scholarly journals Synonyms in the Arabic language: (Studying models from the Noble Qur’an and according to Abu Hayyan Al- Andalusi through his interpretation of the Qur’anic verses): الترادف في اللغة العربية: (دراسة نماذج من القرآن الكريم عند أبي حيان الأندلسي من خلال تفسيره للآيات القرآنية)

Fathelrahman Elneem Adam Fathelrahman Elneem Adam

This study dealt with one of the important language issues, which is the synonymy in the Arabic language and the Qur’an, studying models from the Holy Qur’an and according to Abu Hayyan Al- Andalusi through his interpretation of the Qur’anic verses in directing the linguistic and lexical connotations of the Qur’anic vocabulary; In order to reach the connotations that fall under it, which had the effect of enriching the meaning in the language; This is by examining: the concept of synonymy, linguistically and idiomatically, and the scholars’ position on it in terms of acknowledging its existence and non- existence, as well as synonymy in the Holy Qur’an and its call to clarify the differences between words, and Abu Hayyan al- Andalusi’s position on synonymy and his acknowledgment of its existence. And the result of this is clear in his interpretation of (exploded, Spout and split), saying: And the apparent use of the Qur’an is to use them in one sense because the two verses are one story, as it looked at the apparent meaning of the lexical more than it looked at the word in its context, and one of the results of the dispute that erupted between scholars, ancient and modern on the issue The meaning of synonymy and its proof and denial is mainly due to its extreme importance and the need to take care of it. The synonymous word is the one whose connotation converges with others in the general meaning. Among the peculiarities of the connotation is what we do not discover except in its context in which it is mentioned. All of its meanings, rather the expression is expressed with a word that approximates its meaning. Otherwise, the Qur’anic challenge would not be for the fluent language people, and therefore the synonymy is very few in the language and the Qur’an.

1921 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 297-304
J. H. Minnick ◽  
_ _

Education is a complex process involving a variety of experiences gained through both school and out-of-school activities. Each subject of the curriculum should make its definite contribution to this experience, but we must be sure that the result is a unit. An investigation of conditions in most of our high schools will show that a child is under the instruction of perhaps four or five teachers, all of whom are working independently of each other. Very seldom docs one teacher know what the others are trying to do. In order to avoid such conditions and to insure a unified education for each individual, it is necessary that the aim of each subject shall be determined in the light of the general definition of education. Only by this means can the subject matter of each course be so selected and presented that there is neither useless overlapping on the one hand nor the omission of important elements on the other hand. Hence, in discussing the aim of mathematical education, we shonld consider the general meaning of education and then determine what contribution mathematics can make most effectively. For this purpose we shall accept Ruediger’s definition, namely, “… to educate a person means to adjust him to those elements of his environment that are of concern in modern life, and to develop, organize, and train his powers so that he may make efficient and proper use of them.”1 This definition consists of two parts. One of these is concerned with the adjustment of the individual to his environment; this is the objective side. The other is concerned with the development of the powers of the individual; this is the subjective side of education. However, one’s powers are developed only by contact with and adjustment to his environment, and he is adjusted to his environment only through his powers and abilities. Thus, a child’s power to think correctly is developed most effectively when he is brought face to face with a real situation the solution of which is vital to his welfare; but he can successfully master the situation only by the use of his reasoning power or such other abilities as may be involved. Hence, the two parts of this definition are not independent and we need not consider them separately; when one is satisfied in the most effective way the other will be. At present we shall confine our attention to the objective phase of education.

Jurnal CMES ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Ahmad Yani bin Imam Shabari, Siti Sara bint Haji Ahmad

This study aims to identify the positive and negative sides of the applied Arabic learning media in Indonesia. The State University of Malang (UM) was chosen as a sample learning model since it has been a well-known university for the Arabic language and has considerable attention to Arabic language issues in Indonesia. This study was designed with quantitative and evaluative methods in the data display and analysis of this study. The researcher collected the research data by distributing questionnaires to both lecturers and students of the State University of Malang with regard to the learning media used, then the researchers evaluated the Arabic learning facilities with the Arabic learning communication approach to non-Arabic and applied the quantitative evaluative method. The results of the analysis concluded that the use of Arabic learning media at the UM Malang reflects both positive and negative sides.

الجمعي بولعراس (al-Jamie Boulares) ◽  
ناصـر الغالي (Nasser al-Ghaliy)

ملخص البحثكثُر الكلام عن اللغة السياسية والدعائية بعد أحداث 11 سبتمبر، وطرأت مصطلحات وتعبيرات وأنماط لغوية جديدة تصادمت فيها مع خلفيات متلقي الخطاب وما تحمله  ذاكرتهم من مدلولات سابقة، ومن ثم، نُسجت خيوط اللغة الجديدة المعاصرة، وظلت بعيدة تراوح ردحا من الزمن محاريب السياسة والإعلام والدعاية، ثم إن  الماسك بزمام التوجه اللغوي المعاصر هو الذي أفلح في احتواء الشارع العربي بحثا عن المفاهيم المختلفة، وفي غياب تنمية لغوية حركية وتبرز هوية قائلها في الزمن، وتتحدى عوائق القواميس الانتقائية والنخبوية والمهمشة للأنا والذات، وبحثا عن مستقبل تتحكم فيه عوامل البقاء اللساني في ظل الصراع الحضاري والفكري والسياسي والاقتصادي وذلك كما نتصور بغربلة الزخم اللغوي العربي لاحتواء الواقع الحضاري للأمة ومستحثات الهزات الاجتماعية لتتأقلم بالمستجدات، ويحتاج هذا جهدا لامتلاك ناصية اللغة الجديدة التي توصف بالتمرد على الماضي، وفي الوقت نفسه تريد أن لا تتجرد منه واللغة الجديدة هي نتاج الحراك اللساني المعاصر، وهي لغة التداول اللغوي ولغة المصطلحات المعاصرة، وهي لغة الدعاية والتعبيرات الاصطلاحية الجديدة ولغة الخطاب السياسي المعاصر. وصل البحث إلى بعض النتائج ومن أهمها: وجوب إعادة قواعد وأنظمة سيميائية للغة الخطاب السياسي، توغل الإعلاميين في المصطلحات والتعابير مثل السياسيين.الكلمات المفتاحية: اللغة العربية-العبارة الاصطلاحية- تلقي العبارة السياسية-سياسة العبارة-لعبة السياسةAbstractThere have been a lot of talks about political language and propaganda after the 11 September incident that had led to the application of new terminologies, expressions and language variations in contrast with what were associated with these words previously in the minds of the recipient. Hence,  new strings of language were woven but nonetheless they remained far from being acquainted with the political and propaganda discourses. The one who is responsible in language policy is the one who is successful in including the language of the streets to explore its various concepts. This is in the absence of the growth of language movements, language personalities, and the challenges of  discovering self-identity and in the efforts to search of the future that is characterized by the elements of language survival in the face of the clashes of civilization, thinking, political and economy. In addition to that, the inner conflicts that are witnessed by the Arab world to adapt to the arising matters and issues. This effort will entail to overcome the new direction in language that is vicious toward the past and at the time try to accommodative to the new and contemporary. The research has concluded that: semiotic rules and regulations of political speech should be reviewed, so as for mass media to penetrate deeply in the technical meanings and expression like the politicians.Keywords: Arabic Language – Terminological phrases –reception of political expressions - politics of phrases – politics games.AbstrakTerdapat banyak perbincangan tentang bahasa politik dan propaganda selepas kejadian 11 September, dan telah timbul pelbagai istilah, pernyataan dan bentuk bahasa baru yang bercanggah dengan pengetahuan latarbelakang pendengar serta apa yang telah mereka fahami sebelum ini.  Ia seperti menenunbah asabaru dan terkini, meninggalkan jarak untuk begitu lama yang mencorakkan pembentukan dasar, perjalanan media dan propaganda. Namun, pihak yang menguasai retraktororientasi linguistic terkini itulah yang akan menentukan kandungan perjalanan bahasa Arab dalam pencarian konsep yang berbeza dengan ketiadaan mobility perkembangan liguistik, seterusnya memartabatkan identity pengguna bahasa tersebut.  Sementara beberapa kamus tertentu yang bersifat elitism dan terpinggir pula mencabar keegoan dan diri. Dalam mencari masa depan, factor lisan bersifat mampu saing memainkan peranan penting dalam aruskonflik tamadun, pemikiran, politik dan ekonomi ini dalam menapis momentum bahasa agar mencaku pirealiti tamadun semasa serta kejutan sosial yang teraruh supaya bersesuaian dengan keadaan semasa. Ini memerlukan kesungguhan penguasaan bahasa baru yang tersimpang dari pada yang dulu, dan pada masa yang sama ia tidak terpisah dari pada yang lama.  Bahasa baru ialah hasil pergerakan bahasa semasa, bahasa perundingan dan bahasa istilah semasa.  Ia adalah bahasa propaganda, pernyataan beristilah yang baru dan bahasa wacana politik semasa.  Antara dapatan penting kajian ialah: semakan semula nahu dan prosidur semantic bagi bahasa wacana politik, pihak media mendalami penggunaan istilah serta pernyataan dalam politik.Kata kunci: Bahasa Arab – pernyataan beristilah – pemahaman pernyataan politik – politik pernyataan – permainan politik

Khaled Abd alazaiz Hassan

The presence of existence on the binaries, was a feature of the main that left nothing but a problem for its features, and literature one of them; we find the diodes have intersected the joints, and formed its internal texture, and showed its purposes and themes in a striking way to the recipient who felt the beauty and beauty of rhythms and images express. Classical Arabic is characterized among all other semiotic languages; It's characteristics ate unique to them which reflected the prestige and ability for expression. Amongst these Fixed characteristics in Arabic language there is the contradictory duals. In this study, I tried to trace the terms "binary" and "contrast": language and language, and the approach between them to arrive at a single integration, forming another term " contradictory duals", and its role in the literary text on the one hand and on the receiver on the other hand.    

Maisalon Dallashi

This article, written by Maisalon Dallashi, relates to a rather tragic survey which demonstrated a significant decline in knowledge of Arabic among Arab Jews following their immigration to Israel. The survey results, presented here in English for the fi rst time, form the backdrop for an analysis of command of Arabic among three generations of Arab Jews in comparison with non-Arab Jews living in Israel. Dallashi’s nuanced analysis of the complex relationship between Arab Jews and Arabic demonstrates that language is harnessed to promote two different discourses in Israel: on the one hand, it is a means of connection, while, on the other hand, it is a tool of segregation. By focusing on the Arab-Jewish community in Israel, Dallashi sheds light on processes that have resulted in what she calls ‘the dialectical relations in which Arabic concomitantly represents various, contradicting and even dissonant values’.

SAGE Open ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 215824402090209
Ali Salman Hummadi ◽  
Seriaznita Binti Mat Said ◽  
Rafi’ M. Hussein ◽  
Ahmed Abdulateef Sabti ◽  
Huda Abed Ali Hattab

Translators of the Holy Quran confront many quandaries in their attempt to transfer the Qur’anic verses from Arabic into English. One of these quandaries is how to rhetorically communicate the intended meanings (implicatures) of the prepositional phrases in the Holy Qur’an. The translation of Arabic prepositional phrases in the Holy Qur’an as a source text (ST) may lead, in some Qur’anic verses, to a rhetorical loss in communicating their implicature in the target text (TT). That implicature or implicitly communicated meaning other than the explicature is the one intended to be expressed and required to be faithfully translated. In rendering the preposition into the target language (TL), translators bring into home only the explicitly stated meaning unaware of the implicitly stated meaning created as a result of the application of this specific rhetorical device. This study investigates the problem of the rhetorical loss encountered in the translation of prepositional phrases of the Qur’anic verses and identifies the cause of this problem. It also attempts to suggest a mechanism that is, to some extent, helpful and insightful in coping with the difficulties of translating Arabic prepositional phrases in Qur’anic verses. This research adopts a descriptive qualitative content analysis of the Qur’anic verses and their English translations that are relevant to the focus of the research. The source of failure of the English translations of the verses in conveying the rhetorical meanings of prepositional phrases has been identified in terms of the Relevance Theory and the distinction between explicature and implicature of these phrases. The study concludes that meaning equivalence in translation requires translators to be aware of not only the explicitly stated meanings of prepositions but the implicitly communicated ones as well which are recoverable through referring to Arabic heritage resources and interpretation books dedicated to exploring the rhetorical purposes of prepositions alternation in Qur’anic verses. The results of the analysis and the new suggested mechanism have been verified by an Arabic language and Qur’anic sciences expert who is a proficient speaker of English as well.

1987 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 265-279 ◽  
Barry Buzan

Over the last few years the termcommon securityhas come into widespread use in debates about military policy. To date, however, this potentially important concept has not acquired any clear or generally accepted meaning. It is used by a variety of writers with quite different purposes in mind, and is therefore in danger of degenerating into an empty phrase. This article tries to bring common security into sharper focus. It starts by examining the general meaning of common security in terms of its core insight that the security of states in the contemporary international system is fundamentally interdependent. It goes on to test this meaning against the contents of four recent books all of which specifically address the idea. The discussion centres on the possible linkages between common security as an overall policy objective on the one hand, and a variety of specific policies for implementing it—including disarmament, arms control, minimum deterrence, and non-provocative defence–on the other. The next section makes the argument that a combination of minimum deterrence and non-provocative defence provides the most logically convincing implementation strategy for common security.

2018 ◽  
Anyes Lathifatul Insaniyah

The Management of Self Directed Learning in Speaking Skills in The Arabic Language Center at State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and Ma'had Abdurrahman Bin Auf of University of Muhammadiyah Malang include planning, implementation and evaluation. And the Self Directed Learning that is intended in this research is the way in speaking learning.The results of this research is the Management of Self Directed Learning in Speaking Skills in The Arabic Language Center at State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang and Ma'had Abdurrahman Bin Auf of University of Muhammadiyah Malang, there is an equal point in planning, implementation and evaluation. The equal point of planning in the composition of the plan for the activities of daily education means memorizing the vocabulary. And the implementation in the formation of the Arab environment, and encourage students in the practice of speaking the Arabic language, and the preference of students in choosing the method of learning. And on the one hand is to establish oral test on each student.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (25) ◽  
pp. 457-480
Hanaa M. Ahmed ◽  
Maisa'a A. A. Khohder

: Obscurity is a main reason whereas computers can not know natural language. It have made great transaction steps trend developing instrument to morphological and syntactic analyzers for Arabic . One of the manners used in security areas is  steganography. The rapid development of steganography scripts, it is a large security and confidentiality problem, it becomes necessary to find appropriate protection because of the significance, accuracy and sensitivity of the data during transmitted. In this research is offer in a new method and to use one level to hide, this level is hiding by embedding and addition. The one level is embed a secret message twice, one bit in the LSB in the FFT and the addition of one kashida and add Single-Double Quotation in the same secret message. Using Random Singular Value Decomposition (RSVD) is NRG to find positions that are hiding within the text.      Linguistic steganography is covering all the techniques that deal with using written natural language to hide secret message. in this research presents a linguistic steganography for scripts written in Arabic language, using kashida, Single-Double Quotation and Fast Fourier Transform on the bases of using new technique entitled Random Singular Value Decomposition  (RSVD) as allocation to hide secret message. The proposed approach is an attempt to present a transform linguistic steganography using one level for hiding to improve implementation of kashida and Single-Double Quotation , and improve the security of the secret message by using Random Singular Value Decomposition  (RSVD). Are testing this method in terms of security and capacity, transparency, and robustness and this is way better than previous methods. The proposed algorithm ideal steganography properties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-51
Nur Ainun Ritonga

The researcher observed Al-Azhar Course, the one of Arabic Courses in Pare Kediri, East Java that . The reasons for establishing this language body are to assist students in practicing foreign languages, especially Arabic. Its purpose is for students to be able to speak Arabic. Its goal is to upgrade the competence of the Arabic language for Muslims so that they can speak this language and understand the Qur’an and Hadith and understand scientific literature and others. And her vision is a person with knowledge, good deeds, and decent morals. Its mission is to spread the Arabic language as a means of shaping the Islamic person with enthusiasm, intelligence and noble morals. The programs in the linguistic body “Al-Azhar” are from the dorm and the classroom, such as the “distinction” class, the class for the first stage, the class for the second stage, the class for the third stage, the curriculum class, and vacation programs. The methods used to teach conversation material in this linguistic form “Al-Azhar” in Bari Kediri East Java and in the classroom for the second stage, especially as follows: the audio-oral method, the direct method, the crazy method, the rhetorical method, and the problem-solving method.

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