Ирина Михайловна Суворова

В рецензии на коллективную монографию акцентируется внимание на актуальности заявленной темы исторического исследования социальных трансформаций и интеграции на примере карельской периферии. Рецензент описывает структуру, авторскую географию и особенности создания научного труда. В тексте анализируется авторский замысел, его реализация в целом и в каждой главе в отдельности. Рецензентом обзорно представляется содержание каждой главы с указанием выводов и обобщений по теме главы. Особое внимание уделяется выявлению взаимосвязи всех авторских позиций и подходов к оценке социальных изменений на территории карельской периферии, а также отмечается дискуссионность устоявшихся историографических определений в методологическом плане. В итоге рецензент дает высокую оценку анализируемому научному труду. The review of the collective monograph focuses on the relevance of the stated topic of the historical study of social transformations and integration on the example of the Karelian periphery. The reviewer describes the structure, author's geography and features of creating scientific work. The text analyzes the author's plan, its implementation as a whole and in each chapter separately. The reviewer provides an overview of the content of each chapter with conclusions and generalizations on the topic of the chapter. Special attention is paid to the identification of the relationship of all copyright positions and approaches to the assessment of social changes in the territory of the Karelian periphery, and the discussion of established historiography definitions in methodological terms is also noted. As a result, the reviewer praises the scientific work analyzed.

А.В. Мацук

В статье исследуются события бескоролевья 1733 г. в Речи Посполитой. Согласно «трактату Левенвольде» компромиссным кандидатом на избрание монархом Речи Посполитой был португальский инфант дон Мануэль, которого предложила Австрия. Россия больше склонялась к кандидатуре «пяста». Россия оказалась не подготовленной к началу бескоролевья. Бывшие российские союзники магнаты ВКЛ рассорились с российским послом Фридрихом Казимиром Левенвольде и перешли на сторону Франции. В конце февраля 1733 г. в ВКЛ направили Юрия Ливена, который от имени российской царицы предложил поддержку в получении короны Михаилу Вишневецкому и Павлу Сангушке. Принятое на конвокационном сейме решение об избрании королем «пяста» и католика показало популярность Станислава Лещинского. В результате вслед за Австрией Россия поддержала кандидатом на корону Фридриха Августа. Магнаты ВКЛ до последнего оставались конкурентами о короне. Оппозиция Лещинскому объединилась под лозунгом защиты «вольного выбора» и поэтому в ней остались кандидаты «пясты», которые не могли уступить друг другу, и согласились на компромисс – кандидатуру Фридриха Августа. Для противодействия возможному избранию Лещинского Россия создала в ВКЛ новоградскую конфедерацию. Ее организатором стал новоградский воевода Николай Фаустин Радзивилл. Эта конфедерация становится основой Генеральной Варшавской конфедерации, которая 5 октября 1733 г. избирает королем саксонского курфюрста. The article examines the events of the «kingless» year of 1733 in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. According to the Levenwolde Treaties the compromise candidate for the Commonwealth’s throne was the Portuguese Infante Don Manuel, who’s candidacy was proposed by Austria. Russia, in turn, leaned towards the «pyasta» candidate. The Russian Empire was clearly unprepared for the start of the kingless period. Russia’s former allies – magnates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – came into conflict with the Russian ambassador Frederick Kazimir Levenwolde and sided with France. In late February of 1733, Empress Anna Ioanovna of Russia sent Yuri Liven to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, who offered official support in the struggle for the crown to Mikhail Vishnevetsky and Pavel Sangushka. The electoral decision made at the Sejm proved the popularity of the «pyast» and Catholic candidates, specifically – Stanislaus Leschinsky. In turn, Russia – following Austria – showed its support for the candidacy of Frederick August. The magnates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania remained in opposition in the crown issue until the very last. Opposition to Leschinsky was united under the motto of «free choice». For that reason, it was comprised of «pyasta» candidates, who were in a deadlock with one another, and were now ready for the compromise candidacy of Frederick Augustus. In order to counter the possible election of Leschinsky, Russia created the Novograd Confederation in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It was organized by the Novograd Voevoda Faustin Radzivill. This confederation became the core of the General Warsaw Confederation that – on October 5th 1733 – elected the Saxon King to the throne of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

N. D. Borshchik ◽  

The peer-reviewed monograph is devoted to a number of topical issues, including the seizure and forced development of foreign territories and material resources, the existence of slavery, racial discrimination and even genocide of the local population. These phenomena in one form or another exist in modern reality. The merit of the author's team under the leadership of professor S. V. Lyubichankovskiy lies in the very formulation of a complex and debatable research problem: the relationship between the concepts of “acculturation” and “colonialism”, the existence of a state mechanism for the implementation of colonial policy and its evolution, the study of the phenomenon of the existence of the Russian Empire itself arouse keen interest of specialists in various branches of scientific knowledge. The authors did significant work to define the research terminology, to develop unified approaches and methods for solving tasks, which, in general, determined the quality of scientific work: the book under review can be evaluated as a major achievement of modern Russian historical science.

Marcello Garzaniti

This study offers a synthetic view of the relationship of the Eastern Slavic world, in particular Russia, with Humanism and the Renaissance, indicating new paths of research on the identity formation of Muscovy and the Russian Empire in the European context. In particular, we focus on the arrival of Sophia Palaiologina in Moscow, on the activities of Maximus the Greek in Russia, and on the idea of Rome and Moscow in the 16th century.

Svetlana Asanova

Introduction. The issue of occupied Kuldja was one of the main points in the Russian-Chinese relations during the 70s – 80s of the 19th century. It originated in the mid-60s, when Kuldja came under the rule of the Taranchas. Being part of the Russian Empire from 1871 till 1881 Kuldja possessions had become a sore point in the relationship between Russia and China. The article discusses a range of problems that reveals Russia’s desire to control this region. Methods and materials. The basis of the study was archive materials, publications of administrative persons, materials of authors who visited Kuldja and gave their conclusions, media reports. An attempt was made to reconstruct the view of Saint Petersburg, the Turkestan administration, officials at various levels, and society regarding the fate of Kuldja. Analysis. The author examines the fate of Kuldja in socio-political discourse in terms of its possible use for the empire. The possible control of Western China by the Muslim population on the basis of the interests of the empire, as well as border issues and getting clear natural boundaries with political and economic feasibilities are considered. Results. It is indicated that the conquest of Kuldjа coincided with the mass migration of landless people from inner provinces of the Russian Empire into the region and the possibility of settling them down in the conquered territories which were economically deteriorating due to nonuse. This also leads to an attempt to solve the problem of unemployment by involving it in the cultivation of land, mining and development of trade. The study reflects what mechanisms were adopted to solve all the outlined tasks and what was obtained at the output.

Ольга Грива ◽  
Ol'ga Griva

In the presented monograph discusses the state of Affairs in the schools in the second half of XIX — beginning of XX century, concerning questions of organization of relations between teachers and students, by students. Documents of the gymnasiums operating in the territory of the Russian Empire, in particular in the Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa educational districts are analyzed. The author refuted the point of view on the school as a "school of drill and rote learning", and allegedly progressive role of school in shaping the educated, cultured, educated citizens. On numerous unpublished materials of archives (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa and Simferopol), a complex of official pedagogical documents and theoretical works of teachers shows the nature of the organization of intra-relations.

2020 ◽  
pp. 403-413
Andrei M. Kulikov ◽  

The article describes the correspondence of the participant of the XII (1840–1849), head of the XIII (1849–1859) and of the XV (1865–1878) Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Beijing (REM), the greatest Russian orientalist, archimandrite Palladius (Kafarov) (1817–1878) with the head of the Russian Diplomatic Mission in China, Evgeny Karlovich Butsov (1837–1904). The letters originals have been found by the author in the State Archive of the Russian Federation (Moscow) in the Butsov fond. The analyzed letters had been written in Beijing from June 30 to December 3, 1877, during which period Archimandrite Palladius (Kafarov) was the head of the XV Russian Ecclesiastical Mission and Yevgeny Byutsov headed the Russian Diplomatic Mission in China. The study of documents that have not yet been introduced into scientific use strives to fill in the gaps in studying of the activities of the XV Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Beijing and its contacts with the Russian Diplomatic Mission in China. The letters provide rich material on the relationship of the two leaders of most important Russian authorities, officially operating in the Chinese capital after the Second Opium War. The first letter contains information on finding a contractor for the construction of the REM library; in the second one, Palladius informs Butsov of mental health problems of the mission hieromonach Father Gerontius (Levitsky). The letters contain numerous details of the everyday life of the XV REM, including many references to previously unknown difficulties encountered by its chief and concerning its employees: i.e. Father Gerontius (Levitsky). Archimandrite Palladius devotes much attention to describing the restructuring of the Northern Metochion of the REM, which began in the said period. The letters mention a significant number of people who were in the general circle of acquaintances of Kafarov and Butsov. Among them are the Minister of Finance of the Russian Empire, Mikhail Khristoforovich Reiter, the head of the Diplomatic Mission of the German Empire in China, Maximilian August Tsipio von Brandt, employees of the Russian Democratic Republic (Father Gerontiy, Father Flavian, Father John), the representative of the Diplomatic Mission in China (P. S. Popov), and members of the Butsov family.

Yury D. Granin ◽  

The article analyzes the problem of productivity of using a civilizational ap­proach to the analysis of the current state of Russia and its history. The content of the term “civilization” is discussed. The necessity of understanding civili­zation in two modes of implementation is proved: as a process and as a state. “Civilization” is interpreted by the author as an interdisciplinary category to de­note the diversity of cultural and historical types of development of economi­cally and politically connected large communities of people and/or their aggre­gates (communities), subjectively and symbolically integrated into a relatively unified whole through historical and social imagination, cultural meanings, val­ues and norms that serve as the cause, purpose and basis for the organization and functioning of these communities. This definition is concretized by revealing the dialectics of the relationship of social, cultural, cognitive and institutional components of “civilization” using the example of Russia in the historical range from Kievan Rus to the modern Russian Federation. The most important institu­tional factors in the formation and development of civilizations, their interaction and expansion over long distances were “universal States” – “kingdoms” and “empires”. Studying the formation and development of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, the Russian Empire and the USSR, the author comes to the conclusion that historically these political forms had several civilizational embodiments.

2020 ◽  
pp. 17-27
D. Meshkov

The article presents some of the author’s research results that has got while elaboration of the theme “Everyday life in the mirror of conflicts: Germans and their neighbors on the Southern and South-West periphery of the Russian Empire 1861–1914”. The relationship between Germans and Jews is studied in the context of the growing confrontation in Southern cities that resulted in a wave of pogroms. Sources are information provided by the police and court archival funds. The German colonists Ludwig Koenig and Alexandra Kirchner (the resident of Odessa) were involved into Odessa pogrom (1871), in particular. While Koenig with other rioters was arrested by the police, Kirchner led a crowd of rioters to the shop of her Jewish neighbor, whom she had a conflict with. The second part of the article is devoted to the analyses of unty-Jewish violence causes and history in Ak-Kerman at the second half of the 19th and early years of 20th centuries. Akkerman was one of the southern Bessarabia cities, where multiethnic population, including the Jews, grew rapidly. It was one of the reasons of the pogroms in 1865 and 1905. The author uses criminal cases` papers to analyze the reasons of the Germans participation in the civilian squads that had been organized to protect the population and their property in Ackerman and Shabo in 1905.

Anton Matveev

The article is devoted to the organization and activities of the Central Snitch Squad at the Saint-Petersburg Security Department for ensuring the security of the head of state in the Russian Empire. The normative basis for the activities of agents of the Central Snitch Squad and the specifics of implementation of their job descriptions are described in the article. The Central Snitch Squad was a separate division of the Search and Surveillance Service of the Russian Empire, which solved the various and most complex tasks of search-and-surveillance. The Central Snitch Squad operated until the fall of the monarchy in February 1917, but the experience gained by it in fulfilling tasks of national importance continues to be used in modern Russia. At the same time, the issues of the organization and functioning of the Central Snitch Squad have not received a comprehensive analysis yet. One of the activities of the Central Snitch Squad, which has not received proper coverage in historical and legal literature, is the protection of imperial majesties in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century. Therefore, its regulation and implementation has become the subject of this article. The main and integrating method of research on the organization and activities of the Central Snitch Squad was the method of materialist dialectics. General logical (deduction, induction, analysis and synthesis), general scientific (systemic, structural-functional, typologization) and special (formal-legal, historical-legal, comparative-legal, interpretations of regulatory legal acts, sociological and statistical) methods of legal research were used. It was concluded that the protection of imperial majesties and the highest persons in the Russian Empire was one of the most important areas of activity of the gendarmerie. The simultaneous existence of three different divisions that guarded the emperor ‒ the Central Snitch Squad, the Security Unit and the Security Agency led to duplication of agents activities and inconsistent actions of the units. The Central Snitch Squad of the Saint-Petersburg Security Department has accumulated a variety of search-and-surveillance experience that can be used to solve problems of national importance in modern Russia.

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