Jurnal Sosiologi Pendidikan Humanis
Latest Publications





Published By State University Of Malang (Um)

2527-5879, 2502-7875

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Nadya Megawati Rachman ◽  
Caterin Magdalena Simamora ◽  
Ratnaningsih Hidayati

The advancement of information technology is one of the driving factors for implementing e-Government. Nevertheless, the learning process in government official capacity development is now conceivably conducted online. This research aims to discover government officials' attitudes towards blended learning in a population of 40 respondents of Leadership Training Education or   Diklat PIM IV in 2018. This research is conducted with a quantitative methodology approach. The T-test used to test the first research hypotheses. A one-way ANOVA was performed for examining the second and third hypotheses. The result shows there is a favorable attitude towards blended learning among the Diklat PIM IV 2018 training participants. There are significant differences in attitudes toward blended learning based on gender but there is no significant difference in attitudes towards blended learning based on age classification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Kun Sila Ananda

Recently, the Ministry of Education and Culture has established a policy for implementing face-to-face schools. Regarding this policy, students’ parents become a key point in order to make decisions to allow children to attend face-to-face schooling. Before decision making, parents must first reduce uncertainties and lack of information related to the policy. This study discusses the information-seeking behavior of parents related to face-to-face school policies and the decision-making. The method used is descriptive survey. Data collected through online surveys and interviews. The results showed that parents did the active and passive behavior on information seeking. The school (teachers, homeroom teachers, principals, etc.) is the most frequently referred source of information by parents and is considered the most trusted source of information. The most important information needed by parents is regarding the readiness of the school in the implementation of face-to-face learning during the pandemic. In decision-making process, parents often use information sources through online media and discussions with other parents. The majority of parents will delay decision making if the information obtained is deemed insufficient, while on the other hand parents can also experience decision-making failure due to information overload. Belakangan ini Kemdikbud telah menetapkan kebijakan pelaksanaan sekolah tatap muka. Selain akademisi, orang tua menjadi pihak krusial dalam hal ini terutama berkaitan dengan pengambilan keputusan untuk mengizinkan anak mengikuti pelaksanaan sekolah tatap muka. Sebelum mengambil keputusan terlebih dahulu orang tua harus mereduksi berbagai ketidakpastian dan kurangnya informasi terkait kebijakan tersebut. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perilaku pencarian informasi yang dilakukan orang tua terkait kebijakan sekolah tatap muka hingga proses pengambilan keputusan. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui survei dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang tua melakukan pencarian informasi secara aktif dan pasif. Pihak sekolah (guru, wali kelas, kepala sekolah, dsb) menjadi sumber informasi yang paling sering dirujuk oleh orang tua siswa sekaligus dianggap sebagai sumber informasi yang paling terpercaya. Informasi yang dianggap paling penting oleh orang tua siswa adalah mengenai kesiapan sekolah dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran tatap muka di masa pandemi. Adapun dalam pengambilan keputusan orang tua seringkali memanfaatkan sumber informasi melalui media daring dan diskusi bersama orang tua siswa lainnya. Mayoritas orang tua akan menunda pengambilan keputusan jika informasi yang didapatkan dirasa belum cukup, sementara di sisi lain orang tua juga dapat mengalami kegagalan pengambilan keputusan karena paparan informasi yang terlalu berlebihan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Giyartika Giyartika ◽  
Nurhadi Nurhadi ◽  
Yuhastina Yuhastina

This study aims to understand and explain efforts to prevent child marriage in Surakarta city in the study of population sociology. The areas sampled were five “Kampong KB” (Family Planning Villages) spread over five subdistricts in the city of Surakarta. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 16 informants and structured interviews with 48 informants, consisting of Family Planning Instructors (PKB), Regional Family Planning Assistants (PPKBD), parents, teenagers and government officials. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely data reduction or the selection process, simplification, abstraction and transformation of raw data, then data presentation. Conclusions and verification are carried out continuously during the study. The results showed that in the effort to prevent the practice of child marriage in Surakarta city, there were several strategies implemented by various parties, namely Family Planning Instructors (PKB), Regional Family Planning Assistants (PPKBD) and government officials, so as to form a patterns of social interaction and evolutionary processes, also known as symbolic interactionism. The strategies that are carried out include taking a cultural approach, synergy of Activity Groups, enthusiasm for achievement, building interventions, commitment and consistency in running programs, maximizing the use of social media and orderly administration. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menjelaskan upaya pencegahan pernikahan usia anak di Kota Surakarta dalam kajian ilmu sosiologi kependudukan. Wilayah yang dijadikan sampel adalah lima Kampung KB (Kampung Keluarga Berencana) yang tersebar di lima Kecamatan di Kota Surakarta. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan 16 informan dan wawancara terstruktur dengan 48 informan, yang terdiri dari Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (PKB), Pembantu Pembina Keluarga Berencana Daerah (PPKBD), orangtua, remaja dan aparatur pemerintah. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tiga tahapan, yakni reduksi data atau proses pemilihan, penyederhanaan, abstraksi dan transformasi data mentah, kemudian penyajian data. Penarikan kesimpulan serta verifikasi data dilakukan terus menerus selama penelitian berlangsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam upaya pencegahan pernikahan usia anak di Kota Surakarta terdapat beberapa strategi yang dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak, yakni Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (PKB), Pembantu Pembina Keluarga Berencana Daerah (PPKBD) dan aparatur pemerintah, sehingga terbentuk suatu pola interaksi sosial dan proses evolusioner atau yang dikenal dengan interaksionisme simbolik. Adapun strategi yang dilakukan diantaranya, melakukan pendekatan budaya, sinergisitas Kelompok Kegiatan (PokTan), semangat berprestasi, membangun intervensi, komitmen dan konsistensi menjalankan program, memaksimalkan penggunaan media sosial dan tertib administrasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Isnan Nursalim ◽  
Rosiady Husaenie Sayuti ◽  
Oryza Pneumatica Inderasari

This study discusses the contribution of social capital in the development of the Mas-Mas Tourism Village. The method used is the Mixed method which is a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The results of the study show the importance of social capital in the development of the Mas-Mas Tourism Village. Through the network created in the form of relationships between members of the organization and other stakeholders, resulting in community participation as measured by community involvement in training, mutual cooperation and promotion of the Mas-Mas Tourism Village. Values and norms are shown by local wisdom that is still maintained. This is because of the awiq-awiq or rules for tourists that must be obeyed and socialized to tourists. This is what increases public trust in tourism village managers, tourists and stakeholders. Factors that play a role in the development of the Mas-Mas Tourism Village are the driving factors and inhibiting factors. The right strategy is carried out by Mas-Mas Tourism Village in developing tourism for now is to optimize the potential of the community and innovate with the tourism programs offered.This study discusses the contribution of social capital in the development of the Mas-Mas Tourism Village. The method used is the Mixed method which is a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The results of the study show the importance of social capital in the development of the Mas-Mas Tourism Village. Through the network created in the form of relationships between members of the organization and other stakeholders, resulting in community participation as measured by community involvement in training, mutual cooperation and promotion of the Mas-Mas Tourism Village. Values and norms are shown by local wisdom that is still maintained. This is because of the awiq-awiq or rules for tourists that must be obeyed and socialized to tourists. This is what increases public trust in tourism village managers, tourists and stakeholders. Factors that play a role in the development of the Mas-Mas Tourism Village are the driving factors and inhibiting factors. The right strategy is carried out by Mas-Mas Tourism Village in developing tourism for now is to optimize the potential of the community and innovate with the tourism programs offered. Penelitian ini membahas kontribusi modal sosial dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Mas-Mas. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Mixed method yang merupakan gabungan antara pendekatan kuantitatif dengan kualitatif.. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan pentingnya modal sosial dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Mas-Mas. Melalui jaringan yang tercipta berupa relasi antar anggota organisasi dan stakeholders lainnya menghasilkan partisipasi masyarakat yang diukur dari keterlibatan masyarakat dalam mengikuti pelatihan, gotong royong serta melakukan promosi Desa Wisata Mas-Mas. Nilai dan Norma ditunjukan dengan kearifan lokal yang masih terjaga. Hal ini karena adanya awiq-awiq atau aturan bagi wisatawan yang harus dipatuhi dan disosialisasikan kepada wisatawan. Hal ini yang membuat meningkatnya kepercayaan masyarakat kepada pengelola desa wisata, wisatawan dan stakeholders. Faktor yang berperan dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Mas-Mas berupa faktor pendorong dan faktor penghambat. Strategi yang tepat dilakukan oleh Desa Wisata Mas-Mas dalam mengembangkan pariwisata untuk saat ini adalah mengoptimalkan potensi yang dimiliki masyarakat serta berinovasi dengan program wisata yang ditawarkan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Cucu Widaty ◽  
Yuli Apriati ◽  
Aldian Hudaya ◽  
Siska Kusuma

This study describes the balian ceremony in the form of a ritual that is carried out as a traditional treatment in the Paser tribe, Paser district, East Kalimantan. This is motivated by the belief of the Paser people who still maintain healing rituals with the balian ceremony because of hereditary and entrenched beliefs, considerations of alternative medicine, perceptions and views of life. This study aims to uncover 3 important focuses, namely: the form of the balian ceremony procession, the meaning of the balian ceremony for the Paser tribal community, and the function of the balian ceremony. The research method used in this study is qualitative with an ethnographic approach. This study uses data collection techniques in the form of observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation with primary data sources and secondary data sources. The results showed that the form of the balian ceremony procession consists of three stages, the first is the preparation stage, namely the organizer prepares the equipment and coordinates with the parties involved in the balian ceremony. Second, the core activity stage is a mulung dancing along with reciting healing spells. Third, the closing stage is mulung awareness, wiping water, and returning ceremonial equipment. The meaning of the Balian ceremony is the struggle for life, harmony, welfare, safety, good morals, and opening of sustenance, the meaning of asking for protection, remembering God, and remembering the nature of life. The function of the balian ceremony is an effort to heal patients, as a medium of public entertainment, as a medium for connecting the Paser tribal community to the spirits of their ancestors. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan upacara balian berupa ritual yang dilaksanakan sebagai pengobatan tradisional pada suku Paser kabupaten Paser Kalimantan Timur. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi kepercayaan masyarakat Paser yang tetap mempertahankan ritual penyembuhan dengan upacara balian karena kepercayaan turun-temurun dan membudaya, pertimbangan pengobatan alternatif, persepsi dan pandangan hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguak menguak 3 fokus penting yakni: bentuk prosesi upacara balian, makna upacara balian bagi masyarakat suku Paser, dan fungsi upacara balian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi dengan sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa bentuk prosesi upacara balian terdiri dari tiga tahap, Pertama tahap persiapan yaitu penyelenggara mempersiapkan perlengkapan dan berkoordinasi dengan pihak yang terlibat pada upacara balian. Kedua, tahap kegiatan inti yaitu seorang mulung menari bersamaan dengan pembacaan mantra penyembuhan. Ketiga, tahap penutup yaitu penyadaran mulung, pengusapan air ,dan pengembalian peralatan upacara. Makna dari dilaksanakannya upacara balian adalah perjuangan hidup, keharmonisan, kesejahteraan, , keselamatan, moral baik,dan pembuka rezeki, makna memohon perlindungan, mengingat tuhan, dan mengingat alam kehidupan. Fungsi upacara balian adalah upaya penyembuhan pasien, sebagai media hiburan masyarakat, sebagai media penghubung masyarakat suku Paser terhadap roh leluhurnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Ibnu Mujib

The intolerance that has threatened Indonesia in the last ten years is an important trail to show that the management of diversity in Indonesia is currently having a complex problem. Many parties are starting to question the wisdom of schools as a participatory diversity laboratory. This research emphasizes best practice tolerance education that is integrated into the realm of the learning curriculum in schools, this study more focused on three high school level schools in Malang city based on religion using a comparative descriptive method described by a qualitative critical approach. There is a perspective that is the finding of this research, namely the vision of tolerance and the definition of diversity built-in schools to give birth to patterns of student interaction in daily synergy with other different students. This perspective theoretically can produce five patterns of diversity interaction, namely: first: collegial interaction, second; dialogical experiment, third; intergroup community formation, fourth; participatory ethics, and fifth; transformative action. These five patterns were naturally formed by the vision of tolerance created by the three schools through various activities, both intra and extracurricular, and became patterns of intense participatory interaction in daily activities at school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Siti Ikramatoun ◽  
Khairul Amin ◽  
Darwin Darwin ◽  
Halik Halik

This article aims to describe the education bureaucracy as a tool to achieve the objectives of education through a qualitative approach to the literature study model. The data in this paper is sourced from relevant literature and the author's experience while active in educational activities. The results of this study indicate that the bureaucracy in the form of educational administration has changed to an iron cage that shackles the educational activity itself. The delivery of education loses its orientation and turns into ceremonial routines to meet the demands of the bureaucracy. Various training, capacity building, and teacher competence have been done, but they have not significantly changed the face of education. Iron cage bureaucracy makes teachers "appear" to be developing their competence, but in fact, they are meeting the demands of the bureaucracy. Education must come out of the iron cage bureaucracy by reducing all administrative aspects that bind the noble activities of education. Bureaucracy is a human creation, so bureaucracy should be subject to humans and not humans who are subject to the will of the bureaucracy. Artikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan birokrasi pendidikan sebagai alat untuk mencapai tujuan penyelenggaraan pendidikan melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan model studi literatur. Data dalam tulisan ini bersumber dari literatur yang relevan dan pengalaman penulis selama aktif dalam aktivitas pendidikan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa birokrasi dalam bentuk administrasi pendidikan berubah menjadi “kerangkeng besi” yang membelenggu aktivitas pendidikan itu sendiri. Penyelenggaraan pendidikan kehilangan orientasinya dan berubah menjadi rutinitas seremonial demi memenuhi tuntutan birokrasi. Beragam pelatihan dan peningkatan kapasitas maupun kompetensi guru dalam dunia pendidikan telah dilakukan, namun belum mampu mengubah wajah pendidikan secara signifikan. Kontrol birokrasi membuat para guru “terlihat” sedang mengembangkan kompetensinya, padahal sejatinya sedang memenuhi tuntutan birokrasi. Untuk itu, pendidikan harus keluar dari “jerat birokrasi” dengan cara mereduksi semua aspek administratif yang membelenggu aktivitas mulia pendidikan. Birokrasi adalah hasil ciptaan manusia, maka seharusnya birokrasi tunduk pada manusia dan bukan manusia yang tunduk pada kehendak birokrasi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 144
Aulia Nursyifa ◽  
Eti Hayati

Technological advances not only have a positive impact on people's lives, but misuse of technology can cause social problems. One of the consequences of technology misuse is the phenomenon of divorce due to an affair between husband and wife that can be recorded through social media. The purpose of this study seeks to know the efforts made in preventing divorce due to social media abuse in a Sociological perspective. This research uses qualitative research methods with phenomenological approach, data processing using Nvivo 12. The results showed that divorce due to social media abuse was triggered by an affair between the husband and wife through social media resulting in an ongoing altercation. Efforts to prevent divorce due to social media abuse are carried out by various parties such as efforts from couples not to divorce, families who seek to reconcile, courts that seek mediation, even the city government that actively provides socialization about family resilience rules, premarital education programs, mother's father's school program, and efforts to strengthen the functioning of the family. Efforts to prevent divorce due to social media abuse can be effectively supported by cooperation between institutions and all elements of society to strengthen family resilience Kemajuan teknologi bukan hanya berdampak positif bagi kehidupan manusia, tetapi penyalahgunaan teknologi dapat menimbulkan masalah sosial. Salah satu akibat penyalahgunaan teknologi menimbulkan fenomena maraknya perceraian akibat adanya perselingkuhan antara suami dan isteri yang dapat terekam lewat media sosial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengetahui upaya yang dilakukan dalam mencegah perceraian akibat penyalahgunaan media sosial dalam perspektif Sosiologis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, pengolahan data menggunakan Nvivo 12. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceraian akibat penyalahgunaan media sosial dipicu karena adanya perselingkuhan antara suami isteri lewat media sosial sehingga membuat pertengkaran yang terjadi terus menerus. Upaya pencegahan perceraian akibat penyalahgunaan media sosial dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak diantaranya upaya dari pasangan agar tidak bercerai, pihak keluarga yang berupaya mendamaikan, pihak pengadilan yang berupaya melakukan mediasi, bahkan pemerintah kota yang giat memberikan sosialisasi tentang aturan ketahanan keluarga, program pendidikan pra nikah, program sekolah ayah bunda, dan berupaya memperkuat fungsi keluarga. Upaya pencegahan perceraian akibat penyalahgunaan media sosial dapat berjalan efektif didukung dengan adanya kerjasama antar institusi beserta semua elemen masyarakat untuk memperkuat ketahanan keluarga. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 168
Larossa Bilquis ◽  
Nurul Hidayat

This study aims to uncover how the masculinity discourse of young immigrants in Uluwatu Bali (basecamp) exists. By using Foucault's Genaology, the insights and values they adopt one by one must be dismantled to see what logic they are constructs. This research using qualitative method with fenomenology approach, which used foucoult framework abour sex and power. It can be said, in this research found various discourses reproduced by various sources of youth knowledge regarding the myth of masculinity which is identical to the characteristics and behavior of men who are strong, aggressive, dominant, rude, and full of egoism. In practice, they myth that their various behaviors, especially regarding their sexuality, are a manifestation of their masculinity as a male. The internet or online media and the environment in which they live are one of the sources of knowledge for young people that create discourses about the myth of masculinity. The youth in the peer group also take part in formulating discourses about ideal masculinity for their group. Free sex behavior, dare to take risks, follow wild races to cause chaos are the masculinity myths they adopt as the ideal male masculinity. This study also found that the masculinity myth was more often represented in youth sexual practices as an affirmation of control over women's bodies and sexuality in order to maintain their reputation in front of their friends and others. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membongkar bagaimana hadirnya diskursus maskulinitas pemuda pendatang di uluwatu Bali (basecamp). Dengan menggunakan Genaologi Foucault, pemahaman dan nilai yang mereka adopsi satu per satu harus dibongkar untuk melihat logika apa yang sebenarnya mereka bangun. Sehingga dapat ditemukan berbagai wacana yang direproduksi oleh berbagai sumber pengetahuan pemuda mengenai mitos maskulinitas diamana identik dengan sifat dan perilaku laki-laki kuat, agresif, dominatif, kasar, dan penuh egoisme. Dalam praktiknya mereka memitoskan beragam perilakunya terutama menyangkut seksualitasnya merupakan manifestasi dari maskulinitasnya sebagai laki-laki yang jantan. Internet atau media online serta lingkungan tempat tinggal mereka menjadi salah satu sumber pengetahuan pemuda yang menciptakan diskursus mengenai mitos maskulinitas tersebut. Para pemuda dalam peer groupnya juga mengambil bagian dalam merumuskan wacana-wacana mengenai maskulinitas ideal bagi kelompoknya. Perilaku seks bebas, berani mengambil resiko, mengikuti balap liar hingga menyebabkan keonaran merupakan mitos-mitos maskulinitas yang mereka adopsi sebagai maskulinitas laki-laki ideal. Penelitian ini juga menemukan jika mitos maskulinitas tersebut lebih banyak direpresentasikan kedalam praktik-praktik seksual pemuda sebagai penegasan atas penguasaan tubuh dan seksualitas perempuan demi mempertahankan reputasinya di hadapan teman-temannya dan orang lain.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Oki Rahadianto Sutopo ◽  
Agustinus Aryo Lukisworo

This article investigates the young extreme metal musicians’ musical practices in Yogyakarta within the context of neoliberal era. To construct an empirical knowledge based on young extreme metal musicians’ narratives, this research utilized qualitative approach, specifically ethnography, from April to August 2019. In order to articulate conflictual and hierarchical dimension of extreme metal scene, this research applied Bourdieusian perspective. Based on data analysis, this study shows that, firstly, objectively, young musicians’ practices started within the condition which social inequality already existed. This represent a hierarchical characteristic of extreme metal scene as a field of struggle -ranging from local, national, to global level. Secondly, theoretically, young musicians’ practices within extreme metal scene require and reproduce particular capital, with regard to the specific rule of the game of the extreme metal scene, defined as extreme metal capital. Thirdly, the goal of the extreme metal, social, and symbolic capital accumulation, also cultural codes embodiment, was on the extreme metal scene’ doxa reproduction mechanism which accentuate three important values, namely authenticity, independency, and community. Finally, this three findings are the manifestation of extreme metal scene resistance towards state and market power in the neoliberal era. Tulisan ini berfokus pada praktik bermusik musisi metal ekstrem muda di Yogyakarta dalam konteks era neoliberal. Guna membangun pengetahuan sesuai dengan narasi musisi metal ekstrem muda, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, secara spesifik etnografi, antara April hingga Agustus 2019. Untuk mengartikulasikan dimensi konfliktual dan hierarkisitas skena metal ekstrem, penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif Bourdieusian. Adapun hasil analisis temuan lapangan menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, secara objektif, praktik bermusik musisi muda dimulai dalam kondisi dimana kesenjangan sosial telah eksis bahkan sebelum praktik tersebut terjadi. Hal ini menunjukkan karakteristik skena metal ekstrem sebagai ranah perjuangan yang bersifat hierarkis -terbentang dari leval lokal, nasional hingga global. Kedua, secara teoritis, praktik bermusik musisi muda dalam skena metal ekstrem membutuhkan dan mereproduksi kapital yang sangat spesifik terkait dengan rule of the game dalam skena tersebut, kami menyebutnya sebagai ‘kapital metal ekstrem’. Ketiga, muara dari proses akumulasi kapital metal ekstrem, kapital sosial dan kapital simbolik, serta proses embodiment mengenai kode-kode budaya terletak pada mekanisme reproduksi doxa skena metal ekstrem yang mengutamakan tiga nilai penting yaitu otentisitas, kemandirian dan komunitas. Adapun ketiga temuan tersebut merupakan manifestasi dari perlawanan skena metal ekstrem terhadap kuasa Negara dan pasar dalam era neoliberal

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