scholarly journals Fomento de la creatividad en los estudiantes del diseño industrial en una universidad privada de la ciudad de Medellín. Promotion of creativity in students of the industrial design at a private University in the city of Medellin.

Psicoespacios ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (14) ◽  
pp. 43
Daniel Valencia Albaran ◽  
Olena Klimenko ◽  
Wilson Armando Montaño Pardo

Promotion of creativity in students of the industrial design at a private University in the city of Medellin.Resumen. El artículo presenta resultados de una investigación orientada a indagar por el fomento de la creatividad en estudiantes del diseño industrial en una universidad privada de Medellín, Para este fin se dirigió la atención a los aspectos de las prácticas de enseñanza relevantes para tal fin y las concepciones sobre la creatividad que manejan los docentes. Se utilizo el enfoque mixto, nivel descriptivo y método fenomenológico, la población del estudio estuvo representada por los docentes y estudiantes de un programa de pregrado de diseño industrial en una universidad de carácter privado en la Cuidad de Medellín, tanto la muestra de los docentes como de los estudiantes se escogió por conveniencia. Se aplicó una entrevistas semistructurada y escala Likert diseñadas para el estudio y el test CREA. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un aumento significativo estadísticamente en los puntajes del test CREA obtenidos por los estudiantes desde el primero hasta el décimo semestre, aunque no se puede afirmar que este aumento se debe exclusivamente a los esfuerzos formativos del programa. Igualmente, se observa que las prácticas de enseñanza de los docentes del programa estudiado cuentan con una alta orientación hacia el fomento de la creatividad en sus estudiantes. Lo anterior se corresponde con la importancia que adjudican los docentes entrevistados a la creatividad en la formación profesional de un diseñador industrial. Palabras clave: creatividad, diseño industrial, prácticas de enseñanza, concepciones de los docentes. Abstract The article presents results of a research aimed to explore the promotion of creativity in students from the industrial design in one private University of Medellín, to this end turned attention to aspects of teaching practices and the teacher´s conceptions about creativity. The study used the mixed approach, descriptive level and phenomenological method, the study population was represented by teachers and students in an undergraduate program of industrial design in one private university of Medellín, both the sample of teachers as was used student was chosen for convenience. It was applied the interviews and Likert scale designed to study and test CREA. The results show a statistically significant increase in test scores obtained by students from the first to the tenth semester, but can not claim that this increase is due exclusively to the training program efforts. Also, it is observed that the teaching practices of teachers in the program have a high orientation fostering creativity in their students. This corresponds to the importance they attach to the teachers interviewed for creativity in the training of an industrial designer. Keywords: creativity, industrial design, teaching practice, teacher´s conceptions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 725-752
Davi Silva Gonçalves

Essa proposta de trabalho visa refletir acerca de questões educacionais em paralelo com a práxis social. Mais especificamente, a ideia é discutir as características e implicações da realidade e prática social dos alunos da escola pública levando em consideração anseios contemporâneos pautados no tema. Os dados analisados foram coletados em uma escola pública situada na cidade de Maringá-PR, no ano de 2009, durante o estágio curricular supervisionado obrigatório de observação – tanto do entorno escolar quanto das aulas. Com enfoque nesse aspecto mais social das práticas educacionais escolares, o principal arcabouço teórico para análise dos dados é aquele oferecido por István Mészáros no livro A educação para além do capital (2008).  Os resultados, não-conclusivos, apontam para um cenário alarmante: se na esfera privada já há tempos a educação se tornou uma mercadoria e os alunos meros clientes, a esfera pública tem sido redirecionada para caminhos análogos, em diversos sentidos.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Relato de experiência. Marx. Escola pública.     ABSTRACT This article aims at reflecting upon some educational issues drawn in parallel with social praxis. More specifically, the idea is to discuss aspects and implications of students’ social reality and practice in state schools taking into account contemporary anxieties on the matter. The data analysed has been collected in the city of Maringa-PR, during 2009, as part of my compulsory undergraduate supervised teaching practice took place – regarding the observation of school surroundings as well as of the classes themselves. Focusing on this social aspect of educational school practice, the main theoretical framework for data analysis is brought by István Mészáros in Education beyond Capital (2005). The non-conclusive results pinpoint an alarming scenery: if in the private sector education has for long been turned into a commodity and students into mere clients, the public one has been gradually redirected to analogous paths, in many ways.   KEYWORDS: Experience report. Marx. State school.     RESUMEN Esta propuesta de trabajo tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre cuestiones educativas en paralelo con la praxis social. Más específicamente, la idea es discutir las características e implicaciones de la realidad y la práctica social de los estudiantes de escuelas públicas, teniendo en cuenta las preocupaciones contemporáneas basadas en el tema. Los datos analizados se recopilaron en una escuela pública ubicada en la ciudad de Maringá-PR, en 2009, durante la pasantía curricular supervisada obligatoria de observación, tanto en el entorno escolar como en las clases. Con un enfoque en este aspecto más social de las prácticas educativas escolares, el principal marco teórico para el análisis de datos es el que ofrece István Mészáros en el libro Educación más allá del capital (2008). Los resultados no concluyentes apuntan a un escenario alarmante: si en el ámbito privado la educación se ha convertido desde hace mucho tiempo en una mercancía y los estudiantes son meros clientes, el ámbito público se ha redirigido a caminos análogos, de varias maneras.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Informe de experiencia. Marx Escuela pública.  

ECA Sinergia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 7
Nohemi Monserrate Palacios ◽  
Jasson Luis Zambrano ◽  
Manuel Andrés Ubillus

  Las ideas que a continuación se desarrollan permiten aproximarse al conocimiento de aquellos aspectos que caracterizan a la inversión pública y su influencia en la reducción de la pobreza en la ciudad de Portoviejo, durante el periodo 2013- 2016 el cual se enfoca en identificar como las personas de esta localidad se han beneficiado con proyectos realizados por entidades gubernamentales y han incidido en su calidad de vida. Para lograr llevar a cabo este trabajo, inicialmente se obtuvo información de diversas fuentes como libros, folletos, páginas web, el GAD Municipal para conocer la inversión generada dentro de la ciudad. Mediante la investigación de campo se logró determinar que aproximadamente el 50% de la población objeto de estudio, obtiene sus ingresos a través de la informalidad, seguido del subempleo, identificando una cifra alarmante en la población de estudio, ya que sólo cuatro de cada 100 habitantes posee un trabajo fijo. Por otra parte, de las personas que se beneficiaron con los proyectos de inversión pública realizados, la mayoría de ellos se benefició con viviendas y un tercio de los mismos, de los servicios de educación y salud, mientras que en lo referente a servicios básicos realizados en esta localidad en el periodo de estudio, no alcanza el uno por ciento.   Palabras clave: Inversión, estado, pobreza, desarrollo, crecimiento.   ABSTRACT   The ideas that are developed below allow us to approach the knowledge of those aspects that characterize Public Investment and its influence in the reduction of poverty in the city of Portoviejo, during the period 2013-2016 which focuses on identifying how people from this locality they have benefited from projects carried out by government entities and have had an impact on their quality of life. To achieve this work, initially obtained information from various sources such as books, brochures, web pages, the Municipal GAD to know the investment generated within the city. Through field research it was possible to determine that of the population under study, almost half of it obtains its income through informality, followed by underemployment, identifying an alarming figure in the study population, since only four of every 100 inhabitants has a fixed job. On the other hand, of the people who benefited from the public investment projects carried out, most of them benefited from housing and a third of them, from education and health services, while in terms of basic services provided. in this locality in the period of study, it does not reach one percent.   Keywords: Investment, state, poverty, development, growth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Richard Washington Góngora Zambrano ◽  
Freddy Eduardo Santana Giler

El presente trabajo de investigación se lo realizo con la finalidad de poder atender una necesidad que viven la mayoría de las instituciones de educación media, en el área de las ciencias experimentales, específicamente en la enseñanza de la Química, la cual se torna compleja para los docentes al momento querer vincular los conocimientos teóricos con los conocimientos prácticos, debido a la carencia de equipos, materiales, sustancias y en la mayor parte de los casos de un espacio físico adecuado en el cual poder impartir las prácticas de experimentación. Por tal motivo se propuso una investigación con enfoque de innovación, mediante la utilización de simuladores virtuales, los cuales permiten a docentes y estudiantes poder fortalecer su proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje en la asignatura de Química, para lo cual se capacitó a los docentes y estudiantes del área de ciencias experimentales de la Unidad Educativa Fiscal Uruguay, con la finalidad de que conozcan el manejo de la aplicación y de esta manera pudiesen adquirir las destrezas y habilidades necesarias para el manejo de los simuladores. PALABRAS CLAVE: Simulador virtual, enseñanza, aprendizaje, Química. Theoretical-practical strengthening of the teaching of Chemistry through the application of virtual simulators to the students of the 2nd year of Baccalaureate of the Uruguay Technical Educational Unit of the city of Portoviejo of the province of Manabí ABSTRACT This research work was carried out in order to be able to meet a need that most secondary education institutions live in the area of ​​experimental sciences, specifically in the teaching of Chemistry, which becomes complex for students, teachers at the time want to link theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge, due to the lack of equipment, materials, substances and in most cases of an adequate physical space in which to teach the experimentation practices. For this reason, an investigation with an innovation approach was proposed, through the use of virtual simulators, which allow teachers and students to strengthen their teaching - learning process in the Chemistry subject, for which teachers and students were trained from the area of ​​experimental sciences of the Uruguay Fiscal Education Unit, in order that they know how to use the application and, in this way, they could acquire the skills and abilities necessary to use the simulators.KEYWORDS: Virtual simulator, teaching, learning, chemistry.

Janika Leoste ◽  
Larissa Jõgi ◽  
Tiia Õun ◽  
Luis Pastor ◽  
José San Martín López ◽  

Emerging technologies have a potential future impact on the developments in higher education and teaching practices at the universities. The paper is based on the project “My future colleague robot” that aims to improve the competence of university teachers in the implementation of Emerging Technologies (ETs) in the teaching practices at the university. In this paper, we identified the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats that are related to the adoption of two ETs, robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), in higher education. Additionally, we analyzed the perceptions of faculty about these ETs. The empirical data was collected using written essays from 18 university teachers and students. Deductive and inductive approaches with thematic analysis were used for the data analysis. The findings support the idea that previous experience related to ETs can support positive attitudes and the implementations of ET in university teaching. University teachers had optimistic expectations towards ETs accepting them as part of teaching practice development, while discussion about the negative effects of ETs was negligible.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Susana Marlene Hinojosa Dazza ◽  
Rosa Dolores Hinojosa Dazza

El desarrollo de competencias transversales de los docentes es hoy un tema de máximo interés; estas permiten la movilización integrada de conocimientos, habilidades, hábitos, componentes metacognitivos, rasgos de la personalidad y valores todos en función de ejecutar acciones positivas en situaciones cambiantes del proceso pedagógico. El desarrollo de competencias transversales de los docentes del bachillerato unificado en el Centro Educativo Miraflores (CEM) de la ciudad de Guayaquil, es el centro de este artículo. Su objetivo es exponer los resultados que se han obtenido en la caracterización del nivel de desarrollo de dichas competencias en la institución educativa mencionada. Para ello, se emplearon métodos nivel empírico como la observación a docentes, encuesta a docentes y a estudiantes; y, entrevista a autoridades e informantes clave. Los resultados confirmaron insuficiencias en las competencias relacionadas con el enfrentamiento y respuestas a las situaciones educativas que se le presentan a los docentes, la organización de estrategias de solución, que faciliten actuar frente a dichas situaciones educativas, en la aplicación de estrategias de solución a las problemáticas que enfrentan los docentes. así como en la disposición a la colaboración, la ejecución exitosa de tareas de en conjunto y el estímulo al trabajo en equipo, la identificación de los problemas educativos, la identificación de las alternativas de solución viables que permitan dar solución a los problemas educativos, la implementación de alternativas de solución y la evaluación de alternativas de solución. Palabras Clave: competencias, competencia profesional, competencias transversales, formación de docentes ABSTRACT The development of skills of teachers is today a topic of interest. Enable the integrated knowledge, skills, and habits, mobilization of knowledge, metacognitive components, personality traits and values all according to take positive action on changing situations of the learning process. The development of skills of teachers in the unified baccalaureate in the Miraflores Education Centre (CEM) of the city of Guayaquil is the center of attention in this article. Its goal is to expose the results that have been obtained in the characterization of the level of development these skills in the aforementioned educational institution. For this reason, empirical methods such as: teachers’ observations, survey to teachers and students and interview with authorities and key informants were used. The results confirmed inadequacies in skills related to the confrontation and responses to an educational situation that they are presented to the teachers, the organization of solution strategies that facilitate acting with these educational situations, the implementation of strategies of solution to the problems faced by teachers as well as disposition to collaboration, the successful execution of tasks of altogether and the encouragement of teamwork, the identification of educational problems the identification of viable alternatives of solution that will allow to solve the educational problems, the implementation of alternative solutions and the evaluation of alternative solutions. Keywords: Competencies, professional competencies, transversal competencies, profesional development. Recibido: abril de 2016Aprobado: mayo de 2016

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 135
Oguzhan Sevim ◽  
Merve Suroglu Sofu,

The aim of this study is to examine the effects of extended micro-teaching practices on foreigners' views on motivation, anxiety and process of learning Turkish. In the study, an exploratory sequential design, one of the mixed research designs in which quantitative and qualitative research techniques are used together, was applied. The study population consisted of 37 A2 level students studying at a private university in Istanbul, Turkey. In the study, the Turkish Learning Anxiety Scale of Foreigners to measure the anxiety of learning Turkish as a foreign language, the Motivation Scale for Learning Turkish as a Foreign Language to measure their motivation during learning Turkish, and the semi-structured scale interview form to evaluate students' opinions about the process were used. While simple and predictive statistical techniques were applied in the analyses of the data obtained through scales before and after the experimental process, the descriptive analysis technique was used in the analysis of the data obtained with the interview form. According to the findings of the study, the extended micro-teaching practices increased the motivation of foreigners during learning Turkish and reduced their language learning anxiety to a normal level. Besides, interviews with the students confirmed these results.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Nur Elfi Husda

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Management Information Systems and customer value to the achievements of private universities in the city of Batam. The study population is a private university student enrolled in Management programs that has B accreditation in Batam city. Data analysis techniques used in explaining the phenomenon in this study is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the study show that better Management Information System will increase students' assessment of the University, as well as the student's assessment of the university's reputation, but the good or bad of the Management Information System does not affect the reputation of the university. A better Management Information System, will further enhance the reputation of the university if the student's assessment of the university is also good.

José Ueleres Braga ◽  
Rachel Sarmeiro Araujo ◽  
Ana Sara Semeão de Souza

Abstract Background The Pan American Health Organization indicates that increased incidence of congenital syphilis (CS) can be attributed to the lack of penicillin. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the benzathine penicillin shortage and the significant increase in the incidence of congenital syphilis in the city of Rio de Janeiro from 2013 to 2017. Methods We used a mixed ecologic study design (temporal and multiple groups). Analysis units were the neighborhoods (spatial) and quarters (temporal) during those years. The study population consisted of CS patients who were living in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The benzathine penicillin supply measure for use in gestational syphilis considered the ratio between (1) the number of bottles dispensed to health facilities in each neighborhood and (2) the number of bottles necessary to treat pregnant women diagnosed with syphilis and their respective partners residing in each neighborhood. To evaluate the association between shortages and a significant increase in CS incidence, the negative-inflated zero-binomial regression model (longitudinal model) was used. Results During the study period, the incidence rate of CS in Rio de Janeiro neighborhoods was on average 19.6 per 1000 live births. In the simple analysis, shortage was associated with a 2.17-fold increase in the risk of a significant increase in CS incidence. After adjustment for the sufficient minimum set, the strength of association increased to 2.23 (95% confidence interval, 1.15–4.30). Conclusions We conclude that the benzathine penicillin shortage had an impact on the increase in the incidence of CS in Rio de Janeiro.

2015 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 603-625 ◽  
Okseon Lee ◽  
Euichang Choi

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of a professional development (PD) program on teachers’ implementation of the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model, and to identify the characteristics of PD that influence teaching practice. The participants were six elementary school teachers and 12 students, and the data were collected from interviews with the teachers and students, observations, and teachers’ reflective journal entries. The findings revealed that PD enhanced the fidelity of implementation in terms of improving structural adherence, facilitating coherent instructional delivery, and making the students more active and responsible. The PD also helped the teachers to adapt the model by developing cultural differentiation strategies, modifying existing components, and extending the implementation of the TPSR through connection with other subjects or activities. The teachers found that the PD facilitated their implementation of TPSR by giving them common goals, empowering them as creators of knowledge, and providing a continuous and authentic learning experience.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (02) ◽  
pp. 85-95
V. Chechyk ◽  

The article is devoted to the early years of formation of Kharkiv scenography school and to the creative and pedagogical activities of Olexander Khvostenko-Khvostov (1895–1967). It was reported that the bold experiments of this artist, in the field of theatrical design of 1918–1922, made him one of the central figures of Kharkiv avant-garde scene (“Mystery Buff”; “The Army in the City”; “Lilyuli”, etc), strengthening the reputation of an innovator and causing the beginning of pedagogical activity at the Kharkiv Art College in 1921. The theatrical and decorative workshop was opened at the faculty of painting at the Kharkiv Art College in 1922, it was headed by A. Khvostenko-Khvostov. Among the first graduates were such bright alumni as A. Volnenko, P. Suponin, V. Ryftin, A. Bosulaev, B. Chernyshov, and others. Fundamental provisions of the educational program, which A. Khvostenko borrowed from the teaching practice of A. Exter (Kyiv Studio, 1918–1920), reflected the formation idea of future theater artist’s synthetic thinking. It is known that the education program of the Theater and Scenery Workshop of KAC, equally with the Studio of A. Exter, in addition to the subjects common to all students of painting and drawing faculty as special subjects (theatrical scenery, technique and technology of the stage, etc.) included also the history of theater (I. Turkeltaub), material culture, costume, music and literature (A. Beletsky). O. Khvostenko paid special attention to theoretical and practical issues of composition. He introduced the course of fundamentals of directing (V. Vasilko) as a compulsory subject. Much of what the students mastered at the Workshop was tested on the professional stages of Kharkiv theaters. Associated with the Kharkiv Art School for a quarter of a century (1921–1946), O. Khvostenko-Khvostov has not still been included in the pantheon of its outstanding teachers.

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