scholarly journals Manfaat Loloh Don Cemcem Dalam Sistem Kesehatan Tradisional

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
I Gede Sutana

<div><p><em>Complex problems in people's lives in the global era often cause psychological pressure which subsequently causes various disturbances in the system of human body which eventually lead to various illness. In order to return to their health level, people are in their quest for diverse alternative health medications which have minimal side effects, one of which is back to nature by consuming traditional medicine. Traditional medicine has been familiar with the life of the Indonesian people, including the Balinese in particular. In Bali, there is a traditional health system which still exists in the community known as Usadha. In Usadha, there are various types of treatment, one of which is often used by the Balinese, namely medicinal herbs or the Balinese people often call it loloh. The Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Regulation No. 61 of 2016 concerning Empirical Traditional Health Services and the existence of the Governor of Bali Regulation No. 55 of 2019 concerning Balinese Traditional Health Services have caused loloh to revive. Loloh is now not only consumed by the local people, but has also been consumed by foreign tourists who visit Bali. One of the prima donna is loloh don cemcem which is sourced from kecemcem leaves (Spondias pinnata (Lf) Kurz). The process of making loloh don cemcem follows the traditional serving pattern with the intention that by consuming it, people will get various benefits, especially in the aspect of physical health. </em></p></div>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 40-56
Rissa Afni Rissa ◽  
Aditia Arief Firmanto

The implementation of traditional medical practices is supported by several regulations including the Minister of Health Decree No. 1076 / MENKES / SK / VII / 2003 concerning Organizers of Traditional Medicine and Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health. This research was conducted using the normative-empirical method. The study population was taken by purposive sampling according to the research objectives. Data analysis in this legal analysis research uses qualitative methods. The rules and conditions set for the management of traditional medical practices in Bandar Lampung City are guided by PerMenKes No. 61 of 2016 concerning Empirical Traditional Health Services, PP of the Republic of Indonesia No. 103 of 2014 concerning Traditional Health Services and Decree of the Head of Lampung Provincial Health Office Number 442 regarding Guidelines for Developing Traditional Health Services in Lampung Province in 2009. The resulting legal analysis is evident from 60 respondents that there are 39 people or 65% already know that the traditional medicine where they seek treatment already have a permit, this will increase the confidence of patients to seek treatment to a legal license. The results of the study of 60 patient respondents were only 3 people who were given health insurance by traditional medical providers. While the remaining 57 patient respondents were not given health insurance by traditional medical providers. This proves that only 5% of traditional medicine dares to give health insurance to their patients. Patients or people who seek treatment are entitled to health insurance following the legal basis for health insurance. The Bandar Lampung City Health Office has not optimally conducted supervision and education on traditional medicine in the Bandar Lampung City. It is hoped that the mayor's regulations will effectively regulate traditional medical practices, preventive measures, and make patients more selective in choosing health healing facilities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
I Nyoman Bagiastra ◽  
I Ketut Sudantra

Traditional medicine by the people in several regions in Indonesia is very diverse. Communities in a particular area have different ways and techniques in traditional medicine, this is because culture and understanding and also the biodiversity found in the environment in which they live and the local wisdom they have is the cause of the emergence of various cultural products. Given that Bali has a culture related to the understanding of traditional medicine since ancient times, inherited from generation to generation, it has the potential to carry out complementary traditional medicine that has local wisdom. Usadha was populist in Bali carried out by a balian. There are several types of balian that are contained in the palm bodon ejection in accordance with the field and purpose. Normatively, the government has issued Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2018 concerning the Implementation of Complementary Traditional Health Services as a basis for implementing complementary traditional medicine. There are provisions that need to be studied and criticized so that they do not have the potential to hinder if Bali carries out complementary traditional medicine services in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Ni Putu Sri Wahyuni

<p><em>The implementation of health services is very important in supporting public health. Treatment with traditional approaches as part of current efforts is often found in Indonesia as part of alternative or complementary health therapies along with conventional health services that can be directed to create a holistic or holistic healthy society. Health is meant to be physically, psychologically, mentally and spiritually healthy. In its application, traditional health has developed into Empirical Traditional Health Services, whose benefits and safety are empirically proven; and Complementary Traditional Health Services, whose benefits and safety are scientifically proven and utilize biomedical science. Based on the method of treatment, Complementary Empirical Traditional Health Services and Traditional Health Services are divided into services that use skills and services that use ingredients or herbs. The traditional approach to treatment is more holistic (whole), while the treatment approach is symptomatic (therapeutic focus is on the symptoms caused). Meanwhile, the implementation process and regulations related to traditional medicine in Indonesia are currently regulated in the Act, the Minister of Health, and the Governor's Regulation.</em></p><p> </p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-78
Rukmini Rukmini ◽  
Lusi Kristiani

One of the health efforts that have the opportunity to improve the health status of the elderly is traditional health services (Yankestrad). This paper aims to describe the use of Yankestrad among the elderly in Indonesia. The data source in this analysis is Riskesdas 2018, a research conducted by the Ministry of Health with the elderly (≥60 years) as the analysis unit. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the use of Yankestrad in the elderly was 37.0% and self-medication with traditional medicine was 17.3%. Young elderly people mostly use Yankestrad (37.9%), while self-medication with traditional medicine are dominated by elderly women (18.3%) in rural areas (19.5%). The use of Toga in the elderly in Indonesia (31.9%), mostly women (33.3%) in rural areas (36.3%). The most common types of Yankestrad used by the elderly were manual skills, potions, and homemade potions. Male elderly (55.5%) in urban areas (56.5%) used more prepared ingredients, while female elderly (43.6%) in rural areas (46.5%) preferred homemade ingredients. Older people with low expenditure levels tend to take advantage of prepared ingredients or homemade ingredients, while high expenditures tend to take advantage of manual skills. Traditional healers (98.2%) are the type of yakestrad used mostly by the elderly. In conclusion, Yankestrad in Indonesia is mostly used by the elderly, therefore it has the potential to be developed as an alternative model of health services for the elderly. Given the high interest of the elderly with Yankestrad and the use of traditional healers, it is necessary to provide Yankestrad facilities, especially in Puskesmas with traditional health workers who are able to provide safe and quality health services to the elderly. Abstrak Salah satu upaya kesehatan yang berpeluang meningkatkan status kesehatan lansia adalah pelayanan kesehatan tradisional (Yankestrad). Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pemanfaatan Yankestrad pada penduduk lansia di Indonesia. Sumber data dalam analisis ini adalah Riskesdas 2018. Riset yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan dengan unit analisis lansia (≥60 tahun). Analisis data secara deskriptif. Hasil menunjukkan, pemanfaatan Yankestrad pada lansia 37,0% dan upaya sendiri dengan obat tradisional 17,3%. Lansia muda terbanyak memanfaatkan Yankestrad (37,9%), sedangkan upaya sendiri dengan obat tradisonal didominasi lansia perempuan (18,3%) di perdesaan (19,5%). Pemanfaatan Toga pada lansia di Indonesia (31,9%), terbanyak perempuan (33,3%) di perdesaan (36,3%). Jenis Yankestrad terbanyak dimanfaatkan lansia adalah keterampilan manual, ramuan jadi dan ramuan buatan sendiri. Lansia laki-laki (55,5%) di perkotaan (56,5%) lebih banyak memanfaatkan ramuan jadi, sedangkan lansia perempuan (43,6%) di perdesaan (46,5%) lebih menyukai ramuan buatan sendiri. Lansia dengan tingkat pengeluaran rendah cenderung memanfaatkan ramuan jadi atau ramuan buatan sendiri, sedangkan pengeluaran tinggi cenderung memanfaatkan ketrampilan manual. Penyehat tradisional (98,2%) adalah jenis tenaga terbanyak dimanfaatkan lansia. Kesimpulan, Yankestrad di Indonesia lebih banyak dimanfaatkan oleh lansia, oleh karena itu berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai alternatif model pelayanan kesehatan bagi lansia. Rekomendasi, mengingat tingginya minat para lansia dengan Yankestrad dan pemanfaatan penyehat tradisional, maka diperlukan penyediaan fasilitas Yankestrad khususnya di Puskesmas dengan tenaga kesehatan tradisional yang mampu memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang aman dan berkualitas bagi para lansia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 178-187
Lusi Kristiana ◽  
Astridya Paramita ◽  
Pramita Andarwati ◽  
Herti Maryani ◽  
Nailul Izza

The utilization of traditional health services and the use of traditional medicine in Indonesia is still high. There are socio-cultural-natural resources connection in the use of traditional health services and traditional medicine. This study examines Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2018  data relating to Indonesia's top ten provinces' relative position, whose community exercises self-traditional health practices and utilizing traditional health services. The analysis was conducted by using PCA-Biplots. Results showed similarities between North Maluku-Maluku-West Papua; Central Sulawesi-South Sulawesi-East Nusa Tenggara-Papua; Special Region of Yogyakarta-Central Java-East Java; South Kalimantan-Banten, while the others were scattered. The utilization of TOGA had a positive correlation with the utilization of traditional medicines. The result of variable diversity identification showed that the community utilizes traditional health services (83.29%) was higher than community exercising self-traditional health practices (73.19%). Actively monitoring, improving information sharing, and educating people on traditional medicine applications, particularly non-communicable disease issues, should be done according to traditional medicine variables' main characteristics in the region. Traditional medicine should serve promotive and preventive health initiatives, as its efficacy in therapeutic use is still debatable. Abstrak Pemanfaatan pelayanan Kesehatan tradisional (yankestrad) dan penggunaan obat tradisional masih cukup banyak. Terdapat keterkaitan sosial, budaya, dan sumber daya alam dalam pemanfaatan yankestrad dan penggunaan pengobatan tradisional lokal. Penelitian ini menganalisis posisi relatif 10 besar provinsi di Indonesia yang melakukan upaya kestrad sendiri dan memanfaatkan yankestrad berdasarkan data Riskesdas 2018. Analisis posisi relatif dalam artikel ini adalah PCA-Biplot. Hasil analisis menunjukkan pola pengelompokan kemiripan sebagai berikut: Malut-Maluku-Pabar; Sulteng-Sulsel-NTT-Papua; DIY-Jateng-Jatim; Kalsel-Banten, dan lainnya tersebar. Variabel pemanfaatan TOGA, semakin positif variabel, maka diikuti oleh pemanfaatan obat tradisional yang semakin baik. Hasil identifikasi keragaman variabel pada pengelompokan 10 besar provinsi dengan masyarakat memanfaatkan yankestrad (83,29%) mempunyai nilai lebih tinggi daripada masyarakat melakukan upaya kestrad sendiri (73,19%). Pemerintah melalui dinas terkait harus melakukan pemantauan, pemberian informasi dan edukasi pengobatan tradisional khususnya untuk penyakit tidak menular dengan penyesuaian terhadap karakteristik pemanfaatan pengobatan tradisional di wilayah tersebut.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-185
Euis Reni Yuslianti ◽  
Boy M Bachtiar ◽  
Dewi Fatma Suniarti ◽  
Afifah B Sutjiatmo

There is a tendency back to nature treatment in Indonesian community because modern/synthetic medicines is expensive and have a various alarming side effects.  That is why natural products medicine becomes more popular, aside from mass media promotions. Researches on natural products such as herbal medicine increases along with the desire to get phytofarmaca that can compete with modern medicines. The aims of this literature review are to discuss and provides information on pharmaceutical standardization of natural products toward phytopharmaca for developing Indonesian traditional medicine. Pharmaceutical standardization will strengthen the basic of pharmaceutical science in producing safe, efficacy, and qualify traditional medicine products. The pharmaceutical standardization consists of standardizing simplicial quality, safety, efficacy, and stable formulation of medicines for use in health services.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Ekna Satriyati ◽  
Alfan Biroli ◽  
Siti Nur Hana

The number of women in Indonesia who are aware of the importance of maintaining medical health is increasing along with the improvement of medical health services and facilities provided by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. However, the number of women in various parts of Indonesia who still trust traditional health services and facilities is also not small. One of them is Madura Woman who believes in the tradition of drinking herbal medicine. The tradition is as a means of maintaining health and treating illness that is trusted between generations. Various studies show that the decision to maintain the tradition of drinking herbal medicine is based on trust and economic price. The rational choice of women towards health and treatment is often synonymous with easy, cheap and fast. However, in this article the discussion of the rational choice of Madurese women maintains the tradition of drinking herbal medicine by using cost, reward and alternative comparison. The results of the analysis of the decision of Madurese women who still maintain the tradition of drinking herbal medicine is a form of rational choice in maintaining health and treating illness. The study method uses qualitative by means of observation and interviews with selected informants namely two women in Bangkalan District and two women in Sumenep Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 95-108
Shanti Prasad Khanal

 The present study aims to examine the multi-level barriers to utilize by the youth-friendly reproductive health services (YFRHS) among the school-going youths of the Surkhet valley of Nepal. This study is based on the sequential explanatory research design under mixed-method research. The quantitative data were collected using the self- administered questionnaire from the 249 youths, aged between the 15-24 years, those selected by using random sampling. The qualitative data were collected using the Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) from the 12 participants who were selected purposively. The study confirmed that school-going youths do not have appropriate utilization of YFHS due to multi-layered barriers. However, the utilization of the service was higher among females, those the older age group, studying in the upper classes, the upper castes, and married youths. The key findings and themes are recognized as multi-layered barriers including personal-level, health system-level, community-level, and policy-level on the entire socio-ecological field. Among them, the existing health system is the foremost barrier. Multi-level interventions are, therefore, required to increase the YFRHS utilization and improve concerns for school-going-youths.  

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