scholarly journals Analisis Pengaruh Pembelajaran Discovery terhadap Minat dan Hasil Belajar Asam Basa Peserta Didik

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Sugiarti Sugiarti ◽  
Netti Herawati ◽  
Risdawati Risdawati

This research is a quasi-experimental that aimed to find out the effect of discovery learning model toward interests and learning outcomes of students in class XI MIA SMAN 3 Pinrang. Independent variable in the research is discovery learning model and direct instruction and dependent variables is areinterest and learning outcomes of acid-base. The population in this research is all students class XI MIA SMAN 3 Pinrang that consist of six classes. Class XI MIA5 as an experiment group that consist of 31 students and class XI MIA2 as a control group that consist of 33 students. The result data of the research was obtained by interest questionnaires and learning outcomes test on acid-base topic for post test. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results of hypothesis testing for interest using t-test values obtained at tcount = 3,025 and significance level α = 0,05 with df = 3 and ttable = 1,66 because tcount > ttable  it indscate that H0 failed. So the are is effect learning model effect learning model to learning interets of students class XI  MIA SMAN 3 Pinrang. While for testing the learning outcomes using Mann-Whitney test obtained at Zcount  = 3,48 and significance level α = 0,05 with df = 3 and ztable= 1,64. It shows that there is the effect of discovery learning model toward learning outcomes of students in class XI MIA SMAN 3 Pinrang. Testing correlation for experiment group is obtained rcount  = 0,618 on significance level  α = 0,05 and rtable = 0,355, so it can be concluded that there is positive correlation interests with learning outcomes in discovery learning model. While testing correlation for control group is obtained rcount = 0,488 on significance level α = 0,05 and rtable = 0,344, so it can be concluded that there is positive correlation interests and learning outcomes in direct instruction.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 178-182
Sutijo Joko Sudiro ◽  
Muchammad Farid ◽  
Eko Swistoro

ABSTRACT [Relationship between Groundwater Surface Depth with Salinity at the Coast of New Kungkai Beach and its Implementation on Discovery Learning Model]. The aims of this study were 1) to describe the relationship between groundwater surface depth with salinity in the coastal areas of new kungkai beach of Seluma, and 2) to determine the improvement of learning outcomes (cognitive) of high ability students, moderate and low by using discovery learning model on the concept of static fluid in class X computer and network engineering at SMK Negeri 3 Seluma. This research was a quasi experimental research with one groups pretest-posttest design. The results showed: 1) The relationship between depth with salinity has a value of 0.6478 with a significance level of 0.001 (<0.05); 2) Learning with discovery learning model can improve student learning outcomes on cognitive aspects (knowledge). Increased cognitive results can be seen from the average value of the initial test, the final test and the average value of gain in the class x Tkj is high-ability groups are at high criteria with a value of 0.75 gain in the group is in the criteria medium with the value of gain 0,52 and in the low group were in moderate criteria with a gain value of 0.44. There is a difference in learning outcomes between the high, medium and low groups. The difference is shown by Fcount > Ftable (4.04 > 3.35) with a significance level of 5%. Keywords: Groundwater surface depth; salinity; discovery learning model; SMKN 3 Seluma.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Syayid Qosim M. Jafar Al-idrus ◽  
Hikmawati Hikmawati ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan bantuan video kartun terhadap hasil belajar fisika siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experimental. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA SMAN 1 Sikur tahun ajaran 2014/2015 dengan jumlah 113 siswa. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan melalui teknik purposive sampling dengan siswa kelas XI IPA 2 sebanyak 37 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan siswa kelas XI IPA 1 sebanyak 36 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah nonequivalent control group design. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes tertulis dalam bentuk pilihan ganda yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji validitas, reliabilitas, analisis tingkat kesukaran, dan analisis daya beda soal. Data hasil tes akhir dianalisis menggunakan uji-t dua pihak dengan rumus pooled varians dan diperoleh thitung sebesar (5,318) dengan ttabel sebesar (1,996) pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Nilai thitung lebih besar dari ttabel maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran berbasis masalah berbantuan video kartun berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar fisika siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Sikur. Kata kunci : Model pembelajaran berbasis masalah, video kartun, hasil belajar.Abstract: This research aims to determine the effect of problem-based learning model assisted cartoon video of the physics student learning outcomes. This type of research is a quasi-experimental. The study population was all students (113 students) of class XI IPA SMAN 1 Sikur academic year 2014/2015. Sampling was done through purposive sampling technique with class XI IPA 2 as experimental class (37 students) and class XI IPA 1 as the control class ( 36 students). The nonequivalent control group was used as the experimental design. The instruments used in the form of a written test in the form of multiple choices previously tested the validity, reliability, analysis of the level of difficulty, and analysis about the different power. The final test result data were analyzed using t-test two parties with pooled variance formula and obtained tcount of (5.318) with ttable of (1.996) at the 5% significance level. The value of tcount greater than ttable then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This suggests that the problem-based learning model assisted cartoon video has effect on the student class XI of SMAN 1 Sikur physics learning outcomes.Keywords: Problem-based learning model, video cartoon, learning outcomes

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Sri Suryani

Matematika adalah ilmu abstrak yang membutuhkan benda konkret agar lebih mudah dipahami. Berdasarkan observasi ditemukan bahwa hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas V SDN Gugus Pattimura Kebumen masih sangat rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan model discovery learning berbantuan alat peraga kubus satuan terhadap hasil belajar matematika materi volume bangun ruang siswa kelas V SDN Gugus Patimura Kebumen. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian menggunakan quasi experimental dan bentuk nonequivalent control group. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V SDN Gugus Patimura Kebumen. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan cluster sampling, dimana siswa kelas V SDN Peneket sebagai kelas eksperimen dan siswa kelas V SDN Sidorejo sebagai kelas kontrol. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik tes dan non tes. Sedangkan teknik analisis data dengan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan uji hipotesis yang meliputi uji z, uji t dan uji N-gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ketuntasan hasil belajar kelas eksperimen mencapai 75% sedangkan kelas kontrol tidak, rata-rata hasil belajar kelas eksperimen lebih dari kelas kontrol dan N-gain kelas eksperimen (0,68) > kelas kontrol (0,53). Simpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah model discovery learning berbantuan alat peraga kubus satuan lebih efektif  terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas V SDN Gugus Patimura Kebumen. Penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika materi volume bangun ruang kelas V SDN Gugus Pattimura Kebumen. Mathematics is an abstract science that requires concrete objects to be understood. The observation was found that learning outcomes mathematics of fifth grade students at Kebumen Pattimura cluster were very low. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of the discovery learning model assisted by the unit cubes props on mathematics learning outcomes of solid figures volume in the fifth grade at Kebumen Pattimura Cluster Elementary School. The type of this research was experimental research with quasi-experimental design and nonequivalent control group form. The population in this study were all the fifth grade students at Kebumen Pattimura Cluster Elementary School. The sampling technique used cluster sampling, where the fifth grade students of Peneket Elementary School as the experimental class and the fifth grade students of Sidorejo Elementary School as the control class. The data collection techniques used test and non-test techniques. While the data analysis techniques used the normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis testing which includes z test, t test and N-gain test. The results showed that the experimental class learning outcomes achieved 75% of the passing grade while the control class did not. The average learning outcomes of the experimental class were more than the control class and N-gain of the experimental class (0.68) > control class (0.53). The conclusion of this research was that the discovery learning model assisted by the unit cube props was more effective than the direct instruction model assisted by picture media on mathematics learning outcomes in the fifth grade at Kebumen Pattimura Cluster Elementary School. This research is useful to improve mathematics learning outcomes of solid figures volume in the fifth grade students at Kebumen Pattimura Cluster Elementary School.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 161
Maria Sisilia ◽  
Jamaluddin Sakung ◽  
Irwan Said

The aim of this study is to determine the learning outcomes of students in the class which is treatedwith the cooperative learning model Jigsaw whether it is better than the untreated class on chemicalequilibrium topic. This study is a quasi-experimental research design with Non Randomized Pretest-posttest control group design. The population in this study is 245 students of class XI MIA withacademic year 2014/2015, from 8 classes. The sample in this study class XI MIA 5 (n = 32) as anexperimental class while class XI MIA 6 (n = 32) as a control class. The analysis of data obtained inthe experimental class, X1 1 valueis 79.66 with a standard deviation = 9.41. In the control class, X2valueis 70.03 with a standard deviation = 11.13. The result of hypothesisis found that tcalculated>ttable(5.53 > 1.67) with a significance level (α = 0.05) and degrees of freedom = 62. This shows that H0 isrejected and H1 is accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that student learning outcomes in class which is treated using the cooperative learning model Jigsaw is better than the untreated class on chemicalequilibrium topic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-137
Daruningtyas Putri Pratiwi

Abstrak Berdasarkan hasil observasi wawancara dan data hasil belajar didapat bahwa hasil belajar IPS belum optimal dikarenakan dalam proses pembelajaran kurang keterlibatan secara aktif dari para siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan model pembelajaran Discovery Learning berbantuan media audiovisual terhadap hasil belajar muatan pelajaran IPS kelas IV SDN Gugus Sultan Agung Pecangaan Jepara. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental dengan desain non equivalent control group design. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah cluster random sampling, dengan sampel sebanyak 112 siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa nilai thitung (2,592) > ttabel (2,002) yang berarti model Discovery Learning berbantuan media audiovisual efektif terhadap hasil belajar IPS siswa kelas IV. Hasil uji N-gain kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dari kelas kontrol (0,477 > 0,286) kriteria sedang.  Simpulan penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran Discovery Learning berbantuan media audiovisual efektif terhadap hasil belajar mupel IPS siswa kelas IV SDN Gugus Sultan Agung Pecangaan Jepara. Based on interview observations and learning outcomes data, it is found that social studies learning outcomes are not optimal because  there is less active involvement of students in the learning process. This study aims to test the effectiveness of the Discovery Learning model assisted by audiovisual media on learning outcomes of social studies content of the fourth grade social studies at SDN Cluster Sultan Agung Pecangaan Jepara. This type of research is a quasi experimental design with non equivalent control group design. The sampling technique is cluster random sampling, with a sample of 112 students. Data collection uses test, observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Hypothesis test results indicate that the value of tcount (2.592) > ttable (2.002), which means that the Discovery Learning model assisted by audiovisual media is effective against social studies learning outcomes of fourth grade students. The N-gain test results of the experimental class are higher than the control class (0.477 > 0.286) moderate criteria. The conclusion of this research is the Discovery Learning model assisted by audiovisual media which is effective on the learning outcomes of Social Studies students 4th grade SDN Cluster Sultan Agung Pecangaan Jepara.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Sutijo Joko Sudiro ◽  
Muchammad Farid ◽  
Eko Swistoro

ABSTRACT [Relationship between Groundwater Surface Depth with Salinity at the Coast of New Kungkai Beach and its Implementation on Discovery Learning Model]. The aims of this study were 1) to describe the relationship between groundwater surface depth with salinity in the coastal areas of new kungkai beach of Seluma, and 2) to determine the improvement of learning outcomes (cognitive) of high ability students, moderate and low by using discovery learning model on the concept of static fluid in class X computer and network engineering at SMK Negeri 3 Seluma. This research was a quasi experimental research with one groups pretest-posttest design. The results showed: 1) The relationship between depth with salinity has a value of 0.6478 with a significance level of 0.001 (<0.05); 2) Learning with discovery learning model can improve student learning outcomes on cognitive aspects (knowledge). Increased cognitive results can be seen from the average value of the initial test, the final test and the average value of gain in the class x Tkj is high-ability groups are at high criteria with a value of 0.75 gain in the group is in the criteria medium with the value of gain 0,52 and in the low group were in moderate criteria with a gain value of 0.44. There is a difference in learning outcomes between the high, medium and low groups. The difference is shown by Fcount > Ftable (4.04 > 3.35) with a significance level of 5%. Keywords: Groundwater surface depth; salinity; discovery learning model; SMKN 3 Seluma.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
I Ketut Ardana

This research was conducted to determine the significant diversification in science’s learning outcome that are learned by using discovery learning model of audio-visual media in lesson study setting and it was learned using conventional learning on PGSD’s student at  Undiksha UPP Denpasar in 2017. This research is a quasi-experimental research with nonequivalent control group design. Population in this research is all student of PGSD amounted 182 students from 4 classes. The sample is determined by using random sampling technique, so that the sample of J class of 45 students and H class of 46 students was obtained. The data of science’s learning outcomes were collected using the usual double choice objective test, then analyzed by t-test. The result of this study showed the average experimental group value is 84.19 while the control group average is 70.00. Thus it can be concluded that there are significant differences in learning outcomes of science that are learned by using discovery learning model of audio-visual media in lesson study setting and learning using conventional learning in PGSD’s  student at Undiksha UPP Denpasar in 2017.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Ika Mardiyanti

The learning model is one of the factors that influence student results. This study aims to determine the effect of cooperative learning model Jigsaw mode on the Result of Learning Emergency Management Course in Student Semester V at the University of NU Surabaya in 2015. The design of this research was Quasi Experimental cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all students throughout the class A fifth semester at the University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya in 2015 amounted to 44 people. Samples were taken by sampling saturated, which in the 4 groups: the experimental group consisted of prior Jigsaw, after Jigsaw and the control group consisted of before the lecture, lecture sesuadah. The dependent variable in this study is the Learning Outcomes Management Training Courses Emergency Resuscitation On the newborn infant, and the independent variable is the type cooperative learning model Jigsaw. The research instrument used questionnaires, the data were analyzed by Friedman test with significance level α = 0.05. Research shows that student results after using cooperative learning model Jigsaw mode almost half (33.3%) get an A, while after using lecture learning model minority (23.8%) of respondents received an A. From the analysis of Friedman Test level significance α = 0.05, p = 0.000 thus obtained H0 rejected because p <α which means there Effect Model Jigsaw cooperative learning mode Learning Results Subjects of Emergency Handling of Newborn Resuscitation on Student Semester V NU At the University of Surabaya in 2015. in conclusion the learning model Jigsaw type of students more active, creative and better learning outcomes compared to conventional methods. With the use of appropriate learning models will be able to improve student results.

Made Wihendra Adhiatmika . ◽  
Dr. Ketut Agustini, S.Si, M.Si. . ◽  
I Gede Partha Sindu, S.Pd., M.Pd. .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar TIK antara kelompok eksperimen yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Snowball Throwing dengan kelompok Kontrol yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Konvensional pada kelas VIII di SMPN 5 Tejakula. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII yang berjumlah 110 orang. Sampel penelitian ini adalah kelompok siswa kelas VIII B yang berjumlah 37 orang sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelompok siswa kelas VIII C berjumlah 36 orang sebagai kelas eksperimen. Data hasil belajar TIK siswa dikumpulkan dengan instrumen tes berbentuk pilihan ganda (kognitif) dan praktek (psikomotor). Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial (uji–t). Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, diperoleh thitung = 8,979 dan ttabel (pada taraf signifikan 5%) = 1,669. Hal ini berarti bahwa thitung > ttabel, sehingga terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dalam penerapan Model Pembelajaran Snowball Throwing Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII Pada Mata pelajaran TIK di SMP N 5 Tejakula yaitu nilai hasil belajar siswa kelompok eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan nilai hasil belajar kelompok kontrol. Dilihat dari hasil perhitungan nilai rata-rata hasil belajar TIK kelompok eksperimen sebesar 40,73 lebih besar dari nilai rata-rata hasil belajar TIK kelompok kontrol sebesar 32,64, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pemebalajaran Snowball Throwing mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII pada matapelajaran TIK. Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran Kooperatif, model pembelajaran Snowball Throwing, hasil belajar siswa TIK. This study aimed at determining differences of ICT learning outcomes between experimental group using Snowball Throwing learning model and control group using conventional learning model in class VIII SMPN 5 Tejakula. This research is a quasi-experimental research. The population of this study was all students in eighth grade which was about 110 people. The samples were the students of class VIII B group totaling 37 people as a control group and a group of students of class VIII C totaling 36 people as a class experiment. The data of students’ ICT learning outcomes were collected by multiple choice test (cognitive) and practice (psychomotor) instrument. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics (t-test). Based on the analysis of the data, it was obtained thitung = 8.979 and ttable (at significance level of 5%) = 1.669. This means that thitung> ttable, so there is a significant influence in the implementation of Learning Model Snowball Throwing on Students’ learning results of class VIII on the subjects of ICT in SMP N 5 Tejakula which the learning outcomes of the experimental group is higher than the control group, The analysis of the data shows that the ICT learning outcomes average of experimental group is 40.73 which is greater than the average of the control group which is 32.64, so it can be concluded that the application of Snowball Throwing learning model able to improve students’ ICT learning outcomes of class VIII.keyword : Cooperative Learning, Snowball Throwing learning model, students’ ICT learning outcomes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Puryadi Puryadi ◽  
Satutik Rahayu ◽  
Sutrio Sutrio

This study aims to determine the effect learning model of direct instruction assisted contextual based teaching materials to the students learning outcomes of applied science SMKN 4 Mataram of academic years 2015/2016 on temperature and heat matter. This type of research is an experimental study with post test design control group design. The population in this study were all students of class X SMKN 4 Mataram of academic years 2015/2016. Sampling is done by purposive sampling technique, selected of X2 culinary class as experiment class and student of class X3 culinary as control class. The teaching materials used are context based physics teaching materials to culinary students. Instruments used in the form of multiple-choice test questions that refer to students' cognitive abilities include C1 to C6 categories. The results showed that the mean values of the students' learning outcomes of the experimental class and control classes were 61.38 and 49.07, respectively, both classes were normal and homogeneously distributed. The results data were analyzed by two-party test with a significance level of 5% obtained trsesult 2.89 and ttable 2.00. If tresult > ttable. So Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is the influence learning model of direct instruction that is assisted by contextual based teaching materials on the learning outcomes of students of class X SMKN 4 Mataram of academic years 2015/2016.

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