2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Lutfia Lutfia ◽  
Tita Tanjung Sari ◽  
Ach. Puniman

Belajar dengan menemukan sendiri pengetahuannya maka pengetahuan siswa akan bertahan lama. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut diharapkan peserta didik dapat berperan aktif dan terlibat langsung saat proses pembelajaran. Sedangkan keaktifan peserta didik yang rendah akan berdampak pada pencapaian hasil belajar peserta didik yang rendah pula. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan adanya perhatian serta strategi untuk meningkatkan keaktifan dan hasil belajar peserta didik. Berperan aktif dalam belajar adalah suasana yang mestinya tercipta dalam proses pembelajaran. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, maka diperlukan model pembelajaran yang efektif dan lebih menyenangkan yaitu melalui Problem Based Learning Model. Problem Based Learning Model dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif variasi model pembelajaran yang menawarkan masalah kepada peserta didik untuk memecahkan sendiri masalah yang dihadapi, sehingga peserta didik terdorong untuk berperan aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari beberapa bagian yaitu tahap perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan reflekfi. Sumber data penelitian adalah siswa kelas III SDN Babbalan Batuan Sumenep, validator, dan observer penelitian. Instrument pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi keaktifan peserta didik, lembar hasil belajar peserta didik dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Problem Based Learning Modelyang diterapkan dapatkan meningkatkan keaktifan dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa kelas III SDN Babbalan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan meningkatnya aktifitas positif dari 58,25% menjadi 73,75% dan menurunnya aktifitas negatif dari 14% menjadi 2,70%. Selain itu hasil belajar kognitif siswa pada nilai rata-rata kelas meningkat dari 90,8 menjadi 93,3

Issaura Sherly Pamela ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi ◽  
Asrial Asrial

Innovation is needed in learning to make meaningful learning, so the student constructs their ownknowledge from the learning experience of learning process. One of the innovations is to integrate Problem Based Learning model. Problem Based Learning involves students to be active in every problem. Eleven problems type in Problem Based Learning that have different solving steps, due to every student different metacognition character potential and can change by given treatment. This research is a pre-experimental design: the pretest-posttest control and experimental group design with embedded experimental design. The metacognition character data were analyzed qualitaively, whereas the average grade data were analyzed quantitatively. The analysis of metacognition character shows the different metacognition characters and on learning process there is improvement of student achievement from 14% to 84.4%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 316-321
Daulat Nathanael Banjarnahor

The purpose of this study was to describe: 1) How to implement civic education and learning to develop a democratic attitude and learning participation; 2) How to design a civic education learning model based on controversial issues in the mass media to develop a democratic attitude and student learning participation; 3) Based on the public To what extent can the civic education learning model of media controversial issues develop democratic attitudes and student participation in learning? It is indeed necessary to consider adopting appropriate learning methods to improve and discover students’ understanding of the knowledge conveyed by the teacher. Learning model Problem-based learning or problem-based learning is a student-oriented or student-centered learning model. Problem-based learning models have methods to deal with real-life problems, and this learning emphasizes problem-solving investigation activities. This research is a scientific paper. When using a problem-based learning learning model, a descriptive qualitative research method with a phenomenological description type is used to describe the learning process extensively and deeply. By paying attention to and analyzing the focus of reality or field experience that occurs on the research object. The object of the study is the students of HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar University, and the standard of study is the students participating in the civic education seminar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 502-507
Lili Suryaningsih ◽  
Sandi Achmad Pratama

Pengembangan pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan model pembelajaran problem based learning. Model pembelajaran yang menekankan pada pengembangan keterampilan berpikir dan penyelesaian masalah. Model Pembelajaran PBL menerapkan pendekatan pemberian masalah autentik pada siswa. Pemberian masalah tersebut, siswa dapat mengumpulkan fakta, mengkonstruksi pengetahuan, menumbuh kembangkan keterampilan berpikir, melatih kemandirian, dan meningkatkan kepercayaan diri. Tahapan Problem Based Learning, yaitu (a) Mengidentifikasi masalah. (b) Mengumpulkan data. (c) Menganalisis data. (d) Memecahkan masalah berdasarkan data yang ada dan analisisnya. (e) Memilih cara untuk memecahkan masalah. (f) Merencanakan penerapan pemecahan masalah. (g) Melakukan ujicoba terhadap rancana yang ditetapkan, dan (h) Melakukan tindakan (action) untuk memecahkan masalah. Sesuai dengan tujuan PBL untuk menumbuhkan sikap ilmiah, dari beberapa bentuk PBL yang dikemukakan para ahli dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran berbasis masalah, siswa dituntut untuk berpikir secara kritis dan ilmiah dalam melaksanakan setiap langkah-langkah pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Untuk memberikan kebebasan kepada siswa untuk berkreasi, ilmiah langkah berpikir dengan mengumpulkan data dari hasil belajar, kemudian siswa dapat menginterpretasikan, menganalisis, dan akhirnya sampai pada kesimpulan. sehingga diharapkan siswa belajar prestasi akan meningkat. Penelitian ini mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran yang meliputi: Buku teks, RPS, LKS serta instrumen untuk kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa yang mengacu pada model 4-D (Define, Design, Mengembangkan, dan Deiseminasi). Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif, Model Alat Pembelajaran Khusus matakuliah Filologi "Naskah Aksara" untuk Melatih Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dikategorikan “sangat baik”, ditunjuk oleh terpenuhnya enam kriteria  perangkat pembelajaran yang baik yang meliputi (a) Valid menurut validator, (b) Efektif atas kemampuan Peneliti/Dosen dalam mengelola pembelajaran, (c) Efektif bagi mahasiswa kegiatan dalam pembelajaran, (d) Positif terhadap respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran, (e) Valid, reliabel, dan peka terhadap THB, dan (f) tercapai ketuntasan belajar klasikal.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Riti Desmiwati ◽  
Ratnawulan Ratnawulan ◽  
Yulkifli Yulkifli

One effort that can be done by teachers to improve the competence of students was to develop of Student Worksheet (LKPD). LKPD was said to be qualified if it has valid criteria. Valid means the developed product can be used to measure what should be measured. Validity of LKPD was assessed by experts in the field. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of LKPD experimentphysics oriented by problem based learning models be used tools practicum based on digital technology. The methode of this study was descrptive methode. The research instrument used was validation sheet in the form of assessment questionnaire. Analysis of data used descriptive analysis. The validation result was obtained LKPD physics experiment oriented Problem Based Learning model with tools of practicum based on digital technology was valid criteria.

Mursolimah Mursolimah

<p><em>The purpose of this research is to improve improve story fraction problem solving skill among 4<sup>th</sup> grade students of SDN 3 Sembukan Sidoharjo Wonogiri in the academic year 2019/ 2020 by applying Problem Based Learning model. The research conducted was a Classroom Action Research (PTK). This research implemented in two cycles, each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting</em><em>. </em><em>The research result show that application of Problem Based Learning model can improve student’s story fraction problem solving skill. The average </em><em>of</em><em> </em><em>story fraction problem solving skill in the pre-cycle 55.93; cycle I 74.79; and cycle II 84.38. While classical completeness in pra-cycle was 4 students (26.67%), cycle I was 12 students (80%), cycle II was 15 students (100%)</em><em>. </em><em>The conclusion is application of Problem Based Learning model can improve story fraction problem solving skill among 4<sup>th</sup> grade students of SDN 3 Sembukan Sidoharjo Wonogiri in the academic year 2019/ 2020.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-130
Mulia Suryani ◽  
Lucky Heriyanti Jufri ◽  
Tika Artia Putri

AbstrakRendahnya kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika siswa menyebabkan siswa kurang mampu menyelesaikan soal yang bersifat non rutin dan siswa masih kurang mengembangkan ide dan kemampuan yang dimilikinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika siswa melalui model Problem Based Learning berdasarkan Kemampuan Awal Matematika (KAM) siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika siswa melalui model Problem Based Learning menjadi lebih baik. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII-7 SMP Negeri 12 Padang yang terdiri dari 32 orang. Siswa yang awalnya berkemampuan rendah meningkat menjadi siswa berkemampuan sedang dengan peningkatan sebesar 75 %. Siswa yang awalnya tergolong berkemampuan sedang meningkat menjadi siswa berkemampuan tinggi sebesar 26 %. Siswa sudah mampu 1) memahami masalah, 2) menyusun rencana penyelesaian, 3) melaksanakan penyelesaian, dan 4) mengecek kembali jawaban. Analysis of Students' Problem Solving Abilities Based on Early Mathematical Ability AbstractThe lack of students' mathematical problem-solving skills causes students to be less able to solve problems that are non-routine and students are still lacking in developing their ideas and abilities. This study aims to determine students 'mathematical problem-solving abilities through the Problem Based Learning model based on students' Early Mathematical Ability (KAM). The research method used is qualitative. The results of this study indicate that students' mathematical problem-solving abilities through the Problem Based Learning model are better. The sample in this study were students of class VIII-7 Middle School 12 Padang consisting of 32 people. Students who were initially low-skilled increased to moderate-capable students with an increase of 75%. Students who were initially classified as capable were increasing to high-ability students by 26%. Students can 1) understand the problem, 2) draw up a settlement plan, 3) carry out the solution, and 4) re-check the answers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Gede Agus Hendika ◽  
Made Santo Gitakarma ◽  
Nyoman Santiyadnya

This study was carried out aimed at improving student learning outcomes in Computer Assembling subjects in the subject matter and Troubleshooting BIOS configuration concepts in class X TKJ 1 SMK Negeri 3 State through problem-based learning model (Problem Based Learning). This type of research is action research class (class action research) carried out in 2 cycles, the first cycle consists of 3 meetings as well as to the second cycle. Subjects in this study were students of class X TKJ 1 SMK Negeri 3 countries totaling 34 people. The object of this research is student learning outcomes by implementing problem-based learning model (Problem Based Learning). The necessary data obtained using the method in the form of a multiplechoice test (Multiple Choice). Achievement test cycle I and cycle II as many as 20 items. Based on the analysis of data on learning outcomes in Computer Assembling subjects in the first cycle obtained an average percentage of student learning outcomes in classical amounted 55.88%. In the second cycle the average percentage of student learning outcomes in classical amounted 85.29%. The results showed an increase from cycle I to cycle II of 29.4%. Thus, the conclusions of this study an increase in student learning outcomes through the application of problem-based learning model (Problem Based Learning).

Yanti Fitria

This study aims to improve the learning achievement of elementary school students. Second semester students majoring in elementary school teacher education (PGSD) FIP UNP Padang were involved as research subjects. As many as 24 students were given science learning by using the Problem Based Learning model. Subjects/samples of the study were given learning actions in the lectures of the basic concepts of Natural Sciences. Data obtained after the study were analyzed with descriptive statistics. This research was a classroom action research and was carried out for two cycles. The research findings show the results that an increase in student learning achievement with an average achievement score in cycle one of 76.28 and an average score in the second cycle of 88.46. An increase in score of 86.75. The findings can be concluded that the Problem Based Learning model is effective in improving student learning achievement rather than independent learning. Thus the science learning model Problem Based Learning can be used as an alternative model to improve student achievement in the digestive system material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-102
Hudaya Indra Bakti ◽  
Handoko Santoso

Abstrak : Keberhasilan suatu proses belajar mengajar dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat dua faktor yang mendominasi yaitu model pembelajaran dan motivasi yang dimiliki siswa saat belajar. Dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran yang tepat akan membuat kegiatan belajar mengajar lebih menarik sehingga menarik rasa ingin tahu siswa untuk belajar. Rasa ingin tahu merupakan motivasi alami yang dimiliki oleh siswa, sehingga mereka tertarik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Dalam penelitian ini model yang akan digunakan adalah Problem Based Learning atau dikenal dengan Problem Based Learning (PBL). Model pembelajaran ini berorientasi pada siswa, dimana guru akan memberikan objek permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan materi dan siswa akan diminta untuk menganalisis penyelesaian masalah tersebut dengan menggali berbagai informasi baik dari buku, internet ataupun hasil siswa. Sedangkan guru hanya berperan sebagai fasilitator dan mengarahkan siswa. Tujuan dari artikel review ini adalah (1) untuk mengkaji model Problem Based Learning (2) mempelajari hasil belajar (3) untuk mengkaji model Problem Based Learning dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar. Abstract: The success of a teaching and learning process is influenced by various factors. In this study, there are two factors that dominate, namely the learning model and the motivation that students have when learning. By applying the right learning model, it will make teaching and learning activities more interesting so that it attracts students' curiosity to learn. Curiosity is a natural motivation possessed by students, so they are interested in participating in the learning process. In this study, the model to be used is Problem Based Learning or known as Problem Based Learning (PBL). This learning model is oriented towards students, where the teacher will provide an object of problems related to the material and students will be asked to analyze the resolution of the problem by exploring a variety of information both from books, the internet or students' results. Whereas the teacher only acts as a facilitator and directs students. The purpose of this review article is (1) to examine the Problem Based Learning model (2) to study the learning outcomes (3) to examine the Problem Based Learning model in improving learning outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-78 ◽  
Lisa Nur Aulia ◽  
Susilo Susilo ◽  
Bambang Subali

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar siswa dengan menerapkan model pembelajaaran problem based learning yang dibantu dengan media edmodo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimen dengan desain penelitian one grup pretest posttest. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI penjurusan MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Demak tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Aspek kemandirian yang diteliti meliputi aspek persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket kemandirian belajar, wawancara terhadap siswa dengan kemandirian rendah, sedang, dan tinggi, angket respon siswa, dan lembar keterlaksanaan pembelajaran untuk mengetahui tingkat keefektifan penerapan model problem based learning berbantuan edmodo. Berdasarkan analisis hasil penelitian tingkat keefektifan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan model problem based learning berbantuan edmodo adalah 94,11%. Peningkatan kemandirian belajar diketahui dengan menggunakan uji n-gain didapatkan hasil sebesar 0,32 dengan kriteria sedang. Peningkatan kemandirian yang paling optimal terjadi pada indikator evaluasi kegiatan belajar dan penarikan kesimpulan pengalaman belajar. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan aplikasi edmodo dalam pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan kemandirian belajar siswa. Efforts to increase student self-regulated learning with problem-based learning model use Edmodo AbstractThe purpose of this study is to improve students' self-regulated learning by applying model problem based learning use edmodo. The research method is experimental method with one group pretest posttest research design. The subjects of the study were the students of science class grade XI of SMA Negeri 1 Demak academic year 2017/2018. The aspects of self-regulated learning examined include aspects of preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Data collection techniques used questionnaire of self-regulated learning, interviews of students with low, middle, and high self-regulated learning, student response questionnaires, and learning activity sheet to determine the level of effectiveness of the implementation of problem-based learning model use edmodo. Based on the analysis of research results, the effectiveness level of learning implementation with problem based learning model use edmodo is 94.11%. Increased learning independence is known by using the n-gain test results obtained by 0.32 with middle criteria. The most optimal improvement of independence occurs in indicators of evaluation of learning activities and conclusions of learning experiences. So it can be concluded that the use of edmodo applications in learning can improve student’s self-regulated learning.

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