Media Ekonomi ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Fira Elfrida ◽  
Dian Oktaviani

<em>The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the Corruption Perception Index (CPI), monetary and fiscal policies on macroeconomic fundamentals in Indonesia with the period 2005 - 2013. The variables used in this study include economic growth and inflation as dependent variables, Corruption Perception Index (GPA), BI Rate, statutory reserve requirements, tax revenues, subsidies, capital expenditure and goods expenditure as unbounded (free) variables. The analysis method used is the Error Correction Model (ECM) approach by estimating the static and dynamic models to determine the long-term balance and short-term balance. The results of this study indicate that in the short-term economic growth is significantly influenced by tax and subsidy revenues which are part of the fiscal policy component, while in the long run are significantly influenced by the BI Rate and minimum statutory demand deposits which are monetary policy instruments. And in the short run inflation is significantly influenced by the BI Rate, while in the long term the Corruption Perception Index (CPI), monetary and fiscal policies do not significantly affect inflation</em>

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 194
Rami Obeid ◽  
Bassam Awad

The global financial crisis emphasized the important role of the prudent monetary policy in supporting economic growth through maintaining price stability. The monetary policy operational framework that was designed in 2008 was updated to include more instruments for managing monetary policy learning from the crisis lessons. Several studies analyzed various dimensions related to economic growth in Jordan such as Abdul-Khaliq, Soufan, and Abu Shihab (2013) and Assaf (2014), there were no studies that investigated the effect of monetary policy on economic growth in Jordan, at least recently, however. The study aims at measuring the effect of monetary policy instruments on the performance of Jordanian economy. Using quarterly data covering the period (2005-2015), an econometric model was examined using Vector Error Correction Model to assess the impact of monetary policy instruments on economic growth. The foremost advantage of VECM is that it has a nice interpretation of long-term and short-term equations. The results showed the existence of positive long-term and short-term effects of monetary policy instruments on the growth of real GDP. The model included three monetary policy instruments besides money supply. They are required reserve ratio, rediscount rate and overnight interbank loan rates as independent variables, and the real GDP growth as a dependent variable. The stationarity of the model time series was addressed. In addition, the stability of the model was tested using stability diagnostics tools. The results showed also an existence of inverse relationship between rediscount rate and economic growth in Jordan over both long and short terms.

2008 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-72 ◽  
Michael Johnson

The privatisation of economic infrastructure in Australia that began in the 1980s has continued to be actively pursued by state and federal governments. Evaluations of the effects of the change of policy, ownership, control and regulatory arrangements that have accompanied privatisation and their impact on the longer-term stock of infrastructure and the growth of the economy have received less attention than the immediate privatisation decisions. This article reviews some of the studies that have been carried out to evaluate the impact of privatisation, focusing on long-term impacts on infrastructure provision. In particular, it discusses the myopia created by the emphasis on commercial transactions and managing markets that continues to shape the debate about the provision of infrastructure to meet Australia's economic, environmental and other objectives. Objectives have become even more difficult to achieve as an increasingly extensive and complex regulatory framework is required to manage privatised activities. This adds to costs and limits the potential for the introduction of new initiatives to address pressing problems. The issue is increasingly relevant, given the current perceived shortage of infrastructure and the flow-on effects of the current international financial crisis on Australia. The slow-down in economic growth accompanying the financial crisis is putting pressure on government budgets and threatening to perpetuate the existing policy bias towards short-term solutions, exacerbating the longer run problem of ensuring an adequate supply of public economic infrastructure.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 94
Daouda Coulibaly ◽  
Fulgence Zran Goueu

This paper aims to analyze the relationship between exports and economic growth in C&ocirc;te d&rsquo;Ivoire. In order to achieve this objective, annual data for the period 1960-2017 were tested by using the cointegration approach of Pesaran, Shin and Smith, including the causality test of Breitung and Schreiber. According to our analysis it is only exports that drive economic growth and not the opposite. Exports act positively and significantly on economic growth in the short term as well as in the long term. The causality test of Breitung and schreiber indicates a one-way long-run causal relationship ranging from exports to gross domestic product (GDP). All those results show that exports are a source of Ivorian economic growth.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-242
Purbawati Setyaningsih ◽  
Roikhan Mochamad Aziz ◽  
Puji Hadiyati

This study analyzes the influence ZISWAF, Gini ratio, the total export value, the index of industrial production, sharia stock index investment to GDP growth, in the short and long term. Qualitative data were taken from BPS, Baznas, ACT Global Waqf, the FSA from March 2006 until December 2017 using the methodology of The Error Correction Model (ECM). The results of this study indicate that the variable Gini Ratio, Ziswaf, Total exports, Production Index and Sharia Stock Index on GDP economic growth have significant and positive effects in the long term and the short term. Meaning that these variables have a relationship with GDP economic growth. If the variable decreases or slows down-then GDP economic growth also. While total exports have insignificant effects and negative effects on GDP economic growth. The R-square regression value of the long-term model produces a proportion of 96 percent, the short-term model produces a proportion of 97 percent. Both in the long-run and short-run models, the highest coefficient value is the value of the Gini ratio with 4.941522 and 0.348043. All positive coefficients, Gini ratio variables, ziswaf and production index have a significant effect on gdp, total exports and sharia stock indexes do not have a significant effect on gdp both in the long and short-term models. It implies in the future, fiscal economic policy makers to economic growth that opened a lot of employment, by encouraging resource based economic activities of Indonesia's largest export-oriented agriculture and mining. Good Corporate goverment should do so gini ratio of the areas surrounding the economy improved and people kesejahtaeraan increase.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-32 ◽  
Canh Thi Nguyen ◽  
Lua Thi Trinh

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to assess both short and long-term influences of public investment on economic growth and test the hypothesis that whether public investment promotes or demotes private investment in Vietnam. Design/methodology/approach The authors use the approach of autoregressive distributed lag model and Vietnam’s macro data in the period of 1990-2016, to evaluate the short and long-term effects of public investment on economic growth and private investment. The model evaluates the impact of public investment on economic growth and private investment based on the neoclassical theories. The public investment which strongly affects economic growth is also reflected by aggregate supply and demand. Public investment directly impacts aggregate demand as a government expenditure and aggregate supply as a production function (capital factor). Findings The results from this research indicate that public investment in Vietnam in the past period does affect economic growth in the pattern of an inverted-U shape as of Barro (1990), with positive effects mostly occurring from the second year and negative effects of constraining long-term growth. Meanwhile, investment from the private sector, state-owned enterprises, and FDI has positive effects on short-term economic growth and state-owned capital stock has positive impacts on economic growth in both the short and long run. The estimated influence of public investment on private investment also shows a similar inverted-U shape in which public investment have crowding-in private investment short-term but crowding-out in the long run. Practical implications The empirical findings in this study can be used for conducting a more efficient policy in restructuring the state sector investment in Vietnam. Originality/value The main contributions in this study are: to evaluate the impacts of public investment on economic growth and private investment, the authors extracted public investment in infrastructure from aggregate investment of state sector (as previous studies used); the authors also uses state-owned capital stock variable including cumulative public investment and state-owned enterprises investment suggesting that this could control for the different orders of integration between the stock and flow variable and improve the experimental characteristics of the equation to a higher degree.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-23
Akhmad Akhmad

Economic development basically aims to increase economic growth, reduce poverty and unemployment. Therefore the research aims to find out the causal relationship between economic growth, unemployment and poverty in the Southern Province. This research used panel data of 24 districts / cities in South Sulawesi Province during 2007 to 2018, which was obtained from the Central Statistics Agency. Data were then analyzed using Vector Autoregression analysis. The results showed that shocks to economic growth have an impact on reducing unemployment and poverty rates both short and long term. Meanwhile shocks to unemployment, have an impact on increasing poverty rates in the short and long term, and have an impact on declining economic growth in the short term, but slowly economic growth returns to the balance point. Furthermore, the shock to poverty also has an impact on increasing unemployment in the short term, but slowly leads to a point of convergence in the long run. It is better to make economic growth decrease in the short term, but slowly towards the point of balance in the long run.

2020 ◽  
Muhammad Khoirul Fuddin

Abstract Countries in East Asia and the Pacific region are potential countries with fairly strong economic growth rates amid slowing global economic growth. One contributing factor to economic growth in East Asia and the Pacific can be seen using a classical approach where economic growth is seen from capital, natural resources, incoming foreign investment and the use of technology. This research wants to see how big these factors are in influencing the economic activities of developing countries in East Asia and the Pacific. The methodology used in this study is to use a Vector Error Correction Model by focusing on the impulse response function and variance decomposition to see the response of several variables due to changes in other variables and to see how much the proportion of one variable affects other variables in the short term or long term. In the short term, incoming foreign investment and technology affect productive land while in the long run productive land is influenced by incoming foreign investment and human resources. In the short term, GDP is not affected by any variable, whereas in the long term GDP is affected by human resources, incoming foreign investment, and technology. In the long run, human resources are affected by incoming foreign investment. Foreign investment that enters in the short term is influenced by productive land and human resources, whereas in the long run, only human resources can directly influence foreign investment. Technology in the short term is influenced by productive land and incoming foreign investment while in the long run technology is influenced by incoming foreign investment and human resources. The economic growth reflected in GDP and productive land contained in East Asia and the Pacific was largely influenced by technology in the final period. Incoming foreign investment and technology are largely influenced by productive land. Whereas the human resources found in East Asia and the Pacific are mostly influenced by GDP.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-39
Tilak Singh Mahara

Background: Money supply, inflation, and capital expenditure along with others are major issues of consideration for policymakers in developing countries given the need to spark internal demand and to encounter the government’s massive fiscal obligations to alleviate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth. Like other economies, the economic performance of Nepal is also based on these macroeconomic variables.  Objective: The principal objective of the study is to explore the association between money supply, inflation, capital expenditure, and economic growth in Nepal. Method: The study applies the ARDL approach to co-integration to check the relationship between selected variables. The bound test is carried out to see the relationship between variables. Result: The empirical findings of the study show that there is a significant long-run positive relationship between money supply, capital expenditure, and growth. There is a unidirectional causation from money supply and capital expenditure to real economic growth in Nepal. Conclusion: The study concludes that an increase in money supply, capital expenditure, and controlling inflation help to increase the long-run real economic growth of Nepal. Nepal Rastra Bank has to emphasize monetary policy instruments that help to increase the money supply in the long run and the Ministry of Finance (MoF) should be encouraged to increase spending on capital overheads to broaden and enhance the growth of the economy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 401
Feri Irawan

<p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p><p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of capital aspects (CAR), financing risk (NPF) and macroeconomic variables including economic growth, inflation and the BI Rate on profitability (ROE) in the short and long term. By using time series data for the monthly period from 2013-2018 and the Error-Correction Model (ECM) and cointegration approach, it is found that CAR and NPF do not have a significant effect on ROE in the short and long term. Economic growth, inflation and the BI Rate in the short term do not have a significant effect on ROE, in the long run economic growth, inflation and the BI Rate have a significant effect on ROE. In the short term, economic growth, inflation and the BI Rate disturb the balance of profitability, but in the long run it returns to its equilibrium level. It is necessary to integrate the BPRS policy strategy in managing capital and risk with government policies related to economic growth and inflation.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p><p><em>Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh aspek permodalan (CAR), risiko pembiayaan (NPF) dan variabel makroekonomi yang meliputi pertumbuhan ekonomi, inflasi dam BI Rate  terhadap profitabilitas (ROE) dalam jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Dengan menggunakan data time series periode bulanan dari tahun 2013-2018 dan pendekatan Error-Correction Model  (ECM) dan kointegrasi, ditemukan bahwa CAR dan NPF tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap ROE dalam jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Pertumbuhan ekonomi, inflasi dan BI Rate dalam jangka pendek tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ROE, dalam jangka panjang pertumbuhan ekonomi, inflasi dan BI Rate berpengaruh signfikan terhadap ROE. Pada jangka pendek, pertumbuhan ekonomi, inflasi dan BI Rate menggangu keseimbangan profitabilitas namun dalam jangka panjang kembali pada tingkat keseimbangannya. Diperlukan pengintegrasi strategi kebijakan BPRS dalam mengelola permodalan dan risiko dengan kebijakan pemerintah terkait dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan inflasi.</em><em></em></p><p align="right"> </p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 393
Roza Revika ◽  
Yeniwati Yeniwati

This study aims to analyze the effect of energy consumption and defense expenditure on economic growth partially in theshort and long term in Indonesia. This study uses secondary data with descriptive analysis using Time Series data from 1988 to 2017. The analytical method used is Auto Regression Distributed Lag (ARDL). The results of this study indicate that energy consumption in the long run has a negative and significant effect on economic growth in Indonesia. Energy consumption in the short term has a negative and not significant effect on economic growth in Indonesia. Defense spending has a positive and significant effect on economic growth in Indonesia in the long term and in the short term. It can be concluded that in the long run energy consumption and defense expenditure significantly influence economic growth in Indonesia.

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