scholarly journals The Impact of Outdoor Education Camp Program in Building Resilience among University Students

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 71
Shamsulariffin Samsudin ◽  
Tengku Fadilah Tengku Kamalden ◽  
Azlizam Aziz ◽  
Mohd Hafizal Ismail ◽  
Sam Shor Nahar Yaakob ◽  

Abstract: Resilience is gained through life experiences that local university students lack from a classroom environment. This study investigated the effect of outdoor education camp programs on the levels of resilience among Physical Education students from two selected universities in Malaysia. A questionnaire was utilized as the primary research tool in this study to assess the participants' perceptions and knowledge acquisition as well as their level of resilience toward the outdoor education camp programs. A total of 162 undergraduate students were studied using a pre-test and post-test approach and a modified version of the Connor-Davidson in a 25 items self-report scale. Analysis of paired t-test showed differences in factors involved in resilience variables, personal competence, instincts and tolerance of negative behavior, positive acceptance of change, control, and spiritual influence. The findings indicated a positive effect towards resilience upon completion of the 14-day outdoor education camp program. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was carried out to evaluate if participation in the outdoor education program influenced participants' perceived level of resilience. Overall, there were statistically significant increases in resilience levels from the pre-test to the post-test stage. These results lead to the need for in-depth research into the assessment of internal factors in an outdoor camp program to provide valuable information on the effect of the intervention and implications towards enhancing resilience of the participants in low to high-risk activities.   Keywords: Outdoor education, Personal Development, Program Evaluation, Physical Education, Resilience

2021 ◽  
pp. 216769682110251
Samantha G. Farris ◽  
Mindy M. Kibbey ◽  
Erick J. Fedorenko ◽  
Angelo M. DiBello

The psychological effect of the pandemic and measures taken in response to control viral spread are not yet well understood in university students; in-depth qualitative analysis can provide nuanced information about the young adult distress experience. Undergraduate students ( N = 624) in an early US outbreak “hotspot” completed an online narrative writing about the impact and distress experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected April-May 2020. A random selection of 50 cases were sampled for thematic analysis. Nine themes were identified: viral outbreak distress, fear of virus contraction/transmission, proximity to virus, dissatisfaction with public response, physical distancing distress, social distancing distress, academic and school-related distress, disruptive changes in health behavior and routines, financial strain and unemployment, worsening of pre-existing mental health problems, and social referencing that minimizes distress. Future work is needed to understand the persistence of the distress, in addition to developing methods for assessment, monitoring, and mitigation of the distress.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 24-39 ◽  
Zuzana Geršicová ◽  
Silvia Barnová

Abstract Introduction: The presented paper deals with the issues of the work of class teachers and their further education in the field of personal and social training. The main goal of the research was to find out about changes in personal and social development after the realization of social-pedagogical training. Methods: On the level of personal development, the authors were interested in the field of values and attitudes. On the level of social development, they focused on the changes in communication and opinion scales. The changes in the above fields were measured by means of a pre-test and a post-test which were administered before and after the realization of the training. Results: In the participants of the realized research, the research team, to a certain extent, succeeded in reducing prejudice and beliefs and the participants learnt about the necessity of considering students’ individual abilities and specific environmental influences on their behavior and manifestations at school. On the level of opinions, there was a shift towards a stronger belief in the significance of the impact of the environment and the family background on students’ behaviour and their personality traits. Discussion: The presented data are the results of a pilot probe and have brought initial insights related to the presented issues for the purposes of a longer and deeper research, which is in the phase of its realization. Limitations: As the project was realized with ten groups of teachers showing a deep interest in participating in it, it is not our ambition to generalize the obtained results; nevertheless, we find them interesting and inspiring. Conclusions: Along with knowledge from pedagogy and psychology, class teachers need a huge amount of creativity, ideas, techniques and methods, which can promote the development of students’ value orientation. The authors can see a clear perspective for teachers’ lifelong learning here

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 116-123
Mita Sri Handayani ◽  
Muhammad Nur Wangid ◽  
Andre Julius

The background of the current study is the urgency of possessing good social cognition to adapt to the social changes that are happening quickly. Weak social cognition makes individuals less in empathy, aggressive or unhappy in their daily life. The link between self-management and social cognition lies in cognitive adjustment. Hence, the authors think it is important to do research that focuses on the implementation of counseling with self-management techniques in developing social cognition. The authors aimed to investigate the effectiveness of self-management in improving social cognition. The present study used one group pretest-posttest quasi-experiment. We invited 10 students from Universitas Ma'soem, Indonesia to participate in the experiment. They were selected based on a low social cognition score after filling the self-report of nineteen items social cognition scale. The results showed counseling with self-management techniques effective in improving university students' social cognition. Besides, limitations and recommendations are discussed.

Caitlin R. Semsarian ◽  
Gabrielle Rigney ◽  
Peter A. Cistulli ◽  
Yu Sun Bin

University students consistently report poor sleep. We conducted a before-and-after study to evaluate the impact of an online 10-week course on undergraduate students’ sleep knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours at 6-month follow-up. Data were collected via baseline course surveys (August–September 2020) and follow-up surveys distributed via email (February–March 2021). n = 212 students completed baseline surveys and n = 75 (35%) completed follow-up. Students retained to follow-up possessed higher baseline sleep knowledge and received higher course grades. At the 6-month follow-up, sleep knowledge had increased (mean score out of 5: 3.0 vs. 4.2, p < 0.001). At baseline, 85% of students aimed to increase their sleep knowledge and 83% aimed to improve their sleep. At follow-up, 91% reported being more knowledgeable and 37% reported improved sleep. A novel Stages of Change item revealed that 53% of students’ attitudes towards their sleep behaviours had changed from baseline. There was a reduction in sleep latency at follow-up (mean 33.3 vs. 25.6 min, p = 0.015), but no change in the total Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score. In summary, completion of an online course led to increased sleep and circadian knowledge and changed sleep attitudes, with no meaningful change in sleep behaviours. Future interventions should consider components of behavioural change that go beyond the knowledge–attitudes–behaviour continuum.

2021 ◽  
Jennifer E. Newman

The current dissertation applied a modified version of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) to predict reactive physical aggression between university students. In addition to examining the primary constructs of the traditional TPB model (attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and intentions), this dissertation extended the traditional model by also examining the impact of implicit attitudes toward aggression as well as executive functioning in the prediction of reactive physical aggression. Results provided support for the application of the traditional TPB model in the prediction of reactive physical aggression, although implicit attitudes and executive functioning did not significantly contribute to the prediction of aggressive behaviour in this sample. Gaining a better understanding of the predictors of reactive physical aggression between university students may lead to the identification of early intervention strategies for individual aggressors. This may in turn help to prevent the possible escalation of aggressive behaviour and create a safer and less threatening campus environment for all students.

2015 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-65
Jarrad R. Merlo ◽  
Paul A. Gruba

Despite an increased emphasis on form-focused instruction (FFI), the use of the computer as a grammar tutor has remained largelyunexamined for nearly two decades. With new technologies at hand, there is a need to take a fresh look at online grammar tutors andlink designs more strongly to contemporary second language acquisition (SLA) principles and the concept of a teaching presence. Theaim of this study, therefore, is to investigate the potential of using a purpose-built digital video series as a virtual grammartutor. To achieve this aim, we used a pre-test, post-test, and delayed post-test to evaluate the impact of a purpose-built grammar video on 62 EFL university students. The results of the study demonstrate that purpose-built video has strong potential for use as a virtual grammar tutor. Consequently, it may be possible to improve the state of Tutorial CALL from a drill-based approach to one that is more substantive through the development of a series of step-based video tutorials that tutor, allow for the practice of and evaluate second language (L2) grammar skills.

1997 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 223-229 ◽  
Dalen M. Duitsman ◽  
Charles M. Cychosz

The purpose of this investigation was to assess the impact that a Drug Education course has on motives, consequences, attitudes, and perceptions regarding alcohol use in a sample of university students, and to discern if these parameters alter substance usage. There were a total of 121 respondents (32 male, 94 female). Following the course, students reported a slight elevation in the motivation to drink alcohol to facilitate studying. However, drinking because they enjoyed the taste, drinking to get drunk, and drinking to celebrate special occasions decreased significantly following the course. No significant differences were noted in patterns of drinking consequences or selected attitudes toward alcohol use. Students did, however, perceive alcohol to be a more dangerous substance in the post-test. No gender differences were observed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-88
Марія Августюк

Стаття присвячена теоретичному обґрунтуванню цілеспрямованого педагогічного супроводу в оптимізації метакогнітивного моніторингу навчальної діяльності студентів. Визначено пріоритетні за­в­дан­ня педагога, що спрямовані на сприяння оптимізації метакогнітивного моніторингу навчальної діяль­ності і можливі через визначення, oрiєнтування та кooрдинування пiзнавальнoї дiяльнoстi студентiв. Так, ви­кладач пoвинен звертати увагу на рiвень рoзвитку oсoбистiсних, кoгнiтивних та метакoгнiтивних харак­теристик студентiв; зважати на викoристoвуванi для перевiрки пoтoчнoгo та пiдсумкoвoгo кoнт­рoлю знань студентiв характеристики iнфoрмацiї та завдань (з метoю запoбiгання виникненню iлюзiї знання); враховувати особливості прояву ілюзії знання в метакогнітивних судженнях; враховувати ефекти склад­ності/легкості запам’ятовування, впливу емоційного забарвлення та цікавості інформації, впливу поперед­ніх навчальних успіхів; враховувати специфіку психологічних механізмів, що лежать в основі різних видів метакогнтивного моніторингу; сприяти метакогнітивному моніторингу студентів через зворотний зв’язок, самозвіт щодо розвитку відчуття істинності власного знання тощо. Крім того, завданнями педа­гoга виступають надання мoжливoстi студентам самoстiйнo ствoрювати iндивiдуальну прoграму на­вчання з урахуванням oсoбливoстей свoєї пiдгoтoвки та здiбнoстей; навчання студентiв рiзних кoгнiтивних стратегiй навчальнoї дiяльнoстi з oвoлoдiння прoфесiйними знаннями, з яких вoни мoжуть вiдiбрати найбiльш ефективнi для себе; пoстiйне залучення студентiв дo рефлексивнoї дiяльнoстi. Також здійснено аналіз важливості врахування психологічних характеристик студентів у ході здійснення ними метаког­нітивного моніторингу. Зокрема, підкреслено важливість стимулювання навчальної мотивації студентів, формування у них адекватної самооцінки, розвитку високих показників рефлексивності, метакогнітивних обізнаності, знань та активності, здатності до самостійного оцінювання своєї діяльності та її резуль­татів. Окреслені перспективи подальших розвідок з цієї проблеми The article is dedicated to the theoretical description of the goal-oriented pedagogical assistance in optimization of metacognitive monitoring of the learning activity of university students. In particular, we highlighted priority tasks of university teachers that are oriented to provide assistance with optimization of metacognitive monitoring of the learning activity and are possible through definition, orientation, and coordination of the cognitive activity of university students. Thus, the pedagogical tasks are to provide students with the opportunity to create a self-study program taking into account their own learning backgrounds and interests; training students for different cognitive strategies of the learning activity in the sphere of professional knowledge, from which they are able to choose the most effective ones for themselves; constant involvement of students in reflexive activities. Thus, the teacher is obliged to pay attention to the level of development of personal, cognitive and metacognitive cha­racteristics of students; take into account the use of tools for checking the precise and subjective control of students’ knowledge of the features of information and tasks (with the aim of preventing the occurrence of illusion of knowing); take into account the peculiarities of manifestation of the illusion of knowing in metacognitive judgments; take into account the effects of hard/easy effect of retention, the influence of emotional side and curiosity of infor­mation, the impact of previous learning successes; take into account the specificity of the psychological mechanisms that underlie various types of metacognitive monitoring; promote metacognitive monitoring of students through feedback, self-report on the development of a sense of truth of own knowledge, etc. In addition, an analysis of the importance of psychological characteristics in students’ judgments of metacognitive monitoring was carried out. Among the most important characteristics, student motivation, academic achievements, feedback, and self-regu­lation are the characteristics aimed to provide better understanding of the nature of metacognitive monitoring effectiveness and can help in the annihilation of the negative impact of the illusion of knowing. In particular, the importance of stimulating students’ learning motivation, forming of their adequate self-esteem, development of high indicators of reflectivity, metacognitive awareness, knowledge and activity, ability to independently evaluate their activity and its results is emphasized. The prospects for further researches on this problem are outlined

Netty Huzniati Andas, Et. al.

Speaking is the art of conveying ideas and feelings by generating and sharing meaning through oral contact. Pow-Tega is a speaking skill teaching technique that combines a power teaching technique with a game to allow students to practice their speaking skills. Students' focus and excitement in speaking are developed using the power teaching technique. Students were inspired to study while playing the game because the classroom environment was more colorful. Researchers used a quantitative method by assigning pre-experimental studies with one group pre-test and post-test to determine the impact of the Pow-Tega technique on students' speaking performance. This study included 33 students as participants. The researchers used a spoken test and video recording to gather data. Before beginning treatment, researchers gave all of the samples a pre-test, then began treatment by using the Pow-Tega Technique for six meetings, and eventually, researchers gave all of the samples a post-test. The results revealed that the mean post-test score (3,93) was higher than the pre-test score (3,39). Furthermore, at the significant stage of 0,05 and degree of freedom -19, the ttest (6,75) was higher than the ttable (2.093). H0  has been  refused, while H1 has been accepted. That means there was a significant effect of students’ speaking ability after they were taught by using Pow-Tega.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 1086-1095
Tribhuwan Kumar

The aim of this study is to determine the effect of visual teaching material and resources in the development of Speaking Skills in the English language in Secondary level students in India. In the study, the experimental design with pre-test and post-test control groups was chosen. The research consisted of 82 secondary-level students. In order to collect the data, pre-test, post-test, speech axiom, and interview forms were prepared, and a t-test was used in the analysis of the data. The interviews were conducted with open-ended questions on the research topic and results were interpreted according to their percentages and frequency values. According to the results obtained from the data, a statistically significant difference was found between the mean achievement of the students using visual teaching materials and using written-visual teaching materials. The result suggests the use of written-visual teaching materials. The data obtained from the interview also supported these results. Therefore, visual teaching materials should be chosen appropriately by language teachers and should be carried into the classroom environment. It is recommended that visual teaching materials be presented with written support, as it facilitates reminding and provides the opportunity to learn with permanent marks.

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