2020 ◽  
pp. 94-105
Yuliia Hlinchuk

The rapid loss of health of the younger generations during school education makes it a pressing problem for students to maintain their health during the learning process. This problem is extremely important not only for the general education environment but also for institutions of higher and postgraduate education, since the safety of the educational process for the health of students depends first and foremost on the teacher. However, to date, the problem of student health technologies has not been sufficiently studied. In particular, there is no single approach to the name and overall classification of such technologies. The article analyzes the views of scientists on the nature of student health technologies. Based on this, the term "school technologies of preserving students' health" and a general classification of student health preservation technologies are proposed for use, which logically integrates existing semantic interpretations. We believe that it is appropriate to separate school technologies for preserving students' health into appropriate health (technologies implemented in the educational process without compromising the health of the subjects: taking into account individual, age, gender characteristics; ergonomic, technical, organizational norms educational process, etc.) and health-saving (technologies aimed at shaping students' competences in maintaining their own health and that of other people: fostering a culture of health, health of the same lifestyle, sanogenic thinking etc.). It is noted that the results of theoretical analysis of the problem of general classification of school technologies of preserving students' health actualize the problem of further detailed classification of these technologies and ways of their introduction in the educational process of general educational institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (11) ◽  
pp. 61-64
Lala Mustafa Akhundzadeh ◽  
Nailya Agaguseyin Orujeva ◽  

This article deals with the method of using regional studies in foreign language classes in a non-linguistic university. It speaks about the realization of interdisciplinary relations as one of the effective means of professsionalizing the educational process. The paper also considers some variants of activities at the English lessons. Combinations of such subjects as Geography and English, History and English are presented. The interests of students in the field of their specialty are revealed. The interdisciplinary relations as a means of increasing general education and cultural potential of higher educational institutions are also highlighted. The necessity for highly qualified specialists in various specialities is emphasized in this article. Key words: interdisciplinary relations, integration, didactic principles, linguistic and country studies, differentiation of sciences, the emergence of fringe sciences

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (33) ◽  
pp. 404-422

Distance education is essentially the basis for the development of educational institutions that provide innovative services, which cannot be obtained elsewhere. It is believed that distance education is a substitute for the traditional as part of simplifying and cheapening the learning process. At the same time, the leading global trends suggest the need for the development of elements of self-education and the expansion of the geographical nature of educational offers. The relevance of the study is that it is necessary to distinguish between the use of distance education methods in the traditional sphere and the sphere of training professionals. The paper presents the concept of the need to integrate elements of distance education in the process of preparing university teachers. The authors believe that teachers in drawing up courses and applying learning technologies use the same techniques as in distance learning. Therefore, the use of distance learning technologies can be shown as the basis for the development of advanced training programs and additional professional education. The authors proposed a study on the need and sufficiency of the use of distance education technologies and the possibilities for their integration into the process of postgraduate education. The practical significance of the work is determined by the fact that the possibilities of self-development of teachers are fully disclosed, not only as subjects of the educational process but also as subjects of training.

2021 ◽  
pp. 53-62
Minnegaley Gizyatovich Akhmetov

The article discusses the classification of technical means of customs control. The modern views on the field of application of technical means of customs control when passing goods and vehicles through the customs border of the Eurasian Union are disclosed. The approaches to grouping, classification of technical means of customs control are clarified. The data in the article can be used by customs authorities in organizing the practical application of technical means of customs control and in the educational process of higher educational institutions in the «Customs» field of study.

Y. Oliinyk ◽  
T. Nych

The essence of the educational complex of the Kherson region as a holistic socio-geographical formation is revealed. The importance, role and place of the educational complex in the economic and social development of the territory are highlighted. The most important factors in the formation of the educational complex are revealed. The attention is paid to the deterioration of the demographic situation and its impact on the development of education. The specific of the branch structure of the educational complex is characterized. The analysis of territorial features of functioning and placement of components of the educational complex: pre-school education, general secondary education, out-of-school education, vocational education, higher education, postgraduate education, post-graduate and doctoral studies, self-education, lifelong education. Particular attention is paid to the territorial differentiation of the network of preschool and general education institutions. The dynamic of the number of MES in the region and the problem of uneven placement is traced. The tendency towards the decrease in the number of general educational institutions is revealed, which is the result of a decrease in the number of students due to the deterioration of the demographic situation. The process of formation of basic educational institutions and the impact on them of united territorial communities are described, the system of vocational education is characterized, characteristic features of the development of higher education, placement of the network of institutions of higher education, types of training of specialists are determined, the main forms of preparation of scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel are singled out. High-level qualifications in the field: post-graduate and doctoral studies. The attention is paid to the increase in the demand for higher qualification specialists. The modern transformational processes in the development of the educational complex of the region are highlighted. The main problems are described and perspective directions of further development of the educational complex are grounded.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 52-59
Ольга Красношлыкова ◽  
Olga Krasnoshlykova ◽  
И. Шефер ◽  
I. Shefer ◽  
Алена Кузнецова ◽  

Based on data on the information openness of the education system and educational institutions of Kemerovo Region obtained by means of the integrated monitoring implemented in the region since 2008, as well as on the results of an independent assessment of education quality, the authors analyze the development of informatization processes in the context of ensuring the information openness of the region’s education and its results (on the example of general education institutions) in order to identify possible prospects and improve the activities in question. The eff orts of state, education authorities and regional organizations on informatization have resulted in achieving high values of the indicators of normative, material, HR, programme, and organizational support of information openness. However, the availability of information and services intended for the interaction of all the participants in the educational process presents a problem for a large number of organizations and indicates the failure to fulfi ll the functional tasks of ensuring openness and accessibility of information about an organization. The authors suppose that this makes it possible to determine the further prospects for implementing the regional educational policy in the fi eld of informatization, with an emphasis on eff ective practices of interaction between interested parties and satisfaction of their information needs.

Anna А. Lyapkova ◽  

The paper examines the current situation of grammar school’ libraries, which are being trans-formed into library-informational centers. The composition of the library fund is analyzed. The article considers the features of the activity of libraries of General education institutions on the example of libraries of grammar schools in Tomsk. The main areas of activity are defined, such as library lessons, organization of exhibitions, etc. The paper considers the formats of libraries' participa-tion in the educational process and extracurricular activities (organization of events). The representation of grammar school libraries in the virtual spaceis analyzed. The document analysis method was used as the leading method. In general, the representation of libraries on the websites of educational institutions is usually very limited. On some sites, information about libraries is limited to providing brief information about the library or even to having a provision about the library (or library-informational center) as a structural division of the grammar school. The main source of statistical information was the regulations on libraries, open analytical re-ports and reports on self-examination of educational institutions. These documents are presented on the websites of grammar schools. Basic statistical information is provided in open analytical reports and self-research reports. The-se documents determine the current composition of library collections, the volume of the fund of edu-cational and methodical literature, as well as the equipment and capacity of libraries. Open reports, in addition to this information, also contain information about the activities of li-braries: the subject of exhibitions and librarian events. The websites of some grammar schools have provided library work plans, which have also be-come a valuable source of information, since they provide the greatest coverage of the topics and types of events that are held by the library. The regulations on libraries and library and information centers of grammar schools have be-come a source for defining the libraries main tasks, which can be different. The main conclusion to which the author of the article comes: despite the fact that most educa-tional institutions are focused on creating library-informational centers aimed at creating a common information environment, there is a lack of representation of the activities of high school libraries in the virtual space, which is modern and promising.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 189-204
Salman Alfarisi

Abstrak Islam merupakan Syari'at Allah SWT yang menjadi tuntunan bagi manusia dalam beribadah kepada Allah dan sebagai petunjuk untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan didunia maupun di Akhirat. Agar manusia dapat mengaplikasikan amanat besar ini, Syari'at Islam membutuhkan pendidikan, pembelajaran dan pengamalan. Pendidikan ialah sesuatu yang sangat di butuhkan dalam kehidupan manusia. Untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang terbaik tidak terjadi dengan instan begitu saja tapi membutuh sebuah proses pendidikan yang berkelanjutan. Keberhasilan sebuah pendidikan ditentukan oleh keberhasilan proses pembelajaran. Keberhasilah pembelajaran dipengaruhi oleh berbagai instrumen yang saling berhubungan antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Tuntutan Pendidikan Nasional yang bermutu tidak dapat terpisah dari Sarana dan Prasarana Pendidikan yang sangat diperlukan dalam mekanisme jalannya pendidikan dan pembelajaran. Oleh sebab itu, dalam  manajemen sarana dan prasarana dibutuhkan usaha yang baik agar di harapkan menjadi wasilah bagi  pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana dilembaga pendidikan. Pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan berfungsi untuk mengelola dan memelihara sarana dan prasarana pendidikan supaya bisa menunjang peranan dalam kegiatan pendidikan secara ideal serta lebih bermanfaat. Maka dari itu perlu adanya penjelasan tentang perencanaan sarana dan prasarana yang ditetapkan dilembaga pendidikan. Abstract Islam is the Shari'at of Allah SWT which is a guide for humans in worshiping Allah and as a guide to get happiness in this world and in the Hereafter. So that humans can apply this great mandate, Islamic Shari'ah requires education, learning and practice. Education is something that is very important for human life. The educational process to produce the best graduates does not just happen. The success of an education is determined by the success of the learning process. The learning success is influenced by various instruments which are interconnected with one another. The demand for quality National Education is inseparable from the existence of Educational Facilities and Infrastructure which are very much needed in the education and learning process. Therefore, a good management of facilities and infrastructure is needed so that the good quality and quantity of facilities and infrastructure is expected to be a solution for efforts to manage facilities and infrastructure in educational institutions. The management of educational facilities and infrastructure functions to regulate and maintain educational facilities and infrastructure so that they can contribute to the educational process optimally and meaningfully. Therefore, the authors feel the need to explain how the basic concepts and classification of management planning facilities and infrastructure are applied in educational institutions.

A. L Shcherban

For the first time, the activity of the weaving vocational school in the village Digtyari (modern Chernihiv region) is analyzed. It was the leading educational institution of the middle level of vocational education of the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 1920s, in which the creators of traditional textiles studied. The students learned the skills of making carpets, embroidered shirts, and kerchiefs. On the basis of archival sources, the histories, educational process, composition of the teaching and student groups of the school during 1926-1929 are covered. Established in the fall of 1926, the institution was to train qualified master practitioners for the factory and handicraft arts industry, who had formed an artistic taste. The teaching staff initially consisted of local general education teachers and visiting instructors and teachers of special subjects (O. Reisfeld and M. Dyachenko). The institution was headed by uneducated communists Yu. Kozelev and S. Lutayenko. The students of the first set were mostly non-locals, orphans. But the second set already consisted mostly of children of local peasants and artisans. The school had a significant material base, which remained from the textile educational institutions that operated in Digtyary during the first quarter of the twentieth century. The main rooms were located on the right-wing of the main building of the palace complex of the Galagan estate. As a result of the study of the materials of the minutes of the meetings of the school council, the conflict situations that constantly arose between the managers and their supporters and visiting specialists and led to the departure of the latter from Digtyary were analyzed. The initial stage of the existence of the Digtyari weaving professional school, problems in relations between staff, and the originality of the contingent of the first set of students influenced the quality of their training. As it is clear from the available sources, during the first and the beginning of the second school year students worked both theoretically and practically, but due to lack of raw materials they could not produce a significant amount of full-fledged products. The school’s workshop worked on “factory” and, in part, “peasant” raw materials. At the end of the second year of study, students were already making work suitable for sale. The school operated in two directions. The visiting instructor, an experienced artist M. Dyachenko brought a new vision of teaching graphic literacy into the educational process. Weaving and embroidery instructors who either graduated from the textile schools previously existing in Digtyary (A. Reisfeld, V. Nikolskaya) or worked there for a long time (G. Tsybuleva) broadcast local traditions. During the years under study, about 100 students studying at the institution, and one graduation took place. Troubles in the personal relationship between teachers and school management and insufficient funding have affected the quality of education. But even in such conditions, students not only mastered special and general education subjects but also participated in exhibitions, made marketable products, engaged in research work. Curricula developed by M. Dyachenko and O. Reisfeld became a model for other craft educational institutions. And the textbook was written by O. Reisfeld - the first Ukrainian-language textbook on the technology of folk weaving. Keywords: Digtyari weaving professional school, Mykhaylo Dyachenko, Pryluky region.

2021 ◽  
Aleksandr Pashkevich

The educational and methodological manual reflects the theoretical aspects of the basics of designing innovative pedagogical technologies. The article presents the practice of designing author's pedagogical technologies, selection criteria, creation algorithm and ways of designing new pedagogical technologies. As an example, the methodological support of the technology for the implementation of the system-activity approach in the educational process of the school, created taking into account the federal state educational standards of general education, the professional standard "Teacher", the national system of teacher growth and within the framework of the national project "Education", is presented. It is addressed to the administration of educational institutions, teachers, and all those interested in the design of educational technologies.

2021 ◽  
Tat'yana Neretina

The textbook allows you to master the organization of the correctional and educational process with older preschoolers with mental retardation in the conditions of a preschool educational organization. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For students of higher educational institutions studying in the areas of training "Pedagogical education", "Special (defectological) education", profiles "Preschool defectology", "Speech Therapy" of all forms of education, as well as for teachers of general education and special (correctional) educational institutions, parents, preschool teachers, psychologists, defectologists, speech therapists and other specialists.

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