2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 14

AbstractPKS basic constructs systems were beyond the language used as the rational principles in communication. However, PKS language elements affect were the selection, arrangement, and interpretation communication. The essential of PKS system was a communication rules that were beyond language, but it could influence the selection of language elements, arrangement, as well as the interpretation of utterances. The speech acts can be delivered communicative, if the maxim of quantity, quality, relation, and manner considered by the speaker. Therw were four types of maxim, namely (a) violation (Violate), (b) neglect (opt out) , (c) the clash (clash), and (d) the game (flout). Violete occur means that the participants said wrong using the maxim. This study was a qualitative approach is used because this study has the characteristics (1) has a natural background as a data source directly by using the researcher as the key instrument, (2) is a description, (3) concerned with process rather than outcomes, (4) using inductive data analysis, and (5) emphasize kebermaknaan.Penelitian is expected to resolve the problems of the Cooperation principle ViolationsKey Words: Maxim, Cooperation principleAbstrakKonstruk dasar PKS berada di luar bahasa yang digunakan sebagai prinsip-prinsip rasional komunikasi.Akan tetapi, PKS memengaruhi pemilihan unsur bahasa, penataan, dan penafsiran tuturan.PKS pada hakikatnya merupakan kaidah berkomunikasi yang berada di luar bahasa, namun dapat memengaruhi pemilihan unsur bahasa, penataan, serta penafsiran tuturan. Karena itu, tindak tutur itu dapat disampaikan secara komunikatif, apabila maksim kuantitas, kualitas, hubungan, dan cara diperhatikan oleh peserta tutur.Pelanggaran maksim tutur menjadi empat jenis, yaitu (a) pelanggaran (violate), (b) pengabaian (opt out), (c) perbenturan  (clash), dan (d) permainan (flout). Pelanggaran (violete) terjadi karena peserta tutur tidak mampu menggunakan maksim secara benar.Jenis tulisan dalam karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif digunakan karena penelitian ini memiliki karakteristik (1) memunyai latar alamiah sebagai sumber data secara langsung dengan memanfaatkan peneliti sebagai instrumen kunci, (2) bersifat deskripsi, (3) mementingkan proses daripada hasil, (4) menggunakan analisis data secara induktif, dan (5) menekankan  kebermaknaan.Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan masalah tentang Pelanggaran Prinsip Kerjasama. Kata Kunci: Prinsip Kerja Sama, Maksim.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-76
Mahmudah Mahmudah ◽  
Endang Sumarti ◽  
Susandi Susandi

he focus of this research is (1) the formof representative speech acts on the development of the spread of covid -19 in news on CNN Indonesia and (2) the function of representative speechacts on the development of the spread of covid -19 in the news on CNN Indonesia. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The data source of this research is news on the development of the spread of covid-19 on CNN Indonesia. The research instrument is the researcher himself as a key instrument. The data analysis technique in this study is an interactive model analysis technique. Based on the results of the data analysis of this study, the following findings were obtained. First, the form of representative speech acts developments Covid -19 Spreading the news on CNN Indonesia were found in this study include: speech acts statement, the speech act of demanding, speech act of acknowleding, speech acts of reporting, speech acts of showing, speech acts of saying, speech acts of provide testimony, and speech acts are speculative. Second, the function of representative speech acts on the Development of the Spread of Covid -19 in the News in Cnn Indonesia found in this study includes: the function of stating, the function of demanding, the function of acknowledging, the function of reporting, the function of showing, the function of saying, the function of giving testimony, and the function of speculating.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-19
Muhammad Hasyimsyah Batubara ◽  
Cut Dara Ilfa Rahila ◽  
Putri Rahmadani

This research aims to determine the students' errors in writing report text at eight grade SMP N 3 Timang Gajah students. The research was conduct using a qualitative approach with a descriptive design. The primary data source is the eighth-grade students and the teacher English at SMP N 3 Timang Gajah. The data collection instrument uses observation sheets, interview sheets, and the documentary (test) study and the researcher's data analysis using Miles and Huberman models, including data reduction, display, and verification. The percentage of grade VIII students' achievement in writing report text in the reference made is low, namely only reaching: general nouns 22.04%, at present tense 22.57%, on linking verbs 29.17% and action verbs are 26.21%. In conclusion, the students still error in writing report text at grade VIII students of SMP N 3 Timang Gajah. Therefore, they should have great motivation and interest in learning report text and get used to practicing it in everyday life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Widdya Syafitri

<p>This research is conducted based on two purposes; they are to identify the types of expressive speech act found in the statuses of the Facebook users, and to explain the modes of expressive utterance used in the statuses. Therefore, the data source is the social network that is Facebook and the data are the statuses of the Facebook users. The data are collected by using observational method, followed by non-participant observational technique and taking-note technique. The data analysis is based on pragmatic identity method proposed by Sudaryanto (2015) which is also supported by the theory of the types of expressive speech act by Ronan (2015), and theory about the modes of utterance from Alwi, et al (2000). The analysis result shows that there are fourteen types of expressive speech act in the statuses. They are the expression of agreement, disagreement, apology, gratitude, sorrow (sadness), exclamation (complaint), volition (hope), anger, disappointment, encouragement, satire, annoyance, pride, and congratulation. Meanwhile, the modes of expressive speech act that are used consist of declarative mode, interrogative mode, and exclamative mode. The importance of this research is to reveal or show that there is something else the Facebook users want to say behind their statuses. Sometimes, they do not really state what they mean in their statuses. They use indirect way and there lies the use of expressive speech act which can be stated in different way.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Rudi Rudi ◽  
Gigit Mujianto

Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk tuturan ekspresif pengajar BIPA, dan sintaks pembelajaran dengan metode dengar pandang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitati. Sumber data penelitian adalah interaksi pembelajaran antara pengajar dan pemelajar BIPA dalam video Pesta Akademia 21 Tahun APPBIPA: Kelas Maya APPBIPA Jawa Timur dan Sumatra Utara. Adapun data penelitian berupa kalimat yang mencerminkan tuturan ekspresif pengajar BIPA dan sintaks pembelajaran keterampilan berbicara dengan metode dengar pandang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman, yang meliputi tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) bentuk tuturan ekspresif pengajar BIPA meliputi ucapan terima kasih, ucapan minta maaf, ucapan memuji, dan ucapan selamat. (2) Sintaks pembelajaran keterampilan berbicara dengan metode dengar pandang meliputi tahapan, penyajian konten oleh pengajar BIPA,  pengajar BIPA menjelaskan konten, pengulangan konten, dan pemelajar BIPA mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara.Katakunci: dengar pandang,  sintaks pembelajaran, tuturan ekspresif Abstract:This study aims to describe the expressive speech act of BIPA teachers and the syntax of learning using dengar pandang method. This research used descriptive qualitative approach. The source of research data was learning interaction between BIPA teachers and learners in the video Pesta Akademia 21 Tahun APPBIPA: Kelas Maya APPBIPA Jawa Timur dan Sumatra Utara. The data were sentences that show the BIPA teacher's expressive speech act and the syntax of learning speaking skills using the pandang dengar method. Data were collected by using observation technique. The data analysis technique used Miles and Huberman model, including the stage of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/verification. The results showed: (1) the expressive speech acts of BIPA teachers include thanking, apologizing, praising, and congratulating. (2) The syntax of learning speaking skills using pandang dengar method including stages of content presentation by BIPA teachers, content explanation, content repetition, and BIPA learners develop their speaking skillsKeywords: dengar pandang, learning syntax, expressive speech

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-60
Leni Maryanika ◽  
Yayat Sudaryat

The research aims to analyze and describe exocentric phrase that include the form, stucture, and semantics (the relation between grammatical elements) that contained in the novel Kembang Kembang Petingan by Holisoh M.E. In this study used descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Technique used in collecting data is a literature study. The data analysis technique used in this study is direct elemental analysis techniques. The data source used in this study is Novel Kembang Kembang Petingan by Holisoh M.E. The results of this research have 1133 phrase with 1658 frekuesi and describe three things, (1) exocentric phrase divided into two types of phrase, direktif phrase and relative phrase, (2) stucture of exocentric phrase have four general stucture and eleven substucture, and (3) semantics (the  relation between grammatical elements) have twelve relation gramatical of direktif phrase and two relation gramatical of relative phrase in the Kembang novel Kembang Petingan by Holisoh ME. Based on research can be concluded phrase exocentric in Kembang Kembang Petingan novel by Holisoh M.E can be examined in aspects form, stucture, and relation grammatical elements. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan frasa eksosentrik yang meliputi bentuk, struktur, dan semantik (hubungan antarunsur gramatikal) yang terdapat dalam novel Kembang Kembang Petingan karya Holisoh M.E. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, teknik yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah tehnik studi pustaka, dan teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu teknik analisis unsur langsung. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah novel Kembang Kembang Petingan karya Holisoh M.E. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat 1133 frasa eksosentrik dengan frekuensi 1658 kali, lalu mendeskripsikan tiga hal yaitu (1) bentuk frasa eksosentik yang terdiri atas data 2 jenis frasa yaitu frasa direktif dan relatif, (2) struktur frasa eksosentrik yang memiliki 4 pola utama dan 11 subpola, dan (3) semantik (hubungan makna antarunsur gramatikal) yang terdiri atas 12 hubungan makna antarunsur gramatikal frasa direktif dan 2 hubungan makna antarunsur gramatikal frasa relatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa frasa eksosentrik mempunyai bentuk, struktur, dan hubungan gramatikal antarunsurnya yang berkaitan dengan kajian struktur dan semantik.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Febriani Khatimah Herfani ◽  
Ngusman Abdul Manaf

This study aims to: (1) formulate the types of commissive speech acts used by presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presidential and vice presidential debates at the 2019 presidential election, (3) formulate the types of expressive speech acts used by presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presidential and vice presidential debates at the 2019 presidential election, (2) formulating the speech strategy used by presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presidential and vice presidential debates at the 2019 presidential election. This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive methods. The data source in this study is the speech of the 2019 presidential and vice presidential candidates downloaded via Youtube. Based on the results of data analysis, three findings were concluded. First, the types of commissive speech acts used by presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the presidential and vice presidential debates at the presidential election, namely (1) promising, (2) vowing, (3) offering, (4) swearing, and (5) intending. Second, the types of expressive speech acts that exist in the vice presidential debate in the 2019 presidential election are, (1) congratulate, (2) say thank you, (3) apologize, (4) praise, (5) criticize, (6) insinuate , and (7) complaining. Third, the speech strategy used in the vice presidential candidate debate in the 2019 presidential election, (1) speaking without further ado, (2) speaking with positive politeness politeness, (3) speaking with negative politeness pleasantries, and (4) speak vaguely.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Bini Lestari

This study aims to describe the forms of illocutionary speech acts in the animated film Upin & Ipin in the series "Seronoknya Wisata Air". In addition, this study also describes the form of character education contained in the animated film. Furthermore, this study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data source in this study obtained conversations in the animated film Upin & Ipin obtained from Television. Data collection techniques in this study used the note taking technique, by noting every conversation that contains illocutionary speech acts. The data validity technique in this research is in the form of theory triangulation, data analysis using interactive analysis. The results of the study show that in the animated film Upin & Ipin the series of "Water Tourism" contains illocutionary acts. For example assertive, directive and expressive. In this study, researchers also found the value of character education contained in the Upin & Ipin animated film "Seronoknya Wisata Air", for example disciplinary value, creative value, value of achievement and friendly values.Keywords: Illocutionary Speech Acts, Upin & Ipin Animated Film, Character Education

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Nurdin Karim

This study aims to (1) find out how the harmonic tradition exists in Buton society, (2) know the tradition forms of Buton society, and (3) know the character values in the tradition of Buton society. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach that describes the process of harmonic tradition implementation in Buton society. The data is obtained through observation, interview, and documentation. The data source consists of 15 people consisting of syara Masjid, customary leaders, and village and community leaders. Data analysis is undertaken by using Miles & Huberman analysis model. The results showed that the implementation of the haroa is a hereditary tradition created by Buton society where the implementation is done from house to house, in the mosque, and in other places mutually agreed. The forms of haroa practice can be classified as follows: (a) haroa for the big days of Islam, such as isra'mi'raj, maulid of the Prophet Mauhammad Saw, Sha'ban, ramadhan, lailatul qadar night, feast of Eid fithri and Eid adha (b) haroa for syukuran / selamatan, (c) haroa for death (poalona mate). The character values contained in the tradition of the haroa are religiousity, gratitude, togetherness, love and affection, unity, help, care, deliberation, and tolerance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Lukluatul Maulidiyah ◽  
Didin Nuruddin Hidayat ◽  
Alek Alek ◽  
Maya Defianty

Understanding the illocutionary speech acts performed by prominent speakers in a formal event may bring significant impacts to provide an in-depth explanation of the purposes that the speakers intend to deliver. Sherly Annavita, a young politician and social influencer, was invited to one of Indonesia's prominent TV shows. As an influencer, her statements have often initiated a social movement, which led the researchers to examine how she delivered her thoughts in the public sphere. The present study employed a descriptive qualitative approach to uncovered what illocutionary speech acts performed by the above-mentioned politician and the purpose in each speech act. Data analysis of this study found sixteen (16) illocutionary speech acts performed by Sherly. Assertive Illocutionary Speech Act dominated her statements, followed by Expressive and Directive Illocutionary Speech Acts, respectively. Further, of all speech acts performed, Sherly delivered seven purposes of her statement, namely expressing opinions, notifying, stating arguments, advising, thanking, praising, and criticizing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 1
M. Hasbullah Ridwan ◽  
Muhammad Abu Riza

Speech acts are actions that are displayed through speech. This means that something like that contains an assumption that the utterances we speak are not really empty speeches without any action content in them, or empty of the current context. Speech acts are divided into three types, namely speech acts of locus, illocution and perlocution. The problems discussed in this research are 1) What are the forms of speech acts between the seller and the buyer at Sumberayu Market, Muncar Banyuwangi? 2) It is included in the category of speech acts whether the utterances uttered by sellers and buyers at Sumberayu Muncar Banyuwangi Market. This study aims to determine the forms of speech acts between sellers and buyers at Sumberayu Muncar Banyuwangi Market, and to find out the meaning contained in the the form of speech acts and including the category of speech acts whether the utterances spoken by the seller and the buyer at Sumberayu Market Muncar Banyuwangi. Researchers here use a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is an approach based on a natural or naturalist background. Research data collection techniques using observation techniques and note-taking techniques, data analysis techniques flow analysis methods which include data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions / verification. The results of the study were speech acts which consisted of 19 forms of conversation consisting of 86 locusive speech acts, 20 illocutionary speech acts, and 14 perlocutionary speech acts which were spoken between sellers and buyers consisting of vegetable sellers, fruit-fruit sellers, ampok rice sellers, traditional hawker sellers, soybean sellers and others.

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