scholarly journals Analisis Strategi Bisnis Pt. Xyz Untuk Berkembang Dalam Industri Saas

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
Christian Michael Budijanto Dan Rina Adi Kristianti

This research aims to analyze the strategies that have been pursued by PT. XYZ for long term strategy improvement and see opportunities that can be used to develop in the SAAS (software as a service) industry. Analytical method used to support research with three phases, ie Input Level, Match Stage, and Decision Stage. These three stages can help identify, evaluate and select strategies in PT XYZ. In this study compare products from PT. XYZ is Sales1CRM with competitors in the SAAS industry that provides CRM services. Competitors selected by authors include: HashMicro CRM, EspoCRM, and Barantum CRM as one of SAAS-based CRM service providers in Indonesia. Based on the results of the research which has been done by using three phases, that is, in the first phase of PT XYZ able to exploit existing opportunities and minimize its external threat, PT XYZ has more strength than its weakness factor, but PT. XYZ is still under HashMicro because the number of services provided is limited. While in the second stage, the SWOT matrix provides a SO strategy recommendation and in the SPACE matrix provides recommendations for aggressive strategy to continue to expand its market share, and the Internal-External Matrix recommends growth and build strategy. In the third stage, QSPM provides three alternative recommendations, namely, product development strategy in order to continue to grow following technology development and second alternative is market penetration strategy and horizontal integration.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 48
Fenty Febrianty

This research was conducted to help Youngsterpro companies determine appropriate business strategies in order to improve performance. This study applies qualitative methods through field research to the parties concerned in obtaining information, besides that also based on literature studies and analytical methods in strategy formulation here consists of three stages, the input by analyzing SWOT, EFE matrix, IFE matrix to summarize the basic information used to produce an alternative strategy in Matching stage, is the second stage, by aligning external and internal factors using the SWOT matrix and SPACE matrix, and the last is the decision making stage to determine the best strategy for the company based on the attractiveness of each strategy objectively through the QSPM matrix . The results of the study recommend Youngsterpro companies to consider a diversification strategy because it is the best strategy that is most appropriate for Youngsterpro besides that the product development strategy can also be considered as an alternative strategy to improve performance.

2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 233
Hartiwi Prabowo ◽  
Pona Nurhanka ◽  
Sri Budi Utami Nur Hasanah

TVRI represent of the first television station in Indonesia. In this time TVRI not yet able to serve any event enthused by people. In the effort improving returning competitiveness of TVRI station in industrial television sector, needed business strategy which capable to accommodate and anticipate change of technological growth that happened quickly and the economic globalization. Research was done to give suggestion at the development of division and broadcast. The purpose of this research is to evaluate business strategy which have been done and propose business strategy which can improve company competitiveness. Analysis techniques which used were Internal External matrix, SWOT matrix, matrix of Grand Strategy, and QSPM matrix. Result of research by evaluate internal condition of company and analyzing of factor external which related, business strategy which appropriate for LPP TVRI is product development strategy. Expected, LPP TVRI will increase new events that more innovative and creative so that able to become pre-eminent event program for TV beholder/audience. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-29
Rizky Wahyudi ◽  

Sentral Perkasa Jaya is a company that’s move in expedition. The problem faced is the development of technology causing intense business competition, resulting in decreased level of corporate income from year to year. In addition, the strategies used also tend to be monotonous, causing companies to compete with other companies. There are many problem of marketing strategy in the company, it can be an analysis of internal and external factors in the company. Next, internal and external factors will be analyzed again using SWOT matrix and IE matrix. After that Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) are used to analyze decision making selection about appropriate strategies applied n the company. Based on the calculation of strategies that have been done using two methods, SWOT and IE, then the appropriate alternative strategy for the company is a market penetration strategy and product development strategy. The results of the QSPM method indicate that the best alternative strategy is the product development strategy with a total score of 5.47. This product development strategy is a strategy whereby a company does an existing product repair, or develops a new product to increase sales.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 540
Nataria Nataria ◽  
Haris Maupa

This research was conducted to find what marketing strategies are appropriate for the Yohanes Accounting Services Office in 2020. This research used data collection techniques by using interviews and observations. The data analysis technique uses the concept of Fred R. David's theory through 3 stages of strategic formulation, namely the input stage, matching stage, and decision stage. The input stage uses the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix and the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix. The next stage used the SWOT Matrix and Internal-External (IE) Matrix. In the final stage using the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). The results showed that the total value for IFE is 2.7081 while the total value for EFE is 3.0850. In the Internal-External (IE) matrix, it is known that Yohanes's Accounting Services Office is in a position of growth and development. Strategies that are suitable for this position are market penetration strategy, market development strategy, and product development strategy. At the decision stage, from the QSPM results, the main strategy alternative to be applied is the market development strategy with a total value of attractiveness (TAS) of 6.7568. This strategy seeks to increase the market share of a product through efforts to make improvements, enhancements, and developments. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pemasaran apa yang sesuai diterapkan bagi Kantor Jasa Akuntan Yohanes pada tahun 2020. Pada tahap akhir menggunakan Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). Berdasarkan hasil dari matriks IFE dan EFE yang dikumpulkan, dapat diketahui total nilai untuk IFE adalah sebesar 2,7081 sedangkan total nilai untuk EFE adalah sebesar 3,0850. Pada matching stage pada matrik SWOT didapatkan beberapa kemungkinan alternatif strategi dengan cara menggunakan kekuatan yang dimiliki untuk memanfaatkan peluang, memanfaatkan peluang untuk mengatasi kelemahan, menggunakan kekuatan yang dimiliki untuk menghindari ancaman dan meminimalisasikan kelemahan dan menghindari ancaman. Pada matrik Internal-Eksternal (IE) diketahui bahwa Kantor Jasa Akuntan Yohanes berada pada posisi tumbuh dan bina, strategi yang cocok pada posisi ini adalah strategi penetrasi penetrasi pasar, startegi pengembangan pasar dan strategi pengembangan produk. Pada decision stage dari hasil QSPM dapat diperoleh alternatif strategi utama yang diterapkan yaitu strategi pengembangan pasar dengan Total Nilai Daya Tarik (TAS) sebesar 6,7568. Strategi ini berusaha untuk meningkatkan pangsa pasar suatu produk melalui usaha melakukan perbaikan, peningkatan dan pengembangan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Novi Handayani

This research was conducted with the aim to see the potential of Sunda Kelapa Port through the resources possessed by the theory of Resource Based View (RBV) and then look for strategies that can be used to develop historical tourism in the Sunda Kelapa Port. The informant and respondent of this research is PIC acceleration of the old city area of the Ministry of Tourism, PT Pelindo II, Tour Guide, and tourists. Data collected by observation, interview, literature study and questioner. This research used qualitative descriptive method in order to analyze the data that have been collected by using IFE and EFE matrix, IE Matrix, SWOT Matrix and QSPM matrix. Based on the analysis and discussion that has been described, the product development strategy is the main strategy that must be developed by Sunda Kelapa Port to be able to compete with other tourist destinations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 269
Adhitya Marendra Kiloes ◽  
NFN Hardiyanto ◽  
Anna Sulsityaningrum ◽  
Muhamad Jawal Anwarudin Syah

<p>Kabupaten Solok dicanangkan sebagai salah satu sentra produksi bawang merah untuk mengimbangi sentra produksi utama di Pulau Jawa yang produksinya selalu berfluktuasi. Beberapa kelebihan dan kekurangan dimiliki oleh Kabupaten Solok dalam mengembangkan potensinya sebagai sentra bawang merah nasional. Penelitian bertujuan untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan Kabupaten Solok sebagai sentra bawang merah nasional. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Agustus hingga Desember 2017 bertempat di Kabupaten Solok. Data primer berupa atribut-atribut faktor internal kekuatan dan kelemahan serta faktor-faktor eksternal peluang dan ancaman diidentifikasi melalui Focussed Group Discussion (FGD) yang dilakukan dengan peserta para pemangku kepentingan di Kabupaten Solok sekaligus untuk melakukan kuantifikasi dari atribut-atribut yang telah teridentifikasi. Analisis dilakukan dengan pendekatan SWOT, yaitu menggunakan perhitungan IFE, EFE, matriks IE, matriks SPACE, dan matriks SWOT. Terdapat enam atribut kekuatan, delapan atribut kelemahan, enam atribut peluang, dan lima atribut ancaman. Perhitungan IFE dan EFE memperlihatkan bahwa faktor internal merupakan faktor yang paling dominan, dengan faktor kekuatan merupakan faktor yang paling dominan dibandingkan kelemahan. Posisi Kabupaten Solok dalam matriks IE dan matriks SPACE masing-masing berada dalam posisi jaga dan pertahankan serta mendukung strategi agresif. Strategi yang perlu diterapkan adalah strategi memaksimalkan kekuatan untuk menangkap peluang yang tersedia (S-O) di antaranya pengembangan teknologi PTT bawang merah spesifik lokasi, pengembangan teknologi pascapanen bawang merah, membuka pasar baru selain yang sudah ada, dan membina penangkar bawang merah. Beberapa dukungan teknologi dan inovasi Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian sebagai peluang yang tersedia juga perlu diterapkan untuk memaksimalkan kekuatan yang dimiliki Kabupaten Solok untuk berkembang sebagai sentra produksi bawang merah nasional.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong></p><p>Kabupaten Solok; Bawang merah; Strategi; SWOT</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Solok Regency is planned as one of the production centers of shallot to complement the main production centers on Java Island which production always fluctuating. Some advantages and disadvantages are owned by Solok in developing its potential. This study aims to formulating strategy to develop Solok Regency as a national shallot production center. The research was conducted from August till December 2017 at Solok District. Primary data such as internal factor attributes like strengths and weaknesses as well as external factors like opportunity and threat are identified through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) which conducted with participants of stakeholders in Solok to quantify the attributes that have been identified. The analysis then conducted with the SWOT approaches using IFE, EFE, IE matrix, SPACE matrix, and SWOT matrix. There are six attributes of strength, eight attributes of weakness, six attributes of opportunity, and five attributes of threat. The calculation of IFE and EFE shows that internal factor is the most dominant factor, with strength is the most dominant internal factor. The position of Solok Regency in IE is in a position to guard and defend while in the SPACE matrix the position of Solok Regency is to support an aggressive strategy. The strategies that needs to be implemented is strategy to maximize the power to capture the available opportunities (S-O) such as the development of location-specific shallot integrated crop management technology, the development of shallot post-harvest technology, create new markets other than existing ones, and develop shalot breeder. Some IAARD’s technology and innovation support as available opportunities also need to be applied to maximize the power of Solok to grow as a national production center for shallot.</p>

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 2482
Katarzyna Chruzik ◽  
Marzena Graboń-Chałupczak

Safety monitoring provides the detection of changes in systems or operations that may suggest any case of approaching a point close to exceeding the acceptable safety standards and indicates whether corrective/prevention actions have been taken. Safety information should be maintained within the scope of transport undertakings to ensure safety and be communicated to all responsible staff, depending on each person’s function in the processes. Regulatory authorities should continuously monitor the implementation of safety management processes and the processes performed by road transport service providers. Safety management, therefore, requires investment in development and modernisation to meet market needs resulting from the mobility of residents, the growth of transport, and the obligations of countries resulting from the transport and environmental policy pursued by the European Union. Along with changes in the transport system, a need to assess their significance for the transport system’s safety arises. Depending on the transport mode (rail, air, water, road), the scope of standardised requirements is quite different each time. The paper analyses the legal requirements and acceptable practices for assessing the significance of the change in all transport modes and develops a standard method for assessing the significance of the change that meets all the requirements of electromobility safety management systems.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-166 ◽  
Joanne E. McNeish ◽  
Anthony Francescucci ◽  
Ummaha Hazra

Purpose The next phase of hardware technology development is focused on alternative ways to manage and store consumers’ personal content. However, even consumers who have adopted Cloud-based services have demonstrated a reluctance to move all of their personal content into the Cloud and continue to resist giving up local hard drives. This paper aims to investigate the characteristics of local hard drives and the Cloud that lead to simultaneous use. Design/methodology/approach This paper uses content analysis of online comments and ten depth interviews with simultaneous users of local hard drives and the Cloud. Findings Three factors influence the resistance to giving up local hard drives. Simultaneous users utilize local hard drives as a redundancy system and as a way to ensure the permanence of their digital content. They are unsure of the Cloud’s ability to support their content creation, management and storage activities (task-technology fit). Research limitations/implications Study findings are based on qualitative methods and thus the results cannot be considered conclusive. Practical implications The authors speculate that it is unlikely that Cloud-only will fully replace hard drives until these factors are understood and addressed by information technology developers. Cloud service providers may not be aware of how little that users understand the Cloud. In contrast to their certainty and confidence in local hard drives, simultaneous users are confused as to what the Cloud is and how it functions. This uncertainty exacerbates their risk perception and need for control. Originality/value This is the first study exploring simultaneous use of local hard drives and the Cloud with a view to understanding this behaviour in terms of the relative advantage of the incumbent technology over the new technology.

2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (6) ◽  
pp. 660-684 ◽  
Constantine S. Katsikeas ◽  
Constantinos N. Leonidou ◽  
Athina Zeriti

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