scholarly journals Practical Aspects of Definition of High-tech Industries and Products of Ukraine

2018 ◽  

The article accounts for the main approaches to determination and the components of the definition of high-tech industries and products in Ukraine. For this, existing versions in OECD and Eurostat countries are analyzed, where this indicator is common for determining the level of «advanced economies». Constant «leaders» were identified, who were in the group of «high-tech» industries to identify priority indicators. Among them is the production of pharmaceutical products; production of spacecraft and airborne vehicles; computer production; a system for creating and transforming (growing) material objects, including a 3D printer; infusion technologies, the importance of which increases; perspective methods of surface treatment and work from thermoplastics (key are growth technologies); materials, are effective at creation of perspective executive devices for growth technologies: composite and those which show their properties in small-sized structures. Thus, the necessity of defining this concept for Ukraine was justified. It is stated that in the normative legal and program acts the term «high-tech industries products» does not contain a special list of criteria, but only a list of such branches related to high-tech industries. Consequently, the definition of a related category allows us to propose the application for legislative regulation of exports, in addition to the concept of high-tech products, the broader concept of «the production of advanced production technologies», which includes the products of the basic branches of the economy and those which form a significant part of GDP. To determine the place of Ukraine in the world on the criterion of high-tech, the article examined the export-import structures of the industry. As a result, it was determined that Ukraine today is primarily an importer on the world market of high-tech products, because the foreign trade in high-tech goods is characterized by low shares of high-tech goods in total exports and a significant negative balance.

Vladislav Ushakov ◽  
Artem Subbotin ◽  
Dmitry Lisin

Introduction. This article addresses the question of existing problems of development of construction industry in agriculture. Outdated old construction technologies and building structures give a reason for optimization and introduction of modern technologies in agricultural production. The outdated technologies of agricultural construction have a negative impact on the position of agricultural industry in the world stage of trade and economy of countries, while optimization and inevitable modernization of agricultural production and construction allow securing a foothold in the world market. Aspiration to take the lead in the world market is one of the most important tasks of agricultural industry. The agricultural industry also plays an oversize role in human life and the health, efficiency, development and activity of citizens depend directly on the quality of products delivered to the shop windows. This scope of research of this article is a comparison of traditional, temporary, field vegetable storehouses operating in winter time with modern technology of construction of these facilities in terms of technology, efficiency, environmental friendliness, mobility, availability, functionality and profitability. Materials and methods. In the course of this work, the following research methods were used: familiarization with the relevant statutes and regulations related to the study area, comparison of traditional and modern methods of vegetable storage in the field environment during the winter period and identification of the main advantages and disadvantages. Results. The positive and negative sides of the design and methods of construction of modern and traditional outdated technology have been revealed, as well as optimization of construction solutions necessary to ensure conditions for maintaining the quality of products in due form. Conclusions. Modern construction concepts and development of agricultural construction is an important area that allows provoking the trend of economic growth of countries, to take a leading position in the world market, to improve the quality of life of citizens, to improve the ecological system of the area and develop business activities.

Liudmyla Mekshun ◽  
Maksym Zabashtanskyi

The article analyzes the current state and prospects of financial development of labor potential in Ukraine. The comparative analysis of financial support of labor stimulation in the leading countries of the world is carried out, the factors of stimulating and limiting influence on a condition of labor potential of the country are grouped. It is determined that the key problems hindering the development of labor potential in the country are the low level of development of the national economy, associated with a significant backlog of technological capabilities, moral and physical depreciation of fixed assets, the inability to create an innovative product with high added value. It is substantiated that in order to develop the national economy, the key condition is the creation of high-tech production that can ensure the competitiveness of its own products on the world market, which can be done only with adequate financial support to stimulate labor potential. It is proved that adequate financial support for labor incentives should be a key condition for the generation and preservation of labor potential necessary for the effective functioning of the national economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
Tatyana Krasnova ◽  
Viktor Samarukha ◽  
Alexander Dulesov

The present article examines the issues of digital transformation of the production sphere (based on methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization and systematization of material relevant to the topic), which has great relevance for changes in modern production due to the transition to a new technological mode. The role of production, especially the industrial production, in the historical aspect of socio-economic development of the country is always pivotal and the competitiveness of economic systems at the micro, meso and macro levels of the country, as well as the country as a whole in the world market, depends on the timeliness of its modernization. The analysis of the production output categories allowed the authors to find out the specific weight of innovative products and give its characteristic in the aspect of production sectors: 1) high-tech; 2) medium-tech; 3) low-tech. Therein, it is shown that the first group has only 25 % of industries in it, the second has 31 % and the third has 44 %. Russia’s share of innovative products (services) in the world market is only 4,3 %, and the business sector has software deficiency. The authors draw the conclusion that, in order to intensify the modernization of the production sphere, it is necessary to widely implement digital technologies in small industrial enterprises, as well as in import-substituting enterprises, as they are more receptive to innovation. The authors examined the structure of manufacturing production and provided a description of the state of digitalization in all federal districts of Russia. They also carried out a correlation and regression analysis of the digitalization potential of the production sphere, based on the assessment of the closeness of the relationship between the use of broadband Internet and the volume of manufacturing production.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 1465-1476
K.N. Andrianov ◽  
Y.V. Popkov ◽  
A.K. Markov ◽  
E.E. Mozhaev ◽  

In this article, the authors analyze the experience of strategic planning for the scientific and technological development of the PRC. It is concluded that: largely due to effective strategic planning, over the past 15 years, the PRC has multiplied its economic potential and has become one of the most powerful countries in the world. The achievements of the PRC in the development of advanced technologies are especially impressive. The PRC has managed to create from scratch high-tech export-oriented sectors of the economy that are competitive in the world market. The characteristic features of the Chinese scientific and technological development management system are revealed: a clear definition of priority areas of scientific and technological development, concentrating efforts on a limited number of areas of science and technology development that are important for increasing the competitiveness of the national economy; planning manages scientific and technological development, the main one envisaging environmental achievement of long-term and moment of short-term goals, development and certain implementation of such long-term integrated marine programs, software R&D and innovative development; government stimulation of effective cooperation between science, education and business in ensuring the entire innovation cycle - from fundamental research to the introduction of developments in production, for the development of high-tech sectors; the use of a significant part of export earnings for the acquisition of modern equipment technologies; strict regulation of foreign investments in order to direct them to the sectors of new and high technologies; a harmonious combination of planning and market management methods in the development of small innovative business. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the main elements of the state scientific and technological policy of the PRC. In addition, the authors conduct a detailed analysis of the main documents of the strategic planning of the PRC in the field of innovative development.

Luìs Farinha ◽  
Joaquim Borges Gouveia ◽  
Sara Nunes

This chapter focuses on the issue of global competitiveness of the economies, based on the dimensions analyzed by the World Economic Forum in assessing the economic competitiveness of a large sample of countries. From the different stages of development of the countries, the study aims to help us to understand what pillars contribute most to the global competitiveness. Results based on structural equation model show what dimensions within each economic development stage best explain the competitiveness, helping us to realize even the performance achieved by the most advanced economies. Understanding the association of factor groups, pillars and related items, and levels of competitiveness may help academics to conduct new studies, as well as politicians in the definition of intervention priorities.

The article is sanctified to consideration of the modern stateof conception of integral r ationalism, that originates theideological sources from the paradigm of Europe adogmatism. An author distinguishes her ontological andepistemological intensions that direc tly touch themodern mainstream of Interdisciplinary and thinking in complication. Postmetaphysical tendencies areexposed to the walkthrough in philo sophy, science, andreligions that gravitate to rapprochement as a generalmental structure of i ntegral rationalism of new Logos.The world view factors of the European thinking, that entail edthe crisis phenomena in the coexistence of countries ofEuropean Union, are studied, on the basis of adogmatic reflection of historical preconditions of European integration. The present day is the post-metephysical period of awareness of the need for a return to holistic thinking, the focus of which at present is synergetic. Science, remaining "a high-tech knowledge center", paves the way through interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity to the transversal mind, which is still an imaginary horizon of ontological unity of various types of rationality and the definition of reason as such. In theology, there is an acute reformist need for the creation of a "new intellectual non-church religion", which would first of all honor ethical and aesthetic functions that produce the moral safeguards of human life. Each aspect of integral rationalism is in a state of intrinsic imbalance, which is capable of showing the intentions of convergence (or dispersal in the event of deepening of the crisis trends) to each other through a sinergetic antagonism around the idea of the "faith is the entelechy of mind" integral rationalism. Such intentions arise primarily through the awakening of an ontological inquiry into the metaphysical unity of being and being in their hermeneutic circle. The world, immersed in a pathos train (stable perseverance) of globalization with the intention to change the existence in space measurements, made a fatal mistake, not taking into account that such a change is heavy for itself and the change of things, namely, human-being. The expectation that a person under the influence of technological pressure (since it was he who became the driving factor for global development) automatically turned into a "citizen of the world" did not materialize: the regionality of thinking, the location of traditions, nationalism, religious isoletionism, the existence of "poles of influence" on geopolitics and therefore the existence (human) among the technical revolutions is in the forgotten frontier of "globalization-anti- globalism".

Vasilina Iliukhina ◽  

The article investigates the process of formation of competitive advantages in the context of transformation of the structure of the national economy. One of the main priorities of economic policy of modern countries is to build a competitive, socially oriented economy that can successfully integrate into the world economic space. To ensure sustainable development and counter negative external influences, strategies are developed and implemented aimed at creating competitive advantages and, consequently, increasing the country's international competitiveness. The issue of transforming the structure of the national economy is urgent, as the level of lagging behind the development of the domestic economy from neighboring countries is similar and the country's raw material specialization is consolidating in the world market, which in turn preserves low living standards. Indicators of economic development show that without radical changes in economic policy, the lag in the development of the Ukrainian economy will only increase. The formation of competitive advantages in the context of the modern structure of the economy inherent for a large European country should be based on the economic specialization of the country in industries and activities that create greater added value, such as processing industry, chemical, engineering, IT, green energy, pharmaceuticals and other high-tech industries, industries of higher technological modes. The role of public-private partnership in the formation of effective economic policy aimed at forming the competitive advantages of the national economy is important.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 194
Gabriela França OLIVEIRA ◽  
Taiana Lopes Rangel MIRANDA ◽  
Ana Carolina Campana NASCIMENTO ◽  
Eveline Teixeira CAIXETA ◽  

Coffee growing is one of the most important agricultural activities in the world market. Among the commercially relevant species, there is Coffea canephora,which can be divided into the varietal groups Conilon and Robusta. These varietal groups have complementary agronomic interests. Because of this, hybrids are obtained through the crosses between these groups. Given the difficulty in differentiating between two varietal groups genotypes in the field, the correct discrimination is essential for the definition of crosses in breeding programs. In this context, the objective was to apply a discriminant analysis (DA) to define functions to differentiate between varietal groups and hybrids of canephora, as well as to identify the most relevant phenotypic traits in these functions. Data from 165 genotypes from the Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural e do Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza were used for which different plant traits were measured. The quadratic DA applied was the one with the best performance for genotype discrimination, with an average apparent error rate of 0.0333. Cercosporiose incidence, rust incidence and vegetative vigor were the most important traits in the varietal groups' discrimination.

N. Gavrilova

The production and promotion of high-tech products and new technologies to the global market is an essential condition for the competitiveness of the country. Some states that do not have abundant natural resources have made a stake on the development of advanced technologies. This secured them a place among the world leaders in terms of economic growth and population’s living standards. In-depth analysis of world practices of facilitating innovation is a pre-requisite for formulating the recommendations on the conditions for innovative development and competitiveness of Russia. From this point of view, the experience of Finland and Israel, which have managed to solve the respective problems is very interesting. Besides Finland and Israel, a similar model of innovation development is used in Sweden, Norway, Iceland and several other countries. The advantage of this model is that it creates an opportunity for national leadership at the world market of innovation. The national companies engaged in the development of new technologies create markets for themselves. Namely, they generate new needs and satisfy them, thus, they do not have to follow the market.

Ahmad Alshammari ◽  
Venkata Narayana Kalevaru ◽  
Abdulaziz Bagabas ◽  
Andreas Martin

Ethylene is the largest of the olefin markets and is also one of the most important petrochemically derived monomers that are used as a feedstock for the production of various commercially useful chemical products (e.g. polyethylene, polymers, fibers etc.). The primary objective of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive overview about olefins particularly ethylene production technologies and its commercial significance in the world market. The content of this chapter is presented as follows: a general overview about olefins production is given. This is followed by introducing the reader to ethylene including its properties importance/applications. The next section describes the production technologies of ethylene and some of its selected derivatives, followed by an overview of the technology, market, costs, capacity, global demand and supply of ethylene technology. Finally, main points and outlook of this highly industrially important commodity chemical are summarized.

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