2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 234-247
L. S. Trofimova

Introduction. The emphasis is placed on the development of road transport in the Russian Federation, which is characterized by an increase in traffic carried out by specialized rolling stock of various sizes, a change in the location of cargo-forming and cargo-absorbing points, and the requirements of customers for quantitative and qualitative indicators established in agreements. These conditions ensure to the development of the Russian economy in social significant branches. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for the current planning of the operation of specialized rolling stock of standard sizes of a motor transport enterprise to implement the conditions of contracts for the transportation of goods in the city.Materials and methods. The current planning methodology has been developed as part of a new concept, which is a synthesis of the methods of the theory of road freight transport, the theory of maintenance and current repair of rolling stock. A system analysis, the methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics are used in the studies.Results: - the methodological foundations that made it possible to develop a methodology for the current planning of the work of a specialized rolling stock of standard sizes for a motor transport enterprise to implement the contracts conditions for the transportation of goods in the city;- a computer program, the use of which in the operating of a motor transport enterprise will make possible to carry out planning aimed to implement the contracts terms and make a profit.Discussion and conclusions. The implementation and testing of the current planning methodology for the transportation of goods in the city is carried out in the conditions of a motor transport enterprise in the city of Omsk using a computer program “Planning the work of a motor transport enterprise for the transportation of goods in the city”. A methodology application allowed the motor transport enterprise to make a profit of 14.5% more than the profit that could be obtained by using previously existing methods in planning.Financial transparency: the authors have no financial interest in the presented materials or methods. There is no conflict of interest

Roman I. Dremliuga ◽  
Andrey A. Yakovenko

Развитие технологий автономного автотранспорта является одним из приоритетов в технологическом развитии Российской Федерации. Несмотря на прогресс в данной сфере, вряд ли можно говорить о значимых успехах России во внедрении использования автономного транспорта на дорогах общего пользования. В основе данного исследования лежит утверждение, что правовой режим является либо катализатором, либо замедляющим фактором развития сферы автономного автотранспорта. Цель исследования – провести анализ правовых норм в сфере тестирования и эксплуатации автономного автотранспорта в Европе. Авторы полагают, что исследуемые европейские страны имеют достаточно проработанную нормативную базу в данной сфере, поэтому их опыт может быть полезен в разработке и модификации российской правовой базы для регулирования отношений в сфере использования автономного автотранспорта. Задачи исследования: а) определить нормативную базу, связанную с регулированием отношений по тестированию и эксплуатации автономных транспортных средств; б) выявить позицию лидирующих европейских стран, связанную с вопросами необходимости регулирования таких отношений; в) оценить перспективы возможности заимствования положительной практики регулирования рассматриваемой сферы общественных отношений в правовую действительность Российской Федерации. Методологической основой исследования послужили диалектический метод познания, общенаучные методы абстрагирования, анализа и синтеза, а также специальные юридические методы (сравнительно-правовой, логико-юридический и др.). В статье делается вывод, что в процессе создания нормативно правовой базы власти стремятся детально урегулировать исследуемую область общественных отношений. Рассмотренные страны имеют практически схожую модель регулирования, с жёсткими нормативными рамками. Авторы полагают, что некоторые ограничения являются неблагоприятными для развития сектора цифровой экономики. Тем не менее, опыт европейских стран может быть использован в России в первую очередь для определения проблемных точек регулирования и организации контроля за тестированием и использованием автономного автотранспорта. Ключевые слова: Европейский Союз, регулирование тестирования автономного автотранспорта, беспилотный автотранспорт, цифровая экономика, искусственный интеллект, кибербезопасность, распознавание образов, киберправо, беспилотные транспортные средства, цифровая трансформации, умные вещи, умный город, сравнительное правоведение, сравнительный анализ, новый технологический уклад, право Нидерландов, право Германии, право Великобритании, право информационных технологий, право ИТ. The development of unmanned (autonomous) vehicle technologies is one of the strategic priorities of the Russian Federation. Despite a great deal of attention to this area, one can hardly speak of any significant success of Russia in introducing the use of autonomous vehicles on public roads. This study is based on the assumption that the legal regime is a catalyst or a deterrent to the development of autonomous motor transport or a deterrent to the development of the autonomous motor transport sector. The aim of the study is to analyze the legal norms in the field of testing and operation of autonomous road transport in Europe. The authors believe that the studied European countries have a sufficiently developed regulatory system in this area; therefore, their experience can be useful in developing and modifying the Russian legal framework to regulate the use of autonomous road transport. The objectives of the study are as follows: a) to define the regulatory framework related to the regulation of relations in the testing and operation of autonomous vehicles; b) to identify the position of the leading European countries related to the issues of the need for regulation and its limits; c) to assess the prospects for the possibility of taking the positive practice of regulation of the considered sphere of social relations into the legal reality of the Russian Federation. The dialectical method of cognition, general scientific methods of abstraction, analysis and synthesis, as well as special legal methods (comparative legal, logical-legal, etc.) served as the methodological basis for the research. The article concludes that in the process of creating a legal system the authorities seek to regulate in detail the area of public relations under study. The countries under study have almost similar model of regulation with rigid normative frameworks. The authors believe that some restrictions are unfavorable for the development of digital economy sectors. Nevertheless, the experience of European countries can be used in Russia first of all to identify problem points of regulation and organization of control over testing and use of autonomous motor vehicles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (159) ◽  
pp. 173-177
D. Lychov

The issue of increasing the efficiency of urban electric transport through the introduction of CASE-technologies based on SADT-methodology is considered. The performance of the system analysis of the operation of urban electric transport is given. The system of urban electric transport is considered not as an isolated system that solves only its problems - making a profit, but in connection with the problems of the city, the population that uses transport services, enterprises that employ people who transport. The proposed methodology will allow to create a computer functional model of operation of electric vehicles in the IDEF0 format using the software package BPWin. It is shown that the operation of transport is a complex process consisting of three subsystems: operation management, commercial and technical operation. Each of these subsystems has its own functional tasks, which require appropriate resources. Therefore, to ensure resource conservation in the operation of rolling stock, the following levels of development are presented and considered: the city transport system, urban electric transport enterprises, technological processes of passenger transportation, maintenance, maintenance and repair of facilities and equipment. Also operation of city electric transport includes maintenance of vehicles in depot. This article describes the features of the impact of the rolling stock of urban electric transport on energy consumption, taking into account the influence of factors such as passenger cabin occupancy, mileage of the mobile unit when operating on the routes of large cities, operating speed. A new methodology for evaluating the work of a city electric transport company is presented, which allows to combine several different, economically independent enterprises into one functional model. It is shown that the use of the proposed model will make it possible to create a system of accounting for electricity consumption by different types of urban electric transport.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4.7) ◽  
pp. 231 ◽  
Farid D. Yambyshev ◽  
Renat M. Shigabutdinov

Environmental pollution is one of the most serious global problems of mankind. Its impact on the public health becomes more acute every year. Ecotoxicants - harmful chemicals that pollute the environment - pose a great danger to humans and animals. Their sources are not only production and energy enterprises, but also motor transport. With the increase in the car fleet, the level of harmful impact on the environment is intensively increasing. For example, if at the beginning of the 1970s, hygienists determined the proportion of pollutants introduced into the atmosphere by road transport on average at 13%, now this level has reached 50% and continues to grow.This paper is devoted to the study of the extent of atmospheric pollution by road transport. Literature sources on this problem have been analyzed and summarized, specific types of pollutants released by the exploited vehicles and the results of their harmful effects on the environment and living organisms have been described. The authors of the paper obtained quantitative data on the average daily and average annual volumes of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere during the operation of vehicles in the city of Kazan. 

Inna Mitrofanova ◽  
Nikolay Ivanov

The article gives a review and presents the results of the international study of growth and development prospects of the Russian Economy in “Exploring the Future of Russia’s Economy and Markets” collective monograph edited by Doctor of Economics, Professor B.S. Sergi (Harward University, USA) published in 2018 by Emerald publishing house. The authors identify key industry markets in the economy of modern Russia and make a future model of its growth and development for the medium term period (until 2025). The paper shows the battle of traditions and innovations within this model. This process implies achieving the goal of sustainable development and at the same time achieving Russia’s leadership in high technology industries (HighTech). On the basis of the book prepared by its editor Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, president of “Institute of Scientific Communications” autonomous non-profit organization (Volgograd) E.G. Popkova, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor of Plekhanov University of Economics (Moscow) E.V. Popova, chief researcher of the State Research Institute for System Analysis of the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation (Moscow) Yu.V. Raulina, as well as Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, chief researcher of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, chief researcher of the State Research Institute of System Analysis of the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation (Moscow) A.V. Bogoviz perspective directions for future growth and development of the Russian economy are identified. They are the integration of entrepreneurship (including international one), green innovations and dynamic innovative development based on industry 4.0 technologies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  
pp. 498-509
B. S. Trofimov ◽  
I. S. Trofimova

Introduction. The article is devoted to the lorries work planning, the operational characteristics of which will make it possible to transport loads of different properties due to changes in the design of these vehicles. The purpose of the study is to develop a new scientific and methodological approach for planning the operation of trucks, which allows taking into account the compliance of a) the controlled parameters of the vehicle with the required values when making changes to the design, b) the planned volume of technical impacts to the required volume for the periods of operation of vehicles in certain conditions, c) the volume transportation in the contract for the planned production of vehicles for the transportation of various types of goods.Materials and methods. To plan the work of a lorry, taking into account changes in its design, it is required to use improved methods for optimizing the planning of the work of a freight motor transport enterprise, which is the relationship of activities for the transportation of goods, maintenance and current repair. The basis of the presented materials and methods is the scientific work of domestic and foreign scientists on the operation of cars with changes in its design; the main provisions of the Federal Laws in terms of permits for the operation of vehicles. The methodological basis of theoretical and experimental research is system analysis and logical analysis.Results. The authors have developed a scientific and methodological approach to planning the operation of a lorry, taking into account changes in its design to fulfill the terms of contracts and make a profit for the trucking company.Discussion and conclusions. The implementation and testing of the scientific and methodological approach were carried out according to the algorithm of the developed methodology in the operating conditions of a motor transport enterprise in the city of Omsk. A procedure was carried out to obtain a certificate from the traffic police after changes were made to the design of the KamAZ-53212 vehicle in order to operate it as a dump truck, and a calculation of costs and profits was made to fulfill the terms of contracts for the transportation of various types of goods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 67-73
R. S. Salomzoda ◽  
M. M. Boboev

The study considered the role of passenger road transport as one of the most important sectors of the national economy, which influences the entire economy of a country and its regions, as well as the quality of life of the population.The analysis of the transport system in the city of Khujand, which is mainly dominated by road transport, has been carried out based on the results of the conducted survey on passenger flows on bus routes of the city, particularly, regarding origin-destination matrix, fare collectability.The conclusions argue in favour of practicability of conducting regular systematic monitoring of passenger flows to optimize suggestions in the field of urban public transport development. In fundamental terms, main problems of passenger transportation management were identified including lack of a regular timetable on certain routes, non-compliance with the traffic schedule, resulting in an increase in travel time, changes in routing due to the absence of sufficient number of passengers, systematic violations of traffic rules, excessively long stops at the hub stopping points, etc. The suggestions comprise approaches intended to reduce influence of organisational and managerial factors on efficiency of passenger transportation, on the correct choice of rolling stock, that should be selected considering design features, possibility of serving all segments of the population (categories of passengers), traffic intensity, manoeuvrability, compliance with road conditions, etc. Conclusions were also made regarding techniques to justify the volume of passenger transportation, to identify average distance of passenger’s trip, to calculate technical, operational, and quality indicators of operation of public transport, distribution of passengers per routes.The analysis of the structure of passenger flows since it influences the indicators of the effectiveness of passenger transportation, plays the most significant role in the framework of development of new approaches to the solution of transport issues in the city of Khujand.Implementation of full-scale monitoring of passenger flows will make it possible to develop appropriate timetables facilitating movement of passenger flows on routes, to select a rational type of rolling stock in terms of capacity, will contribute to time-saving passenger travelling, socialisation of transport tariffs, and improved quality of transportation.

2015 ◽  
Vol 0 (3) ◽  
pp. 131
Александр Иванович Рощин ◽  
Артем Игоревич Жуков

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 286-305
A. V. Kulikov ◽  
S. Y. Firsova ◽  
V. S. Dorokhina

Introduction. A quarter of the world’s natural gas and oil reserves are located in the Far North of the Russian Federation. Only with reliable and efficient transportation support is it possible to successfully develop and exploit deposits in hard-to-reach areas. The main factor in increasing the efficiency of road transport and reducing the transport component in the cost of oil and gas is the growth of productivity of vehicles. The paper considers and analyzes the sources of productivity growth of the mobile unit (MU). The characteristics of the organization of work of winter roads in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area) are considered. Winters are characterized by three main characteristics: operation duration, location, use of season duration. The activities of one of the major carriers, IE (individual entrepreneur) V.N. Anokhin, have been analysed. The carrier serves six major deposits and four material supply bases. It is highlighted that the main range of transportation is steel pipes. The transport problem was solved in which consumers were optimally assigned to pipe suppliers. For calculations, the route Korotchaevo base was chosen the Pyakyakhinskoye deposit, with a traffic volume of 2800 tons. Rolling stock was selected, the optimal method for placing pipes on the MU platform was found. The minimum number of rides for transporting the entire volume of pipes has been determined. A technological design and technological schemes for the transported cargo have been developed. The influence of technical and operational indicators on the performance of MU; The economic effect of the proposed activities is calculated.Materials and methods. The work explores the technology and organization of pipe transportation on routes to the conditions of the Far North of the Russian Federation. In order to increase the efficiency of road transport, we used the methodology for choosing a rational rolling stock and a method for placing pipes on the MU platform; methodology for determining the optimal number of rides for the transportation of a given volume of pipes; methodology for assessing the impact of technical and operational indicators on the productivity of MU.Results. The economic effect of the implementation of the optimal technological scheme and the organization of pipe transportation in the conditions of the Far North of the Russian Federation is 38,846 rubles per trip. The transportation on an improved winter road allows the use of higher-capacity MU (37 tons) and makes it possible to transport at an increased average speed of up to 20 km/h. Recommended activities allow to increase the productivity of MU from 0.287 t/h to 1.156 t/h.Discussion and conclusions. Measures were developed to improve the efficiency of road transport in the Far North of the Russian Federation. The results of the work are used in the organization of transportation of pipes on the enterprise under consideration.

S. I. Popov ◽  
G. A. Galchenko ◽  
Yu. V. Marchenko ◽  
D. S. Drozdov ◽  

Introduction. Environmental contamination by vehicles is one of the main and important questions. Road transport is on the first place by quantity of harmful substances released into the atmosphere. The railway transportation pollutes environment by 3 %, planes — by 6 % from the total amount of pollution. The rest is motor transport. As it is known, the maximum quantity of harmful substances is thrown out in an idle mode of work of the engine, i.e. at idle times at stops. The improvement of an ecological situation on transport highways is possible by the optimization of movement of city public transport. Problem Statement. The task was to develop a project that allows you to eliminate violations of the dispatch schedule of city buses. It is proposed to use the computer program "Line Dispatcher" developed by the authors and a mobile application to monitor the compliance with the dispatch schedule. Theoretical Part. The field observations carried out on one of the most intense sections of the transport arteries of Rostov-on-Don — the ring at the intersection of Vavilova and Koroleva streets — show how many buses produce harmful emissions only on one section, stand idle at the stop, do not fulfill the dispatching schedule, and, thereby, worsen the environmental situation in the city. The authors have developed a computer program "Line Dispatcher", which allows you to: download a map of the city or a district, the information about the stops on the route and the timetable; choose the desired route; monitor the movement of the bus according to the schedule. The mobile app can be installed on any smartphone of the driver and dispatcher. Conclusion. A practical solution is proposed to optimize the activity of public transport, which will eliminate downtime at stops due to electronic control of the dispatch schedule and reduce emissions of harmful substances by urban public transport.

2021 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 02011
Anna Ermakova ◽  
Ekaterina Glebova

This article considers the transport infrastructure of the city district as one of the most promising areas today. The existing problems of the road transport network are identified. The author offers a draft solution and the necessary costs for its implementation. This project will increase the flow of motor transport, provide comfortable pedestrian and automobile zones, and improve the socio-economic situation of the city district.

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