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Published By IAI Darussalam Blokagung


2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 300
Asngadi Rofiq ◽  
Moh. Syamsul Ma�arif

Literary works, especially short stories, are one of the teaching tools to develop the soul, humanize humans, and increase literary appreciation in depth and love, coloring short stories as a form of manifestation of life. As a form of literary work, the short story also tells about various human lives and their interactions with the environment and each other. One of the literary works in the form of short stories that really builds the soul and character of Indonesian children, one of which is a short story entitled "CARAKU MENCINTAI KANG ALFI (ALFIYAH LATIN)'' by Lia Himmatul Ulya. This short story genre is very different from other short stories. The author is very good at presenting the contents of this short story so that it is neat and touching when read. This short story also presents religious values related to God and between humans themselves. This anthology of short stories in addition to providing entertainment also instills religious values with familiar language so that it can be easily understood and implemented by readers in everyday life.The general purpose of this study is to examine Islamic religious values in the short story CARAKU MENCINTAI KANG ALFI (ALFIYAH LATIN) by Lia Himmatul Ulya, which is sourced from the Qur'an and Al-Hadith. The specific objectives of this study are (1) to obtain an objective description of religious values in relation to God (vertical) and (2) to obtain an objective description of religious values in relation to fellow human beings (horizontally). This study uses a qualitative approach, with the characteristics of (1) using a natural setting as a direct data source and as the main instrument, (2) descriptive, (3) paying more attention to the process than the result, (4) analyzing the data inductively and meaning. . This research is classified into descriptive qualitative research. The data in this study are the religious values of the short story text CARAKU MENCINTAI KANG ALFI (ALFIYAH LATIN).Based on the results of this descriptive research, it was found that the Islamic religious values contained in the short story CARAKU MENCINTAI KANG ALFI (ALFIYAH LATIN) include "Hablum minallah and Hablum minan-nas". In relation to God, seven religious values are found, namely: (1) the value of faith (2) the value of endeavor, (3) the value of tawakkal, (4) the value of patience, (5) the value of guidance, (6) the value of monotheism, (7 ) God's help, while in relation to fellow human beings three religious values are found, namely: (1) mutual help among human beings, (2) mutual respect and respect for fellow human beings, (3) tolerance between religious communities. From some of the religious values presented by the author in this short story, he voiced the concept of Islamic Aqeedah which can be used as a good role model for readers. Because the contents of this short story include many religious teachings sourced from the Qur'an and Al-Hadith. And from here also the author emphasizes the importance of human relationships with God and human relationships with fellow human beings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 197
Nanda Maulana Hasmi

Literary work tries to describe human life, not only in relation to other humans, but also in relation to itself through the relationship of inner events. One form of literary work is novel. The birth of the novel is the creative result of the author in processing a story about life complete with various conflicts in it. Because this research is intended as a study of literary psychology to achieve the psychological aspects of the main character in the novel Hati Suhita by Khilma Anis, what will be put forward is the structure of the story which is closely related to the psychological exposure of the main character. The story structure is the characters and characterizations. As well as the story setting. Qualitative method. Namely, research procedures that produce qualitative descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observed behavior. How as much data as possible will be able to become the subject of research depends on the use of research techniques. While the approach is a literary assessment perspective. The approach is the scope of literary research. The form, content, and nature of literature as the subject of study. Until now, it seems that in literary research there is often confusion between the use of the terms method, technique and approach. As a result, there are overlapping areas of literary research. The method should involve the operational means of research. The method requires research steps that are worth following. The research results found by the researcher were in the form of the character of the main character and psychological conflicts in Khilma Anis' novel Hati Suhita. Suhita's character is good, tawadhu, smart. Al Birruni is firm, easy to change. Rengganis beautiful, smart. Aruna is good, cheerful. Kang Dharma is calm, mature. And the psychological conflict of Suhita's character is sad. Al Birruni didn't have the heart, Rengganis knew himself, Aruna was sad, and Kang Dharma was calm. In connection with conducting the research, the writer suggests that: first, literary reviewers are advised to examine more deeply the implicit and explicit values in Khilma Anis' novel Hati Suhita, because then we as readers can understand the author's message and his work in totality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 259
Imaz Nafiza

This study aims to interpret the function of verbal and nonverbal rhetorical forms of presenters in Mata Najwa on Trans7 as a rhetorical strategy. The design and type of this research used descriptive qualitative. The research was conducted comprehensively which refers to the analysis of verbal and nonverbal rhetorical forms. Data collection techniques used recording techniques, listening techniques, and note-taking techniques. Meanwhile, the data analysis in this study was to classify the data and classify the data. To test the validity of the data, the researchers used several stages, namely credibility testing, transferability testing, depenability testing, and confirmability testing. The results of this study found that the use of verbal (diction and style) and nonverbal (body language) rhetoric from Najwa Shihab's speech contained many persuasive elements. From the persuasive element, it was used as a strategy for the presenter in Mata Najwa on Trans7.Based on the results and discussion of verbal and nonverbal rhetoric in the Mata Najwa program on Trans7, various verb elements were selected which functioned to expedite the process of the presenter's strategy in influencing listeners. Therefore, an art in communicating is absolutely necessary for a presenter in conveying messages through the rhetoric of verbal forms of speech and rhetoric of speech in nonverbal forms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 239
Ali Manshur ◽  
Rikha Nahrul Jannah

This research will discuss the form of language acquisition for children aged 3-4 years and what factors influence language acquisition in children aged 3-4 years. In this case the researcher studies in the realm of psycholinguistics, because the language process in children is inseparable from psychology in humans. This research uses descriptive qualitative type. Retrieval of data using observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The object of this study was children aged 3-4 years. Data Analisys from this reseach is The use of data analisys model interaktif according from Milles and Huberman is data collectif, data reducsi, data presentation, adn conclusion. The results and conclusions of this study are that 3-year-old children are able to communicate with their interlocutors using simple sentences. Consonantal pronunciation /r/ and consonant groups are not yet mastered. Children who are 3.5 years old can say declarative, introgative sentences. Mastery of several objects around him can he express through storytelling. Consonantal pronunciation /r/ and consonant groups are not yet mastered. Children aged 4 years have increased language production. Language acquisition factors for children aged 3-4 years are biological, environmental, cognitive, and electronic media that are often accessed such as devices and television.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 223
Muhammad Hasbullah Ridwan ◽  
Nurul Khamidah

Speaking in a good and polite way is a rule in communicating so that communication can run smoothly and the purpose of discussion or the purpose of communication can be achieved. Communication between individuals or groups can occur in various places be it in the family environment, workplace and others. In addition, communications can be found on newspapers, tabloids, wrong magazines and television broadcasts. One of the television shows that shows the existence of communication between people is in various events "BerAKSI at Home Only" in Indosiar. In line with the above, the purpose of this study is to analyze the fulfillment of the principle of language impression, violation of the principle of language impression and see what factors influence the violation of the principle of language impression of the jury variety of events "BerAKSI at Home Only" in Indosiar. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method that describes and presents the data obtained factually and accurately. The data for this study is the speech of the jury of various events "BerAKSI at Home Only" in Indosiar that allegedly fulfilled the principle of language impressionion and violated the principle of language impression. Data collection techniques carried out in this research are listening techniques, note-recording techniques, and data reduction. The results showed the fulfillment of the principle of language impression in (1) the maksim of wisdom, (2) the max of generosity, , (3) the maksim of humility, (4) the maksim of the match, (5) the maksim of pympaness. Furthermore, the results of research on speech that violates the principle of language impressions that are diklasifikaiskan on the factors that cause violations of the principle of language impression (1) because of criticism directly with harsh words, (2) factors of encouragement of the sense of emotion of speakers, (3) factors deliberately accusing the opponent of speech, (5) factors deliberately cornering the opponent as much.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 287
Zulfa Nur Maulida

This study analyzes cohesion and coherence in covid-19 news in the June 2020 liputan6.com edition. The purpose of this study is to describe the markers of cohesion and coherence of news discourse in online media with the June 2020 edition of Covid-19. This study aims to describe the discourse markers of cohesion and coherence in the Covid-19 news on the June 2020 edition of Liputan6.com. Looking for markers of cohesion and coherence in the news. Based on the results of data analysis found several things as follows. First, markers of grammatical cohesiveness by using reference markers, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunctions. Second, markers of lexical cohesion which include antonymy, hyponymy, and collocation. Third, the markers of coherence are found as "signified" coherence. Markers of "tagged" coherence include additive coherence, chronological coherence, causality coherence, and contrast coherence. On the basis of the results of data analysis, it can be concluded as follows. First, the mark of cohesiveness in the covid-19 news on Liputan6.com in the June 2020 edition generally uses explicit cohesion markers. Second, the grammatical cohesive markers used include references, substitution, ellipsis, conjunctions, and lexical cohesive markers used include antonym, hyponym, and collocation. Third, the markers of the coherence of co-19 news in the June 2020 edition generally use "tagged" coherence, such as additive coherence, chronological coherence, causality coherence, and contrast coherence

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 248
Syafi� Junadi ◽  
Atina Khoirun Nisa

Researchers limit the problems analyzed about the type of idiomatic and the meaning of the idiomatic. In this study, it is stated that there are two types of idiomaotic meanings, namely full idiom and partial idiom. This study aims to analyze idiomatic forms and types of idiomatic Indonesian. There are two types of idiomatic contained in the novel Dua Barista because Najhati Sharma in 2020, namely partial idiomatic and full idiomatic. This type of research is qualitative using data analysis methods. Therefore, the researcher took the title "The idiomatic meaning of the novel Dua Barista by Najhay Sharma". Data analysis used by using reading techniques and recording the novel Dua Barista by Najhaty Sharma. The results of this study indicate that there are full idiom types and partial idioms in the novel Dua Barista karaya Najhaty Sharma. Full idioms were found as many as eleven partial idioms and eleven full idioms, namely, nesting disease, night pekantnya, toil, khodimah, simple huts, rumors, shining like the full moon, my body is thin like the letter alif, the bridge of the nose, thousands of feet of prayer . From the data analysis, it was found that eleven full idioms and eleven partial idioms were found. So the conclusion of this study is about idiomatic analysis, which discusses idiomatic types and idiomatic meanings contained in the novel Dua Barista by Najhaty Sharma in 2020.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 186
Siti Nur Afifatul Hikmah

Representation as a picture of the existence of a thing. In this case the representation of teachers in learning has power. The symbolic power of the teacher's speech in learning makes the teacher a person or group that holds the power of symbols. The symbolic power exercised by the teacher in learning cannot be separated from speech acts in the form of orders, invitations, advice, praise, questions, explanations and information. This research method uses a qualitative approach with the type of field research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 275
Yulia Dwi Oktafiani

The purpose of this study is to be able to describe the results of the utterances of vegetable traders in the kidol market of Blokagung sub-village in the phonological domain and also be able to find out the factors that cause the various languages of the traders. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The method does not require a count of numbers and is used to describe or write down events at the time the research was conducted. Data and data sources needed in this study are in the form of words, phrases, sentences in the utterances of vegetable traders in the kidul market of Blokagung hamlet. The results of the study describe the various languages of the vegetable traders' utterances in terms of phonological studies. There are phoneme changes (so buyers can hear clearly the types of vegetables offered), phoneme removal (to speed up traders delivering speech when offering their vegetables), phonemes additions (for fluent traders in speaking) and phonemes reduction (for fluent traders in speaking). So that the purpose of traders offering vegetables can be done well and accepted by the buyer. From this research, there are three factors that cause a variety of languages, namely the habit factor, attracting the attention of the seller, and the factor of quickly selling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 213
Bambang Irawan

As it is today, the world has been confronted with a problem that occurs that is the epidemic of the corona virus, known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). The Indonesian Government through the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Nadiem Anwar Makariem, has issued a circular number 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education in the Coronavirus Disease Emergency Period (Covid-19). The circular contains several technical issues related to the learning process that must be carried out by the academic community. One such policy is to emphasize the academic community to carry out learning online (online) with the aim of preventing the spread of the covid-19 virus. This study aims to find out what are the problems of the online learning process in Indonesian during the 19th period in MA Darussalam and how is the solution of the problem. This research approach uses a qualitative research approach with data collection techniques by interviewing informants related to this research. Data analysis techniques used are domain and taxonomy analysis techniques. The results showed that the problematic of the process of learning Indonesian online is the lack of infrastructure such as students not carrying a cellphone, time constraints, difficulty evaluating, prone to cheating in doing assignments, difficult signal, and lack of understanding of student guardians. The solution to the problem is the need for stakeholder support to contribute to the success of the online learning process. These stakeholders include teachers, parents, students, schools and government.

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