scholarly journals Tendencias en homogamia educacional en México: 1970-2000 / Trends in Educational Homogamy in Mexico: 1970-2000

2005 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 341 ◽  
Albert Esteve Palós

A partir de los microdatos de los censos mexicanos de 1970, 1990 y 2000, en este artículo se examina la homogeneidad de los matrimonios y uniones atendiendo al nivel de instrucción de los cónyuges en las últimas tres décadas, caracterizadas por una fuerte expansión de la escolaridad, por el incremento de los rendimientos de la educación y por la reducción progresiva de las diferencias de género en materia educativa. Tres conclusiones brotan del examen de los datos: el aumento significativo de la homogamia entre los más escolarizados, la consolidación de dos zonas extendidas de homogamia, y la reducción de las diferencias en torno a la manera en que los hombres y las mujeres incorporan la educación en la selección conyugal. AbstractOn the basis of microdata from Mexican censuses taken in 1970, 1990 and 2000, this article examines the homogeny of marriages and consensual marriages by level of spousal educational attainment over the past three decades, characterized by the enormous expansion of schooling, the increase in educational performance and the progressive reduction in gender differences in educational matters. Three conclusions emerge from the examina­tion of the data: the significant increase in homogamy among those with the highest levels of educational attainment, the consolidation of two extended zones of homogamy and the reduction of differences between the way men and women incorporate education in the selection of marriage partners.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
Dennis Bruining

In this article, I aim to further thinking in the broadly ‘new materialist’ field by insisting it attends to some ubiquitous assumptions. More specifically, I critically interrogate what Sara Ahmed has termed ‘the founding gestures of the “new materialism”’. These founding rhetorical gestures revolve around a perceived neglect of the matter of materiality in ‘postmodernism’ and ‘poststructuralism’ and are meant to pave the way for new materialism’s own conception of matter-in/of-the-world. I argue in this article that an engagement with the postmodern critique of language as constitutive, as well as the poststructuralist critique of pure self-presence, does not warrant these founding gestures to be so uncritically rehearsed. Moreover, I demonstrate that texts which rely on these gestures, or at least the ones I discuss in this article, are not only founded on a misrepresentation of postmodern and poststructuralist thought, but are also guilty of repeating the perceived mistakes of which they are critical, such as upholding the language/matter dichotomy. I discuss a small selection of texts that make use of those popular rhetorical gestures to juxtapose the past that is invoked with a more nuanced reading of that past. My contention is that if ‘the founding gestures of the “new materialism”’ are not addressed, the complexity of the postmodern and poststructuralist positions continues to be obscured, with damaging consequences for the further development of the emerging field of new materialism, as well as our understanding of cultural theory’s past.

2019 ◽  
pp. 152
Lucía Gutierrez Gamecho

ResumenEste trabajo analiza cuantitativamente la movilidad de Vitoria-Gasteiz desde una perspectiva de género, apoyándose en la encuesta sobre la movilidad del municipio del 2014. En particular, dentro de las muchas dimensiones que serían relevantes desde la perspectiva de género, hemos considerado de interés estudiar la movilidad de hombres y mujeres con niños menores de seis años. Esto parece particularmente relevante porque este es el periodo de la vida de las mujeres en que es más difícil compatibilizar el empleo con la crianza de los hijos. Queremos explorar si, ante esta circunstancia, las diferencias de género en la movilidad son más acusadas para así conocer qué impacto puede tener el transporte en la compatibilización de empleo y crianza en las mujeres. Nos centraremos en analizar las diferencias en el número de viajes, los motivos de los mismos y los modos de transporte utilizados. Concluyendo que la presencia de hijos menores de seis años en el hogar produce diferencias entre la movilidad de hombres y mujeres.AbstractThis study quantitatively analyses mobility in Vitoria-Gasteiz from a gender approach, based on data obtained from a survey on urban mobility of the municipality carried out in 2014. Among the many dimensions that would be relevant from a gender perspective, we have considered particularly interesting the study of the mobility of men and women with children under six. This seems especially relevant as this is the period of women's lives in which it is more difficult to reconcile work with parenting. We intend to explore if gender differences are more remarkable under these circumstances in order to identify how transport may impact on the compatibility of work and parenting among women. We will mainly focus on analysing the differences in the number of trips, the reasons behind them, and the means of transport they use. We conclude that, in fact, having children under six in the household makes a difference in mobility between women and men.

Thomais Kordonouri

‘Archive’ is a totality of records, layers and memories that are collected. A city is the archive that consists of the conscious selection of these layers and traces of the past and the present, looking towards the future. Metaxourgio is an area in the wider historic urban area of Keramikos in Athens that includes traces of various eras, beginning in the Antiquity and continuing all the way into the 21st century. Its archaeological space ‘Demosion Sema’ is mostly concealed under the ground level, waiting to be revealed. In this proposal, Metaxourgio is redesigned in light of archiving. Significant traces of the Antiquity, other ruins and buildings are studied, selected and incorporated in the new interventions. The area becomes the ‘open archive’ that leads towards its lost identity. The proposal aims not only to intensify the relationship of architecture with archaeology, but also to imbue the area’s identity with meanings that refer to the past, present and future.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 446-461
Nadya A. Fouad ◽  
Michael B. Kozlowski ◽  
Romila Singh ◽  
Nina G. Linneman ◽  
Samantha S. Schams ◽  

Women’s departure or nonentrance into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics professions, particularly engineering, has been a lively source of scholarly inquiry for the past three decades. Much of the literature in this area has been with solely female samples of participants, begging the question as to whether or not men and women either choose to leave the profession or not enter for the same or similar reasons. This present study collected a large sample of men ( n = 1,273) who had either left or never entered the engineering profession and compared their responses to a large sample of women ( n = 1,235) on a set of categorical response variables. Using the perspective of the Theory of Work Adjustment, our results suggest that there are gender differences in reasons for departure, raising the possibility that engineering climates differentially reinforce needs for men and women. Implications of this research are discussed.

1982 ◽  
Vol 102 ◽  
pp. 145-160 ◽  
R. B. Rutherford

These hours of backward clearness come to all men and women, once at least, when they read the past in the light of the present, with the reasons of things, like unobserved finger-posts, protruding where they never saw them before. The journey behind them is mapped out, and figured with its false steps, its wrong observations, all its infatuated, deluded geography.Henry James,The Bostonians, ch. xxxixThis paper is intended to contribute to the study of both Homer and Greek tragedy, and more particularly to the study of the influence of the epic upon the later poets. The current revival of interest among English scholars in the poetic qualities of the Homeric poems must be welcomed by all who care for the continuing survival and propagation of classical literature. The renewed emphasis on the validity of literary criticism as applied to presumably oral texts may encourage a more positive appreciation of the subtlety of Homeric narrative techniques, and of the coherent plan which unifies each poem. The aim of this paper is to focus attention on a number of elements in Greek tragedy which are already present in Homer, and especially on the way in which these poets exploit the theme of knowledge—knowledge of one's future, knowledge of one's circumstances, knowledge of oneself. Recent scholarship on tragedy has paid much more attention to literary criticism in general and to poetic irony in particular: these insights can also illuminate the epic. Conversely, the renewed interest in Homer's structural and thematic complexity should also enrich the study of the tragedians, his true heirs.

Nutrients ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 1942
Danielle S. Kroll ◽  
Dana E. Feldman ◽  
Catherine L. Biesecker ◽  
Katherine L. McPherson ◽  
Peter Manza ◽  

While the global prevalence of obesity has risen among both men and women over the past 40 years, obesity has consistently been more prevalent among women relative to men. Neuroimaging studies have highlighted several potential mechanisms underlying an individual’s propensity to become obese, including sex/gender differences. Obesity has been associated with structural, functional, and chemical alterations throughout the brain. Whereas changes in somatosensory regions appear to be associated with obesity in men, reward regions appear to have greater involvement in obesity among women than men. Sex/gender differences have also been observed in the neural response to taste among people with obesity. A more thorough understanding of these neural and behavioral differences will allow for more tailored interventions, including diet suggestions, for the prevention and treatment of obesity.

Е.Б. Машкова

Аннотация: Статья посвящена вопросу гендерных различий в речи, а именно различиям в речи мужчин и женщин в английском языке и в американском обществе за последние двадцать лет. Так же объясняется, чем вызваны данные особенности, собраны взгляды ученых по данной проблеме. Приводятся примеры на английском языке и их эквивалентный перевод на русский язык. Цель данной статьи - дать читателю сравнить английский язык женщин и мужчин живущих в Америке за последние двадцать лет и сравнить их социальные проблемы и социальный строй общества с сегодняшним, проследить развитие языка в аспекте гендерной лингвистики. Таким образом, здесь приводится обзор научных работ американских исследователей, посвященных гендерным различиям в речи мужчин и женщин, отмечаемым в последние двадцать лет в американском обществе. Ключевые слова: гендерная лингвистика, гендерные различия в речи, социолингвистический анализ, рефлексия, природа женщины и мужчины. Аннотация: Бул макалада эркектер менен аялдардын ортосундагы сөзүндө гендердик айырмачылыктар боюнча АКШ изилдөөчүлөрдүн илимий иштин баяндамасы болуп саналат, ал америкалык коомдогу акыркы жыйырма жылда байкалган. Атап айтканда, акыркы жыйырма жылдын ичинде англис жана америкалык коомдо эркектер менен аялдардын сөз айырмачылыктары, сөз гендердик айырмачылыктарга багытталган. Жөн гана, бул өзгөчөлүктөрдү улам бул маселе боюнча окумуштуулардын пикирлерин чогултуп, аны түшүндүрүп берет. Мисалы, англис тилинде берилет жана орус тилине барабар котормо жатат. Бул макалада акыркы жыйырма жыл аралыгында Америкада жашап англис аял менен эркек салыштырып, алардын коомдук көйгөйлөрдү жана бүгүнкү күндө коомдун коомдук түзүлүшүн, гендердик илими тармагында тилдин өнүгүшүнө байкоо салыштырып, окурманга мисал катары айтып берүү болуп саналат. Түйүндүү сөздөр: гендердик тил илими, сөз гендердик айырмачылыктар, социолингвистикалык талдоо, ой жүгүртүү, табияты аялдар менен эркектер. Annotation: The article is devoted to the issue of gender differences in speech, namely the differences in the speech of men and women in the English language and in American society over the past twenty years. It also explains what caused these features, collected the views of scientists on this issue. Examples in English and their equivalent translation into Russian are given. The purpose of this article is to allow the reader to compare the English language of women and men living in America over the past twenty years and compare their social problems and social structure of society with today's, to follow the development of the language in the aspect of gender linguistics. Thus, here is an overview of the scientific work of American researchers on gender differences in the speech of men and women, celebrated in American society over the past twenty years. Keywords: gender linguistics, gender differences in speech, sociolinguistic analysis, reflection, nature of women and men.

2021 ◽  
pp. 152-167
Emanuela Bologna ◽  
Simona Staffieri

Abstract Gender is an important indicator of the processes of social change affecting contemporary society, although in the field of leisure research, it has not always received attention. To fill this gap, recent research proposes to include gender as a significant aspect in leisure paradigms. The chapter aims to analyse gender differences in the use of leisure time within the Italian context using data periodically produced by official statistics. Data, collected over time, make it possible to observe the changes occurring in the way men and women spend their leisure time. The chapter is structured according to the main dimensions of leisure, such as social relationships, sports practice, tourism, cultural participation, and satisfaction with leisure time. To observe gender differences, statistical methods (descriptive and multivariate analysis) were implemented. The results highlight the existence of strong differences in the way in which men and women spend their leisure time. Gender differences are often linked to demographic or sociocultural characteristics, such as age, level of education, or economic conditions. Results presented in the chapter could be used to frame future research aimed at solving weakness and to fill information gaps in Italian leisure gender studies.

2004 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-145 ◽  
J. Richard Coast ◽  
Jennifer S. Blevins ◽  
Brian A. Wilson

It has been suggested that gender differences in running should disappear as distances increase, particularly past the marathon. This suggestion is primarily based on differences in fuel utilization, muscle damage following exercise, relative improvements in performance over the past decades, and on the analysis of marathon vs. ultramarathon performances of men and women. We reasoned that the best comparison of the potential of a human is by the use of world best times, which should be reasonable indicators of the effect of distance on relative performance of women and men. We compared current world best running performances at distances from 100 m to 200 km. Records as of December 2002 were obtained. T-tests analyzed speed differences between genders, and regression analysis tested the percent differences between men and women across distance. Speeds were different, with the average difference being 12.4% faster for men. There was a significant slope to the speed difference across distances in that longer distances were associated with greater differences. These results may be confounded by the reduced number of women in longer distance events. Furthermore, the proposed metabolic advantage for women because of increased fat metabolism may be masked by regular feeding during endurance races. Key words: running records, male vs. female, human locomotion

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
Femmy Lumempouw ◽  
Rosalina Rolany Rambing ◽  
Erenst Mantiri

The researcher discusses some of the forms of local wisdom in relation to the tradition of building houses. This study is entitled Analysis of the Symbolic Meaning of the Lexicon in the Tradition of Building a Residential House in Preparation for Selection of Building Materials as Local Wisdom in the Tombulu Minahasa area: Ethnosemantic Studies. Research related to local wisdom is important because now people in the Tombulu area when building houses no longer follow the traditional way like the way our ancestors did in the past. The researcher explores and reveals the symbolic meaning of the lexicon like what is used in building houses as local wisdom in the Tombulu Minahasa area. The objectives of this study are (1) to identify and classify the lexicon on the tradition of building houses on the selection of building materials as local wisdom in the Tombulu area; (2) Explaining the symbolic meaning of the lexicon in the tradition of building houses in the selection of building materials as local wisdom in the Tombulu area. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Researchers describe and explain narratively.

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