2021 ◽  
pp. 401
Sintha F Simanungkalit ◽  
Ikha Deviyanti Puspita ◽  
A'immatul Fauziah

Yuviska's research activities found that anemia can be influenced by nutritional status, knowledge, and compliance with Fe tablet consumption (Yuviska, 2017). The World Health Organization (2011) states that anemia is a condition where the number of red blood cells is insufficient to meet the physiological needs of the body. The purpose of the abdimas activity in Pasir Putih Village is to increase the knowledge of cadres and pregnant women in preventing anemia in pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandemic. The location of this community service was carried out in Pasir Putih Village, Sawangan Depok. This community service activity is in the form of providing nutrition education with online counseling methods with cadres and pregnant women attending. Counseling is held on weekends using zoom and weekdays via What's App. This activity takes place online because there are still many areas that are still Covid-19 red zones. Based on the analysis of the results of the pre-test and post-test answers, it was found that there was a difference in knowledge before and after counseling for cadres and pregnant women with p<0.005. Community service activities in the form of counseling are quite effective in changing the knowledge of cadres and pregnant women.Kegiatan penelitian Yuviska mendapatkan bahwa anemia dapat dipengaruhi oleh status gizi, pengetahuan, dan kepatuhan konsumsi tablet Fe (Yuviska, 2017). World Health Organization (2011) menyebutkan anemia yaitu adalah sesuatu kondisi dimana jumlah sel darah merah tidak mencukupi dalam memenuhi dari kebutuhan fisiologis tubuh. Tujuan kegiatan abdimas di Kelurahan Pasir Putih adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan para kader dan ibu hamil dalam pencegahan anemia pada ibu hamil pada masa pandemic Covid-19. Lokasi pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Pasir Putih, Sawangan Depok. Kegiatan abdimas ini berupa pemberian edukasi gizi dengan metode penyuluhan daring dengan peserta yang hadir kader dan ibu hamil. Penyuluhan diadakan di akhir pekan dengan menggunakan zoom dan hari kerja via What’s App. Kegiatan ini berlangsung secara daring dengan daring dikarenakan masih banyak daerah yang masih zona merah Covid-19. Berdasarkan analisis hasil jawaban pre test dan post test didapatkan ada perbedaan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan pada para kader dan ibu hamil dengan nilai p<0,005. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa penyuluhan cukup efektif merubah pengetahuan para kader dan ibu hamil.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-18
Miftachul Jannah ◽  
Swasti Artanti

Community service program with the topic "Counseling Pregnant Women with Fe Tablets, Nutrition for Pregnant Women and Dangerous Signs of Pregnant Women in Jenggot, Pekalongan City" is aimed at Trimester II and III pregnant women to provide about pregnant women's knowledge about the benefits of Fe tablets , nutritional needs during pregnancy and pregnancy danger signs in the area of Jenggot, Pekalongan city. It is important to educate pregnant women about the benefits of Fe tablets during pregnancy because hemoglobin is needed for the body of pregnant women. During pregnancy, a pregnant woman needs to have high nutritious food and is sufficient for herself and her fetus. If a pregnant woman lacks nutrition and iron during pregnancy, it will cause problems, both for the mother and the fetus. Family and environmental factors will greatly affect pregnant women. Hopefully, pregnant women will have no abstinence to eat. This activity can be sustainable and encourage pregnant women to care during pregnancy whether to take Fe tablets, eat nutritious foods and understand the danger signs during pregnancy. In addition, a Pre Test and Post Test were conducted to determine the level of knowledge before and after counseling. The results obtained are that there is a significant increase in pregnant women in Jenggot, Pekalongan after counseling about Fe tablets, nutrition of pregnant women and pregnancy danger signs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Herinawati Herinawati ◽  
Diniyati Diniyati ◽  
Atika Fadhilah Danaz ◽  
Iksaruddin Iksaruddin

According to a report from the World Health Organization (WHO), maternal mortality generally occurs due to complications during and after pregnancy. As for the types of complications that cause the majority of maternal deaths, about 75% of the total maternal deaths are bleeding, infection, high blood pressure during pregnancy, complications of childbirth and unsafe abortion, these become very chronic considering the various causes of maternal death above are actually can be prevented by providing knowledge and understanding to pregnant women about the danger signs in pregnancy, if you experience that you immediately come to the health center or health personnel so that delays can be prevented, the mother immediately gets help which in turn can reduce cases of maternal death This activity aims to increase community empowerment in recognizing and preventing danger signs during pregnancy in Penyengat Olak Village, Muaro Jambi Regency in 2020. The targets are all pregnant women, husbands of pregnant women, community leaders, religious leaders and PKK mothers in Penyengat Olak Village. The method used is pre-test and post-test using a questionnaire, lectures and discussions. The speaker in this activity was a team of lecturers at the Poltekkes Ministry of Health Jambi, Department of Midwifery. The results of community service activities are the formation of community groups who are able to independently have knowledge and skills in recognizing danger signs during pregnancy in Penyengat Olak Village, Jambi Luar Kota District, Muaro Regency

Tirta Anggraini Tirta Anggraini

ABSTRAK   Data World health organization (WHO) menyatakan 73,3% ibu bersalin yang teratur melakukan Massage perineum 66,7% tidak mengalami robekan perineum.  Indonesia kelompok yang diberikan intervensi Massage perineum pada primigravida tidak mengalami ruptur sebanyak 44,4%. Massage Perineum  akan melunakan jaringan perineum sehingga jaringan akan membuka tanpa resistensi saat persalinan. Latihan kegel digunakan untuk memperkuat otot-otot dasar panggul. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan desain post test only desain. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu dengan usia kehamilan >34 minggu yang berkunjung ke BPM Megawati Palembang tahun 2017 Yang berjumlah 30 orang. Analisa data yang digunakan analisa univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan responden yang melakukaan Massage Perineum 22 orang (73,3%) dan persalinan spontan 18 orang (81,8%). Berdasarkan hasil uji Chi-Square didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara Massage Perineum dengan jenis persalinan   ρ value=0,032. Dan responden yang melakukan Kegel Exercise 19 orang (63,3%) dan persalinan spontan 16 orang (84,2%). Berdasarkan hasil uji Chi-Square didapatkan hubungan bermakna ρ value=0,042. Diharapkan bidan dapat memberikan informasi lengkap mengenai masage perineum dan Kegel Exercise pada ibu hamil. Sehingga ibu hamil mengetahui cara melakukan dan keuntungan dari Massage Perineum dan Kegel Exercise.   ABSTRACT Data World Health Organization (WHO) states 73.3% of mothers who regularly perform perineum Massage 66.7% did not experience perineal rupture. The Indonesian groups given Massage perineal intervention in primigravida did not experience rupture as much as 44.4%. Massage Perineum will soften the perineal tissue so the tissue will open without resistance at delivery. Kegel exercises are used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This research uses quantitative research design with post test design design approach. The sample in this study is the mother with gestational age> 34 weeks who visited the BPM Megawati Palembang in 2017 Which amounted to 30 people. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis. The results of this study showed respondents who performed Massage Perineum 22 people (73.3%) and spontaneous labor 18 people (81.8%). Based on Chi-Square test results obtained a significant relationship between Massage Perineum with type of labor ρ value = 0.032. And respondents who do Kegel Exercise 19 people (63.3%) and spontaneous labor 16 people (84.2%). Based on Chi-Square test results obtained significant relationship ρ value = 0.042. It is expected midwives can provide complete information about the masage perineum and Kegel Exercise in pregnant women. So that pregnant women know how to do and profit from Massage Perineum and Kegel Exercise.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 703
Syaifullah Hanif Wibisono ◽  
Rizqi Apsari Fairuz Kamila ◽  
Naufalluthfi Widodo ◽  
Reny I‘thisom

WHO (World Health Organization) telah menetapkan wabah COVID-19 sebagai pandemi tingkat global karena tingkat penyebaran COVID-19 yang sangat cepat hampir ke seluruh dunia. Protokol kesehatan seperti menjaga jarak, mencuci tangan, dan rutin menggunakan masker menjadi langkah untuk meminimalkan penyebaran virus COVID-19. Penggunaan masker menjadi kebiasaan baru yang erat dengan keseharian setiap orang saat ini. Masker yang dipakai dalam jangka waktu yang lama ternyata dapat menimbulkan beberapa permasalahan pada kulit seperti jerawat, dermatitis, kemerahan dan pigmentasi pada wajah.  Keluhan kulit yang paling banyak terjadi pada tenaga kesehatan yang menggunakan masker adalah akne. Oleh sebab itu, kami memilih topik tersebut dengan tujuan untuk mengedukasi masyarakat mengenai cara menjaga kesehatan kulit di masa pandemi dan bagaimana pencegahan serta penatalaksanaan mask-acne. Dalam masa pandemi, upaya untuk melakukan edukasi kepada masyarakat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan fitur Instagram Live yang dapat mempermudah masyarakat untuk menjangkau informasi dan menjadi media platform yang banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat. Metode edukasi ini dilakukan secara daring dengan menggunakan platform sosial media Instagram yang dilakukan sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali intervensi. Intervensi pertama kami melakukan kuis fakta dan mitos seputar kesehatan kulit dan mask-acne dengan total 868 responden, serta melakukan pre-test yang diisi oleh 50 responden. Intervensi kedua adalah melakukan Instagram Live berupa talkshow atau QnA bersama dermatovenereologist FK UNAIR/RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, dengan penonton sejumlah 267 pengguna dan telah ditonton ulang sebanyak 263 pengguna. Pada intervensi akhir, terdapat sesi post-test yang diisi oleh 50 responden yang didapatkan peningkatan hasil nilai terhadap pemahaman topik. Evaluasi kegiatan ini didapatkan dari kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada para peserta dan menunjukkan mayoritas responden memberikan umpan balik yang sangat baik terhadap materi yang dibawakan (58-68%), kesesuaian materi terhadap kondisi pandemi (60-70%), serta kebermanfaatan acara (68-74%).

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Mira Agusthia ◽  
Rachmawati M. Noer ◽  
Intan Susilawati

Berat badan bayi merupakan salah satu hal pertama yang dinilai untuk mengambarkan derajat atau status kesehatan bayi baru lahir, oleh karena itu Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) dapat menjadi permasalahan. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) diperkirakan sebanyak 20,6 juta bayi lahir setiap tahunnya adalah BBLR, dan hampir sepertiganya meninggal sebelum status kesehatannya stabil atau dalam 12 jam pertama kehidupan bayi. Untuk dapat mencapai kondisi kesehatan stabil dan berat badan normal, BBLR membutuhkan upaya pelestarian suhu tubuh, pemberian nutrisi dan pencegahan dari infeksi. Perawatan Metode Kanguru merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Perawatan Metode Kanguru terhadap peningkatan berat badan BBLR diruang Perinatologi RSUD Muhammad Sani. Desain penelitian yang digunakan Quasi-eksperimen pre test post test without control. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua bayi dengan berat badan lahir 1500 - 2500 gram. Sampel sebanyak 17 bayi dengan menggunakan teknik Total Sampling.. Data di kumpulkan dengan lembaran observasi, diolah dan dianalisa secara komputerisasi. Hasil analisa univariat diketahui rerata berat badan bayi sebelum dilakukan Perawatan Metode Kanguru (PMK) adalah 173,652 gram, dan sesudah dilakukan PMK interminten 2 jam perhari selama 7 hari, rerata berat badan meningkat menjadi 1861,76 gram. Terdapat perbedaan rerata berat badan sebelum dan sesudah sebesar 129,118 gram. Hasil uji paired t test adalah p = 0,000 >0,05. Disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh PMK terhadap peningkatkan berat badan BBLR di Ruang Perinatologi RSUD Muhammad Sani Tahun 2019. Diharapkan Rumah Sakit menerapkan semua Komponen Perawatan Metode Kanguru dan mengevalusi atas implementasinya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 941-953
Dyan Kunthi Nugrahaeni ◽  
Novie Elvinawaty Mauliku ◽  
Budiman Budiman ◽  
Gunawan Irianto ◽  
Arina Novilla

ABSTRAK The World Health Organization menetapkan outbreak SARS-CoV-2 sebagai Kedaruratan Kesehatan Masyarakat yang Meresahkan Dunia dan dinyatakan sebagai pandemik. Penyebaran dan penularan penyakit Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) sangat tinggi, dengan jumlah penderita lebih dari 117 juta di seluruh dunia. Diperlukan berbagai strategi dan tindakan yang dapat dilakukan untuk pencegahan, penanggulangan dalam rangka mengatasi COVID-19. Tujuan Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh Stikes Achmad Yani adalah ikut berperan serta dalam pencegahan dan penanggulangan COVID-19 di wilayah Kota Cimahi dan Kota Bandung. Metode yang digunakan adalah partisipatori dalam berbagai aktifias pencegahan dan penanggulangan COVID-19. Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat yang dilakukan selama pandemic COVID-19 diantaranya adalah demontrasi pembuatan handsanitizer, penyemprotan disinfektan, mengirimkan tim relawan pemeriksaan Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) antibodi Cluster Lembang dan relawan Check Point pada kegiatan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar di Kota Bandung. Pemberian donasi kepada masyarakat terdampak pandemik COVID-19 dan donasi Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) ke fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan seperti Rumah Sakit dan Puskesmas. Pelaksanaan Rapid Test Diagnostic (RTD) antibodi dan RTD antigen bagi mahasiswa, dosen dan Karyawan. Stikes Achmad Yani juga berperan serta dalam gebyar Vaksin COVID-19 bagi tenaga kesehatan dan mengirimkan relawan sebagai vaksinator yang diselenggarakan oleh Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin berkerjasama dengan PPNI. Partisipasi Stikes Achmad Yani Cimahi dalam berbagai kegiatan yang terkait dengan COVID-19 diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam rangka pencegahan penularan, pengendalian dan penanggulangan COVID-19. Kata Kunci: COVID-19, disinfeksi, relawan, Rapid Diagnostic Test  ABSTRACT The World Health Organization recognize the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak as a public health emergency of Internasional Concerns and declared it as a pandemic. The spread and transmission of Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) are very high and reported that over 117 million people have been sufferers worldwide. Several strategies and actions can be carried out to prevention, controlling and overcoming COVID-19. The purpose of community service carried out by Stikes Achmad Yani is to participate in the prevention and control of COVID-19 in Cimahi and Bandung district. The methode used in community services are participatory methods in several activities for prevention and control of COVID-19. Community Service activities carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic included demonstrations of making hand sanitizers, spraying disinfectants, sending a team of volunteers to examine the Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) antibody for the Lembang Cluster, and volunteer Check Points at Large-Scale Social Restrictions activities in Bandung. Providing donations to people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and donations of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to health service facilities such as hospitals and health centers. Implementation of Rapid Diagnostic Test (RTD) antibody and RDT antigen for students, lecturers, and staff. Stikes Achmad Yani also participated in the COVID-19 Vaccine for health workers and sent volunteers as vaccinators organized by Hasan Sadikin Hospital in collaboration with PPNI. The participation of Stikes Achmad Yani Cimahi in various activities to contribute prevention of disease transmission and controlling COVID-19. Kata Kunci: COVID-19, disinfection, volunteer, Rapid Diagnostic Test

Allakhyarov D.Z. ◽  
Petrov Yu.A. ◽  
Chernavsky V.V.

This article presents reviews of literature sources on the clinical and pathogenetic aspects of the course of a new coronovirus infection in pregnant women, in order to analyze the features of the course of COVID-19 in pregnant women and to assess the impact of infection on the body of a woman and a fetus. Pregnancy is a special physiological condition, during which a number of changes occur in the body, not only in the hormonal status, but also in the immune system. The urgency of this problem is due to the high prevalence of new coronavirus infection among the population. On March 12, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO), as a result of the dynamic development of the epidemic in many countries and continents, declared a global pandemic of the contagious disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. According to available studies, pregnant women are more susceptible to a more severe course of infectious diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract. According to various studies, a new coronavirus infection can lead to premature birth, miscarriage, and preeclampsia. Separate studies show increased mortality in pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19. The SARS-CoV-2 virus does not have a direct teratogenic effect on the fetus, but it can indirectly lead to harmful effects on the developing organism. Special attention should be paid to the issue of vaccination of pregnant women against a new coronavirus infection, at the moment there is no accurate data on the effect of the vaccine on the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus. In this regard, the question of the impact of a new coronavirus infection on the course of pregnancy has become relevant.

Leprosy ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Charlotte A. Roberts

This chapter introduces leprosy, an infection that is still misunderstood and considered a neglected tropical disease but declining in frequency, according to the World Health Organization. The bacteria that cause leprosy, Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis, are outlined, as well as how a relative strength of a person’s immune system determines how leprosy affects the body. Although leprosy is curable, associated stigma and disability remain common challenges for people with the disease in parts of the world. The goals and structure of the book are outlined, ten myths that still pervade society at large are listed, and the use of the word “leper” discussed. Based on World Health Organization data, the chapter also explores the frequency of leprosy today, where the infection remains a challenge, and the history of detecting and reporting evidence for leprosy in living populations. Finally, the reasons why bioarchaeologists have an interest in this infection are explored.

Pedro Castro ◽  
Ana Paula Matos ◽  
Heron Werner ◽  
Flávia Paiva Lopes ◽  
Gabriele Tonni ◽  

AbstractSince the World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus infection (COVID-19) a Public Health Emergency of International Concern in January 2020, there have been many concerns about pregnant women and the possible effects of this emergency with catastrophic outcomes in many countries. Information on COVID-19 and pregnancy are scarce and spread throughout a few case series, with no more than 50 cases in total. The present review provides a brief analysis of COVID-19, pregnancy in the COVID-19 era, and the effects of COVID-19 on pregnancy.

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