The effectiveness of forage production from hybrid alfalfa and red clover under various seeding rates

Л.П. Байкалова ◽  
Т.С. Власова

Полевые опыты проведены в 2017–2020 годах на опытном поле кафедры растениеводства и плодоовощеводства Красноярского государственного аграрного университета в УНПК «Борский» (Сухобузимский район Красноярского края), расположенном в лесостепной зоне. Посев многолетних бобовых трав был проведён в 2017 году. Люцерну гибридную высевали с нормами 5, 10, 15 и 20 кг/га, клевер луговой — с нормами высева 5, 10 и 15 кг/га. Контрольными были нормы высева, рекомендованные в лесостепной зоне Сибири для люцерны гибридной и клевера лугового, — 15 кг/га. Учёты урожайности зелёной массы проведены фазу цветения в 2018–2020 годах. Целью работы являлось определение эффективности производства кормов из люцерны гибридной и клевера лугового при различных нормах высева. Доля влияния нормы высева на урожайность зелёной массы люцерны гибридной составляла 25,8%, клевера лугового — 10,6%. Самый высокий вклад в рост урожайности зелёной массы вносило взаимодействие факторов «норма высева × год». Регулирование нормы высева при любых погодных условиях приводило к высокой реализации адаптивного потенциала многолетних бобовых трав и повышению урожайности зелёной массы. Максимальная урожайность зелёной массы люцерны гибридной получена при высеве с нормой 5 кг/га, клевера лугового — при 15 кг/га. Производство кормов из люцерны гибридной и клевера лугового при всех исследуемых нормах высева являлось рентабельным и экономически эффективным. Использование многолетних бобовых трав для производства зелёной массы при нормах высева, показавших максимальную урожайность, позволило снизить затраты на производство кормов за счёт роста урожайности и снижения себестоимости в сравнении с прочими исследуемыми нормами высева. Лучшей нормой высева люцерны гибридной с экономической точки зрения была норма 5 кг/га с рентабельностью 212,2%, клевера лугового — контрольная норма высева (15 кг/га) с рентабельностью 93,2% The field trial took place at the Department of Crop, Fruit and Vegetable Production of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University in 2017–2020. Perennial legume grasses were planted in 2017. Seeding rates of hybrid alfalfa were 5, 10, 15 and 20 kg ha-1, red clover — 5, 10 and 15 kg ha-1. Seeding rates recommended for Siberian forest-steppe were considered as standard — 15 kg ha-1. Green mass yield was calculated at flowering stage in 2018–2020. The research aimed at testing the effectiveness of forage production from alfalfa and clover under various seeding rates. Only 25.8% of alfalfa productivity and 10.6% of clover yield resulted from the effect of seeding rate. Seeding rate–year interaction had the highest impact on green mass production. Optimization of seeding rate led to higher crop adaptability and green mass yield regardless of weather conditions. The highest green mass productivity of alfalfa happened under the seeding rate of 5 kg ha-1, red clover — 15 kg ha-1. Fodder production from both hybrid alfalfa and clover was economically effective regardless of seeding rate. Perennial legume grasses decreased costs for feed production due to their yield increase and lower prime costs under the most effective seeding rates. The alfalfa seeding rate of 5 kg ha-1 was the most profitable, the payback amounted to 212.2%. Seeding 15 kg ha-1 of red clover resulted in payback of 93.2%

Е.В. Кожухова ◽  
Л.П. Байкалова

Исследования проводились в лесостепи Восточной Сибири в 2018–2019 годах. Для создания сортов гороха (Pisum sativum L.) с высокой кормовой продуктивностью необходимо включать в селекционный процесс листочковые формы вместо более технологичных усатых сортов. Цель исследования — анализ коллекции гороха листочкового морфотипа для селекции на кормовые цели. Материалом для исследования послужили 20 образцов гороха листочкового морфотипа. Образцы оценивали по укосной и зерновой продуктивности. Погодные условия в годы проведения исследований отличались от среднемноголетних значений: 2018 год был очень засушливым (ГТК — 0,60), 2019 год — засушливым (ГТК — 0,89). Урожайность зависела от биологических особенностей сорта и погодных условий годов исследований. Следует отметить высокую продуктивность сорта гороха полевого Интенсивный 92: в оба года он попал в верхнюю часть ранжированного списка, превысив стандарт. В среднем по урожайности зелёной массы сорт Интенсивный 92 превосходил стандарт Радомир на 3,40 т/га, по урожайности семян — сорт Орпела на 0,10 т/га. Рентабельность производства зелёной массы сорта Интенсивный 92 оказалась на 53,7% выше стандарта. По рентабельности производства зерна сорт Орпела превысил стандарт на 8,8%. Выделены источники важных хозяйственных признаков: для селекции на увеличение урожайности семян — горох полевой Орпела; урожайности зелёной массы — сорта Апостол и Интенсивный 92; в качестве источника семенной продуктивности растений — сорта Тюменский кормовой, Шал, Орпела; устойчивости к полеганию — Альбенс и Орпела; устойчивости к аскохитозу и тле — Clause и Id 29200910. The investigation took place in the forest-steppe of the Eastern Siberia in 2018–2019. To create pea (Pisum sativum L.) varieties with high feed productivity, it is necessary to include leafy forms in a breeding process instead of leafless varieties suitable for machine harvesting. The research aimed at screening a collection of leafy peas for breeding feed varieties. 20 leafy varieties were analyzed according to their green mass and grain productivity. Weather conditions differed from the long-term average values: 2018 was very dry (hydrothermal index = 0.60), 2019 — dry (hydrothermal index = 0.89). Productivity depended on plant biology and meteorological conditions. Pea variety “Intensivny 92” showed high productivity ; it hit the top of the ranked list, exceeding the standard in both years. “Intensivny 92” exceeded the standard “Radomir” in green mass yield by 3.40 t ha-1 and“Orpela” — in grain productivity by 0.10 t ha-1. The profitability of green mass production of “Intensivny 92” was 53.7% higher than the standard. The profitability of “Orpela” grain production exceeded the standard by 8.8%. The sources of economically important traits were found: field pea “Orpela” — to increase grain yield; “Apostol” and “Intensivny 92” — for high green mass yield; “Tyumenskiy kormovoy”, “Shal”, “Orpela” — high seed productivity; “Albens” and “Orpela” — lodging resistance; Clause and Id 29200910 — resistance to Ascochyta leaf spot and aphids.

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 41-46
R. I. Polyudina

The results of breeding work on creation of the new cultivar of red clover are presented. The hybrid population (15-10-D (2n)) was created by the method of crossbreeding and selection in the conditions of artifi cial climate. Selection of winterhardy high-yielding forms of this hybrid population was conducted in the forest-steppe zone of West Siberia. The population 15-10-D (2n) was tested in three cycles of competitive variety trial (crops of 2006, 2008 and 2010) and was submitted to the State variety testing under the name Prima. According to the results of the competitive variety trial during 2007–2013, the new early-ripening diploid cultivar Prima showed high winter hardiness of 97.0-99.0%. The duration of the growing season is 115 days (on the level of standard early-ripening tetraploid cultivar Meteor). The yield of green mass in two cuts is 19.6-58.7 t/ha, the yield of dry matter is 4.2-13.5 t/ha, the yield of seeds is 276-392 kg/ ha. The average yield of green mass in two cuts of the new cultivar is 38.8 t/ha, the average yield of dry matter is 8.7 t/ha, the average yield of seeds is 317 kg/ha, which exceeds standard cultivar Meteor by 52%. The seed content of Prima cultivar is 52%, Meteor – 38%. The crude protein content in dry matter is 16.1%, the fi ber content is 26.0%. Prima cultivar has been included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation to be grown in the West Siberian region since 2019. The copyright certifi cate and patent for the breeding achievement were received.

В. Волошин ◽  
Н. Морозков

По результатам научных исследований, выполненных за ряд лет в растениеводстве и животноводстве, показана целесообразность интродукции в кормопроизводство Пермского края новой многолетней бобовой культуры эспарцета песчаного. По четырёхлетним наблюдениям (2012 2015 годы) в полевых опытах культура не уступала по урожайности кормовой массы традиционному для региона клеверу луговому, а по концентрации обменной энергии и сырого протеина в сухом веществе была на уровне клевера лугового и люцерны изменчивой, но в разы превосходила их по содержанию сахара. Сенаж это единственный вид зимнего корма, максимально сохраняющий обменную энергию, протеин, сахар, каротин, достаточно концентрированный, чтобы обеспечивать потребности высокопродуктивных животных. В 2018 году на Лобановском молочном комплексе ООО Русь в Пермском районе Пермского края были проведены научнохозяйственный и физиологический опыты по скармливанию сенажа из эспарцета песчаного голштинизированным коровам чёрнопёстрой породы. При использовании сенажа из эспарцета песчаного животные в сутки потребляли сухого вещества на 2,3 3,9 кг на голову больше по сравнению с группой, где в рационе было сено (контроль). В результате использования сенажа из эспарцета песчаного переваримость сухого вещества рациона у опытных групп животных была выше на 2,55 5,80 по сравнению с контрольной органического вещества на 2,54 4,14 . За учётный период научнохозяйственного опыта (120 дней) от коров опытных групп получено по 399327,2 и 414431,9 кг молока, что со средней степенью достоверности выше продуктивности животных контрольной группы (391045,4). По содержанию молочного жира и молочного белка преимущество достоверно также было за опытными группами. Затраты корма на 1 кг молока составили в контроле 0,74 энергетических корм. ед. (ЭКЕ), в опытных группах 0,71 и 0,69 ЭКЕ. Hungarian sainfoin was shown to be an effective perennial legume crop in the forage production of the Perm Territory. For 4 years (2012 2015) this crop produced forage mass, exchange energy and crude protein comparable to the ones of red clover and bastard alfalfa but exceeded them significantly in carbohydrate content. Haylage is the only type of winter forage that has sufficient concentrations of exchange energy, protein, carbohydrates and carotene, satisfying needs of highproductive livestock in nutrients. Haylage from Hungarian sainfoin was fed to Holstein BlackandWhite cows in the frame of experiments conducted in 2018. Cows consumed 2.3 3.9 kg more of dry matter (DM) with the haylage, compared to hay (control). Digestibilities of DM and organic matter were 2.55 5.80 and 2.54 4.14 higher than in the control group, respectively. For 120 days the experimental groups produced 3993 27.2 and 4144 31.9 kg of milk versus 3910 45.4 kg of the control one. The former also exceeded the latter in milk fat and protein contents. Fodder costs per 1 kg of milk amounted to 0.74 energy feed units in the control and 0.71 and 0.69 energy feed units in the experimental groups.

Fozilbek Nurullaevich Torеev ◽  
Djabbarkhon Djamalkhanovich Akhmedov ◽  
Muzaffar Matyakubovich Yakubov ◽  
Gavkhar Abdakhatovna Tilovova ◽  
Nasiba Umarovna Mavlanova

Enhancing of soil fertility is required for getting high yields from cotton plant, cereals and other crops in Uzbekistan. It may be achieved through implementation of crop rotation, properly introduction of rotation and by the planting of kashkar beda, alfalfa and other bean bearing crops. Planting of Kibray variety of Kashkar beda in strongly salted areas and may be produced high yields than ordinary blue alfalfa. It’s an average green mass yield accounts for 4.0-4.5 tons per hectare, 1 kg green mass contains 17-25 g protein and 0,16-0,20 food units what is a nutritious food for agricultural animals. Beside this, due to its root nitrogen-fixing capability. It may be taken durable high yields from other crops in its planted area. Keywords: Kashkar beda (local diversity of alfalfa), blue alfalfa, green stem, salinization, productivity, protein, food unit, forage, farmstead, variety, seed production, elite, primary seed production, nutritional crops, green mass, morphologic traits, germination, variety grade, nursery, individual selection, phonologic monitoring, Kibray variety, variety of Tashkent-2009. KEYWORDS: Kashkar beda, Melilotus albus, variety, green mass, morphologic traits, germination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 215 (12) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Akylbek Nurgaliev ◽  
Rashit Dzhaparov ◽  
Gul'baram Nurgalieva ◽  
El'mira Akkereeva

Abstract. The purpose of the research is to conduct the comparative assessment of variable alfalfa varieties and to identify the most productive and adapted varieties to the conditions of the region with a view to their further zoning. The results of research on the study of alfalfa varieties – Karabalykskaya 18, Rambler, Ural’skaya sinyaya, Semirechenskaya mestnaya, Krasnovodopadskaya 8 are presented in this article. Data of the seed germination and plant preservation by years of life, yield and forage capacity of crops are given. Methods: field and calculation (to determine the feed capacity). Results. In the 2011 crops, according to the field germination, the variety of Karabalykskaya 18 (45.8 %) and Semirechenskaya mestnaya (42.8 %) were distinguished. According to 4-year data, the highest percentage of preservation in the variety of Karabalykskaya 18 (14.2 %) and Ural’skaya sinyaya (13.9 %). And the smallest number of preserved plants was noted in the alfalfa variety of Krasnovodopadskaya 8, it is amounted to 10.4 %. The crops produced more mass shoots in next year, due to somewhat high rates of spring precipitation and air temperature. And in terms of the percentage of preservation, the 2012 crops surpassed the previous ones. Thus, in the variety of Karabalykskaya 18 and Rambler, this indicator was equal to 15.1 % and 13.7 %, and in the zoned variety Ural’skaya sinyaya, 15.7 % of the herbage was preserved. The data of green mass yield determination and hay shows that three of the four varieties evaluated were exceed to the standard variety from 1.6 to 8.5 per 1 ha for the collection of green mass and from 0.2 to 2.4 c/ha for the hay harvest. In terms of feed capacity, the highest indicators are in the Karabalykskaya variety 18, and the lowest – in Krasnovodopadskaya 8. So, at the 5th year of life (sowing 2011), 48 cattles can be fed on 10 ha of crops of the first variety for a month, and the second – 41. On the grass stands of the zoned Ural’skaya sinyaya variety, the content of 43 cattles are permissible.

2017 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 622-632 ◽  

ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to evaluate combinations of cultivars of coriander and arugula in two croppings with cultivars of carrot in a strip-intercropping system. The study was conducted from November 2014 to March 2015. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a 2 x 2 x 2 + 2 factorial scheme, with four replications. The treatments consisted of the combination of two cultivars of coriander (Verdão and Português) with two cultivars of carrot (Brasília and Esplanada) and two cultivars of arugula (Cultivada and Folha Larga) in a strip-intercropping system plus two additional treatments, where the first represents the cultivars in monocropping and the second the cultivation types (monocropping and intercropping). The characteristics evaluated in the coriander and arugula were green mass yield and shoot dry mass. The following were evaluated in carrot: shoot dry mass, dry mass of roots, total and commercial productivity, and classified productivity of roots. In the intercropping system, the agronomic indices of land equivalent ratio, productive efficiency index, and score of the canonical variable were evaluated. The economic efficiency indicators determined were gross and net income, rate of return, profit margin, monetary advantage, and modified monetary advantage. There was no significant interaction among the cultivars of coriander, carrot, and arugula for coriander and arugula green mass yields, and for total and commercial productivities of carrot roots. The best polyculture was of that involved in the cultivars ―Português,‖ ―Esplanada,‖ and ―Cultivada‖.

Polina Ageeva

The article presents the description of a new feed middle-ripening narrow-leafed lupin variety. Its vegetation period takes 88–103 days. The average grain yield is 25–30 cwt/ha, the potential one — 40 cwt/ha. The average green mass yield is 340–400 cwt/ha, the potential one — to 6000 cwt/ha. The content of grain raw protein is 33.0–36.0%; the alkaloid content is 0.027–0.050%.

Bruno V. C. Guimarães ◽  
Sérgio L. R. Donato ◽  
Ignacio Aspiazú ◽  
Alcinei M. Azevedo ◽  
Abner J. de Carvalho

ABSTRACT The definition of experimental plot size is an essential tool to ensure precision in statistical analysis in experiments. The objective of this study was to estimate the plot size for the cactus pear cv. Gigante using the Modified Maximum Curvature Method, under the semi-arid conditions of Northeastern Brazil. The uniformity test was conducted at the Federal Institute of Bahia, Guanambi Campus, Bahia state, Brazil, during the agricultural period from 2009 to 2011. The spatial arrangement was composed of ten rows with 50 plants each, whose evaluated area was formed by the eight central rows with 48 plants per row, making 384 plants and area of 153.60 m2. The following variables were evaluated: plant height; length, width and thickness of cladode; number of cladodes; total area of cladodes; cladode area and green mass yield in the third production cycle. In the evaluations, each plant was considered as a basic experimental unit (BEU), with an area of 0.4 m2, comprising 384 basic units (BU), whose adjacent ones were combined to form 15 pre-established plot sizes with rectangular shapes and in rows. The characteristics total area of cladodes and green mass yield require larger plot sizes to be evaluated with greater experimental accuracy. For experimental evaluation of cactus pear cv. Gigante, plot size should be eight plants in the direction of the crop row.


Seed productivity of perennial leguminous grasses is subject to sharp fluctuations due to their biological characteristics, different reactions to changes in growing conditions, and meteorological factors over the growing season. In this case, the productive longevity of herbs is of great importance. The research aims to analyze the seed productivity and the duration of using the grassstand of perennial legume grasses in the meteorological conditions of the Middle Pre-Urals. The analysis of seed yield, energy, and economic efficiency of long-term use of perennial leguminous grasses was carried out based on a result of studies laid down in the Udmurt Research Institute of Agriculture of the UdmFRC of the UB RAS in 1996–2005 with the eastern Galega variety Gale, in 2011–2015 – with varieties of red clover and variegated alfalfa, in 2011–2016 – with birds-foot trefoil variety Solnyshko. The research found that red clover sowing is best used for seeds for one year. In the first year of use, the yield of double-cut clover varieties was 146 kg/ha, of single-cut varieties – 138 kg/ha. In the second year of using the grass stand, the yield significantly decreased to 37 and 39 kg/ha. The yield of 162 kg/ha at the standard level was formed by the twocut clover variety Dymkovsky. Crops of variegated alfalfa can be used for seeds for two years. Seed productivity of variegated alfalfa varieties in the 1st year of use was 204 kg/ha, in the 2nd year of use – 260 kg/ha. Alfalfa of the Guzel variety formed a significantly high seed yield of 251 kg/ha. The recommended duration of the use of the birds-foot trefoil grass-stand is two to three years. In the 1st and 2nd years of use of the grass stand, the yield of the seeds was relatively high, 215–378 and 213–349 kg/ha, respectively. By the 3rd year of use, it decreased to 89–161 kg/ha. The old-age grass stand of the 4th year of use did not form seeds. Sowing the birds-foot trefoil without a cover or under cover of spring wheat by the usual row method with a seeding rate of 8–9 million units/ha showed the highest seed yield of 255–270 kg/ha. The duration of the use of the eastern Galega grass-stand is up to 10 years or more. The highest yield of Galega seeds of 510 kg/ha was obtained during the harvesting of grass in the first year of use for feed, in the second – fifth year of use – for seeds, from the 6th year of use – for feed.

В. Образцов ◽  
Д. Щедрина ◽  
С. Кадыров

В Центральном Черноземье большая часть кормов производится на пашне. В связи с этим эффективность животноводства зависит от стабильного обеспечения животных качественными и недорогими кормами. Наиболее доступными кормами являются многолетние травы. Внедрение новых видов и сортов нетрадиционных кормовых трав с улучшенными хозяйственно полезными признаками является важным резервом для кормопроизводства. Межродовой гибрид фестулолиум ценная кормовая культура для полевого и лугового травосеяния, которую можно использовать на зелёный корм, сено, силос, сенаж, а также при создании культурных сенокосов и пастбищ. В связи с этим для более широкого внедрения в производство требуется научная разработка приёмов возделывания, обеспечивающих получение высоких и устойчивых урожаев семян. Важными элементами технологии возделывания фестулолиума на семена являются норма высева семян и способ посева. В представленных исследованиях, проведённых в 20062009 годах, изучены биологические особенности и семенная продуктивность при использовании разных норм высева и обычного и черезрядного способов посева. По результатам проведённых исследований можно отметить, что посев фестулолиума рядовым (15 см) или черезрядным (30 см) способами с нормой высева 6,0 кг/га позволяет сформировать разреженный слабополегающий травостой. Ассимиляционный аппарат фестулолиума наиболее продуктивно ассимилировал при обычном и черезрядном способах посева с нормами высева 6,0 и 9,0 кг/га, о чём свидетельствует максимальное значение фотосинтетического потенциала 10291090 тыс. м2сут/га. Чрезмерное загущение посевов (до 12,0 кг/га) отрицательно сказалось на элементах структуры урожая, привело к полеганию растений, уменьшению их продуктивности. Установлено, что максимальная семенная продуктивность фестулолиума получена в травостоях с нормой высева 6,0 кг/га и густотой стояния 130133 шт./м2: при рядовом способе посева урожай семян в среднем за 3 года составил 604,3 кг/га, а при черезрядном 652,3 кг/га. In the Central Non-Chernozem region the greatest part of forage comes from grasslands. Stable production of high-quality and low-cost feeds is a key to effective Animal Husbandry. Perennial grasses are the most popular source of fodder. Introduction of new unconventional genotypes of such grasses carrying improved economically important traits is crucial for forage production. Festulolium intergeneric hybrid is a valuable crop that can be used to produce green forage, hay, silage, haylage as well as to maintain pastures and grasslands. Its large-scale cultivation requires new techniques providing high and stable yield. Seeding rate and pattern significantly affect festulolium performance. This paper reports on festulolium biological parameters and seed productivity analyzed in 20062009. Row and skip-row planting patterns as well as the seeding rate of 6.0 kg ha-1 resulted in sparse lodging-resistant swards. Seeding rates of 6.0 and 9.0 kg ha-1 provided the highest photosynthetic potential 10291090 thousand m2days ha-1. High plant density (up to 12.0 kg ha-1) negatively affected festulolium performance and led to lodging. The seeding rate of 6.0 kg ha-1 and festulolium density of 130133 plants/m2 resulted in the highest seed productivity: 604.3 and 652.3 kg ha-1 under row and skip-row planting patterns, respectively.

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