scholarly journals Tinjauan Dampak Pariwisata di Kawasan Pesisir Pada Dimensi Sosial Budaya Masyarakat

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Komang Gde Sukarsa ◽  
Trisna Darmayanti ◽  
Eka N. Kencana

Tourism is a leading sector in developing process of many countries. For Bali, tourism contributes more than 30 percent on the formation of Bali’s Regional Domestic Product. To assure tourism at this island will run in sustainable manner, three aspects have to be considered. This research is aimed to classify the positive as well as the negative effects of socio-cultural dimension arose from tourists activities at coastal area of Badung regency of Bali. A hundred of local community leaders at North Kuta district were selected and their perception regarding effect of tourism on socio-cultural aspect were collected on June – September 2017 and  analysed by using factor analysis. Three groups were identified as the positive effects i.e. (a) women empowerment as the economic agents for the family; (b) the increasing of Balinese values; and (c) the raising of community capacity building in developing culture-creative products. Viewed from the burden of cost, we found the potency of increasing the social as well as family conflicts because of different perspectives in viewing tourism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Al Fadili ◽  
Mahfudz Sidiq

One of the social problems in Jember is the high divorce rate. Divorce is chosen because it is considered as a solution to the problems that previously occurred in the family. On the other hand, many studies have shown that divorce could bring negative effects on husbands, wives and children. It means that divorce not only brings the positive effects because it ends the previous problem but also raises new problems. Therefore, it needs family counseling agencies that can help to solve the problem. Religious court is not a family counseling institution but in practice, it has effort to reconcile and resolve family problems through mediation, so it is important to understand the mediation effort of divorce in religious court as family counseling. This research used qualitative approach in descriptive type. The research location was in Religious Court of Jember. The used informant determination technique was Purposive technique. The used data collection methods were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman model. The research results indicated that the mediation of divorce in religious court was an effort to solve family problems done by both husband and wife assisted by neutral and professional third party that was mediator. He did not take decision, but he helped families reach reconciliation. The mediation process was carried out with a problem solving approach with several steps, namely (1) establishing relationships with clients (2) identifying family problems, (3) doing caucus as needed, (4) giving advice, (5) offering reconciliation through written agreement, and (6) making formal agreement. Salah satu masalah sosial di Jember adalah tingginya angka perceraian. Perceraian dipilih karena dianggap sebagai solusi atas permasalahan yang sebelumnya terjadi dalam keluarga. Di sisi lain, banyak penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceraian dapat berdampak negatif bagi suami, istri, dan anak. Artinya, perceraian tidak hanya membawa dampak positif karena mengakhiri masalah sebelumnya tetapi juga menimbulkan masalah baru. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan lembaga konseling keluarga yang dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Pengadilan Agama bukanlah lembaga konseling keluarga tetapi dalam praktiknya memiliki upaya untuk mendamaikan dan menyelesaikan masalah keluarga melalui mediasi, sehingga penting untuk memahami upaya mediasi perceraian di pengadilan agama sebagai konseling keluarga. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian di Pengadilan Agama Jember. Teknik penentuan informan yang digunakan adalah teknik Purposive. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mediasi perceraian di pengadilan agama merupakan upaya penyelesaian masalah keluarga yang dilakukan oleh suami dan istri dengan dibantu pihak ketiga yang netral dan profesional sebagai mediator. Dia tidak mengambil keputusan, tetapi dia membantu keluarga mencapai rekonsiliasi. Proses mediasi dilakukan dengan pendekatan pemecahan masalah dengan beberapa langkah, yaitu (1) menjalin hubungan dengan klien (2) mengidentifikasi masalah keluarga, (3) melakukan kaukus sesuai kebutuhan, (4) memberi nasihat, (5) menawarkan rekonsiliasi melalui kesepakatan tertulis, dan (6) membuat kesepakatan formal.

Danila De Vito ◽  
Antonio Fusco ◽  
Caterina Benincasa ◽  
Luca Laghi ◽  
Francesco M. Ceruso

Background: World Health Organization (WHO) has increasingly improved the guidelines to tackle the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) among the worldwide population. In this context, each country has introduced specific social, healthcare, political and macroeconomic measures to face COVID pandemic locally. Objective: The general aim of this comparative overview is to highlight the most significant effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the main healthcare systems. Also, we critically analyzed the macroeconomic variables and the most promising solutions to improve both healthcare system and its related risk management, taking into specific consideration the most industrialized countries. Method: The main strategy has been built on a renewed concept of the hospital, rebuilding the old concepts of “triage” and “intensive care”. Recently, COVID-19 hospitals have allowed to cater the patients affected by COVID-19. Moreover, the reshaping of several healthcare policies and requirements has led to several positive effects, such as the recruitment of a huge number of human resources in the healthcare systems. Nevertheless, several negative effects have also impacted the communities mostly subjected to infections. Conclusion: Undoubtedly, the national healthcare systems have somehow addressed the people’s needs, trying not to neglect the social, healthcare, economic and political aspects. In our overview, we have reported how the different actions taken in the last months, have resulted in different outcomes.

Sandra M. Sánchez-Cañizares ◽  
Ana María Castillo-Canalejo

Purpose – This paper tries to explore the possibilities of developing sustainable, community-based tourism (CBT) in Boa Vista in Cape Verde, Africa. Island territories are generally considered preferential tourist destinations. However, the negative effects of tourism in these destinations should not be overlooked, among them environmental concerns and impacts on the culture of the island’s inhabitants. The development of CBT takes on special relevance, as it based on planning schemes in conjunction with the local community who share the positive effects derived from tourism. Design/methodology/approach – The methodology used consisted in designing two surveys: one focusing on the supply side and another on the demand side of tourism to define and analyse the current status of this sector in Boa Vista. The survey on tourism supply was distributed among a panel of experts formed by tourism service providers located in Boa Vista. The statistical results of the responses and the discussion carried out by the panel of experts permitted the development of a SWOT matrix. The survey on demand was administered to foreign tourists in different parts of the island. A total of 202 valid surveys were obtained. Findings – The main results of the fieldwork are twofold. On the supply side of tourism, the community is making an enormous effort to actively participate in the development of sustainable tourism, efforts which are often constrained by the geographical barriers of Boa Vista (sandy soil, poor accessibility to other islands) and the institutional and political situation of the island. As regards the demand side of tourism, the vast majority of tourists stay at the island’s all-inclusive resorts, whereas few tourists require the services provided by the community, mainly because they are unaware that such services exist. Originality/value – Certain island destinations are more appropriate for tourists wishing to flee mass tourism enclaves due to their natural environment, relative isolation and the traditional culture of their inhabitants. For this reason, it is important to develop a CBT model for these destinations in which initiatives are planned in conjunction with members of the local community who participate in decision-making processes and benefit equally from the positive effects of tourism. Although several case studies have been reported in the research on CBT initiatives, few studies have been carried out on CBT in island territories. This is the main contribution in this paper.

Geoadria ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Ivan Sarjanović

Community supported agriculture (CSA) refers to those agricultural activities that contrast with commercial agriculture. They consist of members who pay for fresh, untreated and locally grown food directly from farmers. In this way the risk is shared and the resellers are eliminated. This paper discusses the basic principles of CSA functioning and the historical circumstances of their development. Besides the economic dimension of the functioning of CSA groups, which is most important (ensuring of purchase), emphasis is also given to the social and cultural dimension of the groups activity. The basis of the work is the presentation of the functioning of CSA groups in Croatia and a comparison of social and economic characteristics of the group members and the farmers that collaborate to the groups with trends in the world. The results were collected by administering an online questionnaire among 46 group members and 5 famers. The survey has confirmed the starting hypothesis – that the group members are younger and highly educated persons who live in large cities or urbanized regions (Zagreb, Kvarner, Istria) and are driven by eco-social motives (ecological consciousness, healthy food, cooperation with group members). Farmers who cooperate with CSA groups are practicing ecological agriculture on farms that are smaller than an average Croatian farm. They collaborate with the groups because of easier selling of the products and they find that the groups have a positive effect on their income and involvement in the local community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 894-903
Oana Vasile ◽  

As the 21st century globalization, it has become more clear that the evolution of the migration phenomenon will bring drastic changes in the population structure and the appurtenance to a multi-ethnic society will become the social rule. In this context, the relation between the migration decision and the social and economic factors of the origin or destination countries becomes a strategic one. In order to optimize the positive effects of migration, the policies of the specific economic and social fields need to be harmonized with the migration strategies at national and EU level. The article focuses on the influence of the social and economic factors on the migration management at EU level using quantitative research methods. The research results indicated that the main economic and social factors that greatly influence migration management are the manner in which the labour market functions, and in particular its demographic and competitive deficiencies. Scientists, specialists from the competent public authorities can capitalize the results obtained, improving policies and strategies in this field in view of the benefit of the local community and of migrants who want to integrate in the community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-95
Yun Lu ◽  
Xiaozhao Y. Yang

A dominant discourse in the social sciences theorizes that religious diversity puts individuals’ health at risk via interreligious hostility. However, this discourse overlooks the different subtypes of religious diversity and the moderation of political institutions. To better understand the issue of diversity and health, in this study, we distinguish between two subtypes of religious diversity—polarization and fractionalization—and argue that their impacts on health are heterogeneous. Using a sample of 67,399 individuals from 51 societies drawn from the 2010–2014 wave of the World Values Survey, our multilevel analyses show that religious polarization is negatively associated with individual health, whereas the health effects of religious fractionalization are positive. Moreover, the associations between religious polarization/fractionalization and individual health are found to depend on the democratic level of the state. In more democratic countries, the negative effects of polarization on health are mitigated, and the positive effects of fractionalization are stronger.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 1755-1761
Rashi Parashar

Under the agony of this recent pandemic going on, in the world due to Covid-19; there has been loss of millions of human lives along with huge economical shock and great recession through out the globe. Environmental degradation has been one of the biggest threats of this century. In spite of all the steps taken by environmentalists and government for the healing of environment in past few years, we couldn’t reach upto the mark. But during the lockdown, which was forced as a precautionary measure for Covid-19 pandemic, environment has successfully recovered to a large extent which was otherwise not possible. This has definitely brought a positive change in climate globally. This review article deals with various such positive impacts of lockdown on ecosystem. Covid-19 outbreak has restricted the social freedom of people globally. It has caused both positive and negative effects on environment. Reduction in greenhouse gas emission because of reduced transport facilities and industrial and other activities were some of positive effects of lockdown while negative effects on mental health of people and increased medical waste during the lockdown were some of the negative effects of lockdown. In this study, the relationship between Covid-19 outbreak and effects on environment was discussed in worldwide sense and a detailed review was conducted that could be used for further planning of researches on the same subject.

2017 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-198 ◽  
Christelle Hayoz ◽  
Claudia Klostermann ◽  
Jürg Schmid ◽  
Torsten Schlesinger ◽  
Siegfried Nagel

The intergenerational transfer of a sports-related lifestyle within the family is a potential way to explain the social differences in sports participation that are displayed by young people. In this article, the importance of a sports-related lifestyle within the family, as well as parents’ educational background and sports participation in childhood, in the sports participation of adolescents and young adults is examined from the perspective of socialisation theory. Structural equation modelling was used to demonstrate that all of the examined predictors have significant positive effects on the current sports participation of individuals between the ages of 15 and 30 years ( N = 4028; M = 21.48; SD = 4.64). The most pronounced effect on sports participation was observed for a sports-related lifestyle in the family.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-44 ◽  
Linda Ganzini ◽  
Alexa Rakoski ◽  
Sharilyn Cohn ◽  
Richard A. Mularski

AbstractObjectives:Music-thanatology is a palliative modality that uses harp and voice to provide bedside vigils, particularly for terminally ill or actively dying. We sought to determine the benefits of music vigils for terminally ill patients.Methods:Survey of 55 family members, whose terminally ill loved one experienced a music vigil during hospitalization, regarding effects on the patient's breathing, relaxation, comfort, pain and ability to sleep. Written comments on negative and positive results of the vigils were coded using content analysis.Results:Family members perceived that the vigils resulted in modest improvement in the patients' breathing, relaxation, comfort, and ability to sleep, with fewer positive effects on pain, and almost no negative effects. Open ended comments focused on the positive benefit in increasing calm, relaxation, comfort. Comments on the positive effects for the family were almost as common as comments on the positive results for the patient.Significance of Results:The use of music-vigils in palliative care should be investigated more extensively as our study supports that this intervention has benefits, almost no risk, minimal cost, and may improve patient-family experience of the dying process.

2022 ◽  
Anikó Erzsébet Fügedy ◽  
Gavril Flora ◽  

Research on language acquisition is a central theme in sociolinguistic research. Contemporary social, economic and political processes affect the life of communities and the languages what they speak. Globalization, migration and the enlargement of the European Union can significantly change the role and the future of majority and minority languages. In this research, we aim to reveal the family level language choice strategies of the Hungarian community in the small town of Margitha (Bihor County, Romania), discussing the role of family related social framework that positively or negatively influences the motivation of minority students to acquire knowledge of the Romanian language. For this purpose, we used both quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches. The results of research confirm that in multi-ethnic communities perhaps the most important, however at the same time the most vulnerable component of ethnic identity is the linguistic identity, which plays a key role in shaping the cultural landmarks and contents that determine the social integration of the individual. The positive family effects of socialization with the Hungarian language can be observed mostly in the ethnically homogeneous family. However, if one of the spouses is ethnic Romanian, the dominant language of communication within the family is more likely to be the Romanian language.

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