scholarly journals Ativação da intenção para redução do consumo de sal entre pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca: estudo qualitativo

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (34) ◽  
pp. 324-333
Andressa Teoli Nunciaroni ◽  
Rúbia De Freitas Agondi ◽  
Roberta Cunha Matheus Rodrigues ◽  
Maria Cecília Beuno Jayme Gallani

Os objetivos deste estudo são apresentar os planos de ação e de enfrentamento de obstáculos para reduzir o consumo de sal elaborados por pacientes com Insuficiência Cardíaca e seu referente social; descrever a avaliação da experiência dos pacientes. Estudo de intervenção, qualitativo. Os pacientes foram aleatorizados em grupos Individual (n=15) e Colaborativo (n=13) e elaboraram planos de ação e de enfretamento de obstáculos para a redução do consumo de sal em consulta de enfermagem (T0); reforçados presencialmente 30 dias depois (T1); e por telefone 15 e 45 dias após T0. Foi utilizado debriefing para avaliar a experiência dos pacientes (n=15). O principal plano de ação corresponde à separação de uma colher de chá de sal/dia. Estratégias de enfrentamento incluíram apoio do referente social e aumento do uso de temperos naturais. A intervenção foi considerada fácil e útil. A Ativação da Intenção contribui para o rompimento de hábitos relacionados ao consumo de sal nesta população.Descritores: Enfermagem, Insuficiência Cardíaca, Comportamento Alimentar, Dieta Hipossódica. Activation of the intention to reduce salt consumption among patients with heart failure: a qualitative studyAbstract: The objectives of this study are to present the action and coping plans to reduce salt intake developed by patients with Heart Failure and their social referent; to describe patients' experience evaluation. Intervention research, qualitative. Patients were randomized into Individual (n=15) and Collaborative (n=13) groups and developed action and coping plans to reduce salt consumption in nursing consultations (T0); reinforced in person 30 days later (T1); and by telephone 15 and 45 days after T0. Debriefing was used to assess patients' experience (n=15). The main action plan corresponds to separation of one teaspoon of salt/day. Coping strategies included social referent support and increased use of natural spices. The intervention was considered easy and useful. The Implementation Intention contributes to the breaking of habits related to salt consumption in this population.Descriptors: Nursing, Heart Failure, Feeding Behavior, Diet, Sodium-Restricted. Activación de la Intención para reducción el consumo de la sal en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca: un estudio cualitativoResumen: Los objetivos de este estudio son presentar los planes de acción y afrontamiento para reducir el consumo de la sal elabordos por pacientes con Insuficiencia Cardíaca y su referente social; describir la evaluación de la experiencia de los pacientes. Investigación de intervención, cualitativa. Los pacientes fueron aleatorizados en grupos individuales (n=15) y colaborativos (n=13) y desarrollaron planes de acción y de afrontamiento para reducir el consumo de sal en las consultas de enfermería (T0); reforzados presencialmente unos 30 días después (T1); y por teléfono 15 y 45 días después del T0. Se utilizó el debriefing para evaluar la experiencia de los pacientes (n=15). El principal plan de acción corresponde a la separación de una cucharadita de sal/día. Las estrategias de afrontamiento incluyeron el apoyo de referentes sociales y un mayor uso de especias naturales. La intervención se consideró fácil y útil. La Activación de la Intención contribuye a la ruptura de hábitos relacionados con el consumo de la sal en esta población.Descriptores: Enfermería, Insuficiencia Cardíaca, Conducta Alimentaria, Dieta Hiposódica.

2019 ◽  
Vol 82 (20) ◽  
Flávia Ribeiro do Carmo ◽  
Harriet Bárbara Maruxo ◽  
Willian Alves dos Santos

Objetiva-se identificar evidências científicas sobre a qualidade de vida em pacientes diagnosticados com insuficiênciacardíaca. Revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde(LILACS), Base de Dados de Enfermagem (BDENF) e Sistema Online de Busca e Análise de Literatura Médica (MEDLINE)com a seguinte questão norteadora: Como a insuficiência cardíaca interfere na qualidade de vida dos pacientescardiológicos? Foi utilizada a estratégia PICO com recorte temporal de 2011 a 2016, nos idiomas português, inglês eespanhol. As informações foram tabuladas em programa Microsoft Excel® e processadas a partir de estratégia: médiaaritmética descritiva simples, frequência absoluta e relativa. Encontrou-se 712 artigos na sua totalidade, após aplicaçãodos critérios de inclusão e exclusão foram selecionados 17 artigos científicos avaliados a partir da categoria: os principaisfatores que comprometem a qualidade de vida dos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. Conclui-se que os pacientes cominsuficiência cardíaca apresentam intolerância à realização de atividades físicas e têm seu sono prejudicado por conta dadispneia e fadiga, sintomas que contribuem para o declínio da qualidade de vida.Palavras-chave: Insuficiência Cardíaca; Qualidade de Vida; Enfermagem. ABSTRACTThe aim is to identify scientific evidence on the quality of life in patients diagnosed with heart failure. Integrativereview carried out in the Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Base de Dadosde Enfermagem (BDENF) e Sistema Online de Busca e Análise de Literatura Médica (MEDLINE) databases withthe question: How does heart failure interfere with the quality of life of cardiology patients? The PICO strategywith time cut from 2011 to 2016 was used in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The information was tabulated inMicrosoft Excel® program and processed from strategy: simple descriptive arithmetic mean, absolute and relativefrequency. It found 712 articles in their totality, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, were selected17 scientific articles evaluated from the category: the main factors that compromise the quality of life of patientswith heart failure. It concludes that the patients with heart failure are intolerant to physical activities and sleepimpaired due to dyspnea and fatigue, such symptoms that contribute to the decline of quality of life.Keywords: Heart failure; Quality of life; Nursing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 12214-12237
Luiza Miranda Marinho de Paula ◽  
Bruna Xisto Mesquita de Oliveira ◽  
Eduarda Viana Maia Sutana ◽  
Eduardo Paulo Fonseca Silva ◽  
Gabriela Bussad Pires ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 591-639
Maria Auxiliadora Ribeiro de Jesus Guerreiro ◽  
Selma Petra Chaves Sá Guerreiro ◽  
Kyra Vianna Alochio ◽  
Martha Tudrej Sattler Ribeiro

Objetivo: Identificar estrategias de telecuidado para pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca que colaboran para la adhesión al tratamiento.Material y Método: Revisión integrativa de la literatura realizada en las bases de datos CINAHL, PubMed, Scielo y LILACS. La elaboración del problema fue guiada por la estrategia PICO que originó la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cuáles son las estrategias del telecuidado para los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca que contribuyen a su adhesión al tratamiento?Resultados: Dieciséis artículos atendieron a los criterios definidos por el estudio y por lo tanto, participaron del análisis de esta revisión.Conclusión: El telecuidado posibilita el acompañamiento de un número mayor de pacientes, contribuyendo al control de signos y síntomas de la insuficiencia cardiaca. Favorece la optimización de los tratamientos farmacológico y no farmacológico disminuyendo tasas de re-hospitalización y mortalidad. Objective: Identify tele-monitoring strategies for patients with heart failure who collaborate for adherence when it comes to treatment.Material and Method: Integrative review of the literature carried out in the databases CINAHL, PubMed, Scielo and LILACS. The elaboration of the problem was guided by the PICO strategy that gave rise to the following question: "What are the tele-monitoring strategies for patients with heart failure that contribute to their adherence to treatment?".Results: Sixteen articles met the criteria defined by the study and, therefore, participated in the analysis of this review.Conclusion: Tele-monitoring allows the monitoring of a larger number of patients, contributing to the control of signs and symptoms of heart failure. Also, It favors the optimization of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments, reducing rates of rehospitalization and mortality.

Open Heart ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. e001184
Nasrin Tayyari Dehbarez ◽  
Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen ◽  
Bettine Wulff Risør ◽  
Claus Vinther Nielsen ◽  
Vibeke Lynggaard

ObjectivesTo enhance adherence to cardiac rehabilitation (CR), a patient education programme called ‘learning and coping’ (LC-programme) was implemented in three hospitals in Denmark. The aim of this study was to investigate the cost–utility of the LC-programme compared with the standard CR-programme.Methods825 patients with ischaemic heart disease or heart failure were randomised to the LC-programme or the standard CR-programme and were followed for 3 years.A societal cost perspective was applied and quality-adjusted life years (QALY) were based on SF-6D measurements. Multiple imputation technique was used to handle missing data on the SF-6D. The statistical analyses were based on means and bootstrapped SEs. Regression framework was employed to estimate the net benefit and to illustrate cost-effectiveness acceptability curves.ResultsNo statistically significant differences were found between the two programmes in total societal costs (4353 Euros; 95% CI –3828 to 12 533) or in QALY (–0.006; 95% CI –0.053 to 0.042). At a threshold of 40 000 Euros, the LC-programme was found to be cost-effective at 15% probability; however, for patients with heart failure, due to increased cost savings, the probability of cost-effectiveness increased to 91%.ConclusionsWhile the LC-programme did not appear to be cost-effective in CR, important heterogeneity was noted for subgroups of patients. The LC-programme was demonstrated to increase adherence to the rehabilitation programme and to be cost-effective among patients with heart failure. However, further research is needed to study the dynamic value of heterogeneity due to the small sample size in this subgroup.

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1711
Francisca Elisângela Teixeira Lima ◽  
Danielle Diógenes Nunes ◽  
Débora Lima Freitas ◽  
Ires Lopes Custódio ◽  
Francisca Lígia Medeiros Martins Santos ◽  

ABSTRACTObjective: to evaluate the epidemiological aspects of patients with Heart Failure (HF) and identify the risk factors in patients with HF. Method: this is about a descriptive study, quantitative, performed in a hospital from Fortaleza-CE. The population was composed of patients hospitalized with HF, the sample comprising 100 patients who met the criteria for inclusion. Data were collected in records and interview. Approved by the Ethics Committee n.º 514/2008. Results: prominent mention as sociodemographic characteristics are: male (63%), age> 60 years (43%), presence of hereditary factors (48%), married (67%), retired (42%) and family income < 1 minimum wage (70%). Modifiable risk factors identified: hypertension (61%), diabetes (22%), overweight (40%), hyperlipidemia (18%), sedentary (82%) smokers (11%) and consumers of alcohol (15%). Conclusion: as we conclude, knowing the profile of the population that carry the HF is favorable to develop strategies for health education to prevent cardiovascular complications in people with higher number of risk factors. Descriptors: health profile; cardiovascular diseases; heart failure; nursing; health education; health promotion. RESUMOObjetivo: levantar as características sociodemográficas dos pacientes portadores de insuficiência cardíaca (IC) e identificar os fatores de risco modificáveis nos pacientes portadores de IC. Método: estudo descritivo, quantitativo, desenvolvido em hospital terciário de Fortaleza-CE. A população foi constituída por pacientes com IC hospitalizados, com amostra de 100 pacientes. Os dados foram coletados nos prontuários e em entrevista. Aprovado pelo comitê de ética sob parecer n.º 514/2008. Resultados: predominaram como características sociodemográficas: sexo masculino (63%); idade > 60 anos (43%); presença de fatores hereditários (48%); casados (67%); aposentados (42%) e com renda familiar < 1 salário mínimo (70%). Fatores de risco modificáveis detectados: hipertensão (61%); diabetes (22%); sobrepeso (40%); dislipidemia (18%); sedentários (82%); tabagistas (11%) e etilista (15%). Conclusão: conclui-se que conhecer o perfil da população portadora de IC é favorável para desenvolver estratégias de educação em saúde a fim de prevenir complicações cardiovasculares nas populações com fatores de risco. Descritores: perfil de saúde; doenças cardiovasculares; insuficiência cardíaca; enfermagem; educação em saúde; promoção da saúde.RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar los aspectos epidemiológicos de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) y identificar los factores de riesgo en pacientes con IC. Método: estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, desarrollado en hospital terciario, Fortaleza-CE. La población se compone de los pacientes hospitalizados con IC, la muestra de 100 pacientes. Datos fueron recolectados en los registros y entrevista. Aprobado por el Comitê de Ética nº 514/2008. Resultados: prominente mencionar características sociodemográficas como: sexo masculino (63%), edad > 60 años (43%), presencia de factores hereditarios (48%), casadas (67%), jubilados (42%) y los ingresos de la familia

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 12
Renata Gomes Chaves ◽  
Camila Barbosa Araújo ◽  
Maria Bruna Madeiro da Silva ◽  
Natalia Jacinto de Almeida Leal ◽  
Clarissa Bentes de Araújo Magalhães ◽  

A insuficiência cardíaca (IC) é uma síndrome clínica sistêmica complexa em que a disfunção cardíaca ocasiona suprimento sanguíneo inadequado para atender as necessidades metabólicas dos tecidos. Objetivou-se analisar as características funcionais pulmonares e suas repercussões em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca de um Hospital Universitário da cidade de Fortaleza/CE. Pesquisa de campo, seccional, realizada no período de agosto de 2012 a novembro de 2013. A amostra foi composta por 20 pacientes portadores de IC (Classes II e III). Foram excluídos os pacientes que apresentaram alterações ósteomioarticulares, e os que participaram de programas de reabilitação. As avaliações consistiram em analisar as pressões inspiratórias e expiratórias máximas, o pico de fluxo expiratório e a espirometria. Na amostra pesquisada 60% (n=12) eram do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 55,3 ± 2,77 anos, 80% (n=16) eram casados, 55% (n=11) tinham como causa da IC a miocardiopatia dilatada e 40% (n=8) apresentaram fração de ejeção variando entre 36 ˫ 40%. Em relação às comorbidades apenas 30% (n=6) apresentaram diabetes, 90% (n=18) hipertensão e 40% (n=8) dislipidemia. Em relação à avaliação da musculatura respiratória, e da função pulmonar, observou-se que os valores médios foram menores significativamente quando comparados ao previsto, porém sem significância quando comparados entre as classes funcionais II e III. Houve maior prevalência de IC entre pacientes do sexo masculino, casados, em decorrência de miocardiopatia dilatada hipertensiva, com FEVE de 36 ˫ 40%. Estes pacientes tendem a reduzir à força muscular respiratória, o pico de fluxo e a função pulmonar. As classes funcionais II e III não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação aos valores previstos em relação às variáveis analisadas. ANALYSIS OF FUNCTIONAL PULMONARY CHARACTERISTICS AND THEIR REPERCUSSIONS IN PATIENTS WITH HEART FAILURE ABSTRACT Heart failure (HF) is a complex systemic clinical syndrome in which cardiac dysfunction causes inadequate blood supply to meet the tissues' metabolic needs. The aim of this study was to analyze the pulmonary functional characteristics and their repercussions in patients with heart failure at a University Hospital in the city of Fortaleza / CE. Field research, sectional, performed from August 2012 to November 2013. The sample consisted of 20 patients with HF (Classes II and III). Patients who presented osteomioarticular alterations and those who participated in rehabilitation programs were excluded. The evaluations consisted of analyzing maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures, peak expiratory flow, and spirometry. In the studied sample, 60% (n = 12) were males, with a mean age of 55.3 ± 2.77 years, 80% (n = 16) were married, 55% (n = 11) had as causes to CI the dilated cardiomyopathy and 40% (n = 8) had an ejection fraction ranging from 36 to 40%. Regarding comorbidities, only 30% (n = 6) presented diabetes, 90% (n = 18) hypertension and 40% (n = 8) dyslipidemia. Regarding respiratory muscle evaluation and pulmonary function, it was observed that mean values were significantly lower when compared to predicted, but without significance when compared between functional classes II and III. There was a higher prevalence of HF among male patients, married, due to hypertensive dilated cardiomyopathy, with LVEF of 36 ˫ 40%. These patients tend to reduce respiratory muscle strength, peak flow, and lung function. Functional classes II and III did not present significant differences in relation to predicted values and variables analyzed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-96 ◽  
Naiemeh Seyedfatemi ◽  
Elham Zeinali ◽  
Mostafa Bahremand ◽  
Abbas Mehran ◽  
Mehdi Zeinali ◽  

2012 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 486-494 ◽  
Rúbia de Freitas Agondi ◽  
Maria Cecília Bueno Jayme Gallani ◽  
Marilia Estevam Cornélio ◽  
Roberta Cunha Matheus Rodrigues

This cross-sectional study, based in implementation intention theory, describes action plans developed by women with hypertension (n=49) to add no more than 4g of salt per day to food and to reduce consumption of salty foods, as well as describing the barriers perceived and the coping strategies adopted for putting the action plans into practice. The plans were categorized according to similarities and were submitted to frequency analysis. The majority of the action and coping plans had to do with the effectuation of the behavior involving adding up to 4g of salt per day per person to food. The action strategies were aimed at quantifying the salt added, and the main obstacles were related to the reduced palatability of the food made with less salt. The coping plans have to do with preparing foods separately and to using natural seasonings instead of salt. This data can help the nurse to design activities for clinical education, with a view to reducing salt consumption among patients who prepare their own food.

Nutrients ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 308
Thibaud Damy ◽  
Véronique Benedyga ◽  
Théo Pezel ◽  
Emmanuelle Berthelot ◽  
Jacques Gauthier ◽  

(1) Background: There is much debate about the use of salt-restricted diet for managing heart failure (HF). Dietary guidelines are inconsistent and lack evidence. (2) Method: The OFICSel observatory collected data about adults hospitalised for HF. The data, collected using study-specific surveys, were used to describe HF management, including diets, from the cardiologists’ and patients’ perspectives. Cardiologists provided the patients’ clinical, biological, echocardiography, and treatment data, while the patients provided dietary, medical history, sociodemographic, morphometric, quality of life, and burden data (burden scale in restricted diets (BIRD) questionnaire). The differences between the diet recommended by the cardiologist, understood by the patient, and the estimated salt intake (by the patient) and diet burden were assessed. (3) Results: Between March and June 2017, 300 cardiologists enrolled 2822 patients. Most patients (90%) were recommended diets with <6 g of salt/day. Mean daily salt consumption was 4.7 g (standard deviation (SD): 2.4). Only 33% of patients complied with their recommended diet, 34% over-complied, and 19% under-complied (14% unknown). Dietary restrictions in HF patients were associated with increased burden (mean BIRD score of 8.1/48 [SD: 8.8]). (4) Conclusion: Healthcare professionals do not always follow dietary recommendations, and their patients do not always understand and comply with diets recommended. Restrictive diets in HF patients are associated with increased burden. An evidence-based approach to developing and recommending HF-specific diets is required.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 37-44
Andrea Marie Medina Méndez ◽  
Henry Ulate Arguedas ◽  
Andrea Marie Medina Méndez

Resumen en español Introducción: Los beneficios que los CP aportan a los pacientes con enfermedad oncológica, están claramente establecido desde hace años, no así los beneficios que podrían recibir los pacientes con IC.  Objetivos: Evidenciar los beneficios de la inclusión de los CP a los servicios de Cardiología y determinar el manejo de los pacientes con IC avanzada/terminal.  Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda de estudios relacionados con el tema en diferentes bases de datos: Cochrane Medline, Medscape, PubMed Scielo y Tripdatabase en el mes de Setiembre del 2018 utilizando las palabras claves.  Resultados y conclusiones: La inclusión temprana de los pacientes con IC avanzada o terminal en los programas de CP trae importantes beneficios para el pacientes su familia/cuidador y al sistema de salud.     Abstract Introduction: The benefits that palliative care provides to patients with oncological disease are clearly established for years, but not the benefits that patients with heart failure could receive. Objectives: To demonstrate the benefits of the inclusion of palliative care to Cardiology services and to determine the management of patients with advanced/terminal heart failure. Methods: A search of related studies was carried out in different databases: Cochrane Medline, Medscape, PubMed Scielo and Tripdatabase in the month of September 2018 using the key words. Results and conclusions: The early inclusion of patients with advanced or terminal heart failure in palliative care programs brings important benefits for patients, their family / caregiver and the health system.

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