scholarly journals Northern and Western Europe in “Illustrated Tributaries of the Qing Empire”

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 81-93
Dmitry I. Maiatskii

This paper explores features of the visual images and descriptions of the inhabitants of four European states (Sweden, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Switzerland), found in “Huang Qing Zhi Gong Tu” (“Tributaries of the ruling Qing dynasty”) – a Chinese historical and ethnographic book compiled by Fu Heng in the middle of the 18th century. The book is stored in the collection of rare Oriental books at St. Petersburg State University. Eight xylographic illustrations of the inhabitants of the European states are selected and analyzed. The attached explanatory texts are also translated. They contain information about the geographical location of the countries mentioned, as well as the history of their contacts with China and some notes about the inhabitants of these countries, including an anthropological portrait, a description of costumes, customs, occupations and so on. The interpretation is carried out in accordance with the principles of scientific translation used by academician Vasiliy M. Alekseev (1881–1951). In case of need the translations are supplemented with textological, historiographic and culturological commentaries. An analysis of the drawings and texts aids in recreating the picture of the perception by the Chinese of the mid-18th century of the four European states. The archaic names of countries and peoples used by compilers are analyzed. Misconceptions and stereotypes of Chinese compilers are revealed. Attempts are being made to explain their possible origins. The author of the paper found out that the compilers sometimes relied upon a method of explanation of the phenomena unknown to the Chinese by rethinking similar facts from the history and culture of China.

2018 ◽  
pp. 24-37
Nataliya A. Chesnokova ◽  

Nikolai Vasilievich Kyuner (1877-1955) was a Russian Orientalist. Having graduated with merit from the St. Petersburg State University, he was sent to the Far East and spent there two years. Having returned, he was appointed head of the department of historical and geographical sciences at the Eastern Institute (Vladivostok) in 1904. Kyuner was one of the first Orientalists to teach courses in history, geography, and ethnography. His works number over 400. The article studies a typescript of his unpublished study ‘Korea in the second half of the 18th century’ now stored in the Archive of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg). Little known to Russian Koreanists, it nevertheless retains its scientific significance as one of the earliest attempts to study the history of the ‘golden age’ of Korea. The date of the typescript is not known, though analysis of the citations places its completion between 1931 and 1940. The article is to introduce the typescript into scientific use and to verify some facts and terms. N. V. Kuyner’s typescript consists of 8 sections: (1) ‘Introduction. Sources review’; (2) ‘General characteristics of the social development stage of Korea in the second half of the 18th century’; (3) ‘Great impoverishment of the country’; (4) ‘Peasantry’; (5) ‘Cities’; (6) ‘Popular revolts’; (7) ‘Military bureaucratic regime’; (8) ‘The Great Collection of Laws’ (a legal code). There are excerpts from foreign and national publications of the 19th - early 20th century, and there’s also some valuable information on Korean legal codes and encyclopedias of the 18th century, which have not yet been translated into any European languages. The typescript addresses socio-economic situation in Korea in the 18th century; struggles of the court cliques of the 16th-18th centuries and their role in inner and foreign policies of the country; social structure of the society and problems of the peasantry; role of trade in the development of the Middle Korean society; legal proceedings and legislation, etc. One of the first among Russian Koreanistics, N. V. Kyuner examined causes of sasaek (Korean ‘parties’) formation and the following events, linking together unstable situation in the country, national isolation, and execution of Crown Prince Sado (1735-1762).

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (4) ◽  
pp. 1259-1271
Nikolay A. Samoylov ◽  
Dmitriy I. Mayatskiy ◽  

This article explores the Chinese historical and ethnographic work of the second half of the 18th century “Illustrated tributaries of the Qing Empire” (“Huangqing zhigongtu”). This book provides rich material for a systematic analysis of the views of the Chinese about European countries during the reign of the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911). Twenty eight images and descriptions of a number of European nations — Russians, Poles, Hungarians, Swedes, the English, the Dutch, etc. — which were found in the book, have been identified, classified, and analyzed. A range of issues and problems related to the content of the descriptions has been established and compared with the illustrations from the book. The article pays particular attention to identifying and explaining the anthropological and socio-cultural stereotypes that shaped the image of Europeans in China. The authors of this paper have found out that due to Catholic missionaries the Chinese compilers of “Huangqing zhigongtu” must have had enough information about Europe in the first part of the Qing period. Nevertheless, they made a large number of mistakes when describing the geographical location of several nations and relations between some of them. They also misunderstood some habits, traditions or anthropological features of their inhabitants. On the other hand, the compilers were more accurate and precise with regard to political and trade activities of the Europeans in China or near its frontier. Studying the “Huangqing zhigongtu” can shed light not only on important factors that formed the general picture of the Chinese worldview, but also contribute to a better understanding of motives that determined the foreign policy of the Qing Empire.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Gusnelly Gusnelly

This paper is the result of research on Indonesian migration that focuses on the diaspora of the exile community in the Netherlands. The purpose to discuss this issue is to tell about the existence of an Indonesian community that has been exiled from the country for decades and became stateless or lost citizenship, because its passport was revoked by the Indonesian government. They are the generation who have been forced to move to several countries and choose to seek asylum in various Western European countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The history of their existence abroad as a result of the event of G30S/1965. They were abroad when the G30S occurred in the country. Their departure abroad was in the leftist (socialist) countries of the mid-1960s not because of political affairs but for various interests, but in fact it was related to the occurrence of the G30S/1965. In 1989 with the fall of communism and the end of the cold war after the collapse of the superpower of the Soviet Union, most of them have registered themselves as asylum seekers to several countries in Western Europe, including to the Netherlands. As a Dutch citizen, their descendants get education and work in the Netherlands. Their descendants feel that the Dutch or Europeans are his identity but the exiles keep their nationalism for Indonesia. We call that with long-distance nationalism.Keywords: Dutch, diaspora, exile community, asylum, citizenshipABSTRAKTulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian tentang migrasi orang Indonesia yang fokus pada diaspora komunitas eksil di Belanda. Tujuan untuk membahas masalah ini adalah untuk menceritakan tentang keberadaan komunitas Indonesia yang sejak puluhan tahun terbuang dari tanah air dan menjadi stateless atau kehilangan kewarganegaraan, sebab pasportnya dicabut oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Mereka merupakan anak bangsa dari satu generasi yang terpaksa pindah ke beberapa negara dan memilih mencari suaka ke berbagai negara Eropa Barat pascaruntuhnya Uni Soviet. Sejarah keberadaan mereka di luar negeri sebagai akibat dari peristiwa G30S tahun 1965. Mereka sedang berada di luar negeri ketika terjadi peristiwa G30S di dalam negeri. Kepergian mereka ke luar negeri yaitu di negara-negara beraliran kiri (sosialis) di pertengahan tahun 60-an bukan karena hanya karena urusan politik, tetapi untuk berbagai kepentingan, namun pada kenyataannya disangkutpautkan dengan terjadinya peristiwa G30S tahun 1965 tersebut. Pada tahun 1989 dengan kejatuhan komunisme dan berakhirnya perang dingin setelah keruntuhan negara adi kuasa Uni Soviet sebagian besar mereka telah mendaftarkan diri menjadi pencari suaka ke beberapa negara di Eropa Barat, termasuk ke Belanda. Sebagai warga negara Belanda, anak keturunannya mendapatkan pendidikan dan bekerja di Belanda. Anak-anak keturunannya merasa Belanda atau Eropa adalah identitasnya akan tetapi orang eksil tetap menjaga nasionalisme mereka buat tanah airnya yaitu Indonesia. Kami menyebutnya dengan nasionalisme jarak jauh.  Kata Kunci: Belanda, diaspora, komunitas eksil, suaka, kewarganegaraan

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 1027-1036
Igor L. Tikhonov ◽  

The article is a review of the textbook on the history of Russian archaeology prepared by A. S. Skripkin, professor of Volgograd State University, a well-known archaeologist specializing in the study of the Sarmatian tribes. The textbook was issued by the “Urait” publishing company in 2017. The first part, dominating in amount, is devoted to the history of the development of the Russian archaeology from the 18th century until the last quarter of the 20th century. The second part briefly outlines the topic well-known to the author — the history of archaeological research in the Lower Volga region in the same chronological period. However, the main problem of the reviewed publication is the author’s failure to use a considerable number of works published on this subject over the last 25 years. Almost all the information contained in the first section of the textbook was borrowed from the books by A. A. Formozov, G. S. Lebedev, V. F. Gening, A. D. Pryakhin published in the 1980s and early 1990s. However, in the years passed since then, a whole direction connected with the study of various aspects of its history has been formed in the Russian archaeology. A significant range of monographic publications, collections of articles and conference materials have been published; more than fifty candidate and doctoral dissertations have been defended. Unfortunately, all this remained beyond the scope of A. S. Skripkin. Therefore, there are numerous out-of-date ideas concerning various subjects connected with the formation and development of the Russian archaeology. Furthermore, the text contains a considerable number of factual errors, inaccuracies, misprints.

2020 ◽  
pp. 157-188
Александар Крстић

У раду се анализирају старе географске карте, настале од осмадесетих година XV до половине XVIII века, на којима су приказани тврђава или насеље Ершомљо. Иако је овај јужнобанатски град после пада под османску власт (1552) током друге половине XVI столећа трајно променио име у Вршац, Ершомљо је и даље упорно приказиван у бројним картографским публикацијама насталим у западној Европи у наведеном периоду. Услед погрешног преузимања података са старих карата и непознавања савремене географије европске Турске, па тако ни Баната, Ершомљо је на анализираним картама најчешће лоциран знатно источније, некада и на саму границу Баната према Трансилванији и Влашкој. Од друге половине XVII века, а посебно у време Великог бечког рата, на европским географским картама почиње да се појављује и Вршац. Међутим, на неким картама из овог периода механички су преношени подаци са старијих карата, па је паралелно с Вршцем уцртаван и Ершомљо. The paper analyses old geographic maps, created from the 1480s until the mid-18th century, which show the fortress or settlement of Érsomlyó. Although this south Banat town, after its fall under Ottoman rule (1552) permanently changed its name into Vršac in the second half of the 16th century, Érsomlyó was still persistently shown in numerous cartographic publications created in Western Europe in this period. Due to erroneous copying of data from old maps and the lack of knowledge about the contemporary geography of European Turkey, including Banat, in the analysed maps Érsomlyó is most often located much more eastward, sometimes on the very border of Banat towards Transylvania and Wallachia. From the second half of the 17th century, particularly at the time of the Great Turkish War, Vršac also began to appear in European geographic maps. However, data from older maps were mechanically transferred to some maps from this period, and Érsomlyó was inscribed in parallel with Vršac.

Desmond Dinan

On June 20, 1950, representatives of six countries (Belgium, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands) met in Paris to launch what became the first intergovernmental conference in the history of European integration. The outcome, after a year of difficult negotiations, was an agreement to establish the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), signed in Paris on April 18, 1951. Based on the Schuman Declaration of May 1950, the Paris Treaty established a High Authority of a “supranational character,” with responsibility for managing a common market for two key industrial sectors. The Coal and Steel Community was a political as much as an economic undertaking. It institutionalized a new departure in relations between France and West Germany and helped cement a postwar peace settlement in Western Europe, within the broader framework of an emerging transatlantic system.

Pierre van der Eng

Studies of the economic relations between Great Britain and its colonies, such as Hopkins (1988) and O'Brien (1988), have revitalised controversy about the relevance of economic factors in the history of imperialism. Some have denigrated the relevance of the Hobson-Lenin thesis that capitalists required new overseas investment opportunities to postpone the collapse of capitalism, and the argument that colonies were a paying proposition. This article assesses the economic relations between the Netherlands and its colony Indonesia. It aims to raise the profile of this connexion in the controversy mentioned above, and to explore whether and to what extent the economic relationship may be crucial to explaining «metropolitan» economic development and «peripheral» underdevelopment.

2012 ◽  
Vol 140 (5) ◽  
pp. 767-787 ◽  

SUMMARYSpace–time clustering of people who fall acutely ill with jaundice, then slip into coma and death, is an alarming phenomenon, more markedly so when the victims are mostly or exclusively pregnant. Documentation of the peculiar, fatal predisposition of pregnant women during outbreaks of jaundice identifies hepatitis E and enables construction of its epidemic history. Between the last decade of the 18th century and the early decades of the 20th century, hepatitis E-like outbreaks were reported mainly from Western Europe and several of its colonies. During the latter half of the 20th century, reports of these epidemics, including those that became serologically confirmed as hepatitis E, emanated from, first, the eastern and southern Mediterranean littoral and, thereafter, Southern and Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and the rest of Africa. The dispersal has been accompanied by a trend towards more frequent and larger-scale occurrences. Epidemic and endemic hepatitis E still beset people inhabiting Asia and Africa, especially pregnant women and their fetuses and infants. Their relief necessitates not only accelerated access to potable water and sanitation but also vaccination against hepatitis E.

2020 ◽  
pp. 100-117
Татьяна Юрьевна Токарева

Оружейная палата Троице-Сергиевой лавры - уникальное явление в истории России. Она была самым крупным хранилищем военного снаряжения православного монастыря. Здесь находилось парадное и боевое русское, западноевропейское и восточное оружие XV-XVIII вв., поступавшее в обитель самыми разными путями. В палате имелось и оружие, изготовленное монастырскими кузнецами, бронниками и самопальниками. Производство оружия осуществлялось в помещении каменной кузницы, располагавшейся рядом с ней. Возведение каменной Оружейной палаты в первой трети XVIII в. ознаменовало её особый статус. Троицкий арсенал разместили в роскошном здании, выстроенным значительно раньше, чем здание ризницы, потому что хранению оружия придавалось огромное значение. Она стала местом, где берегли боевую славу троицких ратников. Всё это вооружение ныне практически уничтожено: оружие передано в разные собрания, а палата разобрана для «лучшего в монастыре преспекта и пространства». Лишь малая часть когда-то мощного арсенала ныне находится в собраниях российских музеев. Из данной статьи можно узнать основные факты по истории изъятия оружия из Лавры, а также познакомиться с современными местами его хранения (а именно в Сергиево-Посадском музее-заповеднике, ЦАК МДА, Московской Оружейной палате, Музее артиллерии, в Государственном Эрмитаже, в музеях города Владимира, в Музее истории России, в музее «Новый Иерусалим», Государственном историческом музее, Вологодском областном краеведческом музее и ряде других мест). The Armoury of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra is a unique phenomenon in the history of Russia. It used to be the largest repository of military equipment for an Orthodox monastery. There were ceremonial and military weapons of the 15th to the 18th centuries, which would come to the monastery in various ways, representing Russia, Western Europe and the East. The Armoury also contained weapons produced by the monastery’s blacksmiths, armors and samopalniks. The production of weapons was carried out in a stone forge located next to the Armoury. The construction of a stone building for the Armoury in the first third of the 18th century marked its special status. The Trinity Arsenal was housed in admirable premises built even much earlier than the sacristy building, as the storage of weapons was of great importance: the Armoury was the place of glory for the warriors of the Holy Trinity monastery. Nowadays that collection of weapons has been virtually destroyed, with the items transferred to various assemblies, and the Armoury chamber dismantled for «better aspect and more space in the monastery». Only a small part of the once powerful arsenal is now present within the assemblies of different Russian museums. This article reveals the basic facts on the history of the withdrawal of weapons from the Lavra, and also touches on where they are stored today (namely, in the Sergiev Posad Museum-Preserve, in the Central Administrative Commission of the Moscow Theological Academy, in the Moscow Armoury Chamber, in the Museum of Artillery, in the State Hermitage Museum, in the Museum of the History of Russia, in the New Jerusalem Museum, in the State Historical Museum, in Vladimir city museums, in the Vologda Regional Museum of Local Lore, and in a number of other places).

Jeroen Van de Rijt ◽  
Sicco Santema

More than 15 years ago Dean Kashiwagi created a process called BVP/PIPS (Best Value Procurement/Performance Information Procurement System) at Arizona State University. PIPS is a procurement method that aims to select the most suitable vendor for the job, to spur this vendor on to highest performance, and to reduce the client’s management and control tasks (Kashiwagi, 2009b). Kashiwagi developed the method for several years with the objective of improving the procurement and management of construction projects by reducing risk in selecting the top performer. The method (herein BV approach) has a number of steps, each built around a specific "filter”, which focuses on a different element to separate high and low performers. The early phase of the adoption of the process in the Netherlands has been described by Van de Rijt and Witteveen (2011) in the special issue of the Journal for the Advancement of Performance Information and Value. In this paper an update is given and future developments are described. The paper covers the BV approach, a brief history of PIPS in the Netherlands, technology adoption theory, adoption and adaptation of the technology and future developments.

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