scholarly journals Analisis Kesehatan Kerja Personel di Lingkungan Bandar Udara Tjilik Riwut - Palangkaraya

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 233
Yuke Sri Rizki ◽  
Jenni Sartika Dimanik

Air transportation demand is continously increase. Therefore airports as air transport infrastructure has a significant function in providing the facilities and human resources for the operation of air transport services. This research concern to analyse the personnel occupation health for human resources and personnel involved in the airport operation. This assessment uses a qualitative approach, which at the end of the analysis produces conclusions and recommendations addressed to the personne / officers and airport organizer related to the development of occupational health personnel, especially the activity at the air side of the airport. From the results of data collection and direct observations the peronnel health conditions in the area airside and equipment / protective equipment are pretty well. From the analysis of the factor analysis, there are four (4) factors from (10) existing indicators to explain 66.203% of the total variance. This presentage is quite high because it is able to explain more than 50% of the variance of the ten (10) existing indicators. Keywords: airport, personnel health, factor analysis. Transportasi udara pada saat ini semakin banyak diminati masyarakat. Oleh karena itu bandar udara sebagai prasarana penerbangan memiliki fungsi yang sangat penting dalam menyediakan fasilitas dan SDM untuk pengoperasian angkutan udara. Banyaknya SDM dan petugas yang terlibat pekerjaan di lingkungan bandara menjadikan masalah kesehatan kerja di lingkungan bandara sangat perlu diperhatikan. Tujuan pengkajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi kesehatan kerja personel yang bekerja di bandar udara. Pengkajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dimana pada akhir analisis menghasilkan kesimpulan dan rekomendasi yang ditujukan kepada personel/ petugas dan penyelenggara bandar udara terkait peningkatan kesehatan kerja personel yang khususnya beraktifitas di sisi udara bandar udara. Dari hasil pengumpulan data dan pengamatan langsung yang dilakukan dapat diketahui secara garis besar kondisi kesehatan personel di area airside dan perlengkapan/peralatan pelindung bagi personel cukup baik. Dari hasil analisis dengan analisa faktor terbentuk 4 (empat) faktor dari 10 (sepuluh) indikator yang ada dan mampu menjelaskan 66,203% dari total varian. Angka ini cukup besar karena mampu menjelaskan lebih dari 50% varian dari 10 (sepuluh) indikator yang ada. Kata kunci: bandar udara, kesehatan personil, analisis faktor.

Ekaterina A. Antipova ◽  
Tat’yana V. Slivinskaya

The article is devoted to the identification and analysis of economic and geographical factors in the development of air transport and their impact on the level of accessibility of passenger air transportation in the Republic of Belarus for the period from 2005 to 2017. The relevance of the study of the air transport development factors in Belarus is due to the geographical specificity of the country and the lack of domestic research on similar subjects in recent decades. On the basis of correlation analysis, the authour’s grouping of factors of the development of air transport has been proposed with the identification of the main, secondary and minor, which served as the basis for identifying the differentiation of administrative regions of Belarus by the level of accessibility of passenger air transportation. The results indicate that 40 % of the administrative regions or about 50 % of the population are characterised by limited abilities to consume air transport services, which requires diversification of the number of carriers and more intensive use of the existing air transport infrastructure. Based on this, special attention is paid to the use of the capabilities of regional airports and the potential development of domestic regional air traffic. These proposals will increase the availability of passenger air transportation, which will reduce up to 10 % the share of the population with disabilities in the consumption of air transport services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4(77)) ◽  
pp. 29-38
O.V. BOIKO ◽  

Topicality. In solving socio-economic problems in recent years, increasing contradictions between market participants at all levels of the national economy; This is especially true when it comes to the justification and practical implementation of possible options based on the analysis and further interpretation of empirical data relating to certain areas of development of territorial production systems or locally established industry markets, including transport services markets (RTP). within certain regions of the country. In this regard, there is a need to form a methodological framework for the possibility of implementing a cluster-logistics approach to the development of RTP. Aim and tasks. The purpose of writing this work is to develop a methodological support for cluster-logistics approach to the development of RTP with the definition of organizational forms of interaction of regional markets in the form of transport and logistics clusters (TLC). Research results. When analyzing and forecasting socio-economic phenomena, the researcher often encounters the multidimensionality of their description. Methods of multidimensional analysis are the most effective quantitative tool for the study of socio-economic processes, described by a large number of characteristics. These include cluster analysis, taxonomy, pattern recognition, factor analysis, and more. Cluster analysis most clearly reflects the features of multidimensional analysis in the classification, and factor analysis in the study of communication. The main purpose of cluster analysis is the breakdown of the set of studied objects and features into homogeneous groups in the appropriate sense of clusters. In cluster analysis, the concept of metrics is introduced to quantify similarity, and the similarity or difference between classified objects is set depending on the metric distance between them.In this paper, a single connection within a group of algorithms using a quadratic Euclidean distance is used. Cluster analysis most clearly reflects the features of multidimensional analysis in the classification. That is why a dimensionless model based on the use of relative coefficients of hierarchical agglomerative type is proposed to analyze the development of RTP and its transport infrastructure. The use of multidimensional classification methods allowed to group districts, in contrast to the traditional geographical or administrative division, by level of socio-economic development, which determines the needs of districts in transport infrastructure and cooperation, which, in particular through TLC, will ensure maximum use of existing economic potential. economy and equalization of living conditions of the population in different territories.Conclusion. Thus, the transport and socio-economic potential of the regions was analyzed, as a result of which two formed TLCs and five nuclei were identified, on the basis of which it is proposed to develop TLCs of appropriate types by joining regions with medium and low transport potential.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 134-144
V. E. Zhukov

Analysis of demand for air transportation is a key business process around which each airline develops strategic and operational plans. Based on the demand forecast, strategic plans for development of the airline’s route network are developed, as well as budgeting, financial planning, sales and marketing plans, aircraft fleet planning, risk assessment and plans to overcome their consequences. Demand analysis also facilitates important management activities, such as decision-making, performance evaluation, and reasonable allocation of resources in specific and uncertain conditions for development of the air transport system. Based on the specific requirements of the airline or in relation to a specific airline, an individual demand forecasting model can be developed. Such a model is an extension or a combination of various qualitative and quantitative methods for forecasting demand. The task of developing a custom model is often iterative, highly detailed, and driven by expert knowledge and can be accomplished by introducing suitable demand management software. The task stated in the article is not a staging task for building a model, but only offers to study the available theoretical material for the analysis of demand for air transportation based on the most famous models for forecasting demand for transportation. The method of scientific research of the problem posed in the article is the method of scientific analysis of existing models. Offer and demand for air transport services are reciprocal but asymmetric. Although the realized demand for transportation cannot take place without an appropriate level of supply, an air transport service can exist without appropriate demand. This is often found in projects that are developed with a margin that meets the expected level of demand, which may or may not be realized, or it may take several years to be realized. Regular air transport services form a supply that exists even if demand is insufficient. Several models presented in the article emphasize the conditions in which there is supply saturation, and on the other hand, the models in which demand is formed due to the mutual attractiveness of the entities that form demand are considered.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Kemis Martono ◽  
Sandriana Marina ◽  
Aditya Wardana

The purpose of this study is to explore the implementation of provisions of the domestic air transport regulations provided in the 2009 Civil Aviation Act. The method is a library research that study the scheduled air transportation including the requirement of the establishment of airlines; capital of air transport business entities, aircraft ownership and operation requirements, share holder composition, bank guarantee requirements, aviation human resources; tarif’s regulations including passenger’s tariff, passengers’ protection, best practices; non-scheduled air transportation; general aviation and air transportation pioneer has been fully implemented and compliances with the airlines. It is concluded that the provision of air transport regulation provided in the Civil Aviation Act of 2009 has been fully implemented and compliances with the airlines in Indonesia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Rosita Sinaga ◽  
Rita Rita

Ha11g Nadim Airport began operations on August 9, 1965, located in Big Stone area about 20 km from downtown Batam can accommodate 18 (eighteen) wide-bodied aircraft like Boeing 767 and has the lo11gest runway in Indonesia which is 4025 meters. Movement of passengers 011 m.•erage 6,000 people/day, with 42 flights/day. To improve air transport services after getting of the plane tawards the ultimate goal, the Hang Nadim Airport in cooperation with PT. Dmnri in order to improve services, especially for passenger air transportation that will melajutkan journey towards the ultimate goal in Batam that is by adding alloying modes of transport other than taxis and motor vehicle (motorcycle taxis). Damri buses started operating on December 5, 2008, and is still running but not according to what was expected because as the location of parking too far from the gate making it difficult for passengers to board buses and schedules refe1Ted to (headway) and things that can diapstikan this is because the number of bus fleet is too small. To peninkgatan services necessary to the addition of the bus fleet and the addition of routes I new routes, especially to human settlements in the area of Batam.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 359-364
Edyta Zielińska

Selected elements of the air transport infrastructure have been dis-cussed in the article. Basic zones of airports and terminals have been characterised. The article also explains why identification of airports is important and how these types of structures can be classified. An analysis of transport services delivered in 2016-2017 at Polish airports was conducted, the most important airports, as for the number of passengers served in our country, were mentioned as well as the most popular carriers providing the transport of people by means of airplanes were presented.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 125
Lita Yarlina ◽  
Evy Lindasari

Kapuas Hulu district located in the West Kalimantan province. It takes about forty five minutes flight to capitalcity Pontianak using ATR 42 series 300 and F27 or approximately 16 hours by land transportation. This district is one of the border area with Malaysia region. This study aim to evaluate the air transport infrastructure in the Kapuas Hulu District West Kalimantan. The goal is to provide recommendations for the development of air transport services in the border area of Kapuas Hulu District West Kalimantan. This research used SWOT analysis in order to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the border area Kapuas Hulu West Kalimantan. From the calculation of the weighting and the rating, the Kapuas Hulu has more strength than weakness, as well as a greater opportunity than a threat, the right strategy is SO strategy (aggressive) is located in quadrant (2.48:3.02). There are many opportunities in this district. Furthermore it also has strength in natural resources and tourism. Keywords: Air transport, border area, Kapuas Hulu. Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu terletak di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, Waktu tempuh ke Pontianak kurang lebih empat puluh lima menit penerbangan menggunakan Pesawat Udara jenis ATR 42 Seri 300/F27 atau kurang lebih 16 jam dengan kendaraan darat. Kabupaten ini merupakan salah satu daerah perbatasan dengan wilayah Malaysia. Maksud penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana angkutan udara di daerah Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu Kalimantan Barat. Tujuannya adalah memberikan rekomendasi untuk pengembangan pelayanan angkutan udara di daerah perbatasan Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu Kalimantan Barat. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis SWOT agar dapat mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman di daerah perbatasan Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu Kalimantan Barat. Dari hasil perhitungan pembobotan dan rating bahwa Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu mempunyai kekuatan lebih besar dibanding kelemahan, serta peluang lebih besar dari pada ancaman, maka strategi yang tepat adalah strategi SO (agresif) terletak di kuadran (2,48 : 3,02) ini merupakan situasi banyaknya peluang yang sangat besar di kabupaten ini serta mempunyai kekuatan di kabupaten ini yaitu meningkatkan pemanfaatan potensi sumber daya alam dan pariwisata. Kata kunci: angkutan udara, daerah perbatasan, Kapuas Hulu

2011 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 261-275
Lukiana Lukiana

The growth number of passenger of air transportation increased rapidly as an indicator of industrial development of air transport services must be balanced with the service and information from the airlines' services to service users in order to feel the services delivered as expected. Airline companies should be able to provide services as required passengers who have different characters. Services provided by the airlines in carrying out its activities are divided into 3 (three) groups: service with a maximum standards (full service), service with a medium standards (medium service) and services with minimum standards (no frills). Passengers PT. Lion Mentari Air Jakarta – Yogyakarta route with minimum service standards (no frills) is a sample in this study. The results of calculations using the average performance (X) 3.56 and the average expectation of passengers(Y) 4.45 indicating that the performance of PT. Lion Mentari Air is still low compared with the expectations of passengers. The results of the analysis of customer satisfaction index of 17 indicators of service provided through the 71.14% scored less satisfactorily interpreted so that the performance of PT. Lion Air still needs refinement and improvement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 32-47
Dalida Messian ◽  
Ioulia Poulaki ◽  
Konstantinos Marinakos

Tourism development in a destination may be achieved under specific conditions and circumstances which include sufficient destination accessibility and connectivity. This paper aims to highlight the contribution of funding and investments for tourism development related to the destination’s transport infrastructure focusing on air services. Paros Island is the study case since it presents high interest due to recent funding and investments actions towards air transport sector. More specifically, Public Service Obligation (PSO) route Athens-Paros and local airport expansion, partially funded by the private sector investment action, are of high interest. Research methodology includes a secondary research of passenger traffic and hotel beds. Moreover, a primary research has been undertaken with personal interviews of tourism stakeholders of Paros Island regarding funding and investments on air services and destination’s tourism development. Findings indicate that indeed air traffic flows have been significantly increased and so does tourism figures of the island.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Gamze Orhan

Purpose Deregulation of domestic markets and the liberalization of international markets have dramatically changed air transportation. One of the important results of this change is the environmental effects of air transportation. This study aims to examine the implications of air transportation on environmental sustainability in the context of airline business strategies in liberalized and globalized air transport industry. Design/methodology/approach The paper discusses the relationship between liberalization, airline strategies and environmental sustainability of air transportation using the related literature. Then, to show some environmental impacts on the axis of the relationship discussed, emission rates for the aircraft landing and take-off phase were calculated on a global basis based on the aircraft traffic. Findings The discussion in the paper shows that the liberalization policies and the strategies of airlines supported by these policies, in essence, contradict the environmental sustainability of air transport. Considering the flight share projections of EUROCONTROL for different aircraft types on a global basis and the World Bank’s global flight traffic forecast for the years 2016 and 2025, it has been demonstrated that the number of aircraft departures will increase by 30%, whilst the number of aircraft emissions will increase by 41.5%. Practical implications Airlines are one of the main actors that will play a role in reducing the environmental impacts of air transportation. Therefore, this study is important in giving an idea to both policymakers and airline managers on how airline companies’ strategies should be shaped to realize both corporate sustainability and environmentally sustainable air transportation. Originality/value There are many studies in the literature regarding the environmental effects of air transport. However, there are not many studies linking environmental impacts with airline strategies that directly affect air transport demand. This study is different in that it gives environmental sustainability by associating it with its root causes.

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