scholarly journals Textual Manifestation of the Phraseological Scheme “N1-6 + so + N1-6” in Publicistic and Artistic Discourses

2021 ◽  
pp. 9-28
L. A. Zolotareva ◽  
N. T. Okatova

The article is devoted to identifying the functional features of the phrase scheme “N1-6 + so + N1-6” in the texts of the journalistic and artistic styles of the Russian language. Structural, semantic and pragmatic characteristics of linguistic units of this structural type are considered. Various approaches to the description of phraseological schemes of the Russian language are commented, but the authors propose to consider the combination of structural-semantic and functional-communicative approaches as the main one for this study. It is noted that in the Russian language the studied phraseological scheme is presented in two homonymous variants, which have the meaning of the highest degree of manifestation of the feature and the meaning of consent / acceptance. Arguments for highlighting these options, which are confirmed by the difference in semantics, component composition and grammatical variability of each phraseological scheme, are given. The authors pay special attention to identifying the contextual meanings of this syntactic structure. Such types of meaning of consent and acceptance are considered, such as forced / uncontrolled, indifferent consent / acceptance, conscious / controlled, etc. The relevance of the study is due to the emergence of new facts of phraseologization of syntactic units in speech and the application of complex analysis to the phraseological units under consideration. The material was the texts of the National Corpus of the Russian language, as well as the authors’ card index.

Ольга Вячеславовна Орлова ◽  
Юаньин Ван

Введение. Изучены ксенонимы-интерпретативы в сетевом дискурсе русскоязычной диаспоры Китая как репрезентанте русской лингвокультуры, ориентированной в область китайской культуры. Ксенонимы-интерпретативы имеют полноценные лексические соответствия в языке-реципиенте, не отмечены этнокультурной маркированностью в матричном языке и служат восприятию, пониманию и интерпретации иностранной языковой и социокультурной реальности диаспоральным сообществом. Цель. На основе рассмотрения одного из наиболее распространенных в изучаемом дискурсе китаизмов – ксенонима мафань – проследить механизмы лингводискурсивной адаптации, а также особенности функционирования ксенонима-интерпретатива в публичной интернет-коммуникации русскоязычного сообщества Китая. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили более 500 текстов сетевой коммуникации русскоязычной диаспоры Китая, включающие ксеноним-интерпретатив мафань. Вместе с методологическим инструментарием интерлингвокультурологии, теории заимствования и лексической семантики используются приемы контекстологического и дискурс-анализа, а также корпусной и квантитативной лингвистики. Результаты и обсуждение. Ксеноним-интерпретатив мафань при вхождении в сетевой диаспоральный дискурс и адаптации в нем, в том числе графической, претерпевает значительные семантические, деривационные, стилистические, морфолого-синтаксические трансформации, демонстрируя на всех этих уровнях крайне высокую степень подвижности и вариативности. Анализ вариантов письменной фиксации показал доминирование написания китаизма в соответствии с нормативной транскрипционной системой записи кириллицей китайских имен, наряду со значимым количеством некодифицированных и иероглифических написаний. При приспособлении ксенонима к специфике морфолого-синтаксического строя русского языка также наблюдаются его значительная грамматическая вариативность и факты включения в процесс окказионального словообразования. В ходе анализа данных словарей, а также корпусных и иных данных об употреблении лексемы в аутентичной речевой среде выявлено большое количество различных по честеречной принадлежности и семантике эквивалентов лексемы при ее переводе, а также наличие книжной и этикетной стилистической окраски в китайском языке, не сохраняющейся при вхождении в русскоязычное неформальное общение. Анализ фактов метаязыковой рефлексии по поводу ксенонима, а также совокупности контекстов его употребления в гипертексте диаспорального дискурса обнаружил наличие в русском языке семантической и стилистической лакуны, которую восполняет ксеноним мафань как универсальное понятие, обозначающее неприятную, доставляющую дискомфорт деятельность или ситуацию. Заключение. В результате проведенного анализа составлен нуждающийся в дальнейшей доработке проспект методики комплексного анализа ксенонима-интерпретатива в сетевом диаспоральном дискурсе. Introduction. This research is devoted to the study of xenonyms-interpretatives in the network discourse of the Russian-speaking diaspora of China as a representative of the Russian linguistic culture, which is focused in the area of Chinese culture. Xenonyms-interpretatives have full-fledged lexical correspondences in the recipient language, are not marked by ethno-cultural marking in the matrix language and serve the perception, understanding and interpretation of foreign language and socio-cultural reality by the diaspora community. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the study, based on the consideration of one of the most common in the analyzed discourse xenonym мафань, is to trace the mechanisms of linguistic and discursive adaptation, as well as the peculiarities of functioning of xenonym-interpretative in public Internet communication of the Russian-speaking community in China. Material and methods. The material of the research is more than 500 texts of network communication of the Russian-speaking diaspora community of China, including xenonym-interpretative мафань. Together with the methodological tools of interlinguoculturology, borrowing theory and lexical semantics, the methods of contextual and discourse analysis, corpus and quantitative linguistics are used. Results and discussion. Xenonym-interpretative мафань when entering and adapting in the network diaspora discourse, including graphic adaptation, undergoes large semantic, derivative, stylistic, morphological-syntactic transformations, demonstrating at all these levels an extremely high degree of mobility and variability. The analysis of written fixation variants showed a substantial dominance of spelling according to the normative transcription system of Chinese names written in Cyrillic alphabet, along with a significant number of and hieroglyphic writings. When the xenonym is adapted to the specifics of the morphological and syntactic structure of the Russian language, its significant grammatical variability and facts of inclusion in the process of occasional word formation are also observed. The analysis of dictionaries data, as well as corpus and other data about the use of the word in the authentic speech environment revealed a large number of different in semantics and parts of speech affiliation equivalents of translation, but also the presence of book and etiquette stylistic coloring in the Chinese language, not preserved in the Russian-speaking informal communication. Analysis of the facts of metalanguage reflection on the xenonym, as well as the totality of contexts of its use in the hypertext of diaspora discourse revealed the presence of a semantic and stylistic lacuna in the Russian language, which is filled by the xenonym мафань as a universal concept that denotes unpleasant, discomforting activity or situation. Conclusion. As a result of the research, a project of the methodology of complex analysis of the xenonyminterpretative in the network diaspora discourse has been compiled.

2021 ◽  
pp. 29-42
E. A. Bespalova ◽  
A. V. Elnikova

The features of the use of biblical phraseological units with an anthroponym component in modern media texts presented in the newspaper corpus of the National Corpus of the Russian language are considered. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that it can contribute to the accumulation of knowledge about the specifics of functioning in the modern media discourse of linguistic units that accumulate cultural meanings. The frequency of use and features of the structural-semantic derivation of phraseological units of biblical origin in newspaper texts of recent times are analyzed. The performed analysis replenishes linguistic data on the mechanisms of operating with phraseological material. The most frequent biblical phraseological units with an anthroponymic component in newspaper texts are revealed. It is shown that the most characteristic semantic transformation of the studied units is the development of phraseological meaning due to the highlighting of the seme, which is not included in the meaning of the expression. Among other semantic changes, literalization and simplification of the phrase values were also noted. It was found that the leading method of structural transformation of biblical phraseological units is the expansion of the component composition. It is concluded that the transformation of phraseological units in media texts is associated with the need to strengthen the impact on the reader, increase the intensity of the expression transmitted in the utterance, update the figurativeness of the phraseological unit and overcome its tendency to cliché.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-44
M.P. Mulina

The article deals with the concept of «soul» from the methodological point of view: the effectiveness of its analysis at the Russian language lessons for the formation of linguistic, communicative and cultural competences in fifth class while studying the topic «Phraseologisms». The author shows that the complex analysis of the concept «soul» forms systemic thinking among pupils effectively and also teaches them to use the communicative and aesthetic means of the Russian language. The author emphasized that attention to the fact that it is important to explain to pupils the «mysterious Russian soul» in the perception of foreigners, because in their languages there's not so much meanings of the word «soul»

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (9) ◽  
pp. 23-33
Galina I. Panova ◽  
Tatiana V. Viktorina ◽  
Antonina E. Kuzmina

The concept of “morphological / grammatical means” is widely used in studies on the Russian language, although there is no generally accepted interpretation. This work analyzes the reflection of this concept in Russian studies and clarifies the status of those linguistic units that are traditionally referred to as morphological means: form-building affixes, alternating sounds (internal inflection), stress, supplementary word stems, auxiliary words, intonation, as well as word order. Our research has shown that these linguistic units have different functional status in the morphological structure of the Russian language. First, these are categorical, or actually morphological, means, represented by formative affixes and auxiliary words. They are carriers of morphological meanings in the structure of abstracted morphological forms – the basic units of inflectional Russian morphology. Secondly, a non-categorical means, syncretic and accidental for morphology, are supplementary stems that contain not only lexical, but also morphological meaning and thus duplicate the expression of morphological information in a word form with a form-building affix. Thirdly, these are linguistic units that are not elements of the morphological structure, but have morphological significance, which is manifested in their ability to differentiate homonymous morphological forms in the structure of word forms (alternating sounds and stress) or utterances (intonation). Word order can also perform a similar function. The study allows us to clarify the definition of the concept under consideration: morphological means are linguistic units that are carriers of morphological meanings and constituents of morphological forms.

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 01018
Oksana Franchuk ◽  
Aleksandra Osipova

The paper considers principles of naming the bells and the main features, according to which the bell could get either name. Scientists believe that to a greater extent the structure of such onym units characterizes the specifics of how the bells were treated in Kievan Rus and the overall attitude of the Russians to them. The study was based on the analysis of the unique catalogue containing linguistic units and reflecting the history of bells, bell ringing and bell casting. The main sources of the study included compiled chronicles, archive materials, register of monastic and temple property, inscriptions on bells, and church charters. The study was conducted through comparative-historical, linguistic and cultural analysis, as well as field analysis within the cognitive stylistics. As a result, 51 bell names and their historical background were analyzed. The authors conclude that the study of linguistic units related to the history of bells and bell ringing in Russia alongside with their casting features will make it possible to bridge the historical knowledge gap and to draw some conclusions on the way the Russians perceive the linguistic worldview of this unique element of the Russian culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 04 (03) ◽  

The article is devoted to the problem of studying the sociolinguistic potential of polypredicative syntactic constructions, defining the principles of analysis of multi-term complex sentences and complex sentences of a complicated type, describing the position of choosing the social roles considered in the work and justifying the inclusion of the interpersonal role “narrator” in the concept of social role in a literary text. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need to study the syntax of the modern Russian language in the sociolinguistic aspect, since at present the sociolinguistic approach is applied only to phonetics, vocabulary, phraseology. We have not identified significant studies related to the analysis of the syntactic structure of the Russian language, and in particular, polypredicative syntactic constructions presented in the sociolinguistic aspect. Therefore, it seems to us interesting to consider this problem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 168-175
Tatiana V. Voronchenko ◽  
Svetlana G. Korovina ◽  
Ekaterina V. Fyodorova ◽  

The article deals with the elements of Russian cultural code in folklore and literary works of the Russian-Chinese and Mexican-American borderlands. The object of the study is the texts united by the topos of the border. The borderland is considered as the place of the most intense interaction of cultures. The authors focus on the features of the polylogue of cultures at specific loci: Trekhrechye, Northern China (right bank of the border river Argun); California and Baja California (Mexican-American border) — historically marked by the “Russian presence”. These loci are characterized by linguistic contacts of the Russian language with Chinese and Evenk (Trekhrechye, right bank of the Argun River); Russian with English and Spanish (California and Baja California). The relevance of the study connected with the growing academic interest in the phenomenon of cultural and linguistic interaction in the borderlands. The authors explore significant units of Russian cultural code: personal names (anthroponyms), toponyms, exoticisms based on Russian song folklore of the Trekhrechye and the literary works of contemporary authors of the Russian-Chinese and Mexican-American borderlands (Chi Zijian, G. Valdes). The verbal cultural code contributes to the preservation and transmission of cultural information in a situation of close interaction with a foreign culture. The work uses comparative-historical, structural-semiotic and linguocultural research methods. The study confirms that specific linguistic units, onyms (anthroponyms, toponyms) and exoticisms, are significant elements of the Russian cultural code, which is actualized in the polylogue of cultures in borderland loci.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 171-176
Ekaterina Yurievna Andreeva

This article is dedicated to the analysis of objective and subjective nature of translation transformations. The research relies on the biographical novels “Anastasia: The Riddle of Anna Anderson” and “Isadora: A Sensational Life” by Peter Kurth and their translations into the Russian language. Research methodology employs the methods of descriptive and comparative analysis. The goal lies in examination of the various types of translation modifications (substitution, inversion, addition, and omission) for determining the inevitable changes in the sentences with syntactic structure on the one hand, and the results of individual approach of the  translators fluent in Russian and English on the other hand. The novelty consists in the analysis of syntactic modifications, taking into account various extralinguistic factors within the framework of a particular genre of fiction literature – biographical novel characterized by a special degree of expressiveness. In is established that in literary translation all transformations can be divided into two groups: objective and subjective. Objective transformations are the result of differences in the formal and semantic systems of the English and Russian languages, while subjective modifications help to express the degree of likelihood of the event, as well as the emotional state or attitude of the characters to the events, people, or things. The acquired conclusions contribute to further study of the role of syntactic transformations in the literary translation from English into Russian, as well as can be used in preparation of specialists who study English at the lectures and seminars on the relevant topics of emotive syntax and literary translation.

2012 ◽  
Vol 21 (26) ◽  
pp. 110-119
Natalia Yudina

The article is devoted to the analysis of one of the most important terms in modern linguistic usage – the definition of a language personality. It was introduced in Russian-language scientific use in the 1930s by academician V. Vinogradov, and has been related to the ever-increasing interest in the anthropocentric factor in language, as well as to changes in the scientific linguistic paradigm, since the 1980s. Resuming some terminological and conceptual descriptions of language personality, as represented in the Russian-language linguistic literature, this article comes to the conclusion that language personality theory is presently reviewed in linguodidactics, linguoculturology, cognitive linguistics, ethnolinguoculturology, psycholinguistics, lexicography, stylistics, pragmatics, and other intra- and extralinguistic disciplines.The complex analysis makes it possible to identify verbal-semantic (lexicon), linguocognitive (thesaurus), motivational (pragmaticon; cf.Y. N. Karaulov), stylistic, communicative-pragmatic, linguoculturological, emotional, articulatory, and other levels. In addition to language personality, the terms verbal and communicative personality must also be specified and systematized. Further conceptual and terminological research in the description of language personality seems highly necessary for modern linguistics. The process of developing and establishing a language personality appears to be an essential component of the objective and subjective transformations of the information society. Further inquiry into the study of language personality will contribute to a better understanding of the social-political, economic, socio-cultural and linguistic processes occurring in the 21st century.

Eleonora Ilsurovna Zamaleeva ◽  

The article is devoted to the comparative, as well as the criteria for highlighting the circumstance of the mode of action in the Pashto language, approaches to the selection of the circumstance of the mode of action among other grammatical categories in Pashto and Russian. In terms of the functional features of adverbs, it is worth noting that an adverb always performs the function of a circumstance in a sentence. For example, the circumstances of time, place, degree, or mode of action in both Pashto and Russian. In the adverbialization characteristic of the Pashto language adverbs, it can be noted that this paragraph considers the process of the transition of adverbs to other parts of speech. In the Pashto language, as in the Russian language, the circumstance is divided into the following groups: place, time, degree, mode of action, and others.

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