scholarly journals Inventory of the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery (1615): An Experience of Using Spectrosonal Visualization to Reconstruct the History of the Text

2021 ◽  
pp. 651-664
Evgeny A. Lyakhovitskii ◽  

The article describes the results of a codicological study of the Inventory of the Kirillo-Belozersky (St. Cyrill of Beloozero) Monastery (1615). The main codicological problem for the researchers posed by this monument is its numerous and asynchronical edits. It is possible to identify edit layers by studying the ink by means of spectrosonal imaging in near-IR wavelength region of the spectrum. This method is based on the property of inks (except those with a carbon base) to acquire transparency beyond the visible region of the spectrum (after 700 nm). As additional information, visually observed (in natural indirect daylight) color differences between inks have been used, as well as color estimation using a digital portable microscope Dinolite with Dinoscope software. As a result of the study, the main stages of work on the Inventory have been established. A significant part of the marginalia are in the same ink and handwriting as the main text: brown, with moderate transparency in near-IR wavelength region. Thus, the text was probably supplemented in the course of creation. This edit was accompanied by the text on the insert sheets made in ink that is slightly translucent in the IR region of the spectrum and has a dark brown color. The same ink was used in the main text of the manuscript. When the main text was rewritten in 1616-1617, it was compiled in a codex and significantly revised for the first time. The marker of this revision stage is light brown and yellowish-brown ink with high degree of transparency in IR wavelength region of the spectrum. In addition to the editing, the notebooks are numbered in the same light brown ink. The edit of this layer mainly included clarifications to the items description. The next significant revision of the inventory text, marked with brown ink that has low transparent in the IR wavelength region of the spectrum, refers to the period after July 22, 1621. Most of these edits, as well as the earlier ones, were devoted to clarifying descriptions, to clarifying location of objects, and to describing the monastery’s acquisitions and losses. Apparently, the later stage of editing is associated with the use of gray-brown ink, similar in spectral behavior to the ink of the main text. The record of the contribution of Prince Khvorostinin made in 1622–23 was written in this ink.

2022 ◽  
Vol 130 (1) ◽  
pp. 171
М.В. Смирнов ◽  
Н.В. Сидоров ◽  
М.Н. Палатников

A brief review of the features of the defect structure and studies of the luminescent properties of nonlinear optical lithium niobate crystals of various compositions and genesis was given. It was established that the electron-hole pair NbNb4+-O- in the oxygen-octahedral cluster NbO6 emitted in the short-wavelength region of the visible spectrum (400-500 nm), while point defects (VLi and NbNb4+-NbLi4+ bipolarons) - in the long-wavelength region (500-620 nm). At the ratio of Li/Nb≈1 the luminescence was extinguished in the visible region of the spectrum due to decreasing the intrinsic luminescence centers. It was shown that the presence of polaron luminescence in the near-IR region (700-1050 nm) was due to the small polarons NbLi4+ and impurity ions Cr3+ localized in lithium and niobium octahedra. The energy transfer between the luminescence centers in the visible and near-IR spectral regions was detected. Moreover, luminescence in near-IR regions was dominant. Doping of LiNbO3 crystals with zinc and magnesium at ZnO<4.46 mol.% and MgO<5.29 mol.% led to decreasing luminescence of intrinsic defects (VLi, NbNb4+-NbLi4+). However, there was an increase of the contribution of the short-wave spectrum component at higher dopant concentrations because of the introduction of Zn and Mg into the origin positions of Nb ions.

1991 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-246 ◽  
Jiří (George) Strnad

Only four known diamond locations are near and north of the Arctic Circle. What is believed to be the oldest diamond find in this region was made in the gravels of the Pasvik River on the U.S.S.R.-Finland-Norway border. This was followed by the discovery of the northern fields of the Yakutian diamondiferous province in the U.S.S.R. Somerset Island in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and southwestern Greenland conclude this short list. Geographically close to the Arctic but south of the Arctic Circle are the diamond locations on the shore of the Beloye More or White Sea and in the Timan Range (U.S.S.R.), western and eastern Alaska (U.S.A.), and in the Mackenzie Mountains (Canada). Farther south and partly in the Subarctic are locations in the Ural Mountains and Yakutia (U.S.S.R.), as well as in Labrador and Saskatchewan (Canada). While the discoveries in Canada and Greenland belong to our times, the history of the others is hidden in ancient records. For the Yakutian fields, which are of major economic importance and among the world leaders in the production of gem quality diamonds, an ancient reference dating back to 1375 is presented here for the first time.

2014 ◽  
Vol 73 (4) ◽  
pp. 927-940 ◽  
Dilip K. Basu

Editor's Note: The essay that follows is based on a conference paper by Dilip K. Basu that has long circulated informally, in the process exercising an unusually high degree of influence for an unpublished commentary. Most notably, some ideas embedded in it have been spread via literary scholar Lydia Liu's engagement with and quoting of the paper inThe Clash of Empires: The Invention of China in Modern World Making(Liu 2006), a provocative and much-cited book that calls for a radical rethinking of some of the standard terms and concepts used in the past to refer to the Qing Empire's ties to and conflicts with other political and territorial units. Those familiar with Liu's work will find here an essay that complements some arguments in her book; those who have not read it will be introduced to those ideas for the first time. Beyond this, though, all readers will find a discussion of various ideas and events—visions of China's place in the world, how the story of the Opium War is thought about in different settings, the history of Sinology—shaped by personal as well as scholarly concerns.The essay's ties to the author's life and associations, which come into play more as the essay proceeds, make it a good fit with the goals of our recently introduced and still evolving “Reflections” genre. In addition, since it revisits critically ideas about China associated with the work of John K. Fairbank, it can be placed well beside some of the essays published in the “Legacies” series launched by Kenneth George, in his time as editor of the journal. And regular attendees of the Association for Asian Studies annual meetings may notice that much that follows resonates with the keynote address by Amitav Ghosh, one of those familiar with Basu's essay in draft form, when that conference was held in Toronto in 2012. The pages that follow are tightly focused on China, but Basu's discussion of “xenology” (a term for the ways that cultures think about those deemed “others,” which has, of course, the same root as the more familiar term “xenophobia”) clearly has implications for widely varied times and places, just as the handling of Fairbank's distinctive role in Chinese studies may bring to mind parallels to the influence that other prominent Western academics from the last century once shaped and via their legacies can continue to shape academic work on other parts of Asia. While focused tightly on China, in other words, it has much to offer readers whose primary interest is not in that country.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 526-546 ◽  
Anne Warfield Rawls

This is an article about the history of US sociology with systematic intent. It goes back to World War II to recover a wartime narrative context through which sociologists formulated a ‘trauma’ to the discipline and ‘blamed’ qualitative and values-oriented research for damaging the scientific status of sociology. This narrative documents a discussion of the changes that sociologists said needed to be made in sociology as a science to repair its status and reputation. While debates among sociologists about theory and method had always been contentious, the wartime narrative insisted for the first time that sociology be immediately unified around quantitative approaches. The narrative of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ science that developed during the war not only undermined the efforts of social interactionists to theorize social action and social justice, but also derailed Parsons’ pre-war effort to bridge differences. The moral coding that is the legacy of the narrative stigmatized important approaches to sociology, leading to a ‘crisis’ in the 1960s that still haunts the discipline. Disciplinary history has overlooked the wartime narrative with the result that the role played by World War II in effecting this crisis has gone unrecognized.

2021 ◽  
Jean Decker ◽  
Éric Fertein ◽  
Jonas Bruckhuisen ◽  
Nicolas Houzel ◽  
Pierre Kulinski ◽  

Abstract. We have developed MULTICHARME, a modified Chernin-type multi-pass cell especially designed for IR and THz long-path absorption measurements in the CHamber for Atmospheric Reactivity and Metrology of the Environment (CHARME). By measuring the output power using a near-IR diode-laser and a THz amplified multiplication chain, we have established that the effective reflectivity of MULTICHARME is better than 94 % over approximately three decades of frequency. Absorption measurements of N2O have been performed by probing highly excited rovibrational transitions in the near-IR and ground state rotational transitions at submillimetre wavelengths. In each case the linearity of the absorbance with the pathlengths was verified. Finally, we demonstrate that THz spectroscopy is able to study the isotopic composition of greenhouse polar gases such as N2O and to absolutely quantify stable (N2O) and reactive (O3) species at trace levels. Moreover, a THz monitoring at low pressure of the ozone decay in the chamber has been performed. The deduced ozone lifetime of 3.4 ± 0.1 h is shorter compared with previous measurements performed in CHARME at atmospheric pressure. For the first time, the ability of THz rotational spectroscopy to monitor, with a very high degree of selectivity, stable and reactive polar compounds at trace level in an atmospheric simulation chamber is demonstrated. However, the sensitivity of the THz monitoring needs to be improved to reach the atmospheric trace levels. For this purpose, it is necessary to figure out the baseline variations as well as possible induced by the multiple standing waves present in MULTICHARME.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-2
Poonam Sharma

Heart disease in a child requires complex set of expertise as physiology and challenges presented in pediatric cardiology are much different from adult cardiology. In preclinical era of renaissance, children and adults were examined by the same physician. At the outset of 20th century, the need for a special center for children with heart disease was identified as several authors began to add specific sections devoted to congenital heart disease in books of anatomy and pediatrics. A major milestone was reached when Helen Taussig, in charge of cardiac clinic in Harriet Lane Hospital, Baltimore, USA, established pediatric cardiology center for the first time. Pediatric cardiology gained further prominence in 1938 when Robert Gross successfully ligated the patent ductus arteriosus in a seven year old girl. The first successful creation of systemic to pulmonary shunt by Blalock and Taussig in 1944 boldly introduced surgical interventions. The field of pediatric cardiology has been making remarkable developments, with dramatic improvements in diagnostic tools, and with cardiac surgeons constantly pushing the envelope, culminating in being first subspecialty board of pediatrics in USA in 1961. These developments have changed the outlook of cardiac diseases in children and instilled hope for cure in previously untreatable disorders. Interestingly, advances made in pediatric cardiology have provided

Lale Kabadayı

In the history of cinema, bad girl/boy characters are less common than other villain characters. However, these characters have a lot of influence on the audience. The Bad Seed movies, which are important book adaptations, are remarkable for the evil done by a charming, pretty little girl. The audience watched the story of this eight-year-old-girl for the first time with the adaptation made in 1956. The book was adapted as a television movie in the US both in 1985 and 2018. However, it was made in Turkey, too. This adaptation was shot in 1963 by director Nevzat Pesen. This black-and-white film is considered one of the best thriller-horror films of Turkish Cinema. In this study, the relationship of the little girl with evil will be examined in terms of differences in US and Turkish adaptations. Thus, the difference between the two cultures regarding the relationship between child and villainy will be evaluated from the point of cinema.

1955 ◽  
Vol 75 ◽  
pp. 9-16 ◽  
J. H. Croon

At the VIIth Congress for the History of Religions, held at Amsterdam in 1950, the central question was posed whether a mythical-ritual pattern could be discerned in various ancient and modern civilisations. Reading the Congress Report, one does not get the impression that many final and far-reaching conclusions have been reached. Various conflicting views were brought forward in the section-meetings. But meanwhile the discussion goes on. And it may be not without interest to inquire into some individual cases where a ritual background behind some famous myth can be reconstructed, if not beyond all doubt, at least with a high degree of probability. In the following pages such an attempt is made in the case of the Seriphian Perseus-legend.The present writer believes that there is a clue to the understanding of this story, which has been overlooked hitherto, namely its connexion with hot springs. A certain number of cults, myths, and legends were connected with such springs in the ancient Greek world; that they all show in origin a chthonic aspect is self-evident. But to dwell upon all of them would fall beyond the scope of this article. Let us for the present moment turn our attention to the thermal springs of that tiny piece of rock in the Aegean round which a major part of the Perseus-story centres.

1993 ◽  
Vol 11 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 125-130 ◽  
D. C. Kilpatrick ◽  
W. A. Liston

The mean birthweight of babies eventually born to couples with a history of recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) is allegedly lower if the parents have a high degree of HLA antigen sharing (Reznikoff-Etievantet al., 1991), but this relationship has not been independently confirmed. We have re-investigated this question by analysing data from 36 families. In 22 instances, we were able to relate birthweight directly to feto-maternal HLA compatibility for the first time in such families. We were unable to confirm any appreciable influence of paternal or feto-maternal HLA sharing on birthweight or placental weight and conclude that RSA families do not differ markedly from normal families in this respect.

2017 ◽  
Vol 67 ◽  
pp. 29-49
Emma L. Baysal

AbstractExcavations during the 1960s of the site of Canhasan I in Karaman province in central Turkey revealed that the Chalcolithic ornaments of the region were both complex and varied. The ornaments of the site, consisting of beads (including pendants and plaques), bracelets and plugs or labrets, were made in many forms and from a variety of different materials, and thus hint at a connected world where ideas, resources and products moved from one place to another. While a catalogue of some of the artefacts has been produced previously (French 2010), this article details these ornaments and considers their temporal and geographical positions within the history of beads, bracelets and other decorative items for the first time. It explores legacies from the past, new fashions and the complicated relationships between material sources, technology, forms, style and use during a period and in an artefact category that have often been overlooked.

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