scholarly journals Mediatized Child Characters

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 98
Elif Gizem Ugurlu

Child actors and actresses perform in television programs, such as contests, shows and series, and in movies broadcasted in Turkey. After the program is broadcasted, social media accounts such as Facebook and instagram are opened by their parents for these children and it is attempted to increase their popularity. Children with increased popularity begin to act in new series and advertisements, and they are drawn into a consumption cycle. While these children, who are used for humour, promotional or dramatic factors, are disturbed, on the other hand, they cause that children's real and big problems (poverty, child labor, abuse, abduction, refugee, etc.) are ignored. This study provides a perspective on child characters in competition programs, TV shows, television series, television programs and movies broadcasted on televisions in 2018 in Turkey. The program in which children aged between 5 and 12 years appear, and their Instagram accounts were tracked and examined. The culture of benefiting from the child in the media multiplies itself as the use of children as mediatic characters in the media in Turkey continues, and the fact that children can be used as a source of income without considering that they can be overwhelmed by the burden of fame becomes widespread. This indicates the perception of childhood in society, the visibility of child individuals' problems, and a frightening future for children.

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 143
Rais Ribha Rifqi Hakim

<pre><em>The development of information technology has kemjauan very rapidly. The advancement has led mankind easier to relate to one another. Various information and events happening parts of the world with rapidly can be known by human beings on other continents. The era of globalization characterized by the rapid advancement of communication technology is also called information age. The world community, including Muslims today can enjoy television programs with a variety of impressions. The television broadcasts emanating not only from a national network, but also can follow the international network thanks to the satellite which is connected with the parabola in people's homes. Communication on one side convey information to others for ideas or ideas to others either use or not use the media while the media on the other hand want to change the mindset and behavior of the people. </em><em>Same with da'wah, Communication is the process of conveying information to others about ideas or ideas to other people both using the media and not using media while on the other hand they want to change people's mindsets and behavior. The function of da'wah and communication are also the same, namely to change someone with a specific purpose. The purpose of da'wah is to convey information and seek information to mad'u so that the material to be conveyed can be understood so that communication can be achieved. The da'i to mad’u's da'wah process is expected to have a psychological influence in improving Islamic teachings. However, the challenge of preaching in the information era has become more complex. With this required expertise in conveying his da'wah for the success of da'wah, including various treatments that are more profound and efficient.</em><em></em></pre><p> </p><p align="center">****</p><em>Perkembangan teknologi informasi mengalami kemajuan sangat pesat. Kemajuan tersebut telah mengantarkan umat manusia semakin mudah untuk berhubungan satu dengan lainnya. Berbagai infomasi dan peristiwa yang terjadi dibelahan dunia dengan secara cepat dapat diketahui oleh manusia pada benua yang lain. Era globalisasi yang ditandai oleh semakin majunya teknologi komunikasi juga disebut dengan era informasi. Masyarakat dunia termasuk umat Islam dewasa ini dapat menikmati acara televisi dengan berbagai tayangan. Siaran televisi tersebut bukan hanya terpancar dari jaringan yang bersifat nasional, tetapi juga dapat mengikuti jaringan internasional berkat adanya satelit yang dihubungkan dengan adanya parabola di rumah-rumah penduduk. Sama dengan dakwah, Komunikasi adalah proses menyampaikan informasi kepada orang lain terhadap gagasan atau ide kepada orang lain baik menggunakan media maupun tidak menggunakan media sedangkan disisi lain ingin mengubah pola pikir dan tingkah laku masyarakat. Fungsi dakwah dan komunikasi juga sama, yaitu untuk merubah seseorang dengan tujuan tertentu. Tujuan dakwah adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi dan mencari informasi kepada mad’u agar materi yang ingin disampaikan dapat dimengerti sehingga komunikasi yang dilaksanakan dapat tercapai. Proses dakwah yang dilakukan oleh da’i kepada mad’u diharapkan mempunyai pengaruh psikologis dalam meningkatkan ajaran Islam. Namun, tantangan berdakwah di era informasi menjadi lebih komplek. Dengan ini dibutuhkan kepiawaian da’i dalam menyampaikan dakwahnya demi keberhasilan dakwah, termasuk berbagai perlakuan yang lebih mendalam dan berdayaguna.</em>

Glimpse ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-98
Obiageli Pauline Ohiagu ◽  

This chapter provides a Nigerian perspective to the global COVID-19 public health crisis that began in 2019. Two approaches were used to explain the impact of COVID-19 on the media in Nigeria and the effect of the latter on the spread/containment of the virus. The pandemic directly limited the operations of the media in many ways: socially, economically, and otherwise. On the other hand, both mainstream and social media was instrumental in curtailing the spread of COVID-19 through information, education, and infotainment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 171-174
Tarare Toshida ◽  
Chaple Jagruti

The covid-19 resulted in broad range of spread throughout the world in which India has also became a prey of it and in this situation the means of media is extensively inϑluencing the mentality of the people. Media always played a role of loop between society and sources of information. In this epidemic also media is playing a vital role in shaping the reaction in ϑirst place for both good and ill by providing important facts regarding symptoms of Corona virus, preventive measures against the virus and also how to deal with any suspect of disease to overcome covid-19. On the other hand, there are endless people who spread endless rumours overs social media and are adversely affecting life of people but we always count on media because they provide us with valuable answers to our questions, facts and everything in need. Media always remains on top of the line when it comes to stop the out spread of rumours which are surely dangerous kind of information for society. So on our side we should react fairly and maturely to handle the situation to keep it in the favour of humanity and help government not only to ϑight this pandemic but also the info emic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (20) ◽  
pp. 11193
Karol Król ◽  
Dariusz Zdonek

Content published in social media (SM) can be motivating. It can induce action, stimulate demand, and shape opinions. On the other hand, it can demotivate, cause helplessness, or overwhelm with information. Still, the impact of SM is not always the same. The paper aims to analyse the relations between sex, personality, and the way social media is used and motivation to take specific actions. The conclusions are founded on a survey (n = 462). The data were analysed with statistical methods. The study revealed that the use of SM has a significant impact on the motivation to act. Browsing through descriptions and photographs of various achievements posted by others in SM increased the intrinsic motivation of the respondents. Positive comments and emojis had a similar effect. Moreover, women and extraverts noted a significantly greater impact of SM on their intrinsic motivation concerning health and beauty effort, travel, hobby, and public expression of opinions than men and introverts. The results can be useful to recruiters. Extravert women that are open to cooperation, thorough, and well-organised are more likely to be active in SM.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (15) ◽  
pp. 97-113
Yovita Sabarina Sitepu ◽  
Hendra Harahap ◽  
Februati Trimurni

Hoax and digitalization have become a threat to global democracy. During this pandemic, WhatsApp in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) has been successfully taken down 1, 759 hoaxes spreading on social media. Thus hoax content is circulating from January 23 to October 18, 2020. This study examines the literacy capability of social media users in Medan City in facing misinformation (Hoax). The purpose of this study is to describe the knowledge of social media users in Medan City regarding hoaxes; describing the process of spreading hoaxes among social media users in Medan City, as well as to identify the types of hoaxes mostly received and spread by social media users. The quantitative descriptive method is used in this study The samples of this study amount to 250 respondents selected in the accidental method. The results obtained from the aforementioned respondents show that respondents agreed that hoax is ‘a deliberate fake news. They stated that they had not been forwarding ‘splashy news’ that they received and do fact-check. On the other hand, when asked about why the ‘splashy news’ was forwarded, the respondents reasoned that they received the news from someone they trusted. In addition, the respondents each stated that they thought the news was useful as they believed the news to be true. The types of hoaxes most frequently received include lucky draws, socio-politics, governance, and health.

Ruth Grüters ◽  
Knut Ove Eliassen

AbstractTo understand the success of SKAM, the series’ innovative use of “social media” must be taken into consideration. The article follows two lines of argument, one diachronic, the other synchronic. The concept of remediation allows for a historical perspective that places the series in a longer tradition of “real time”-fictions and media practices that span from the epistolary novels of the 18th century by way of radio theatre and television serials to the new media of the 21st century. Framing the series within the current media ecology (marked by the connectivity logic of “social media”), the authors analyze how the choice of the blog as the drama’s media platform has formed the ways the series succeeded in affecting and mobilizing its audience. Given the long tradition of strong pedagogical premises in the teenager serials of publicly financed Norwegian television, the authors note the absence of any explicit media critical perspectives or didacticism. Nevertheless, the claim is that the media-practices of the series, as well as the actions and discourses of its followers (blogposts, facebook-groups, etc.), generate new insights and knowledge with regards to the series’ form, content, and practices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-52
Nashuddin Nashuddin

True education makes people more respectful of differences and understanding diversity. Schools offer openness, moderation, and peace, not closure, extremism, and violence. But in reality on the ground, schools are actually not sterile from the outbreak of intolerance and the virus of radicalism. A number of studies show at one conclusion - which is almost agreed on - that intolerance in the world of education is increasing. Starting from rejecting leaders of different religions, do not want to respect the flag, the veil obligation, to those who openly support the khilafah. The entry of intolerance is assessed entering from three doors. First, teacher. Teacher understanding often determines how students behave and act. Second, the curriculum which is still dogmatic-doctrinaire does not provide space for dialogue and imagination. Third, extra activities are loaded with certain ideologies. In this context, it is necessary to return to voice moderation in schools. Attitudes that are not extreme right, always negate everything; nor extreme left, accommodating anything from outside; but rather be selective-accommodating. Teaching selective-accommodative attitude to students, has its own challenges. Not to mention the tendency of religious ways that are practical, instant, and do not want to be complicated, on the one hand; plus the penetration of social media - borrowing the language of Tom Nicholas (Death of Expertise, 2017) - there is a democratization of information, everyone is equal in it, on the other hand. Making moderation mainstreaming projects in schools has its challenges. Pendidikan sejatinya membuat manusia lebih menghargai perbedaaan dan memahami keragaman.Sekolah mengarjakan keterbukaan, moderasi, dan kedamaian, bukan ketertutupan, ekstrim, dan kekerasan.Akan tetapi fakta di lapangan, sekolah justru tidak streril dari wabah intoleransi dan virus radikalisme. Sejumlah penelitian menunjukkan pada satu kesimpulan –yang hampir disepakati—bahwa intoleransi dalam dunia pendidikan semakian meningkat. Mulai dari menolak pemimpin beda agama, tidak mau menghormat bendera, pewajiban jilbab, sampai yang terang-terangan mendukung khilafah. Masuknya intoleransi dinilai masuk dari tiga pintu. Pertama, guru. Pemahaman guru sering menentukan cara bersikap dan bertindak siswa. Kedua, kurikulum yang masih dogmatis-doktriner, tidak memberikan ruang untuk berdialetika dan berimajinasi. Ketiga, kegiatan ekstra yang sarat dengan ideologi tertentu. Dalam konteks inilah, perlu kembali menyuarakan moderasi di sekolah. Sikap yang tidak ekstrim kanan, selalu menegasikan semuanya; juga tidak ekstrim kiri, menampung apapun dari luar; melainkan bersikap selektif-akomodatif. Mengajarkan sikap selektif-akomodatif kepada peserta didik, mendapat tantangan tersendiri. Belum lagi adanya  kecenderungan cara beragama yang praktis, instan, dan tidak mau ribet, di satu sisi; di tambah penetrasi media sosial –meminjam bahasa Tom Nicholas (Matinya Kepakaran, 2017) – terjadi demokratisasi infomasi, semua orang setara di dalamnya, di sisi lain. Membuat proyek pengarusutamaan moderasi di sekolah mendapat tantangannya tersendiri.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Santho Vlennery Mettan ◽  
Aldo Hardi Sancoko

Indonesian’s Millennials are estimated to reach 70% of the productive population in 2020-2030 (BPS 2018), who cannot be separated from the internet and social media (Harahap 2017). Due to this fact, (Hsu 2018) and (Benini 2018) claim that millennials are afraid of being left behind by ephemeral content which will disappear within 24 hours so that many social media platforms are equipped with these temporary content features and companies are using temporary content strategies to reach more consumers. SMEs on the other hand have low knowledge of ephemeral content, even though 84% of millennials buy products due to the influence of social media, where ephemeral content lies within (Boen 2016). In the other hand, word-of-mouth has a significant impact on customer purchasing decisions until now. Along with the change to the digital era, word-of-mouth is being accelerated with the help of the internet, it called e-WOM, where many businesses use social media or other online platforms to promote business. The results showed that the two variables of ephemeral content and word-of-mouth with the help of the internet had a significant effect on customer purchase intentions, especially the millennial customer for SMEs in Surabaya City. In the future, by implementing ephemeral content in SMEs media social will increases their customer’s e-WOM.

Mochamad Yudha Febrianta ◽  
Yusditira Yusditira ◽  
Sri Widianesty

Virtual Hotel Operator (VHO) trend is growing rapidly, especially in Indonesia. Two of the most popular VHO in Indonesia are OYO and RedDoorz, both have been competing to attain the first position. Both OYO and RedDoorz have their own social media marketing strategies. For example, OYO persuades other conventional hotels to collaborate and use the OYO platform in their businesses. On the other hand, RedDoorz was recorded as the most visited Virtual Hotel Operator Platform in 2019, based on the data of Konsumen Jakpat 2019. OYO and RedDoorz also utilize social media to promote their services such as Instagram and Twitter. For advertising their businesses in social media, OYO and RedDoorz often use some social media influencers or known as influencer social media marketing. Influencers should be able to effectively deliver the messages and influence people’s decisions to use the products or services they advertise. This study aims to further explore the social media marketing strategy employed by OYO and RedDoorz. The results of Social Network Analysis by using “oyoindonesia” and ‘reddoorz’ as keywords in social media Twitter showed that RedDoorz has a bigger social network and more users involved in spreading their information than OYO. On the other hand, OYO's official account on Twitter is more efficient in performing its function as marketing media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-133
AVILLARRUBIA Andrea Villarrubia-Martínez ◽  
Águeda Águeda Delgado-Ponce ◽  
Ignacio Aguaded-Gómez

Before the pandemic crisis, the irruption of the convergent scenario and the television digitalization forced the Latin American public television to develop strategies that consider new forms of audiovisual consumption and to make the resources profitable, such as the development of digital platforms and co-production with independent creators. Pakapaka, TVN and Señal Colombia coproduced children television programs with Chilean filmmakers that achieved a high audience and received acknowledgements at audiovisual festivals for their quality, their contribution to the local identity and Latin American own nature. Based on a content analysis carried out on tv shows aimed to children, present in both Chilean public digital platforms: CNTV Infantil (former Novasur) and TVN Kids, this study describes the collaborative model from the media literacy perspective, with emphasis on the diversity of children’s programs, considering their origins, acquisition, financing, and characteristics of the protagonist’s characters. The results indicate that the contents are varied and that the presence of female protagonists, native peoples and migrants, although incipient, constitutes a contribution to the identity of the continent’s childhoods. In conclusion, it is essential that public service television can count on permanent funding that promotes the realization of relevant content for children, in accordance with their public service mission, especially in today pandemic crisis and confinement.

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