scholarly journals Efektivitas Modul Pembelajaran Berbantuan Software GeoGebra pada Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-155
Rhilmanidar Rhilmanidar ◽  
Marwan Ramli ◽  
Bansu Irianto Ansari

The low learning outcomes of students on geometry may be due to the unavailability of GeoGebra software assisted learning modules. This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of a GeoGebra software assisted learning module on the theory of flat-faced 3D shapes. This study consists of three phases, which are preliminary research, prototyping phase, and assessment phase. The test subjects are the students of a junior high school in Aceh Selatan. The research instruments cover student activity sheets, formative test sheets, student response questionnaires, and observer response questionnaires.  The results show that the learning module satisfies the effectiveness criteria. These results are supported by very good student activities, improvement in students’ score of formative test, and positive responses of the students and teachers on the learning module.

Muhammad Habibbulloh ◽  

his study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of online learning on dynamic electricity topics carried out in junior high schools during the Covid-19 pandemic. Effectiveness is seen from the completeness of learning outcomes, obstacles faced during learning, and student responses to online learning. The research method used in this research is quantitative descriptive with one group pre-test post-test design. The sample used in this study were 64 junior high school students in one of the state junior high schools in Lamongan Regency, East Java. The results of the research obtained were that the average completeness of student learning on dynamic electricity material with an online learning model was very low (below the minimum completeness standards), analysis of the N-Gain value gets a value of 0.23 and is categorized as low. Statistical analysis with the help of SPSS 22 shows that the sample is normally distributed and hypothesis testing shows that online learning has no effect on increasing the value of student learning outcomes. There were many obstacles during the online learning process even though solutions had been given but there were not resolved properly, one of the obstacles was the need real lab. Student response to online learning is quite positive 63%. The conclusion of this study is that online learning is not effective enough to be used at the junior high school level and improvements are still needed in terms of facilities and infrastructure.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-30
Admin JPTM

This study aims to determine; (1) teacher activities after applying the open ended problems learning model in class XI TBSM SMKN 1 Kurun, (2) student activities after applying the open ended problems learning model in class XI TBSM SMKN 1 Kurun, (3) student responses after applying the open ended problems learning model on the double clutch system lesson, and (4) learning outcomes of class XI TBSM SMKN 1 Kurun, after following the open ended problems learning model on the double clutch system lesson. This research is descriptive quantitative, this research took the subject of class students XI TBSM SMKN 1 Kurun chosen as the subject of research. The instrument used is a test of cognitive learning outcomes, student activity sheet, teacher activity sheet, and student response questionnaires. As well as student learning outcomes related to cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. The results of data analysis showed that overall student activity was carried out well. The completeness of the classically tested cognitive learning outcomes of students in 13 people (92,85%) and 1 student has not yet finished (2,94%), so classically the results of student learning using open ended problems models are said to be successful

Arina Syukria

This study examines the use of interactive multimedia that can be effectively used in the learning process on the three dimensional material, to answer this problem, the research uses data collection techniques with teacher ability observation sheet, student activity observation sheet, test of learning result, and student response questionnaire. Data processing in this study using simple statistics with percentage and t-test. Achievement of the effectiveness of learning by using interactive multimedia is based on; the ability of teachers to manage learning, student activities during learning, student responses to learning and learning mastery. From the results of this study found that, the use of interactive multimedia effectively used in learning on the material dimension three in class X SMA 3 Banda Aceh. This is shown from the aspect of the ability of the teacher to manage the learning that is in the good category that is the score 4.13, the completeness of learning outcomes by 80% and student response results that show more than 90% of students interested in the appearance of illustration / interactive multimedia images and are interested to follow further learning. So it can be concluded the use of interactive multimedia, effectively used in learning on the material dimension three in class X SMA Negeri 3 Banda Aceh.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Mutmainnah Mutmainnah

       Based on this research are the less effective students and teachers during the learning process because the center of teaching is the teacher itself. Students are less active in learning so that students 'responses become passive and students' learning outcomes are not complete. One way to solve these problems by applied the strategy of learning group to group exchange. This study was conducted with the aim of: (1) to describe the ability of teachers to manage learning using group-to-group exchange strategy (2) to describe the student activity in learning using group-to-group exchange strategy (3) to describe the student's response to learning using the strategy Group to group exchange (4) to describe the result of students' learning after being taught using group to group exchange strategy. This research used descriptive quantitative research. The method is used observation, questionnaires and tests.The result of analysis data statistic descriptive show that, the teachers can manage Group to Group Exchange Learning which the result 3,71 in best category. Student activities during active lessons. This is indicated by an average of 3,03 which is included in the active category. Student response after learning is said to be positive, because the average percentage of positive responses across students reaches 95%. Students’ learning completeness in the classical achieved because the percentage of the number of student reached 83%.   Keywords : Effectiveness, Learning strategy Group to Group Exchange.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (9) ◽  
Nita Mahdiana ◽  
M. Shohibul Kahfi

The research was aimed to develop and to know the feasibility student’s worksheet based on guided discovery learning on trigonometric ratio on a right triangle for tenth grade of Islamic Senior High School Kepanjen. The development model oriented to the Plomp (2013) development model which consists of three stages: preliminary research, prototyping phase, assesment phase. The results showed that student’s worksheet was declared valid with a validity student’s worksheet was 3.21, the validity score of the student response questionnaire was 3.16, the validity score of observation sheet of student activities was 3.50 and the validity score of test was 3.33. The student worksheets also meet the practical criteria based on the results of students questionnaire with the practicability score that is 3.17 and observation sheet of student activities with the practicability score that is 3.78. The student’s worksheet developed also fulfills the effective criteria with a percentage of 81.81 percent of students getting a score above the KKM. Thus, the developed worksheet was feasible tu use because meets the criteria of valid, practical, and effective. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan mengetahui kelayakan LKS berbasis penemuan terbimbing pada materi perbandingan trigonometri pada segitiga siku-siku kelas X SMA Islam Kepanjen. Model pengembangan mengacu pada model pengembangan Plomp (2013) yang terdiri dari 3 tahap: preliminary research, prototyping phase, dan assesment phase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LKS dinyatakan valid dengan skor kevalidan LKS 3,21, skor kevalidan angket respon siswa 3,16, skor kevalidan lembar observasi kegiatan siswa 3,50 dan skor kevalidan soal tes 3,33. LKS juga memenuhi kriteria praktis berdasarkan hasil angket respon siswa dengan skor kepraktisan 3,17 dan lembar observasi kegiatan siswa dengan skor kepraktisan 3,78. LKS yang dikembangkan juga memenuhi kriteria efektif dengan presentase 81,81 persen siswa mendapat nilai di atas KKM. Dengan demikian, LKS yang dikembangkan layak untuk digunakan karena memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 195
Patriksius Arpan ◽  
Aunurrahman Aunurrahman ◽  
Fadillah Fadillah

This study aims to produce science learning modules with Problem Solving methods that will be used in science learning plant breeding materials, can implement the science learning module Problem-Solving methods and describe the learning outcomes of plant breeding materials using method Problem-Solving in State Elementary School 03 of Hulu Sungai in Ketapang Regency. This research is the development of science learning method using Problem-Solving method by using the development phase of R & D Research adopted by Borg and Gall with module design using ADDIE model, with the research subject is class VI involved 16 students Data obtained through expert design validation questionnaire, expert media materials and experts, interviews, student response questionnaires, and documentation. Furthermore, data analysis is conducted qualitatively and quantitatively.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-22
Anjas Setyadi ◽  
Abdul Aziz Saefudin

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan dan mengasilkan modul matematika dengan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah untuk siswa kelas VII SMP pada materi segiempat, serta mendeskripsikan kualitas modul matematika ditinjau dari kualitas kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang mengacu pada model pengembangan ADDIE dengan tahapan Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Subjek uji coba penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII A SMP Negeri 2 Pajangan, Bantul. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa observasi, angket, dan tes. Observasi dilakukan untuk mengamati keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Angket digunakan untuk mengetahui penilaian ahli dan respon siswa, sedangkan soal tes digunakan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa setelah menggunakan modul yang dikembangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) kevalidan modul berdasarkan rata-rata penilaian dosen ahli materi adalah 3,36 termasuk kriteria baik dan rata-rata penilaian guru ahli materi adalah 2,88 termasuk kriteria baik sedangkan berdasarkan rata-rata penilaian ahli media adalah 3,08 termasuk kriteria baik, (2) kepraktisan modul berdasarkan rata-rata hasil respon siswa adalah 3,12 termasuk kriteria baik dan rata-rata persentase hasil observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran adalah 89,78% termasuk kriteria sangat baik, (3) keefektifan modul berdasarkan tes hasil belajar siswa dengan persentase ketuntasan mencapai KKM adalah 73,33% termasuk kriteria baik. Development of Mathematics Module with Problem Based-Learning Model for 7th Grade of Junior High School StudentsAbstractThis research aimed to describe the process of development and to produce mathematics module with problem-based learning model for 7th grade of junior high school students in rectangular material and describe the quality of the mathematics module in terms of the quality of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. This research was development research that referred to the model of ADDIE development with the stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The subject of the research involved the students of the 7th grade of SMP Negeri 2 Pajangan, Bantul, Indonesia. The technique data collection used in this research was observation, questionnaire, and test. The observation was used to observing the implementation of learning. The questionnaire was used to know the expert assessment results and student response, while the test questions were used to asses student learning outcomes after using the module. The results showed that (1) validity of module based on the average assessment material experts was 3,36 including good criteria and the average assessment of teachers was 2,88 including good criteria while based on the average assessment of media experts was 3,08 including good criteria, (2) practicality of module based on the average of student response result was 3,12 including good criteria and average of percentage observation result of learning activity was 89,78% including very good criteria, (3) effectiveness of module based on the test student learning outcomes with the percentage of completeness reached the Minimum Completeness Criteria was 73.33% including good criteria.

Abdur Risman ◽  
Sigit Santoso

This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of guided inquiry-based accounting learning modules to improve the students’ learning outcomes in State Vocational High School (SVHS) 1 Karanganyar. This research is a research and development (R & D). This media development model used the design from Borg & Gall. The test was conducted in two classes, namely class XI AK 1 (experimental class) and XI AK 2 (control class) at SVHS 1 Karanganyar. The analysis prerequisite tests included normality test, homogeneity test, and t-test. The analysis technique used is qualitative and quantitative descriptive. The results of the research on the effectiveness of guided inquiry-based accounting learning modules show that t > ttable = (0.248 > 1.99), then H0 is rejected. It means that the two groups have different learning outcome scores. The posttest results between the experimental class (using the developed learning module) and the control class (not using the developed learning module) showed that the mean score of the experimental class was 80.45, which was higher than that of the control class of 73.77. It can be summed up that the development of guided inquiry-based accounting learning modules is effective in improving the students’ learning outcomes in SVHS 1 Karanganyar.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Luluk Fatimah ◽  
Abdul Shofi

Abstrak Pembelajaran Kooperatif merupakan model pembelajaran yang menonjolkan aktivitas siswadalam menyelesaikan masalah. Model pemeblajaran ini juga sering digunakan pada mata pelajaran yang dianggap sulit untuk dipahami sehingga dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan proses dan hasil belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas siswa SMP dalam proses pembelajaran kooperatif pada mata pelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Pembelajaran dilaksanakan  pada bulan Agustus 2019, semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2018/2019 dengan sasaran sebanyak 38 siswa kelas 9D SMP Negeri 35 Surabaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas siswa SMP dalam proses pembelajaran kooperatif sangat baik, dengan persentase 88,6%. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa aktivitas siswa SMP dalam proses pembelajaran kooperatif pada mata pelajaran matematika termasuk ke dalam kriteria sangat baik. Kata Kunci: kooperatif, pembelajaran, matematika   Abstract Cooperative learning is a learning model that emphasize student activity in solving problems. This learning model is also often used in subjects that are considered difficult to understand so that it can be used to improve the proccess and learning outcomes. The objective on this study is to find out the students’ activity during cooperative learning process in mathematics class. It is a descriptive study. The learning process was done on August 2019, with 38 students on the grade 9D, 35 State Junior High School Surabaya. Results show that students gave positive activities during the learning process, with 88.6% on percentage. In conclusion, the students’ activity during the cooperative learning process in mathematics class is very good. Keywords: cooperative, learning, mathematics

Yulianis Yulianis

This research aims to find out the improvement of learning outcomes through the application of the Think Talk Write (TTW) Type Cooperative Learning Model with the Scientific Approach of class IX.3 State Junior High School 9 Dumai. This type of research is a classroom action research or classroom action research (CAR) that has 4 stages (planning stage, implementation stage, observation stage and reflection stage). The research conducted with the Observer was a fellow researcher. Observations are made on teacher activities, student activities and learning outcomes carried out in two implementation cycles consisting of cycle I and Cycle II. The results of research in cycle I obtained the activities of Teachers and learners during the learning process 74% and 75% which are in the category is quite good, with the learning outcomes of learners classically for cycle I has not reached the desired success indicator which is 75%. Furthermore, in cycle II, teacher and student activities during the learning process of 90% which are in the category are very good, with the learning results of learners classically get the completion of learning 96% so that the completion of learning learners classically for cycle II has been achieved, namely ≥75%. So it can be concluded that the application of TTW cooperative learning model with a scientific approach to mathematics lessons with revival and support materials can improve student learning outcomes in class IX.3 State Junior High School 9 Dumai

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