scholarly journals Fitness Test in Measuring Aerobic Fitness in National Physical Fitness Award (NAPFA) of Secondary Two Students

2015 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-12
Hui Jia CHEN ◽  
Shiying WONG ◽  
Vin Fern Ivy OR ◽  
Chin Hwee Steven QUEK

LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese. This study aims to investigate the correlation between the 2.4 km Run-Walk Test and the Multi-stage Fitness Test (MST) in measuring aerobic fitness in the National Physical Fitness Award (NAPFA) of Secondary 2 students in Singapore. 187 Secondary 2 students (age 14 years) of a mixed gender secondary school were recruited for the study. Subjects performed the 2.4 km Run-Walk Test and the MST. The VO2 max level obtained from both tests were compared using the Pearson correlation coefficient analysis and Paired-sample t-test. Pearson correlation coefficient analysis shows that the predicted VO2 max from the two tests share a strong positive correlation with r=0.78. However, Paired-sample t-test shows that VO2 max predicted by the 2.4 km Run-Walk test is significantly (t = 13.82, p < 0.05) greater (mean = 36.70 L/min, SD = 4.32) than that predicted by MST (mean = 33.60 L/min, SD = 4.91). Results of the present study suggest that both the MST and 2.4 km Run-Walk test can measure aerobic fitness of 14-year old participants for NAPFA. In unfavourable weather, the MST can replace the 2.4 km Run-Walk Test. Further research can be done to enhance the test setting and environmental factors, as well as to include subjects of other age groups and ethnicities, to obtain a more holistic perspective on the interchangeability of the two tests for NAPFA assessment. 本文旨在探討2.4公里耐力跑與20米每分鐘遞增速度往返跑測驗(簡稱20米往返跑)在新加坡全國體能測驗中測試中二學生 心肺功能的關係。本研究對187名男女同校的中二學生(14歲)進行2.4公里耐力跑與20米往返跑。接著,從這兩項測驗中預測 學生最大吸氧量,採用積差相關係數與相依樣本T鑒定進行檢驗。積差相關係數顯示2.4 公里耐力跑與20米往返跑預測的最大 吸氧量正相關(r=0.78)。相依樣本T鑒定顯示2.4公里耐力跑預測的最大吸氧量顯然(t=13.82,p<0.05) 高於(mean=36.70 L/min, SD=4.32)20米往返跑預測的最大吸氧量 (mean=33.60 L/min, SD=4.91)。研究結果顯示,2.4公里耐力跑與20米往返跑可用於新 加坡全國體能測驗,是測試新加坡中二學生心肺功能的可靠方法。若天氣不佳,20米往返跑可取代2.4公里耐力跑。為了在現有 的基礎上加強實驗的整體設定,以及減少環境因素造成的影響,可以進行更深入調查。其外,也可以從不同年齡和種族背景方面 擴大研究物件,從一個更全面的角度研究並分析這兩種測驗在新加坡全國體能測驗的可替換性。

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Fereidoun Jahangir ◽  
Esmaeil Kavi ◽  
Behnam Masmouei ◽  
Mohammad-Rafi Bazrafshan ◽  
Hamed Delam ◽  

Background: Diabetes is a global epidemic with serious complication and there is a clear need for paying special attention to self-management as the cornerstone to optimal control of the disease. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the self-management status and its correlation to disease control indicators in people with diabetes. Methods: In a descriptive cross-sectional study, 220 patients were selected from the list of the referred patients available in Lamerd public health network from December 2014 to June 2015. In the first step, data about demographic information and disease control were collected from the patients’ records. In the second step, the self-management status of each patient was assessed by the Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire developed by Schmitt et al. To analyze the data, independent sample t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient were used. Results: The mean age of the male and female participants was 56.43 ± 13.50 and 56.46 ± 10.49 years old, respectively. The mean duration of the disease was 6.67 ± 4.72 years for men and 7.07 ± 5.30 years for women. Twenty-one (25.9%) men and 60 (43.7%) women had a history of smoking. The results of the Pearson correlation coefficient showed that there was an inverse and statistically significant relationship between diabetes self-management status and weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, glucose tolerance test (GTT), LDL, and cholesterol. The results of the t-test did not show significant differences between the level of HbA1C (HbA1C7) and self-management scores of the patients (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Patients with better self-management status were in a better disease control condition with respect to weight, BMI, waist circumference, GTT, LDL, and cholesterol levels. Special attention to the control and management of LDL, cholesterol, HbA1C, BMI, and blood pressure levels is recommended in planning for these patients.

Yashpal Singh ◽  
Anchal Brar ◽  
Khurshid A Mattoo ◽  
Manas Singh ◽  
Puneet Raj Singh Khurana ◽  

ABSTRACT Purpose To determine the variations in average distances between various facial landmarks used to determine the vertical dimension of rest and occlusion among dentulous and edentulous subjects. Besides determining the reliability of these facial measurements against commonly used Chin-Nose distance, this study would also compare the difference between cephalometric landmarks (anterior nasal Spine-Menton) with the Chin-Nose distance (Niswonger's method). Materials and methods To standardize the measurement and minimize errors associated with observer and subject movement, a novel instrument was designed in the form of an apparatus and was named as subject and device stabilizing apparatus (SDSA). One hundred and twenty subjects, in the age group of 30 to 60 years, were selected and divided into two equal groups which were further subdivided into subgroups. Measurements were recorded with the help of a digital vernier that was attached to the apparatus. The various facial measure- ments studied were Pupil-Stomion, Glabella-Subnasion, Pupil-Pupil and Angle-Angle both at rest and in occlusion. These measurements were then compared with Chin-Nose and anterior nasal Spine-Menton distance. Differences between the dentulous and edentulous subjects at rest and at occlusion were noted and statistically analyzed using unpaired ‘t’ test and Karl Pearson correlation coefficient. Results Among the six measurements Chin-Nose, Glabella- Subnasion, Pupil-Stomion and anterior nasal Spine-Menton were closely associated between dentulous and edentulous subjects both at rest and at occlusion. Among all facial and cephalometric measurement the facial parameter of Pupil- Stomion illustrates the least deviation in edentulous (1.318) and dentulous (1.381) subjects at rest, whereas anterior nasal Spine-Menton displays least deviation in edentulous (2.751) and dentulous (1.224) subjects at occlusion. Conclusion The average facial measurements in dentulous subjects were more than measurements in edentulous subjects and among various facial measurements, Pupil-Stomion and anterior nasal Spine-Menton distance can be used clinically as a guide to verify vertical dimension of occlusion. How to cite this article Brar A, Mattoo KA, Singh Y, Singh M, Khurana PRS, Singh M. Clinical Reliability of Different Facial Measurements in Determining Vertical Dimension of Occlusion in Dentulous and Edentulous Subjects. Int J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2014;4(3):68-77.

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Baker Sulaiman Thuneibat

This study aims to identify the impact of electromagnetic waves at the full moon on some physiological changes among the students of the Faculty of Sport Sciences at Mu'tah University. The study sample consisted of  20 students from the Faculty of Sport Sciences at Mu'tah University. Many statistical methods have been used in order to answer the questions of the study (Means, standard deviations, T-Test Independent Samples, Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of (T-Test Independent Samples) for the significance of the pre and post difference showed that there are   statistically significant differences for the variables of (heart pulse, blood glucose, systolic pressure and diastolic pressure). The results of  Pearson correlation coefficient test for the pre and post measurement also showed  that there are statistically significant differences for the physiological variable of (blood glucose) with regard to the variable of age. The study recommended not to rely on the reading of  the  heart pulse during the days of the full moon as an indicator of the heart pulse, especially for females. The study also recommends to conduct similar studies in different places of hot and cold  climates or high and low altitudes .

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 252 ◽  
Cagatay Dereceli

This study aims to examine studying approaches of the students of physical education and school of physical and sports according to various variables. The data of the study conducted in the general scanning model has been collected from 478 students in 2016-2017 teaching year. Studying Approaches Scale has been used to collect data. Besides complementary statistics, t test, multdimensional variance analysis (MANOVA) and Pearson correlation coefficient has been used while analysing the data. It's seen that studying approaches of these students continue on indecision level. Additionaly, it's seen that they don't show significant differences in terms of gender, grade, department according to the data collected with the scale. There hasn't been found a notable link with studying approaches and success either.

2020 ◽  
Simone Morselli ◽  
Alexander Domnich ◽  
Arcangelo Sebastianelli ◽  
Chiara Bucchi ◽  
Pietro Spatafora ◽  

BACKGROUND Health sciences are steadily developing apps to help people to have a correct lifestyle and, in case of chronic diseases, to help physicians to follow their patients. However, a proper validated tool to evaluate patients’ perception of apps’ usefulness, graphic and comfort to use it still lacks in many languages. At present time, there is an English validated questionnaire called User Version of the Mobile Application Rating Scale (uMARS). OBJECTIVE Aim of the study is to translate and validate uMARS in Italian. METHODS uMARS questionnaire have been translated into Italian by an official translator from English. Then, questionnaire has been administrated to 100 smartphone users to evaluate the same App at time 0 and at time 1 (after 2 weeks). Paired t test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient,Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICCs) and Cronbach’s Alpha were used to evaluate Italian uMARS reliability and validity. RESULTS Subjects were 100, 52 male (52%) and 48 females (48%). Mean age was 22.8 (SD: 3.4). All the enrolled subjects answered to all questions both at time 0 and at time 1. Paired t test showed no statistically significant difference for each answer or answers group between time 0 and 1 (P>0.05). In detail, higher variability was observed for question E20, regarding the subjective evaluation of the app: “What is your overall (star) rating of the app?” T0 mean 3.7 (SD: 0.8) vs T1 mean 3.6 (SD:1.0) p=0.089. The lower variability was observed in the Information Section for question D16 “Credibility of source: does the information within the app seem to come from a credible source? “, T0 mean 3.6 (SD:1.1) T1 mean 3.6 (SD: 1.1) p=1.000. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.945, as all patients answered to all questions. Each question was furtherly assessed through Pearson correlation coefficient, which demonstrated high reliability, with significant P (<0.05) and Pearson Coefficients higher than 0.7. Similarly, ICC, which was always higher than 0.750, confirmed an excellent test-rest reliability. CONCLUSIONS Our results allow the validation of uMARS in Italian language and it may become a reliable and useful tool to evaluate health app

Jurnal Kiprah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-77
Ita Chairun Nissa ◽  
Ade Kurniawan

Dua tantangan utama yang dihadapi oleh mahasiswa calon guru matematika adalah mampu berpikir dan bekerja seperti matematikawan dan memiliki keterampilan komunikasi, interaksi, dan kerjasama yang baik. Implikasi dari tantangan-tantangan ini adalah pentingnya untuk memiliki pendekatan pembelajaran yang dapat mendukung keduanya. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur efektivitas pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan bermain peran terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini adalah suatu quasi- experimental research dengan non-equivalent control group posttest only design. Populasi sebanyak 42 mahasiswa dibagi ke dalam kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol. Kelompok eksperimen diperlakukan dengan pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan bermain peran sedangkan kelompok kontrol hanya diperlakukan dengan pembelajaran berbasis masalah saja. Analisa data penelitian ini antara lain; (1) pengujian validitas tes menurut ahli, (2) pengujian reliabilitas tes dengan pearson correlation coefficient, (3) pengujian normalitas data melalui interpretasi skewness dan kurtosis, (4) pengujian homogenitas data dengan F-test, dan (5) pengujian hipotesis dengan t-test. Semua pengujian data dilakukan menggunakan analysis toolpak pada Microsoft Excel. Hasil pengujian hipotesis dengan t-test  menunjukkan bahwa thitung = 7.64 > ttabel = 1.68 yang artinya Ho ditolak pada α = 0.05. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan bermain peran efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa. Kata kunci: Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah; Bermain Peran; Hasil Belajar

2018 ◽  
Vol 226 (3) ◽  
pp. 13-38
Assist. Prof. Dr. Jabbar Wadi Bahidh ◽  
Assist. Pror. Dr. Mahmood Shaker Abdul-razak

       The current research aims to know the nature of the relationship between the research variables: the Occupational competence of educational counselors and their relationship to empathy and openness to experience.         The research sample was (200) educational counselors from Educational Baghdad (Karkh and Rusafa). It has been applied measurements of (Occupational competence, empathy, and openness to experience). Using the Pearson correlation coefficient and the t-test, Positive correlations are statistically significant (Occupational competence), empathy (and openness to experience).

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-53
Vicente Benavides-Córdoba ◽  
Mauricio Palacios Gómez

Introduction: Animal models have been used to understand the pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension, to describe the mechanisms of action and to evaluate promising active ingredients. The monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension model is the most used animal model. In this model, invasive and non-invasive hemodynamic variables that resemble human measurements have been used. Aim: To define if non-invasive variables can predict hemodynamic measures in the monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension model. Materials and Methods: Twenty 6-week old male Wistar rats weighing between 250-300g from the bioterium of the Universidad del Valle (Cali - Colombia) were used in order to establish that the relationships between invasive and non-invasive variables are sustained in different conditions (healthy, hypertrophy and treated). The animals were organized into three groups, a control group who was given 0.9% saline solution subcutaneously (sc), a group with pulmonary hypertension induced with a single subcutaneous dose of Monocrotaline 30 mg/kg, and a group with pulmonary hypertension with 30 mg/kg of monocrotaline treated with Sildenafil. Right ventricle ejection fraction, heart rate, right ventricle systolic pressure and the extent of hypertrophy were measured. The functional relation between any two variables was evaluated by the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: It was found that all correlations were statistically significant (p <0.01). The strongest correlation was the inverse one between the RVEF and the Fulton index (r = -0.82). The Fulton index also had a strong correlation with the RVSP (r = 0.79). The Pearson correlation coefficient between the RVEF and the RVSP was -0.81, meaning that the higher the systolic pressure in the right ventricle, the lower the ejection fraction value. Heart rate was significantly correlated to the other three variables studied, although with relatively low correlation. Conclusion: The correlations obtained in this study indicate that the parameters evaluated in the research related to experimental pulmonary hypertension correlate adequately and that the measurements that are currently made are adequate and consistent with each other, that is, they have good predictive capacity.

I Putu Eka Jaya ◽  
Nyoman Mangku Karmaya ◽  
Made Jawi ◽  
Wayan Weta ◽  
Ida Bagus Ngurah ◽  

Physical fitness is ability to perform the activity or activities without feeling tired excessively. Physical fitness associated with a person`s organs to carry out its tasks properly every day without experiencing significant fatigue. In a child’s mental retardation with a les mobile lifestyle that will affect his physical fitness. The purpose of this study to determine which type of gymnastic exercise better to the physical fitness on the students in Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa Kuncup Bunga Denpasar.This research used experimental method using Randomized study Pre and Post Test Group Design. The subjects in this study were students in Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa Kuncup Bunga Denpasar. There were 18 students which is divided into two groups: group-1 is senam penguins and group-2 is senam ria anak Indonesia. Data were obtained after a six-week training analyzed by paired t-test and unpaired t-test.The results of physical fitness test before training with Senam Penguins was 23.39 ± 1.69 and the test results after the training was 27.87 ± 3.28. the physical fitness test in group-2 before training with Senam Ria anak Indonesia was 22.69 ± 1.76 and the results after training was 24.64 ± 2.11. Paired t-test in both group before and after training showed significant differences after training in group-1 and group-2 with a value of p > 0.05 with an increase in physical fitness test results of (19.15) in group-1 and (8.64) in group-2. The percentage increase physical fitness test results of group-1 with senam penguins is higher than those in group-2 with senam ria anak Indonesia.So we can conclude that the training of senam penguin in Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa Kuncup Bunga Denpasar improved the physical fitness test results higher than senam ria anak Indonesia.

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