Northern soybean varieties: climate effect on growth, development and yield

Г. Гатаулина ◽  
Н. Заренкова ◽  
С. Никитина

Повышение урожайности и её стабилизация у сои необходимы для решения проблемы дефицита растительного белка, сокращения импорта сои и обеспечения белковой независимости России. Скороспелые сорта сои северного экотипа Магева, Светлая и Касатка допущены к производству в Центральном регионе. Актуальность темы определяется необходимостью выявления стрессовых факторов, связанных с влиянием погодных условий на формирование урожайности и её нестабильность у различных сортов сои. Полевые опыты проводили в 20142018 годах на Полевой опытной станции РГАУМСХА им. К. А. Тимирязева на окультуренной дерновоподзолистой почве. Вариабельность показателей формирования урожайности оценивалась по коэффициенту вариации (V). В исследованиях установлена достаточно сильная вариабельность и нестабильность урожайности у сортов сои в зависимости от изменчивости погодных условий в разные годы. Продолжительность вегетации от всходов до созревания составила в среднем 90102 дня, что на 2025 дней меньше, чем в предшествующие годы, видимо, изза потепления климата. Максимальная за вегетацию высота растений изменялась у сорта Магева от 39 до 101 см в зависимости от условий года (V 30,8), у более скороспелого сорта Касатка от 31 до 69 см (V 28,9). В исследованиях подтверждено, что период цветения и образования плодов продолжительностью 2025 дней критический для формирования урожая. Средняя урожайность сортов при недостатке влаги в этот период (в 2014, 2017 годах) была в пределах 0,91,2 т/га при благоприятных условиях (в 2015, 2018 годах) она составила 2,52,8 т/га. В этот период одновременно с интенсивным вегетативным ростом определяются максимальные за вегетацию площадь листьев, число плодов и семян в расчёте на единицу площади (1 м2, 1 га). Коэффициент вариации (V), отражающий степень влияния погодных условий на величину площади листьев и урожайность семян, у сорта Магева составил соответственно 40,4 и 47,5, у сорта Касатка 32,5 и 30,7. Установлено, что предшествующее состояние агроценоза, особенно в критический период (цветение и образование плодов), в значительной мере определяет в последующем величину компонентов урожайности и непосредственно урожайность семян. This investigation took place in 20142018 at the Field Experimental Station of the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University on sodpodzolic soil. It is important to determine climate stress factors influencing soybean productivity. Weather conditions greatly affected soybean yield variability. Shortseason northern varieties of soybean such as Mageva, Svetlaya and Kasatka performed as objects of study. Growing season from germination to maturation averaged to 90102 days which was 2025 days less, than in previous years, apparently due to climate warming. Trait variability was determined via the variation coefficient (V). Mageva height varied within 39 and 101 cm depending on the year (V 30.8), the one of Kasatka from 31 to 69 cm (V 28.9). 2025day period of flowering and bean formation is crucial for yield production. Soybean productivity averaged to 0.91.2 t ha1 in 2014 (water deficit) and 2.52.8 t ha1 in 2015 and 2018 (favorable conditions). Leaf square area, bean and seed number per square unit were determined at this time. V of leaf area and seed yield amounted to 40.4 and 47.5 for Mageva and 32.5 and 30.7 for Kasatka. Ecosystem condition influenced significantly crop productivity.

В. А. Batasheva ◽  
R. А. Abdullaev ◽  
Е. Е. Radchenko ◽  
О. N. Kovaleva, ◽  
I. А. Zveynek

At the Dagestan experimental station, 360 samples of barley were studied from the world gene pool of the VIR named after NI Vavilov.  The sample was represented by 2- and 6-row, winter and spring, of different eco-geographical origin forms of culture. As a result of the long-term laboratory-field studies, samples with a productivity of more than 500 g / m2 were identified with an average sample size of 200-400 g. The Isp value of the noted varieties >1, therefore, they can be classified as ecologically plastic varieties. Samples of double-row barley are morphologically characterized by a combination of increased productive bushiness with a smaller number of spikelets, respectively, and grains in the ear than the six-row barley.  Theoretically, one would expect that with the development of plants and the formation of a crop under favorable conditions, low productive bushiness of 6-row forms is compensated by a large number of spikelets and grains in the ear; a smaller number of spikelets and grains in the ear in 2-row rows - high productive bushiness. At the same time, the significance of morphological differences in subspecies in the formation of their final productivity would not be significant. However, in the study area, six-rowed barley is more affected by the widespread Swedish fly (the factor that limits crop yield in the region) than double-rowed and in general the samples of the distichon L. subspecies exceed those of vulgare L. over the final crop. The frequency of occurrence of productive forms is higher among two-row barley. On the basis of the analysis of the results of many years of research, taking into account that the factors affecting the harvest of barley in this zone are plant damage caused by fungal diseases, damage to the Swedish fly, lodging, and salinization, we consider it economically more efficient to cultivate, in conditions of irrigated farming, southern Dagestan  with the corresponding characteristics.

Н.Н. Иванова ◽  
А.Д. Капсамун ◽  
Е.Н. Павлючик

На осушаемых землях Верхневолжья на опытном полигоне ВНИИМЗ (Тверская область) в 2014–2019 годах проведены исследования по определению оптимальных пастбищных травосмесей, оценке эффективности их создания и использования. Установлено, что для злаковых и бобово-злаковых травосмесей оптимальные условия создавались при сумме осадков за пастбищный сезон 300–350 мм и среднесуточной температуре воздуха 12–150С. Условия местообитания и удобрения оказывали влияние на их продуктивность. Наиболее благоприятные условия для злаковой травосмеси складывались на низинном лугу. Продуктивность контрольного варианта в среднем за 6 лет пользования — 3,88 тыс. корм. ед. (47,5 ГДж/га обменной энергии), что выше на 16–22% по сравнению с суходолами временно избыточного и нормального увлажнения. Продуктивность неудобренного бобово-злакового травостоя на всех местообитаниях была выше злакового. На суходоле временно избыточного увлажнения и низинном лугу она была одинаковой: в среднем 5,26 и 5,29 тыс. корм. ед./га и обменной энергии в 1 кг сухого корма — 9,94 и 10,2 МДж. На суходоле нормального увлажнения продуктивность — 4,76 тыс. корм. ед. (63,0 ГДж обменной энергии), что на 9,5% ниже, чем в других местообитаниях. Удобрения оказывали положительное влияние на продуктивность травостоев. На злаковом травостое прибавка от их внесения составила 1,88–1,97 тыс. корм. ед. (24,0–25,5 ГДж/га обменной энергии). Компост многоцелевого назначения (КМН) обеспечил самую высокую прибавку на суходоле нормального увлажнения — 0,51 тыс. корм. ед. (6,9 ГДж/га обменной энергии), а наиболее низкую — на низинном лугу — 0,34 тыс. корм. ед. (3,9 ГДж/га обменной энергии). У бобово-злакового травостоя минеральные удобрения повысили урожайность на низинном лугу на 0,55 тыс. корм. ед. (8,0 ГДж/га обменной энергии), а на суходоле избыточного увлажнения — на 0,23 тыс. корм. ед. (3,2 ГДж/га). The investigation tested the performance of grassland ecosystems on drained lands of the Tver region in 2014–2019. The optimal conditions for gramineous and legume-gramineous ecosystems were 300–350 mm of precipitations for the growing season and the average daily temperature of 12–150С. Location and fertilization significantly affected grass productivity. The lowland had the most favorable conditions for gramineous. The yield of the control was 3.88 thousand feed units (47.5 GJ ha-1 of exchange energy), exceeding the one at the dry land under excessive and optimal water content by 16–22%. Productivity of legume-gramineous ecosystems exceeded the one of gramineous under zero fertilization at all the locations. The ecosystem produced 5.26 and 5.29 thousand feed units ha-1 as well as 9.94 and 10.2 MJ of exchange energy in 1 kg of dry forage at the dry land under excessive moisture and lowland, respectively. Plant yield amounted to 4.76 thousand feed units (63.0 GJ ha-1 of exchange energy) at the dry land under optimal moisture being 9.5% lower than at other locations. Fertilization positively affected crop productivity. The yield increase of gramineous amounted to 1.88–1.97 thousand feed units (24.0–25.5 GJ ha-1) after fertilization. Multipurpose compost provided the highest yield at the dry land under optimal moisture — 0.51 thousand feed units (6.9 GJ ha-1), and the lowest yield — at the lowland — 0.34 thousand feed units (3.9 GJ ha-1). Mineral fertilization increased legume-gramineous yield by 0.55 thousand feed units at the lowland (8.0 GJ ha-1) and by 0.23 thousand feed units (3.2 GJ ha-1) — at the dry land under excessive moisture.

П.Д. Бугаев ◽  
Д.А. Карпович

Исследования проводили в 2019 и 2020 годах на Полевой опытной станции РГАУ–МСХА им. К. А. Тимирязева. Целью исследований было изучение влияния регуляторов роста ретардантного типа различного химического состава, а также биоудобрений на продукционный процесс и урожайность ярового ячменя в условиях Центрального Нечерноземья. Результаты проведённых исследований показали, что яровой ячмень в разных метеорологических условиях вегетационного периода по-разному реагировал на совместную обработку биоудобрениями и регуляторами роста. В условиях недостатка влаги обработка растений регуляторами роста не оказывала влияния на высоту растений и снижала урожайность культуры по сравнению с необработанными растениями. Применение ретарданта «ХЭФК, ВР» на посевах ячменя вызывало максимальное снижение урожайности (от 0,82 до 1,52 т/га) независимо от вида применяемого биоудобрения. Существенное влияние на величину урожая в засушливых условиях оказывал препарат «Харди, Р». Причём использование его в чистом виде снижало урожайность ячменя на 0,9 т/га, тогда как при совместном применении препарата «Харди, Р» с биоудобрениями урожайность ячменя практически не изменялась. При благоприятных погодных условиях применение изучаемых морфорегуляторов совместно с биоудобрениями позволило получить существенную прибавку урожая. Использование на посевах ячменя ретарданта «РЭГГИ, ВРК» с удобрением «Биогор» позволило дополнительно получить 1,37 т/га. Обработка растений органоминеральным удобрением «Экофус» совместно с ретардантами «Харди, Р» и «РЭГГИ, ВК» повысила урожайность на 1,19 и 0,89 т/га соответственно. Повышение урожая ячменя при совместном применении ретардантов и биоудобрений в благоприятных погодных условиях обусловлено увеличением продуктивной кустистости растений и продолжительности работы листового аппарата. The investigation took place at the Field Research Station of the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University in 2019–2020. The aim was to test the effect of growth retardants and bio fertilizers on spring barley performance in the Central Non-Chernozem region. The effectiveness of bio fertilizers and retardants was greatly affected by weather conditions. Under water deficit growth regulators showed no effect on plant height but decreased crop productivity. The retardant “KHEFK, VR” provided the lowest yield (from 0.82 to 1.52 t ha-1) regardless of fertilizer type. The preparation “Khardi, R” significantly affected barley yield under drought. Its application led to the yield decrease by 0.9 t ha-1, while in combination with biofertilizers it had practically no effect on barley productivity. Combination of retardants and bio fertilizers significantly improved barley yield under favorable conditions. The retardant “REGGI, VRK” combined with the fertilizer “Biogor” provided the yield increase of 1.37 t ha-1. Application of the fertilizer “Ekofus” together with the retardants “Khardi, R” and “REGGI, VRK” improved barley productivity by 1.19 and 0.89 t ha-1, respectively. Combined application of retardants and fertilizers resulted in more active tillering and longer photosynthetic activity of leaves leading to higher plant productivity under favorable conditions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Rosana Silva Lana ◽  
Érika Monteiro Michalsky ◽  
Consuelo Latorre Fortes-Dias ◽  
João Carlos França-Silva ◽  
Fabiana de Oliveira Lara-Silva ◽  

In the New World, the leishmaniases are primarily transmitted to humans through the bites ofLeishmania-infectedLutzomyia(Diptera: Psychodidae) phlebotomine sand flies. Any or both of two basic clinical forms of these diseases are endemic to several cities in Brazil—the American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) and the American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). The present study was conducted in the urban area of a small-sized Brazilian municipality (Jaboticatubas), in which three cases of AVL and nine of ACL have been reported in the last five years. Jaboticatubas is an important tourism hub, as it includes a major part of the Serra do Cipó National Park. Currently, no local data is available on the entomological fauna or circulatingLeishmania. During the one-year period of this study, we captured 3,104 phlebotomine sand flies belonging to sixteenLutzomyiaspecies. In addition to identifying incriminated or suspected vectors of ACL with DNA of the etiological agent of AVL and vice versa, we also detectedLeishmaniaDNA in unexpectedLutzomyiaspecies. The expressive presence of vectors and naturalLeishmaniainfection indicates favorable conditions for the spreading of leishmaniases in the vicinity of the Serra do Cipó National Park.

Ю.В. Суркова ◽  
И.Н. Цымбаленко ◽  
С.Д. Гилев

Представлена комплексная оценка эффективности диверсификации севооборотов, а также способов обработки почвы и влияния азотных удобрений при возделывании сои в условиях засушливого климата центральной лесостепной зоны Зауралья. По результатам исследований, проведённых в 2010–2020 годах в Курганском НИИСХ – филиале УрФАНИЦ УрО РАН, установлено влияние гидротермических условий региона и агротехнических приёмов на формирование урожайности сои. В острозасушливые годы с гидротермическим коэффициентом 0,3–0,6 урожайность сои снижалась наполовину по сравнению с благоприятными по тепло- и влагообеспеченности периодами (ГТК — 1,1–1,2). На фоне удобрений и надёжной системы защиты посевов сои от сорных растений менее затратная поверхностная обработка по урожайности не уступала вспашке. Минеральный азот в дозе N30 на фоне средней обеспеченности почвы подвижным фосфором в острозасушливые годы обеспечил прибавку зерна сои 0,28 т/га, в благоприятные по условиям увлажнения годы прибавка от применения N30 увеличилась до 0,43 т/га. Диверсификация традиционного четырёхпольного зернопарового севооборота путём замены пшеничного поля посевами сои обеспечила повышение продуктивности, улучшение качества продукции и экономических показателей. Рентабельность производства продукции с севооборотной площади в вариантах с ресурсосберегающей поверхностной обработкой выросла до 110% без удобрений и до 117% — на фоне N30 против 49 и 66% в зернопаровом севообороте. В результате многолетних исследований в контрастных погодных условиях установлено, что производство сои в полевом севообороте в центральной лесостепной зоне Зауралья рентабельно даже в острозасушливые годы. При низком уровне урожайности (0,50–0,70 т/га) рентабельность составляет 30–50%. В благоприятные годы ресурсы зауральского климата позволяют получать урожайность сои на уровне 1,40–1,80 т/га. При этом рентабельность повышается до 220%. The report deals with the optimization of a rotation system as well as the effect of tillage and nitrogen fertilizers on soybean productivity under the drought of the central forest-steppe in Trans-Urals. The investigation was conducted at the Kurgan Research Institute of Agriculture in 2010–2020. The aim was to test the effect of tillage, moisture and temperature on soybean yield. Drought (hydrothermal coefficient of 0.3–0.6) reduced soybean productivity by 50% in comparison to favorable conditions (hydrothermal coefficient of 1.1–1.2). Less expensive surface tillage was as effective as plowing under fertilization and weed control. In dry years application of N30 increased grain yield by 0.28 t ha-1 under medium content of soluble P. Under favorable conditions the increase amounted to 0.43 t ha-1. Substitution of wheat with soybean in the conventional four-field crop rotation system resulted in higher crop productivity, yield quality and economic effectiveness. Payback raised up to 110% under surface tillage and no fertilization and 117% — on the background of N30 versus 49 and 66% obtained under fallow and grain crop rotation. Soybean production was cost-effective even under drought. Low soybean yield (0.50–0.70 t ha-1) resulted in profitability of 30–50%. Favorable conditions of the region provided soybean yield of 1.40–1.80 t ha-1, increasing profitability up to 220%.

1999 ◽  
Vol 47 (5) ◽  
pp. 463 ◽  
Michael J. L. Magrath

The breeding biology of the fairy martin, Hirundo ariel, was studied over three years (1992–95) in the Yarra Valley, Victoria. Adult males and females in this population were morphologically similar, though only females acquired a brood patch during the breeding season. Colonies ranged in size from 8 to 29 nests. Birds arrived in the study area in September and usually commenced laying in October, though nesting activities were generally asynchronous both between and within colonies. Most colonies contained active nests until February. At least 16% of adults and 5% of fledglings, on average, returned to the study area in the following year. Returning adults generally nested at the same colony site as the previous year, while most first-year birds nested at sites other than their natal colony. Adult males were more likely to return than adult females. Clutch size ranged from 2 to 5, with a mean of 3.5, and declined over the season. The incubation period varied from 12 to 18 days with a mean of 13.7. A mean of 1.8 chicks fledged per completed clutch, while 60% of clutches produced at least one chick. The period from hatching to fledging varied from 17 to 32 days, with a mean of 22.1, and increased with brood size. Fledging success was highest during the middle of the breeding season. Adverse weather conditions, resulting in the abandonment of clutch and brood, were the most common cause of nest failure, and on several occasions also resulted in adult mortality. Almost half the breeding females produced at least two clutches in the one season. Pairs produced from 0 to 8 fledglings per season, with those that commenced nesting earlier in the season having higher annual productivity. These results are discussed in relation to the breeding ecology of other members of the Hirundinidae.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (49) ◽  
pp. 1-1
Galina Konieva ◽  
Vitalii Ochirov ◽  
Vera Ivanova ◽  
Rustam Shabanov

Realization of the yield potential depends on the biological characteristics of the variety, cultivation technology and weather conditions. The article presents the results of studies carried out in 2018-2021. on the productivity of various varieties of winter rye in dryland conditions of the central zone of the Republic of Kalmykia. The fresh yield of winter rye harvested for fodder depended on the variety. Its highest index was obtained for the Saratovskaya 4 variety and amounted to 17.7 ... 26.9 t / ha. The analysis of the productivity of winter rye harvested for green fodder showed that the studied varieties provided the yield of dry matter at the level of 5.4 ... 7.1 t / ha on average for three years. All varieties have good winter hardiness. Keywords: WINTER RYE, VARIETY, NAKED FALLOW, PLANT HEIGHT, GREEN MASS, FRESH YIELD, CROP PRODUCTIVITY, DRY MATTER

2021 ◽  
pp. 36-41
M. S. Kornilova ◽  
D. P. Kurunina ◽  
G. V. Varivoda

Relevance. The soil and climatic conditions of the Lower Trans-Volga region are considered favorable for melon growing and make it possible to obtain high-quality products. The purpose of the research was to create new competitive varieties and hybrids of melon and pumpkin.Materials and methods. The object of the research is new varieties of melon and butternut pumpkin created at the Bykovskaya melon breeding experimental station. Melon cultivar Osen and pumpkin cv. Zhemchuzhina were used as standards. The methods of creation are intervarietal hybridization, individual and mass selection. During the growing season, appropriate observations and counts were carried out.Results. As a result of many years of breeding work at the Bykovskaya cucurbits selection experimental station, a melon cultivar 251 and a pumpkin cultivar 509 have been created. both producers and consumers. Therefore, the obtained varieties were evaluated for taste, yield, resistance to biological and abiofactors of the environment, dry matter content, fruit size, fruit and pulp color. During the comparative assessment of the accessions, it was determined that the new varieties of melon and pumpkin exceed the standards in terms of the main economically valuable traits. The average yield during the study, in the melon cultivar 251, exceeded the standard by 47.8%. In the pumpkin cultivar, the average yield for three years of research exceeded the standard by 69.6%. In terms of taste, the new melon variety was at the level of the standard, the cv. Osen. A variety of butternut pumpkin exceeded the standard in all quality indicators. The susceptibility to powdery mildew in the melon cultivar varied depending on the year of research. The melon sample showed resistance to anthracnose higher than the standard by 16.4 and 18.6%, over the years of study. In the pumpkin cultivar, resistance to powdery mildew and anthracnose was higher than the standard, on average by 34.9% to powdery mildew and by 28.6% to anthracnose. Thus, new varieties of melon and pumpkin meet the modern requirements of the industrial melon industry, are resistant to environmental stress factors, common diseases, and have economically valuable traits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 01003
Elena Vologzhanina ◽  
Galina Batalova

The results of the study of 12 varieties and promising lines of glumaceous oat in the competitive variety testing of the FASC of the North-East (Kirov region) in the period from 2018 to 2020 are presented. The purpose of the research is to assess the productivity, ecological plasticity and stability of the genotypes of glumaceous oat for feed and universal use in the conditions of the Volga-Vyatka region. The dependences of grain yield and dry matter harvesting on the state of agro-climatic resources (HTC), temperature and precipitation are established. The contrasting weather conditions during the years of research allowed to conduct the most complete assessment of the studied genotypes. The most favorable conditions for the formation of a high yield of green mass of oat were formed in 2020 (Ij=3.76), grain - in 2019 (Ij=1.35). The average degree of positive dependence of green mass yield on the height of oat plants was revealed (r=0.51). The variety of the high-intensity type of the universal direction Medved, promising lines of the mowing direction (178h13 and 245h14) are distinguished.

V.S. Sergeev ◽  
D.R. Mukminov ◽  

Sugar beet is the main technical crop in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Beet growing in the region is carried out in the zone of risky agriculture. Based on the bioproducts produced for Beta vulgaris growing, the team of the BashInkom Scientific & Innovation Enterprise together with scientists from the Research Institute of Sugar Beet and Sugar and leading Russian beet growers improved and optimized the traditional technology, which, even under stressful conditions (drought, temperature decrease, waterlogging, freezing, toxic chemical oppression, lack of readily soluble nutrients) and a significant reduction in production costs, increases crop productivity by 20% and sugar content by 0.1-0.3%. Production experiments were carried out in beet-growing farms of the republic: farming company “Mukminov”, LLC “Voskhod” (Gafuri region), LLC farming company “Salavat”, LLC “Michurina” (Aurgazinsky district), LLC “Region-Agro” (Davlekanovsky district), etc. Research results confirm the effectiveness of the use of biological products and biofertilizers in sugar beet cultivation technology. The increase in the yield amounted to 2-10 t/ha compared to traditional technology; sugar content increased to 0.3%; finance costs that are attributable to the acquisition and use of biological products and bioactivated fertilizers have paid off, and high profitability is guaranteed. Conclusions: 1. Biological products and bioactivated fertilizers are an integral and mandatory element in the technology of sugar beet cultivation, as well as an innovative solution in protecting plants from environmental stress factors and in balancing plant nutrition by carrying out leaf feeding in key phases of growth and development. 2. Biologized technology allows increasing the yield of sugar beet by 20% and reducing the cost of chemical plant protection products and mineral fertilizers by 1.2-1.3 times. 3. Economic efficiency in the cultivation of sugar beet from the use of biological products and bioactivated fertilizers is up to 8 net profit per 1 RUB production costs.

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