to examine the relationship of factors: Physical (X1 variable), Psychological (X2), and social (X3) with older people functional disabilities (Y variable) descriptive survey used explanatory-analytic correlational design. Data collection carried out through questionnaire. Research data analysis used descriptive statistic technique with Spearman test statistic. The result showed that: 1. some older people in Plosokerep shleter have high physical condition and the rest of them in the low physical condition category, 2. from the psychological condition some of older people are in high category, 3. Social condition experienced by older people who live in shelter are in high category, 4. The relationship of physical condition experienced by older people in the shelter with functional disabilities even though there is a correlation but not significant, 5. the relationship of psychological condition experienced by older people in shleter with functional disabilities even though there is a correlation but not significant, 6. the relationship of social condition experienced by older people in the shelter with functional disabilities even though there is a correlation but not significant, 7. the relationship of Physical, psychological and social condition together with functional disabilities even though there is a correlation but not significant.Keywords: physical, psychological, and social condition, functional disabilities, older people Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan: 1. Mengetahui kondisi fisik lanjut usia yang ada di shelter Plosokerep, 2. Mengetahui kondisi psikologis lanjut usia yang ada di shelter Plosokerep, 3. Mengetahui kondisi sosial lanjut usia yang ada di shelter Plosokerep, 4. Mengetahui hubungan kondisi fisik yang dialami lanjut usia dengan disabilitas fungsionalnya selama tinggal di shelter Plosokerep, 5. Mengetahui hubungan kondisi psikologis yang dialami lanjut usia dengan disabilitas fungsionalnya selama tinggal di shelter Plosokerep, 6. Mengetahui hubungan kondisi sosial yang dialami lanjut usia dengan disabilitas fungsionalnya selama tinggal di shelter Plosokerep.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah disain korelasional eksplanatori-analitis, yaitu untuk menguji hubungan antara faktor-faktor: fisik (variabel X1), psikologis (X2), dan sosial (X3) dengan disabilitas fungsional lanjut usia (variabel Y)survey deskriptif dengan menggunakan disain penelitian korelasional eksplanatori-analitis. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan teknik Statistik deskriptif, dengan statistik uji Spearman.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1. Sebagian lanjut usia di shelter pengungsian Plosokerep memiliki kondisi fisik kategori tinggi, dan sebagian lagi berada dalam kondisi fisik kategori rendah, 2. Dilihat dari kondisi psikologis, sebagian besar lanjut usia berada dalam kategori tinggi, 3. Kondisi sosial yang dialami lanjut usia selama berada di shelter pengungsian, sebagian besar juga berada dalam kategori tinggi, 4. Hubungan kondisi fisik yang dialami lanjut usia selama berada di shelter pengungsian dengan disabilitas fungsional, meskipun terdapat korelasi tetapi tidak signifikan, 5. Hubungan kondisi psikologis yang dialami lanjut usia selama berada di shelter pengungsian dengan disabilitas fungsional, meskipun terdapat korelasi tetapi tidak signifikan, 6. Hubungan kondisi sosial yang dialami lanjut usia selama berada di shelter pengungsian dengan disabilitas fungsional, meskipun terdapat korelasi tetapi tidak signifikan, 7. Hubungan kondisi fisik, psikologis, dan sosial secara bersama-sama dengan disabilitas fungsional, meskipun terdapat korelasi tetapi tidak signifikan.Kata kunci:  disabilitas fungsional, kondisi fisik, psikologis, dan sosial, lanjut usia

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-154
Mikhail V. DUTSEV

The article is devoted to the reality of the modern historical city in the totality of the actual values of the valuable heritage, traces of the past, mental codes, archetypal images and the memory of civilization. The place of history in today’s socio-cultural fi eld and in the professional context is not clearly defi ned. Together with the understanding of the need to preserve the heritage, traces and memory of the past, there are global trends that mediate the features of the glocal in architecture. However, even this compromise cannot fully demonstrate the complexity of the historical city viability. According to the author, it is necessary to search for reasons that sometimes appear outside the material reality, but address directly to the spiritual world and mental space of a person, which is the main purpose of the article. The emphasis is placed on the artistic dimension of environmental realities, which allows us to determine the living connections of history and modernity on the basis of the author’s concept of artc integration. The article is illustrated by some results of cooperation between the Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and the Polytechnic University of Milan (Politecnico di Milano) in the fi eld of reconstruction and renovation of historically valuable territories and author’s photographs.

1995 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-156 ◽  
Mary D. Walling ◽  
Joan L. Duda

This study examined the relationship of students’ goal orientation to their beliefs about what leads to success in physical education and perceptions of the purposes of physical education. High school students (N = 144,78 females and 66 males) completed a modified version of the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire and measures of beliefs and perceived purposes specific to physical education class. Results indicated that students high in task orientation were significantly more likely to believe that success is achieved through intrinsic interest/effort/cooperation than were those low in task orientation. High ego-oriented students believed that success is achieved when students possess high ability more so than low ego-oriented students. The high task/low ego students were most likely to reject the notion that success in physical education occurs when students know how to use deceptive tactics and were less likely to perceive that an important function of physical education is to provide an easy class.

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