2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Fransisca Helen Yuniar Malau ◽  
Made Ayu Hitapretiwi

ABSTRAKPerubahan kualitas udara dapat diakibatkan oleh adanya sumber-sumber pencemaran, baik yang bersifat alami maupun karena kegiatan manusia. Salah satu kegiatan manusia yang menjadi sumber pencemaran udara adalah aktifitas manusia menggunakan kendaraan bermotor untuk transportasi. Hampir 60% dari polutan yang dihasilkan transportasi adalah gas karbon monoksida. Meningkatnya kadar emisi gas CO dalam udara dapat mempengaruhi kadar karbon monoksida pada udara ambien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui risiko kesehatan akibat paparan CO pada populasi berisiko di Kawasan Jalan Raya Puputan Niti Mandala renon Denpasar. Rancangan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian desktriptif dengan metode ARKL. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah konsentrasi CO pada hari kerja dan car free day, serta populasi berisiko (Juru Parkir, Satpam, Pedagang Kaki Lima, dan Polisi Lalu Lintas) di kawasan Jalan Raya Puputan Renon Denpasar. Penentuan sampel manusia menggunakan teknik purposif sampling dengan jumlah 60 responden, dengan kriteria bekerja di lokasi penelitian lebih dari setahun, usia pekerja, tidak merokok dan bersedia menjadi responden. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi dan wawancara kemudian dianalisis dengan metode ARKL dan di olah menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2016 dan IBM SPSS Versi 18,00. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan konsentrasi CO rata-rata pada hari kerja di kawasan Jalan Raya Puputan Renon Denpasar sebesar 7,69 ?g/m3 dan pada saat Car Free Day sebesar 0,16 ?g/m3. Semua konsentrasi CO masih di bawah nilai baku mutu. Nilai Intake (I) dan Risiko Questiens (RQ) tertinggi terhadap paparan CO terdapat pada hari kerja di kelompok Juru Parkir dengan mean Intake (I) sebesar 1,529x10-4 mg/kg/hari dan nilai Risiko Questiens (RQ) sebesar 1,98x10-5. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Nilai Intake (I) untuk risk agent CO di Kawasan Jalan Raya Puputan Niti Mandala Renon Denpasar tahun 2016 baik real time maupun life span pada hari kerja nilainya lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada saat Car Free Day.Nilai RQ hasil penelitian ? 1, artinya paparan risk agent CO belum menunjukkan risiko kesehatan nonkarsinogenik pada populasi berisiko.Kata kunci : Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan, Co, Hari Kerja, Car Free Day

2010 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-13 ◽  
Glenn Tellis ◽  
Lori Cimino ◽  
Jennifer Alberti

Abstract The purpose of this article is to provide clinical supervisors with information pertaining to state-of-the-art clinic observation technology. We use a novel video-capture technology, the Landro Play Analyzer, to supervise clinical sessions as well as to train students to improve their clinical skills. We can observe four clinical sessions simultaneously from a central observation center. In addition, speech samples can be analyzed in real-time; saved on a CD, DVD, or flash/jump drive; viewed in slow motion; paused; and analyzed with Microsoft Excel. Procedures for applying the technology for clinical training and supervision will be discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Rismawati Rismawati ◽  
Muhammad Sadli

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membuat sistem data logger sensor suhu berbasis mikrokontroler ATMega16 dengan empat kanal input. Rangkaian dibangun menggunakan mikrokontroler ATMega16 yang dilengkapi dengan empat sensor suhu LM35, sebuah LCD sebagai penampil data, dan sebuah modul USB sebagai pengirim data dari modul mikrokontroler ke komputer. Sistem data logger ini dapat menyimpan data hasil pengukuran secara real time setiap detik, dengan format text document (*.txt) dan Microsoft excel (*.xls). Tahapan eksperimen mulai dari perancangan, pembuatan, sampai pengujian sistem Data Logger. Informasi data suhu ditampilkan pada LCD dalam derajat celsius, dan grafik ditampilkan pada layar monitor komputer. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan, sensor suhu LM35 dapat mengukur suhu dari 0°C sampai dengan 100°C, dengan akurasi pembacaan suhu sebesar 99,49%.

Jurnal MIPA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Michelle Jenneth Mailoor ◽  
Guntur Pasau ◽  
Maria D. Bobanto

Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk memetakan distribusi petir untuk wilayah Manado berdasarkan data petir tahun 2013 dan 2014. Data real time sambaran petir dari rekaman lightning detector diolah menggunakan beberapa program, yaitu Lightning 2000, Golden Software Surfer 8, Lightning Data Processing, GIS 10.3, Google Earth dan Microsoft Excel. Pada program GIS 10.3 data yang didapatkan kemudian dipetakan menggunakan metode Kriging. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini berupa peta kontur distribusi petir di wilayah Kota Manado. Berdasarkan hasil dari pengolahan data, diperoleh data yang menunjukkan bahwa kejadian petir tertinggi terdapat pada bulan Oktober 2013 yaitu sebanyak 6.540 kejadian dan bulan Mei 2014 yaitu sebanyak 7.330 kejadian petir. Distribusi petir CG+ tertinggi terdapat pada kecamatan Wenang dan tidak ada kejadian petir CG+ di 4 kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Tikala, Paal Dua, Singkil dan TumintingResearch has been done to make a distribution map for Manado area based on lightning data of year 2013 and 2014. The real time data of lightning strikes from lightning detector processed by using a few program that is Lightning 2000, Golden Software Surfer 8, Lightning Data Processing, GIS 10.3, Google Earth and Microsoft Excel. Data that we got from GIS 10.3 use for mapping with Kriging method. Output from this research is contour map in Manado city area. Based on output from processed data, we got data that the highest lightning event happened in October 2013 that is 6.540 event and in May 2014 that is 7.330 lightning event. Highest CG+ lightning distribution located in Wenang Districts and there is no CG+ lightning event in 4 districts which is Tikala, Paal Dua, Singkil and Tuminting Districts

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (s2) ◽  
Johanna Mechler ◽  
Isabelle Buchstaller

AbstractThe relationship between community-wide change and patterns of variation and change within the individual is one of the cornerstones of variationist theorising. But while sociolinguistic theory makes clear and testable predictions regarding the use of stable vernacular features across the life-span of the individual, we lack real-time evidence on the age-graded nature of stable variability. Indeed, whereas apparent time research highlights the diachronic stability of (ing), only two research projects have explored its use within the individual speaker. Both report on pre-adult speakers. Our research expands the window of analysis by adding a later age-bracket to the investigation of age-graded variability. We consider the variable realisation of (ing) in a group of individuals between early adulthood and retirement.

Jurnal Pari ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Edwin Yulia Setiawan

ABSTRAK:Dalam Sistem Stock Opname Barang Milik Negara sampai dengan saat ini masih dilakukansecara manual melalui pencatatan menggunakan kertas dan pengamatan menggunakan matasecara langsung. Metode ini menimbukan permasalahan pada kecepatan dan ketepatanpembacaan kode barang. Inovasi yang disampaikan pada artikel ini adalah memanfaatkan Quick Response Code yang dihasilkan oleh aplikasi Barang Milik Negara untuk melakukan prosesstockopnamesecara automatis menggunakan aplikasi yang diinstal pada handphone (sebagai alatpembaca Quick Response Code) dan PC Desktop/PCTablet (sebagai database Barang Milik Negara dan pengolah data). Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan platform desktop applicationmenggunakan software Visual Basic for Application dengan database menggunakan Microsoft Excel dan aplikasi android Scan-IT to Office. Penerapan sistem aplikasi stock opname melibatkan operator Barang Milik Negara, pelaksana stock opname, pengawasan oleh pejabat Administrator atau pejabat lainnya yang secara langsung melakukan pengawasan proses stock opname secara real time. Dengan menggunakan sistem automasi ini, dapat meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensipengelolaan Barang Milik Negara, yang meliputi pelaksanaan stock opname, pencatatan perubahandata nama dan spesifikasi barang, pemegang barang dan status barang, pelaporan hasil stock opname yang digunakan sebagai sumber perubahan data Barang Milik Negara.ABSTRACT:The stock opname to State-Owned Property up to now is still done manually through the use of paper and observation use the eye directly. This methode raises a problem with the speed and accuracy of reading item codes. Innovation delivered on this article is to harness Quick Response Codeproduced by application roll State-Owned Property existing to conduct the stock opname inautomatic use applications installed on mobile (as Quick Response Code reader equipment) and desktop/tablet pc (as State-Owned Property database and processors). The system was built using a desktop application platform that uses software application for visual basic with the database using microsoft excel and the android application Scan-IT to Office. The implementation of the applications involving State-Owned Property operator opname stock, the stock opname operator, supervision by an administrator or other officials directly to supervise the stock opname in real time. Using this automatic system, improving the effectiveness, and efficiency of State-Owned Property management, which includes the stock opname, the record of specification and item name change, the holder and status of the goods, reporting the stock opname result that is used as a source of State-Owned Property data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-42
Olivia Ratna Yunita ◽  
Dyah Titisari ◽  
Torib Hamzah

Sterilisator yang sering dioperasikan maupun pada penggunaan sterilisator yang tidak sesuai dengan prosedur dikhawatirkan akan menyebabkan penurunan kinerja alat yang nantinya akan berpengaruh dalam pendistribusian suhu dan menyebabkan gangguan siklus suhu saat proses sterilisasi berlangsung. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pemantauan proses sterilisasi dengan dilakukan kalibrasi suhu menggunakan thermocouple. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan alat kalibrator suhu  dilengkapi tampilan grafik secara realtime pada komputer untuk memudahkan pemantauan siklus suhu. Kontribusi penelitian ini adalah saat dilakukan pengukuran suhu dengan sensor thermocouple sistem dapat melakukan plotting data pembacaan secara reatime dalam bentuk grafik. Agar dapat mengetahui keseragaman pendistribusian suhu sensor thermocouple diletakkan pada titik yang ditentukan dan dilakukan pemantauan secara grafik pada komputer untuk memantau siklus suhu secara realtime. Alat yang peneliti buat menggunakan sensor thermocouple tipe-K untuk membaca suhu, kemudian data diproses dengan minimum system ATMega328 untuk ditampilkan pada LCD karakter 4x20 dan dikirim ke komputer secara wireless melalui Bluetooth HC-05. Data yang diterima akan diintegrasikan ke spreadsheet Excel dengan aplikasi PLX-DAQ untuk diolah menjadi grafik secara realtime. Berdasarkan hasil pembandingan pengukuran suhu antara modul dengan multimeter berparameter suhu  didapatkan nilai error terkecil 0.1% pada T4 saat pengukuran suhu uap air (100°C) dan error terbesar 4% pada T2 dan T3 saat pengukuran suhu ruang (30°C). Hasil penelitian ini modul dapat tampilkan grafik secara realtime pada Microsoft Excel. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diimplementasikan pada kalibrator suhu untuk memudahkan pemantauan siklus suhu sehingga dapat mengevaluasi kinerja alat. Sterilizers that are often operated or in the use of sterilizers that are not in accordance with the procedure are feared will cause a decrease in the performance of the tool that will be influential in the distribution of temperature and cause interference with temperature cycles during the sterilization process. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the sterilization process with temperature calibration using a thermocouple. This research aims to develop a temperature calibrator tool featuring a real-time graphical display on the computer for easy monitoring of temperature cycles. The contribution of this research is when a temperature measurement with a thermocouple sensor system can do plotting data that real-time in graphical form. To be aware of the uniformity of the temperature distribution of thermocouple sensors is placed at the specified point and monitoring the graph on the computer to monitor the temperature cycle in realtime. The tool that researchers created uses the type-K thermocouple sensor to read the temperature, then the data is processed with a minimum of the ATMega328 system to be displayed on a 4x20 character LCD and sent to a computer wirelessly via Bluetooth HC-05. The Data received will be integrated into an Excel spreadsheet with the PLX-DAQ application to be processed into graphs in realtime. Based on the result of comparing the temperature measurement between modules with the temperature-parameter multimeter obtained the smallest error value 0.1% in T4 when measuring the temperature of water vapor (100 °c) and the largest error 4% in T2 and T3 when measuring room temperature (30 ° C). The results of this study module can show graphs in realtime at Microsoft Excel. The results of this research can be implemented on a temperature calibrator for easy monitoring of the cycle of temperature so as to evaluate the tool performance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 31 ◽  
Maryam Samareh Salavati Pour ◽  
Fatemeh Hoseinpour Kasgari ◽  
Alireza Farsinejad ◽  
Ahmad Fatemi ◽  
Roohollah Mirzaee Khalilabadi

Introduction: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are widely studied due to their self- renewal potential and capacity to differentiate into multiple tissues. However, they have a limited life span of several divisions in vitro, which alters various cellular characteristics and reduces their application. Aim: We evaluated the effect of platelet-derived microparticles on gene expression of hTERT, one of the main factors involved in aging and cell longevity. Materials and methods: Umbilical cord MSCs were used for this study. Cells were characterized by evaluating morphology via inverted microscope and identifying associated surface markers using flow cytometry. Platelet-derived microparticles were prepared by centrifuging platelet bags at varying speeds, and their concen- trations were determined by Bradford assay. At 30% confluency, MSCs were treated with 50 μg/mL of microparticles for five days. Then, RNA was extracted and cDNA was synthesized. Quantitative expression of hTERT was assessed using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: Fibroblast-like cells were isolated from umbilical cord tissue and MSCs were identified by the presence of mesenchymal surface markers via flow cytometry. Real- time PCR showed that gene expression of hTERT increased by more than three times when treated with platelet-derived microparticles, in comparison to expression of the control group. Conclusion: We concluded that platelet-derived microparticles may be a potentially safe and effective method to increase hTERT gene expression in MSCs, ultimately prolonging their life span in vitro. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 119-130
I Wayan Budiarthana ◽  
I Putu Gede Budayasa ◽  
Ayu Gede Willdahlia

The Bali Institute of Health Sciences (STIKES) is a higher education institution in the health sector. Education in an institution needs to be monitored especially the lecture process. At present, the process of monitoring lectures is carried out by recording into paper documents. Several problems arise, namely at the end of each semester staff who perform lecture attendance recapitulation must open a sheet per lecturer attendance form sheet. Then from the lecturer attendance form, the staff in charge must type back into the Microsoft Excel application. This resulted in 2 problems, namely the occurrence of delays in reporting and the difficulty of monitoring lectures by Puket I. From these problems a system is needed that is able to provide information on the presence of lecturers and is able to present information on lecture activities in realtime. The design of this system is translated through Data Flow Diagrams and built using PHP language, for display using CSS, and database using MySQL. Testing this system uses blackbox testing. The lecture monitoring information system can display information about the implementation of lectures for Chairperson I Assistant in real time and can facilitate STIKES Bali staff in conducting lecturers' attendance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 61 (5) ◽  
pp. 78-86
Ngoc Bich Thi Nguyen ◽  
Hanh Hong Thi Pham ◽  

The article refers to the application of the Microsoft Excel Electronic spreadsheet (ME) in materials accounting. Base on the practical study of the materials accounting in the mining enterprises owned by the Vietnam Mineral Coal Industry Group (TKV) in conjunction with the study of 200/BTC-TT in 2014, the group of authors have designed the sheets to serve for the accounting of materials in the mining enterprises. In this, the sheets save the basic information about the business, the sheets of ME are designed to store the data (the inputs for materials accounting), and the sheets for the output of the material ledger. The sheets are designed with a friendly interface, complied with the regulations of the Ministry of Finance and in accordance with the actual conditions in the mining business. The functions of ME are the maximum used for the computational formulas in the ledger to ensure complete automation of writing ledger. In other words, each time the accounting document is entered in the Database, the ledger is updated immediately by using real-time processing. It is possible to say the research results of the article can be considered as a software written on the background of the ME for accounting work.

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