Tetiana Skrypnyk ◽  
Karina Biryukova

In the article, the authors analyze ways to increase the professional competence of teachers of multidisciplinary IEP teams. This allows the conclusion that that the use of coaching is appropriate for mastering support specialists with inclusive technologies, as well as the ability to work in a team interaction mode. Despite the obvious advantages of teamwork, in Ukraine this format of work is still not mastered in an inclusive educational environment. In the article the authors present the structure of the training program based on the team management model for significant achievements (R. Hackman). We conducted a training program for 10 IEP teams, aimed at increasing the level of team interaction and inclusive competence of specialists. Formative influence was done directly during the professional activity of teachers and was accompanied by prolonged expert coaching. In their study, the authors applied a special design scheme for teamwork. This scheme was concretized in the fact that the participants of the IEP teams used the experience gained in the training sessions in the practice of their professional activity, critically comprehended and analyzed their new experience, sought to comprehend the factors of both success and failure. Together with the coordinator and experts, all participants of the IEP teams developed rules for the team, established feedback, sought to influence the focus on mastering the modern approaches of the inclusive process at the level of the entire educational institution. In turn, this maintained the necessary level of motivation and joint intentions to introduce a competently constructed educational environment. To assess the state of inclusive competence formation before and after the training program, we used teacher self-assessment method «Professional Development Tool for Improving the Quality of Practice in primary school». As a result, all teachers have achieved a significant increase in the effectiveness of interdisciplinary support for children with special needs, which have reflected in the positive changes that have occurred in teachers at the professional, interpersonal and personal levels.

2021 ◽  
pp. 94-99
Lutsyk H.O.

The article is dedicated to the theoretical analysis of pedagogical conditions of the formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with the adolescents prone to deviant behaviour. The content of the problem in the scientific literature is analyzed, the main pedagogical conditions of the formation of the future psychologists’ readiness to work with deviant adolescents are determined. It is revealed that in the scientific literature the generalization concerning pedagogical conditions of formation of future psychologists’ readiness to professional activity is presented, among which single out forms and methods of the organization of the educational environment in an educational institution, interaction between psychology students and lecturers, students’ inclusion in solving problems of professional direction and implementation of a creative approach in teaching. Looking at the readiness of the future psychologists to work with the adolescents prone to deviant behaviour as the systemic formation that includes cognitive, motivational-value, creative-practical and regulative components, we consider that the development of these components of readiness depends on the pedagogical conditions implemented in the professional training process.In the process of scientific search, we used the following methods of research: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, systematization, specification.The pedagogical conditions of formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with adolescents prone to deviant behaviour are generalized as a set of pedagogical measures, requirements, external influences which provide construction of educational space, effective course of educational processes and allow to form readiness of the specified quality in future graduates.Pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the formation of the future psychologists’ readiness of this quality are highlighted, in particular: the focus of the educational environment on quality theoretical training of future psychologists to work with adolescents prone to deviant behaviour; implementation of practice-oriented, acmeological and competency-based approach in the training of future psychologists; reflective attitude of psychology students to education in the chosen field of study; use of innovative and problem-searching teaching methods that will contribute to the formation of future psychologists’ cognitive activity.Key words: adolescents, deviant behaviour, future psychologists, adolescents prone to deviant behaviour, future psychologists’ readiness, formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with adolescents prone to deviant behaviour, pedagogical conditions of the formation of future psychologists’ readiness to work with adolescents prone to deviant behaviour. Стаття присвячена теоретичному аналізу педагогічних умов формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки. Проаналізовано зміст проблеми у науковій літературі, визначено основні педагогічні умови формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками-девіантами. Виявлено, що в науковій літературі представлено узагальнення стосовно педагогічних умов формування готовності майбутніх психологів до професійної діяльності, серед яких виділяють форми і методи організації освітнього середовища в закладі освіти, взаємодію між студентами-психологами та викладачами, включення студентів до розв’язання проблемних завдань професійного спрямування та реалізації творчого підходу у навчанні.У процесі наукового пошуку нами використовувалися такі методи, як: аналіз та синтез, порівняння, класифікація, узагальнення, конкретизація.Констатовано, що розвиток складників готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки, залежить від педагогічних умов, які реалізовуються в процесі про-фесійної підготовки.Узагальнено, що педагогічні умови формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з під-літками, схильними до девіантної поведінки, є тими педагогічними заходами, вимогами, зовнішніми впливами, які забезпечують конструювання освітнього простору, ефективний перебіг освітніх процесів та дозволяють формувати у майбутніх випускників готовність зазначеної якості.Виділено педагогічні умови, які сприятимуть формуванню готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками-девіантами, зокрема: спрямованість освітнього середовища на якісну теоретичну підготовку майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки; реалізація практико-орієнтованого, акмеологічного та компетентнісного підходу у професійній підготовці майбутніх психологів; рефлексивне ставлення студентів-психологів до здобуття освіти за вибраним фахом; використання інноваційних та проблемно-пошукових методів навчання, які сприятимуть фор-муванню пізнавальної активності майбутніх психологів.Ключові слова: підлітки, девіантна поведінка, майбутні психологи, схильні до девіантної поведінки підлітки, готовність майбутніх психологів, формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки, педагогічні умови формування готовності майбутніх психологів до роботи з підлітками, схильними до девіантної поведінки.

Y. Chernykh ◽  
O. Chernykh

The article examines the quality of training of cadets – the graduates of higher military educational institutions and military educational units of higher education institutions (hereinafter – HMEI). The quality of training is assessed by future officers as the main components of their own competencies. The main factors contributing to the improvement of the quality of military specialists’ training are analyzed.In order to assess the quality of training of military specialists during the implementation of research work among graduates of HMEI, a sociological study has been conducted. The main attention is paid to the problem of identifying the current state of the quality of training of military specialists and the identification of factors that will increase the effectiveness of the educational process in the HMEI. The sample was taken in seven leading HMEI: National Army Academy, Kharkiv National Air Force University, Military Academy (Odesa), Institute of Armored Forces of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Zhytomyr Military Institute, the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization, Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.The quality of training of military specialists was considered from the point of view of graduates’ self-examination, namely: awareness of their own professionalism; possibilities of realization of individual abilities and inclinations; mastering the methodology of self-education, self-improvement; psychological readiness for professional activity; competence; ability to perform employment duties in the troops successfully.When planning a sociological study, all questions were brought together into five main blocks: socio-demographic characteristics of respondents; level of readiness of graduates to perform employment duties in troops, forces (the formation of appropriate competencies); changes (directions of improvement) in the content and methods of studying in HMEI offered by graduates to improve the quality of their own training; organizational measures that, in future officers’ opinion, should be used to improve the quality of training of military specialists; factors that are more of a concern for graduates after completing their studies;Key words: quality of training, professional competence, graduate of higher military educational institution, sociological survey

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-47

The article reveals the category ‘professional burnout’ and describes the ways of emotional states self-regulation of educators in modern preschool educational institutions. Methods for improving kindergarten teachers’ professional competence and self-esteem are clarified. It is defined how to find balance and harmony in professional activity to avoid overload and prevent professional burnout.The changes that are taking place in preschool education today place new demands on kindergarten teachers’ professional training. To optimize educators’ activities, it is necessary to balance the mode of their work and rest. Only by paying due attention to this issue can we avoid the phenomenon of professional burnout, which is quite common today.Attitudes towards colleagues, children, and parents should be based on the basic principles of partnership pedagogy, in particular respect for the individual, positive attitude and friendliness, and distributed leadership. In these conditions, educators of preschool educational institutions will be able to achieve maximum success in their activities, create effective learning and play environments that will form a comprehensively developed personality, and help the kindergarten teacher to maintain enthusiasm for many years.The article emphasizes that professionals must be able to resist the influence of adverse external factors that occur during professional activities. The key vectors of the educator’s life position should be optimism, self-efficacy, and the use of productive strategies to have their emotional state, to remain calm in any situation. It is necessary to be able to maintain mental balance, internal and external resources, and creative potential.

Yu. Atamanchuk

The article deals with the creation of unified information-educational environment of an educational institution, requirements to it, the organization of the educational process based on it, as well as all its constituent parts presented in an educational institution. A promising field of research of the problem of information technologies usage in students' learning activities can become the experimental study of the beliefs of students, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions on e-learning tools and their application in the educational environment. Moreover, it is worthwhile to mention that the problem of effective use of modern ICT disciplines is studied by many professors of higher educational institutions. However, its incorrect usage leads to the substitution of the learning objectives. Nowadays it is possible to reduce the educational process in universities not only by knowledge mastering, but also teaching students to learn and apply their new knowledge and information as effective, as it is possible. Numerous theoretical and practical research characteristics of the information technology in the students’ educational process claim that this approach is a response to students’ social demands and needs, since it contributes to the formation of professional competence of future professionals. One of the most important factors that significantly effects the quality of education is the usage of modern information technologies. Modern graduate students should have special professional tools and solve working problems, using information systems. Thus, the introduction of innovative information technologies in higher educational institutions enables future professionals to expand their potential abilities and encourages active learning.

Svitlana Havryliuk

The article reveals significant aspects of the development of the professional potential of future educators. The main features of the professional readiness of future educators of preschool education institutions to pedagogical activity are highlighted. The essence of such concepts as “professionalism”, “potential”, “creative potential”, and “professional potential” are described. The author pays attention to adverse factors, which block the professional potential of future teachers: low social status in the team; inner anxiety and lack of confidence; authoritarian style of pedagogical leadership; strict control, that prevent youth from taking the initiative; the indifference of a teacher towards professional success and achievements of students. This article draws attention to creating favourable pedagogical conditions in a higher educational institution for developing professional skills, stimulating initiative, searching and independence of future teachers. The significance of the acmeological approach to the formation of the professional potential of future teachers is introduced. It is claimed by the author that modernization of the process of professional training of future preschool teachers provides the search for new effective ways of organization educational activities addressed to actualize the professional potential of specialists. The essential condition of self-fulfilment of future teachers is a creative educational environment needed for the successful professional activity of students. It allows for creating a creative atmosphere for improving creative thinking, stimulating creative activities, initiative and formative research of students. Keywords: professionalism; potential; professional and creative potential; creative personality; creative thinking; creative educational environment; professional skill; professional self-fulfilment; acmeological approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e16602
Sergij Tkachov ◽  
Mykhailo Liannoi ◽  
Olha Shapovalova

The main purporse is to determine the main aspects of professional competence among students of physical culture and sports. The pedagogical practice of future physical culture teachers is an integrating and core component of the personal and professional formation of a future specialist, which provides for the formation of his professional competence through mastering various types of activity, leads to professional self-improvement, student self-knowledge in various professional roles in the real conditions of a general education school. Among the main tasks facing the system of higher pedagogical education, an important place is occupied by the task of training a competence-based specialist of a wide profile, further strengthening of fundamental education and bringing it closer to research and practical professional activity, therefore, the goal of training should provide for an optimal combination of theoretical knowledge and creative abilities of future teachers, which would allow them, after graduating from an educational institution, to independently raise the level of their education and professional training, to find fundamentally new solutions to the problems of science and practice. The study was carried out using the following theoretical methods: systems analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, classification, generalization and systematization, idealization and abstraction. As a result of the study, the main aspects of professional competence among students of physical culture and sports were determined

Nataliya Khodyakova ◽  
Aleksandr Mitin

The article handles from the standpoint of the situational-environmental approach to the design of educational systems, the substantive and procedural aspects of organizing the activities of educational situational centers, intended for the formation and development of the competencies of management personnel. The educational situational center is interpreted as an educational environment saturated with modern software and hardware, interacting with which the student acquires or improves the experience of making managerial decisions in non-standard and difficult situations, thereby increasing the level of his professional competence. Significant factors of the educational environment of the educational situational center include: conditions that stimulate the development of the reflective and creative experience of managerial specialists; conditions that provide opportunities for students to manifest subjective activity and independence; meaningful conditions that provide a meaning-generating, socio-cultural context of professional activity; conditions for comprehensive (physical, psychological, informational and cultural) safety of students. Each of these groups is assigned the risks of maladjustment of students in the educational environment, which are subject to pedagogical adjustment or dosage, depending on the level of formation of professional and personal experience of management specialists. On the basis of the presented results, conclusions were made regarding the didactic and methodological specifics of teaching in educational situational centers, the peculiarities of the implementation of educational and pedagogical activities in them.

Oksana Havryshkiv ◽  

The article presents the meaning of the concepts of “professional and pedagogical activityˮ, “professional developmentˮ and shows that professional development is a multifaceted process of acquiring and using new knowledge, skills and qualities that are necessary for highly effective implementation of professional pedagogical activity. It is noted that professional development is a process of transforming the teacher’s individuality, aimed at self-improvement and achievement of acmeological peaks in professional activity; the features of professional and pedagogical activity of a teacher of higher military educational institution are singled out in the article. The stages of professional development of a teacher (choice of profession, professional education and training, professional adaptation, professional competence, professionalism, mastery and innovation) are analyzed. It is identified that self-improvement is implemented in two interrelated ways: self-education and personal development. A brief meaningful characteristic of these concepts is offered. The stages of self-improvement of scientific and pedagogical workers are characterized: the stage of self-knowledge (the initial stage of cognitive activity of a person), the stage of creating a personal self-improvement program (formation of goals and ideals for achieving one’s goal), the stage of implementation of self-improvement program (professional development implementation complex), the stage of control and regulation of self-improvement process (evaluation of achieved results). On the basis of theoretical analysis and selected results of the empirical research, the author offers advice for teachers of higher military educational institutions for their professional self-improvement. It is determined that constant improvement of professional skills is an important factor in the professional development of a scientific and pedagogical worker. Keywords: pedagogical activity, higher military education institution, professional development, stages of professional development, self-improvement, self-education, innovativeness.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
M.S. Goncharenko ◽  
D.V. Stroilova

<p><em>The purpose </em>of the work is to to identify the state of formation of future teachers of the health of the application of the method of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres in the professional activities, as well as check the formation of positive motivation for them in this activity. <em>Material and methods. </em>The definition and experimental verification of the effectiveness of the method of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres in professional activity was carried out on the basis of the humanitarian faculties (philosophical, economic) of the Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazin. 52 experimental students, 45 experimental groups, were involved in the experimental work. <em>Results.</em> The indexes of level of formation of students' knowledge of skills and abilities regarding the methods of application of functional asymmetry of the brain are determined. Positive dynamics of the formation of the attitude of the students of the experimental group towards holistic thinking and the possibility of its reproduction was established, where the high level increased by an average of 21.7%, (in the control group - by 5.2%); the number of students in whom the formation of a responsible attitude to health corresponds to a low level in the experimental group decreased by an average of 29.3%, and in the control group - by 9.1%. <em>Conclusions</em>. It was established that the methodological readiness of the future teacher of the basis of health to the application of functional asymmetry of the human brain in professional activity is considered as an integrative personality formation, which constitutes the unity of the value relation to the application of functional asymmetry of the human brain in professional activity in the educational environment of a comprehensive educational institution and professional knowledge, skills and skills to create an educational environment that is most conducive to the health of students.</p>

Olena Kovtun

Educational space of a higher education institution constantly and continuously influences student’s personality as well as his / her developing as a competent specialist. The research was aimed at substantiating pedagogical technologies that optimize the process of forming students’ foreign-language professional competence within the educational space of a higher education institution. Theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization, pedagogical modelling), empirical (observation, pedagogical experiment, peer review method, reflexive evaluation method) and statistical methods were applied to achieve the set goal. Educational space of a higher education institution is defined as a purposefully created, methodically provided continuum of students’ foreign-language professional communication under conditions of which the development of their personality and effective formation of their foreign-language professional competence take place. Foreign-language professional competence as an integrative personality trait, determined by the synthesis of knowledge and skills, professional and life experience, values that ensure long-term readiness and ability to pursue professional activity in a foreign language, is developed effectively if the educational space of a higher education institution is multilingual and multicultural in its nature, broad, rich in foreign-language professional content, open, directed outwards. When designing educational space, it is necessary to rationally combine educational and non-educational components, provide in-class and out-of-class / extracurricular foreign-language educational and cognitive activities of students, use facilities of virtual educational environment, apply technics of contextual teaching, implement imitative and playing activities, interactive forms of training (games, project activity, case-study). In-class educational activity influences such components of foreign-language competence as “knowledge” and “skills”, whereas an extracurricular one aims at forming “values” and “experience”. Keywords: educational space of a higher education institution, foreign-language professional competence, virtual educational environment, educational and non-educational components, imitative and playing activities.

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