Fahmi Rifaldi ◽  
Panahatan .

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) mengembangkan media pembelajaran interaktif menggunakan software adobe flash cs6 pada mata pelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik; (2) untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran interaktif pada mata pelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan (research and development). Langkah-langkah pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif ini meliputi : (1) Analisis (Analysis); (2) Perencanaan (Design); (3) Pengembangan (Development); dan (4) Validasi. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan angket yang berisi pertanyaan-pertanyaan. Validasi media melibatkan 4 orang ahli media dan 2 orang sebagai pengguna (uji coba awal). Hasil uji awal coba oleh  pengguna berdasarkan pada indikator Panduan, indikator Materi Multimedia, indikator Evaluasi, indikator Desain dan Fasilitas Media memperoleh skor rata-rata 4,75 (Sangat Layak). Hasil validasi ahli media berdasarkan panduan informasi, kinerja program,  dan sistematika memperoleh skor rata-rata 4,69 (Sangat Layak). Berdasarkan seluruh hasil yang penelitian yang disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran interaktif sangat layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik di SMK Negeri 13 Medan. Kata Kunci : Media Pembelajaran Interaktif, Adobe Flash CS6 AbstractEnglish translation. English translation. This aims research to: (1) develop interactive learning media using adobe flash cs6 software on electrical lighting installation subjects; (2) to find out the feasibility of interactive learning media in the subjects of electrical lighting installations. This research uses research and development methods. The steps of developing this interactive learning medium include: (1) Analysis; (2) Planning (Design); (3) Development; and (4) Validation. The data collection method in this study uses questionnaires that contain questions. Media validation involves 4 media experts and 2 people as users (initial trial). The results of the initial trial by users based on the Guide indicator, Multimedia Materials indicator, Evaluation indicator, Design indicator and Media Facility obtained an average score of 4.75 (Very Feasible). Media expert validation results based on information guidance, program performance, and systematics earned an average score of 4.69 (Very Decent). Based on all the results of the research concluded that interactive learning media is very suitable to be used as a learning medium in the subjects of electric lighting installation in SMK Negeri 13 Medan.  Keywords: Interactive Learning Media, Adobe Flash CS6

Factor M ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Muh. Yazid ◽  
Sofia Malinda Herma ◽  
Muh. Husni ◽  
Muh. Sururuddin

This development aims to describe the steps to develop the learning media assisted by Adobe Flash CS6. This research is a type of research and development (R&D), the step are guided by the ADDIE model, namely: (1) Analysis, (2) Desgin, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, (5) Evaluation. The subjects of this study were 15 students of class IV MI NW Sukamulia. The instruments used to measure the feasibility of the learning media being developed is an assessment questionnaire by media experts and material experts, and to determine student responses usingastudent response questionnaires. Based on the results, the score of media experts is 74 and material experts is 46 with an average score of 60 wich is in the very good categorya o it is very feasible to be used as a learning media. While the student responses got score of 74 with the very good category, so it can be said that interactive learning media assisted by Adobe Flash CS6 is very feasible to use.Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan langkah pengembangan media pembelajaran Interaktif Berbantuan Adobe Flash CS6. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development), langkah-langkah penelitian ini berpedoman pada model ADDIE yaitu: (1) Analisis, (2) Desain, (3) Pengembangan, (4) Implementasi, (5) Evaluasi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 15 orang siswa kelas IV MI NW Sukamulia. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur kelayakan Media Pembelajaran yang dikembangkan ini adalah angket penilaian oleh ahli media dan ahli materi, dan untuk mengetahui respon siswa menggunakan angket respon siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan skor dari ahli media sebesar 74 dan ahli materi sebesar 46 dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 60 yang berada pada kategori sangat baik sehingga sangat layak untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Sedangkan respon siswa memperoleh hasil skorsebesar 74 dengan kategori sangat baik, sehingga dapat dikatakan media pembelajaran interaktif berbantuan Adobe Flash CS6 yang dikembangkan sangat layak untuk digunakan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 187-196 ◽  
Ajo Dian Yusandika ◽  
Istihana Istihana ◽  
Erni Susilawati

Abstract: This study aims to develop poster media and find out the feasibility of this learning media. This research uses research and development methods or Research and Development (R & D) conducted in three schools. The development procedure follows the Borg and Gall procedure which can be done more simply by involving 10 main steps, but the researcher only limits the seven stages in this study. The technique of collecting data in this study was using a questionnaire. Based on the results of data analysis after the product was validated by media and material expert validators, the final product produced fulfilled the eligible criteria with an average score of media experts at 89%, material experts at 85%, the attractiveness of students by 83% for the trial small group of 82% and educator responses of 81%. The poster media is worthy of being used as a medium for learning physics. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media poster dan mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D) yang dilakukan di tiga sekolah. Prosedur pengembangan mengikuti prosedur Borg and Gall yang dapat dilakukan dengan lebih sederhana dengan melibatkan 10 langkah utama, tetapi peneliti hanya membatasi pada tujuh tahapan saja pada penelitian ini. Tehnik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan angket. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data setelah produk divalidasi oleh validator ahli media dan materi, produk akhir yang dihasilkan telah memenuhi kriteria layak dengan skor rata-rata dari ahli media sebesar 89%, ahli materi sebesar 85%, hasil kemenarikan peserta didik sebesar 83% untuk uji coba kelompok kecil sebesar 82% dan tanggapan pendidik sebesar 81%. Media poster sudah layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran fisika.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Rika Dewi Indriyani ◽  
Tiwan Tiwan ◽  
Dwi Rahdiyanta

This research aimed to design and assess the feasibility of Adobe Flash aided learning media for CNC Turning subject, specifically for the coordinate system topic. The research was a research and development study using the Four-D models of development. Four-D model consists of 4 steps, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. The instrument being used on this research was closed questionnaires with 4 choices Likert scale. The questionnaires were validated by expert evaluation. Data were collected from the 32 respondents. Data, which were quantitative and qualitative, were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique. The result shows that the learning media meets the teachers’ and students’ needs and expectation. For the feasibility level, the contents expert gave an average score of 3.37 which can be categorized as “very good”. The expert in media gave an average score of 3.45 which is in the “very good” category. The Teacher of the respective subject gave an average score of 3.38 and is categorized as “very good”. Students respond well with a score of 3.47 were given, which can be categorized as “very good”. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang media pembelajaran berbantuan adobe flash untuk mata pelajaran CNC Turning dengan sistem koordinat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan Four-D Models yang terdiri dari 4 tahap yaitu define, design, develop, dan disseminate. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa angket dengan skala Likert 4 pilihan jawaban. Angket divalidasi oleh ahli evaluasi. Pengambilan data dilakukan kepada 32 responden. Data kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan telah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan tuntutan dari guru dan siswa. Tingkat kelayakan media pembelajaran menurut ahli materi mendapatkan rerata nilai sebesar 3,37 dengan kategori “sangat baik”. Hasil validasi ahli media memperoleh rerata nilai sebesar 3,45 dengan kategori “sangat baik”. Hasil validasi guru pengampu memperoleh rerata nilai sebesar 3,38 dengan kategori “sangat baik”. Berdasarkan penilaian respon siswa diperoleh rerata sebesar 3,47 dengan kategori “sangat baik”.

Desta Lingga Sari ◽  
Missriani Missriani ◽  
Arif Ardiasnyah

This study aims to determine and identify the development of audio-visual media for  news text learning at SMP Negeri 2 Lawang Kidul Tanjung Enim, to find out and identify the results of the validation of audio-visual media for news texts learning for students of SMP Negeri 2 Lawang Kidul Tanjung Enim, and to find out and identify the results of news text learning for students of SMP Negeri 2 Lawang Kidul Tanjung Enim after the application of audio-visual media. The design of audio-visual media for learning news text for students of SMP Negeri 2 Lawang Kidul Tanjung Enim which has been accepted by the experts is feasible to be tested. This study used research and development methods. The research and development steps consist of 10 stages which includes problem identification, data collection, product design (Initial Draft), expert validation, design improvement, small group trials, product revisions, large group trials, product revisions, and final production The results of the validation of media experts, material experts and language experts on the development of audio-visual media products for learning news texts for students at the State Junior High School 2 Lawang Kidul Tanjung Enim are in the very good category. Applied audio-visual media has increased the criteria for being very effective.

Indah Widuri Handayani ◽  
Anggraeni Anggraeni

Tujuan dari penelitian ini, yaitu 1) Menganalisis kebutuhan guru terhadap media Busy Book tema angka untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata pada anak usia dini, 2) Mengetahui prosedur pengembangan media Busy Book tema angka untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata pada anak usia dini, dan 3) Mengetahui hasil validasi ahli terhadap media Busy Book tema angka untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata pada anak usia dini yang dikembangkan oleh penulis.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D) dengan lima tahapan, yaitu: 1) potensi dan masalah, 2) pengumpulan data, 3) desain produk, 4) validasi desain, dan 5) revisi desain.Berdasarkan hasil analisis kebutuhan, menunjukkan bahwa pendidik menghendaki adanya pengembangan media baru yang kreatif, inovatif dan efektif yang dilengkapi dengan permainan kecil di setiap halamannya. Hasil validasi oleh ahli materi mendapat nilai rata-rata keseluruhan 8,5 dengan skor 3 yang berarti media layak untuk digunakan, sedangkan hasil validasi oleh ahli media menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran berbentuk Busy Book mendapat nilai rata-rata keseluruhan 93.9 dengan skor 4 yang berarti media sangat layak untuk digunakan. Media kemudian diperbaiki sesuai saran perbaikan yang diberikan para ahli pada aspek-aspek tertentu.The purpose of this study, namely 1) Analyzing the needs of teachers for the Busy Book media of numerical themes to improve vocabulary mastery in early childhood, 2) Knowing the procedures for developing Busy Book media for numerical themes to improve vocabulary mastery in early childhood, and 3) Knowing the results expert validation of the Busy Book media theme of numbers to improve vocabulary mastery in early childhood developed by the author. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) method with five stages, namely: 1) potential and problems, 2) data collection, 3) product design, 4) design validation, and 5) design revision. Based on the results of the needs analysis, it shows that educators want the development of new, creative, innovative and effective media that are equipped with small games on each page. The results of the validation by the material experts got an overall average score of 8.5 with a score of 3 which means the media was suitable for use, while the results of the validation by the media experts showed that the learning media in the form of Busy Book got an overall average score of 93.9 with a score of 4 which means the media very feasible to use. The media is then repaired according to the suggestions given by experts on certain aspects.

Riky Gunawan Siregar ◽  
Mara Untung ◽  
M. Oky Fardian Gafari

The aims of this study is to find out the effectiveness of Adobe Flash CS5 Learning Media. This research was carried out in Public Senior High School 1 Padang, Bolak 2018/2019 Academic Year. Implementation of treatment (treatment) in the form of learning activities that are tailored to the education calendar. The population of this research and development are students of Public Senior High School 1 Padang Bolak. The result of this study The effectiveness of student learning outcomes tests got an average score of 81% with the criteria of "good" before using Adobe Flash CS5 learning media on learning to write explanatory texts got an average score of 68.7% with the criteria of "enough".

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-47
Dian Puspita Eka Putri ◽  
Ali Muhtadi

Tujuan penelitian adalah(1) mengetahui karakteristik produk multimedia yang layak untuk materi laju reaksi (2) menguji keefektivan produk dalam meningkatkan capaian hasil belajar kognitif. Penelitian dilakukan di kelas XI IPA 3 SMAN 9 Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian R & D dari model Alessi and Trollip. Subjek uji  coba  adalah 3 ahli media dan 3 ahli materi pada uji alpha, 1 guru kimia dan 5 orang siswa pada uji beta, dan 30 siswa pada uji validasi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, angket, dan tes.  Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan perhitungan statistik. Hasil penelitian: (1) produk sangat layak (2) karakteristiknya dapat memvisualisasikan konsep laju reaksi, tersusun atas beberapa jenis media penggunaan dikontrol siswa, memenuhi perbedaan kecepatan belajar, dan dikemas dalam bentuk aplikasi berbasis android. Oleh karena itu, pembelajaran dengan produk yang dihasilkan dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja; (3) produk terbukti efektif dalam meningkatkan capaian hasil belajar kognitif pada materi laju reaksi.Kata kunci: multimedia pembelajaran interaktif, laju reaksi, capaian hasil belajar kognitif DEVELOPING INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA LEARNING CHEMISTRY BASED ON ANDROID WITH MAYER’S PRINCIPLES ON RATE REACTION COURSEAbstractThis study aims to: (1) determine the effectiveness of multimedia products interactive learning based on Android using the principles of Mayer viable in the material reaction rate. (2) test the effectiveness product to improve outcomes cognitive achievement of students in the material rate reaction. This research was conducted in SMAN 9 Yogyakarta by using research and development methods (R & D), followed the model Alessi and Trollip. Subject trials of investigational products were the three experts of media and three experts material on the alpha test, one chemistry teacher and 5 students grade XI students in beta test and 30 students of class XI IPA 3 SMAN 9 Yogyakarta on validity test the effectiveness of the product. The collection of data was done through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests. Data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative and statistical calculations. The results show: (1) the products considered to be feasible, (2) the product has characteristic can visualize the concept of reaction rate, composed of several types of media, the activity can be controlled by students, can meet the student's pace difference, can be installed on android smartphone can be done learn; (3) the product proved effective in raising the achievement of the cognitive learning.Keywords: multimedia interactive learning, rate reaction, cognitive learning outcomes

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Fanny Fashiri ◽  
Nora Susanti

This study aims to know the feasibility of an interactive learning material based on a website that innovated based on BSNP. The research method used Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE models which consist of five stages are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Data collected technique used for feasibility was a questionnaire of BSNP was given to experts lecture. The analysis results of this research are the interactive learning material based on the website was feasible that used questionnaire of BSNP showed a score of the truth, breadth, and depth of concept aspects was 4.66, material and question device aspects was 4.56, language structure aspects was 5.0, display of media aspects was 4.83, software engineering aspects was 4.33, usefulness aspects was 4.66. The average score overall validation of interactive learning material based on the website on the electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution topic was 4.67. The average score overall validation of interactive learning material based on the website on the electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution topic shows that this media is very eligible and can be used in the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
Ignasius Layola Dedy ◽  
Dede Suratman ◽  
Munaldus Munaldus

This study aims to develop a product for developing a mathematics learning blog on material in junior high school. The research method used in this research is the research and development method. Research and development are the process of developing a new product or improving an existing product. The data collection tools include a material expert validation questionnaire, a media expert validation questionnaire, and a student response questionnaire. From the results of material expert validation, an average score of 75 was obtained with a good category, the results of media expert validation obtained an average score of 75 with a good category, then the response questionnaire was obtained, namely a positive response with a percentage of 96.18% and a negative response with a percentage of 3.82 %. Based on the data obtained, it can be obtained that the blog development product is as expected and in accordance with the needs and curriculum. The responses that have been submitted to students get a very good response.

2019 ◽  
syariful fahmi ◽  
Soffi Widyanesti Priwantoro

This research aims to find out how to develop and produce interactive learning media using Adobe Flash CS3 for students of mathemat- ics education in the course of mathematical logic and Set in class D academic year of 2017/2018, as well as how the quality of the result- ing learning media. The population in this research is the entire class D in first semester student in Mathematics Education academic year of 2017/2018. The model used is the development model of Borg and Gall which includes: (1) analysis of the content standards, (2) the collection of references to interactive media, (3) the preparation of draft interactive media, and (4) creation of interactive media in the form of digital discs (CD). Interactive multimedia has produced score of good quality according to the assessment of the learning materi- al experts, media experts, and students of Class D academic year of 2017/2018, with an average score was 209.48 with maximum score of 260. The effectiveness toward students’ confidents on computer shows there, 73.81% of students feel able to get good grades if learn- ing with computers, 57.14% of students feel very confident when starting to learn with computers, and 50% students learn to feel confi- dent with computers.

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