Гендерные различия в речи

Е.Б. Машкова

Аннотация: Статья посвящена вопросу гендерных различий в речи, а именно различиям в речи мужчин и женщин в английском языке и в американском обществе за последние двадцать лет. Так же объясняется, чем вызваны данные особенности, собраны взгляды ученых по данной проблеме. Приводятся примеры на английском языке и их эквивалентный перевод на русский язык. Цель данной статьи - дать читателю сравнить английский язык женщин и мужчин живущих в Америке за последние двадцать лет и сравнить их социальные проблемы и социальный строй общества с сегодняшним, проследить развитие языка в аспекте гендерной лингвистики. Таким образом, здесь приводится обзор научных работ американских исследователей, посвященных гендерным различиям в речи мужчин и женщин, отмечаемым в последние двадцать лет в американском обществе. Ключевые слова: гендерная лингвистика, гендерные различия в речи, социолингвистический анализ, рефлексия, природа женщины и мужчины. Аннотация: Бул макалада эркектер менен аялдардын ортосундагы сөзүндө гендердик айырмачылыктар боюнча АКШ изилдөөчүлөрдүн илимий иштин баяндамасы болуп саналат, ал америкалык коомдогу акыркы жыйырма жылда байкалган. Атап айтканда, акыркы жыйырма жылдын ичинде англис жана америкалык коомдо эркектер менен аялдардын сөз айырмачылыктары, сөз гендердик айырмачылыктарга багытталган. Жөн гана, бул өзгөчөлүктөрдү улам бул маселе боюнча окумуштуулардын пикирлерин чогултуп, аны түшүндүрүп берет. Мисалы, англис тилинде берилет жана орус тилине барабар котормо жатат. Бул макалада акыркы жыйырма жыл аралыгында Америкада жашап англис аял менен эркек салыштырып, алардын коомдук көйгөйлөрдү жана бүгүнкү күндө коомдун коомдук түзүлүшүн, гендердик илими тармагында тилдин өнүгүшүнө байкоо салыштырып, окурманга мисал катары айтып берүү болуп саналат. Түйүндүү сөздөр: гендердик тил илими, сөз гендердик айырмачылыктар, социолингвистикалык талдоо, ой жүгүртүү, табияты аялдар менен эркектер. Annotation: The article is devoted to the issue of gender differences in speech, namely the differences in the speech of men and women in the English language and in American society over the past twenty years. It also explains what caused these features, collected the views of scientists on this issue. Examples in English and their equivalent translation into Russian are given. The purpose of this article is to allow the reader to compare the English language of women and men living in America over the past twenty years and compare their social problems and social structure of society with today's, to follow the development of the language in the aspect of gender linguistics. Thus, here is an overview of the scientific work of American researchers on gender differences in the speech of men and women, celebrated in American society over the past twenty years. Keywords: gender linguistics, gender differences in speech, sociolinguistic analysis, reflection, nature of women and men.

1985 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 233-247 ◽  
Nicole Hahn Rafter

Since the publication in 1936 of Blake McKelvey’s American Prisons (1972), social historians have developed a sizeable body of work that traces, and in some cases tries to explain, the evolution of U.S. penal institutions. These studies are important for what they tell us about perceptions of social problems in the past. They also have policy implications, indicating the historical roots of current dilemmas and alternative approaches to penal problems. Nearly all of these studies are limited, however, by their blindness to gender differences between prisons for men and women. Written mainly by men, prison histories have focused nearly exclusively on male prisoners. Perhaps their authors would argue that this bias is natural and insignificant since over time the vast majority of prisoners have been male. But by overlooking the variable of gender, prison historians have ignored an important influence on the nature and development of penal institutions.

Машкова Е.Б.

Аннотация: Статья посвящена вопросу гендерных различий в речи, а именно различиям в речи мужчин и женщин в европейской, кыргызской и русской культурах. Так же здесь объясняется, чем вызваны данные особенности, собраны взгляды ученых по данной проблеме. Приводятся примеры на английском языке и их эквивалентный перевод на русский язык. Целью данной статьи является сравнение английский языку женщин и мужчин (американцев), сопоставить социальные проблемы и социальный строй европейского, русского и кыргызского общества, так же проследить развитие языка в аспекте гендерной лингвистики. Ключевые слова: гендерная лингвистика, гендерные различия в речи, социо- лингвистический анализ, рефлексия, природа женщин и мужчин. Аннотация: Бул макалада эркектер менен аялдардын ортосундагы сөзүндө гендердик айырмачылыктар боюнча европа изилдөөчүлөрдүн илимий иштин баяндамасы болуп саналат, ал америкалык коомдогу акыркы жыйырма жылда байкалган. Атап айтканда, акыркы жыйырма жылдын ичинде англис жана америкалык коомдо эркектер менен аялдардын сөз айырмачылыктары, сөз гендердик айырмачылыктарга багытталган. Жөн гана, бул өзгөчөлүктөрдү улам бул маселе боюнча окумуштуулардын пикирлерин чогултуп, аны түшүндүрүп берет. Мисалы, англис тилинде берилет жана орус тилине барабар котормо жатат. Бул макалада акыркы жыйырма жыл аралыгында Америкада жашап англис аял менен эркек салыштырып, алардын коомдук көйгөйлөрдү жана бүгүнкү күндө коомдун коомдук түзүлүшүн, гендердик илими тармагында тилдин өнүгүшүнө байкоо салыштырып, окурманга мисал катары айтып берүү болуп саналат. Түйүндүү сөздөр: гендердик тил илими, сөз гендердик айырмачылыктар, со- циолингвистикалык талдоо, ой жүгүртүү, табияты аялдар менен эркектер. Abstract: The article is devoted to the issue of gender differences in speech, namely differences in speech between men and women in European, Kyrgyz and Russian cultures. It also explains how these features are caused, and the views of scientists on this problem are collected. Examples are given in English and their equivalent translation into Russian. The purpose of this article is to compare the English language of women and men (Americans), to compare social problems and the social system of European, Russian and Kyrgyz society, as well as to trace the development of the language in the aspect of gender linguistics. Keywords: gender linguistics, gender differences in speech, sociolinguistic analysis, reflection, nature of women and men.

2005 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 341 ◽  
Albert Esteve Palós

A partir de los microdatos de los censos mexicanos de 1970, 1990 y 2000, en este artículo se examina la homogeneidad de los matrimonios y uniones atendiendo al nivel de instrucción de los cónyuges en las últimas tres décadas, caracterizadas por una fuerte expansión de la escolaridad, por el incremento de los rendimientos de la educación y por la reducción progresiva de las diferencias de género en materia educativa. Tres conclusiones brotan del examen de los datos: el aumento significativo de la homogamia entre los más escolarizados, la consolidación de dos zonas extendidas de homogamia, y la reducción de las diferencias en torno a la manera en que los hombres y las mujeres incorporan la educación en la selección conyugal. AbstractOn the basis of microdata from Mexican censuses taken in 1970, 1990 and 2000, this article examines the homogeny of marriages and consensual marriages by level of spousal educational attainment over the past three decades, characterized by the enormous expansion of schooling, the increase in educational performance and the progressive reduction in gender differences in educational matters. Three conclusions emerge from the examina­tion of the data: the significant increase in homogamy among those with the highest levels of educational attainment, the consolidation of two extended zones of homogamy and the reduction of differences between the way men and women incorporate education in the selection of marriage partners.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 446-461
Nadya A. Fouad ◽  
Michael B. Kozlowski ◽  
Romila Singh ◽  
Nina G. Linneman ◽  
Samantha S. Schams ◽  

Women’s departure or nonentrance into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics professions, particularly engineering, has been a lively source of scholarly inquiry for the past three decades. Much of the literature in this area has been with solely female samples of participants, begging the question as to whether or not men and women either choose to leave the profession or not enter for the same or similar reasons. This present study collected a large sample of men ( n = 1,273) who had either left or never entered the engineering profession and compared their responses to a large sample of women ( n = 1,235) on a set of categorical response variables. Using the perspective of the Theory of Work Adjustment, our results suggest that there are gender differences in reasons for departure, raising the possibility that engineering climates differentially reinforce needs for men and women. Implications of this research are discussed.

1986 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-170
Nancy S. Landale ◽  
Avery M. Guest

In recent years, American society has engaged in what is frequently described as a “sexual revolution” involving significant changes in relationships between men and women. As a result of extensive social surveys, we know that both specific behaviors and the prevailing ideology regarding appropriate standards of behavior have been subject to rapid change. In the past two decades, rates of sexual intercourse and intimacy have increased (Hunt, 1974; Westoff, 1974), use of effective contraception has become widespread, and it is increasingly accepted that a physical and emotional attraction between members of the opposite sex might lead to a sexual relationship. In short, participation in sexual activity has come to be seen as a natural outgrowth of the enjoyment of sex.

2004 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-17
Karen H. Weiller ◽  
Catriona T. Higgs ◽  
Scott B. Martin

Sports are omnipresent in American society; available for viewing 24 hours a day and can constitute much of everyday life and conversation. Researchers have indicated that men and women relate to sport differently (Gantz & Wenner, 1991). Evidence shows males outnumber females in sport viewership, and in the past much of the sport programming to which we are exposed caters specifically to men. The purpose of the present study was to explore issues related to audience perception of the 1996 Olympic Games. Participants (125 males and 92 females) ranging from 18 to 40 years of age were administered a gender specific version of the Audience Perception Questionnaires (APQ) following viewing video segments of men’s and women’s competitions (i.e., basketball, gymnastics, swimming and diving, and volleyball). The two versions of the APQ were developed from current literature, and by employing a delphi technique to validate the APQ. Factor analyses resulted in four underlying media perception dimensions: Commentary Coverage, Gender Marking and Stereotyping, Hierarchy of Naming, and Verbal Descriptors. Results revealed perceptions of male and female athletes by the public are influenced to a great degree by gender.

Nutrients ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 1942
Danielle S. Kroll ◽  
Dana E. Feldman ◽  
Catherine L. Biesecker ◽  
Katherine L. McPherson ◽  
Peter Manza ◽  

While the global prevalence of obesity has risen among both men and women over the past 40 years, obesity has consistently been more prevalent among women relative to men. Neuroimaging studies have highlighted several potential mechanisms underlying an individual’s propensity to become obese, including sex/gender differences. Obesity has been associated with structural, functional, and chemical alterations throughout the brain. Whereas changes in somatosensory regions appear to be associated with obesity in men, reward regions appear to have greater involvement in obesity among women than men. Sex/gender differences have also been observed in the neural response to taste among people with obesity. A more thorough understanding of these neural and behavioral differences will allow for more tailored interventions, including diet suggestions, for the prevention and treatment of obesity.

2004 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-145 ◽  
J. Richard Coast ◽  
Jennifer S. Blevins ◽  
Brian A. Wilson

It has been suggested that gender differences in running should disappear as distances increase, particularly past the marathon. This suggestion is primarily based on differences in fuel utilization, muscle damage following exercise, relative improvements in performance over the past decades, and on the analysis of marathon vs. ultramarathon performances of men and women. We reasoned that the best comparison of the potential of a human is by the use of world best times, which should be reasonable indicators of the effect of distance on relative performance of women and men. We compared current world best running performances at distances from 100 m to 200 km. Records as of December 2002 were obtained. T-tests analyzed speed differences between genders, and regression analysis tested the percent differences between men and women across distance. Speeds were different, with the average difference being 12.4% faster for men. There was a significant slope to the speed difference across distances in that longer distances were associated with greater differences. These results may be confounded by the reduced number of women in longer distance events. Furthermore, the proposed metabolic advantage for women because of increased fat metabolism may be masked by regular feeding during endurance races. Key words: running records, male vs. female, human locomotion

1997 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-26 ◽  

Election outcomes are now, more than at any time in the past, determined by voters' assessments of party leaders. However, despite its potential importance, little is known about the differences in how men and women view political leaders. This article uses recent Australian, British, and U.S. survey data to examine gender differences in the evaluations that voters make of party leaders. The results show that there are comparatively few gender differences in the personal qualities that voters rate as important, with the exception of British Labour's Neil Kinnock, who was rated more highly by men, and Bill Clinton, who was rated more highly by women. However, what gender differences in leader evaluations that do exist are mediated by partisanship and views on economic performance. In both Australia and the United States, gender significantly affects the vote, but in opposite directions. The results suggest that gender may have a more important future role in elections in these three countries.

2000 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-28 ◽  
James Fraser ◽  
Edward Kick

Drawing on the accounts of white men and women, we examine the role that discourse plays in the formation and reinforcement of ideals that perpetuate social disadvantaging. In addition, using discourse analysis we examine the redefinition of race-targeting policies from being a social remedy into being a current social problem. We collected interview and questionnaire data from a sample of 310 students and faculty at a predominantly white university, regarding their attitude toward race- and income-targeted social policies in the United States. We find that the majority of respondents who oppose race-targeting policies (1) frame racial discrimination as a problem of the past; (2) define race-targeting as a subversion of meritocracy; and therefore, (3) devalue programs that seek to provide differential opportunity to those groups that have been structurally disadvantaged in American society. We conclude that the “American stratification ethos” can be employed for disadvantaging purposes.

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