2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-95
Moh. Muhtador

Riffat Hasan is one of the Muslim feminists against the strong patriarchal culture in his environment. Riffat Hasan's idea of ​​equality is a breath of fresh air for women who have been embraced by a growing patriarchal culture. As a Muslim feminist, Riffat hasan uses gender as an analysis to dismantle the construction of patriarchal culture wrapped with a religious message, especially the hadith of the prophet. The development of religious patriarchism is the result of interpretation of religious teachings that have the impression of gender bias (missoginis), gender bias interpretation model is one of the relations that shows the interaction of patriarchal culture with religion. The relationship forms a mutually supportive argument between religious teachings and patriarchal culture. So that both regions are understood as one-unit. But as a critical effort on the development of religious patriarchism, Riffat Hasan's idea of ​​gender can be used as a medium for finding ideological constructs, and the use of epistemology in the understanding of religious teachings. Thus, patriarchal religious and cultural relations are no longer seen as a whole that must be thoroughly replicated.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-295
Fikri Hamdani ◽  
Moh. Muhtador

This paper is a critical study of the discourse on religion and patriarchal culture. The development of religious patriarchism results from the interpretation of spiritual teachings that have the impression of a gender bias; the gender bias interpretation model is one of the relationships that shows the interaction of patriarchal culture with religion. Disclosure of the relationship between religion and patriarchism to understand the boundaries of what is called religion and interpretation and other elements in the meaning of religion. This paper is library research that relies on literature data related to gender and religion by using the theory of gender criticism to find answers to religious alliances and patriarchism. This paper shows that epistemologically, a series of meanings related to women's lives is interpreted textually. The meanings that are born are motivated by elements of male culture. There is a patriarchal ideology that is still strong in the body of a religious community that interprets the meaning of religion as religion.

2013 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 136
Fatrawati Kumari

Violence against women often occurs in various fields of life. The violence is a product of a patriarchal culture that is not just touching the social sphere, but also venturing into religious territory. Religion is considered as a justification and the things that make the practice of violence against women becomes a habit. View of gender bias in the various dimensions of life, including religion also took part in the practice of letting the violence against women, even seen as root causes of the violence. Through the analysis of gender and Taoism-Islam, the issue of violence against women is trying to find a comprehensive explanation for the violence seen not only physicallyquantitative, but also spiritually-qualitative. Relation equal reciprocity in the relationship becomes important bid proposed Islamic gender analysis and Taoism.

Babel ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 377-394 ◽  
Marie-Evelyne Le Poder

The linguistic loan is a social phenomenon which reflects the cultural influence exercised by a society on the other one. The economic, political and cultural relations that weave between communities contribute to the linguistic exchange between States, in particular through cultural exchanges of every type which, in turn, pull the incorporation of elements of a language in the other one. Spanish takes more and more words and forms from the English language; this is true in a lot of domains, of which the domain of the economy. From a terminological perspective, this article treats loans of the English language in the economic language in Spanish. We realize a work of observation, analysis and description of the lexical loans in a corpus of articles published in the economic section of the daily paper El Pais over the period included between January 2007 and December 2010. The theoretical framework of our study deals, on the one hand, with the category of loans which, broadly speaking, conform to units from other linguistic codes, and secondly, we approach this linguistic phenomenon from the perspective of sociolinguistic language that is interested in the relationship between language and society. We then present our objectives (main and specific), and the methodology we have followed throughout our investigation. Finally, we discuss the results. Résumé L’emprunt est un phenomene social qui reflete l’influence culturelle exercee par une societe sur une autre. Les relations d’ordre economique, politique et culturelle qui se tissent entre les communautes contribuent aux echanges linguistiques entre les Etats, notamment au travers d’echanges culturels de tout type lesquels, a leur tour, entrainent l’incorporation d’elements d’une langue dans une autre. L’espagnol emprunte de plus en plus de mots et de tournures a la langue anglaise ; ceci est vrai dans bon nombre de domaines, dont le domaine de l’economie. Depuis une perspective terminologique, cet article traite des emprunts de la langue anglaise dans le langage economique en espagnol. Nous realisons un travail d’observation, d’analyse et de description des emprunts lexicaux presents dans un corpus d’articles publies dans la section economique du quotidien El Pais sur la periode entre janvier 2007 et decembre 2010. Le cadre theorique de notre etude traite, d’une part, la categorie des emprunts qui, au sens large, conforment aux unites provenant d’autres codes linguistiques et, d’autre part, nous abordons ce phenomene linguistique par la perspective sociolinguistique qui s’interesse aux rapports entre le langage et la societe. Nous presentons ensuite nos objectifs (principaux et specifiques), puis la methodologie que nous avons suivie tout au long de notre investigation. Enfin, nous discutons des resultats obtenus.

Pablo Badilla ◽  
Felipe Bravo-Marquez ◽  
Jorge Pérez

Word embeddings are known to exhibit stereotypical biases towards gender, race, religion, among other criteria. Severa fairness metrics have been proposed in order to automatically quantify these biases. Although all metrics have a similar objective, the relationship between them is by no means clear. Two issues that prevent a clean comparison is that they operate with different inputs, and that their outputs are incompatible with each other. In this paper we propose WEFE, the word embeddings fairness evaluation framework, to encapsulate, evaluate and compare fairness metrics. Our framework needs a list of pre-trained embeddings and a set of fairness criteria, and it is based on checking correlations between fairness rankings induced by these criteria. We conduct a case study showing that rankings produced by existing fairness methods tend to correlate when measuring gender bias. This correlation is considerably less for other biases like race or religion. We also compare the fairness rankings with an embedding benchmark showing that there is no clear correlation between fairness and good performance in downstream tasks.

Craige B. Champion

In conclusion, the book has drawn on various perspectives and on the notion of elite-instrumentalism to elucidate the religious practices of the Roman ruling elite in the days of the Middle Republic. It has investigated the religious behaviors of republican elites based on three categories: domi, focusing on the state religion and its formal structures in the capital; militiae, with emphasis on the religious preoccupations and actions of generals in the field of military operations; and domi militiaeque, taking into account the relationship between traditional religion in Rome and external religious influences. Finding the elite-instrumentalist interpretation/model to be inadequate as a primary mode of historical explanation, the book has drawn on various theories in order to offer provisional alternatives, including the psychological theory of cognitive dissonance, as well as those gained from studies in anthropology and cultural theory.

Wang Zheng

Starting with a brief history of feminism in China and women in the Communist Revolution to contextualize the emergence of socialist state feminists, the chapter introduces key findings of the book, highlights a politics of concealment and a politics of erasure, explains how “anti-feudalism” served as a coded phrase for socialist feminist agendas developed by the gender-based mass organization–ACWF from its paradoxical position of both being a part of the state power and a subordinated group in the power structure of the male-dominated CCP. The chapter emphasizes the cultural front as an important arena of feminist engagement with a patriarchal culture, and explains the two-part-structure of the book that examines the relationship between the ACWF and the CCP, and the relationship between a socialist feminist revolution of culture and the Cultural Revolution.

Slavic Review ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 661-684
Theodora Dragostinova

This article examines Bulgarian cultural relations with India and Mexico in the 1970s to explore the role of cultural diplomacy in the relationship between the Second and the Third Worlds during the Cold War. In 1975, Liudmila Zhivkova, the daughter of the Bulgarian leader, became the head of the Committee for Culture; under her patronage, Bulgarian officials organized literally hundreds of exhibitions, concerts, academic conferences, book readings, cultural weeks, and visits that involved the three countries in an intense cultural romance. Even though Bulgaria was known as the “Soviet master satellite,” culture provided a considerable level of independence in Bulgarian dealings with international actors, which often caused Soviet irritation. In the end, by using culture, in addition to political and economic aid, Bulgaria managed to forge its role as an intermediary between the Second World and the Global South, and to project its notions of development on a global scene.

2009 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 309-331 ◽  
Ivan Vander biesen

Abstract Starting from the nineteenth century descriptive literatures on Zanzibar by authors such as Sir Richard Burton and Charles Guillain, and Salima bint Said-Ruete's autobiography, we can draw a rather detailed picture of the relationship between the different social layers, cultures and genders on Zanzibar. Describing and differentiating the complexity of Zanzibar society in the nineteenth century is the main aim of this paper. The focus is on clothing in order to sketch the social organization of the society and to highlight the cultural relations between the different groups in Zanzibar. The evidence obtained from the description of clothing is used as an eye-opener for the Zanzibar society and this evidence is supported by nineteenth century literature and photography on Zanzibar.

Modern Italy ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 315-329
Tamara Colacicco

The first British cultural institute on foreign soil was founded in Florence in 1917. However, it was the creation of the British Council in London in 1935 that marked the beginning of the strengthening of the British cultural presence abroad. The aim of this drive was to promote knowledge of British culture and civic and political life overseas, to defend national prestige and, given the escalating expansionist policies of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, to encourage the preservation of dialogue between the major European powers, underpinned by democratic principles. Bridging a gap in research into the relationship between Italy and Great Britain in the interwar period, this article reconstructs the case study of British cultural diplomacy in Florence between 1922 and Mussolini’s declaration of war, analysing how British culture was used in politics and propaganda and investigating the relationship of the management of both the British Institute of Florence and the British Council with Fascism. In doing so, it offers original insight into British history and the country’s cultural institutions in Fascist Italy, and into the wider field of Anglo-Italian political and cultural relations during the period of dictatorship in Italy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Mayola Andika

Abstract. Nowadays, the issues of gender become hot topics to be discussed. It caused by the reality of some society who still hold the principle of patriarchal culture. Men tend to get the privileges than women. Basically, Islam upholds equality between men and women. Islam is believed as an ideal religion that is revealed for lift level and free up women from Jahiliyyah tradition in which marginalize women’s position. Verses of the Qur'an have revealed the equality of man and women and outline the equation in between both of them. As for the difference is their level of devotion. However, in religious empirical reality, the problem of gender bias arises whilst understanding and interpreting the religion texts. The misinterpretation then brought up the problem interrelated with men and women relation, for instance injustice, subordination, discrimination, and marginalization. Thus, the author assumes that a review of the interpretations of the verses and models of interpretation that tend to marginalize the role of women is needed to be conducted. In this research, the author elaborates of how the relation betwen men and women in Al-quran’s perspective through reinterpretation of Surat An-Nisa, verse 34 in contextual. The author focuses on the gender studies and connect it with the concept of men and women equality with descriptive-analitics method. Abstrak. Dewasa ini isu gender hangat diperbincangkan. Hal itu dilatarbelakangi oleh realitas masyarakat yang sebagian masih memegang prinsip budaya patriaki. Laki-laki mendapatkan hak-hak istimewa, sedangkan kaum perempuan cenderung dinomorduakan. Islam pada dasarnya menjunjung tinggi kesetaraan. Agama Islam diyakini sebagai agama yang ideal. Diturunkan untuk mengangkat derajat dan membebaskan perempuan dari tradisi jahiliyyah yang memarginalisasi kedudukannya. Ayat al-Qur’an telah mengungkapkan kesetaraan laki-laki dan perempuan serta menggariskan persamaan kedudukan di antara keduanya. Adapun yang membedakan adalah tingkat ketaqwaan. Namun, dalam realitas empiris keagamaan timbul problem pemahaman dan penafsiran teks-teks agama yang bias gender. Hal tersebut kemudian memunculkan masalah berkaitan dengan relasi laki-laki dan perempuan, seperti ketidakadilan, subordinasi, diskriminasi, dan marginalisasi. Untuk itu penulis menganggap perlu adanya peninjauan ulang interpretasi ayat dan model penafsiran yang cenderung meminggirkan peranan kaum perempuan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis memaparkan bagaimana relasi laki-laki dan perempuan dalam perspektif al-Qur’an melalui reinterpretasi terhadap penafsiran QS an-Nisa` ayat 34 secara kontekstual. Penulis memfokuskan kajian gender dan menghubungkannya dengan konsep kesetaraan laki-laki dan perempuan dengan metode deskriptif-analitis. 

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