scholarly journals Tracer Study: Studi Rekam Jejak dan Tingkat Kepuasan Pengguna Terhadap Lulusan Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Siti Zulaiha ◽  
Tika Meldina ◽  
Chandra Dio Saputra ◽  
Yuli Tri Astuti

The aims of this study are to determine: 1) the acceptance numbers of graduates for job opportunities, 2) the waiting period for graduates to get a job, 3) the relevance of the graduates’ qualification to the field of work, and 4) the level of stakeholders’ satisfaction with graduates of the PGMI (Education of Basic School Teachers) study program of IAIN (The Institute for Islamic Studies) Curup. This research method was survey research with quantitative descriptive data analysis. The data collection was carried out using questionnaires sent directly via email, social media, face to face and by telephone. The research results showed that: 1) the graduates of PGMI Study Program of IAIN Curup were well accepted in job opportunities, 2) the waiting period for graduates to get a job was in the range of 0 - 3 months after graduation, 3) there was relevance of graduates’ work field to their qualification, 4) the level of stakeholders’ satisfaction with graduates of the PGMI Study Program of IAIN Curup was in very good criteria. Based on the results of the study, it was suggested that institutions need to carry out tracer study activities in a sustainable manner so that they can find out the condition of graduates after completing their education in the institutions. Then, feedback was expected from alumni and stakeholders to get a higher response rate. In addition, the results of this study can be a consideration for stakeholders at universities to develop curriculum so that they can improve the competence of graduates in accordance with the demands of the work field.

Maria José Corral Carrillo ◽  
Ana María Martín Cuadrado

RESUMENLos planes de orientación y acogida surgen en la universidad como una de las medidas facilitadoras en las situaciones de tránsito que sobrevienen en esta etapa educativa. Una estrategia reconocida como medida muy recomendable para acompañar a los estudiantes en su primer año de universidad es la mentoría entre iguales. Este artículo pretende, por un lado, ofrecer una panorámica sobre el programa piloto de bMentoría llevado a cabo en el Centro Asociado de la UNED en Sevilla iniciado en el curso académico 2014/2015; y por otro, presentar algunos de los resultados del primer año. La metodología se ha realizado mediante un estudio exploratorio, de carácter cuantitativo, descriptivo e inferencial que incorpora un análisis de conglomerados a fin de detectar grupos o perfiles en función de las dificultades encontradas al inicio de sus estudios. El tipo de necesidades detectadas corroboran los datos obtenidos en otras investigaciones (Callejo, 2001; García-Aretio, 1994; Sánchez-Elvira, Fernández y Amor, 2006; Sánchez, Manzano-Soto, Martín-Cuadrado, Oliveros, Rísquez, y Suárez, 2009), aunque despuntan otras necesidades relacionadas con las competencias digitales que les impide realizarse personalmente y participar en la comunidad educativa. Los medios electrónicos más usados en la relación de bMentoría son el WhatsApp y el e-correo, con un porcentaje de respuesta del 56% y el 40%, respectivamente. Los temas importantes se resuelven en el centro asociado, preferiblemente. El modelo de bMentoría muestra la importancia de combinar espacios formales e informales, presenciales y virtuales en la relación entre iguales.ABSTRACTOrientation and reception plans emerge in universities as one of the facilitating measures in transit situations arising in this educative stage. A strategy recognized as a highly recommended measure to accompany the students in their first year at university, is peer mentoring. This article intends, on the one hand, to offer an overview of the pilot program of bMentorship carried out in the Associated Center of the UNED (Spanish Open University) in Seville started during the 2014/2015 academic year; and on the other hand. The methodoly have been supported through exploratory study , as well as quantitative, descriptive and inferential , in the dame way It implement cluster analysis techniques in order to detect either groups or profiles according to the difficulties encountered at the start of their degrees. The type of detected needs corroborates the data obtained in other similar researches (Callejo, 2001; García-Aretio 1994; Sánchez-Elvira, Fernández and Amor, 2006; Sánchez, Manzano-Soto, Martín-Cuadrado, Oliveros, Rísquez, and Suárez, 2009), although other needs related to digital skills preventing them from personal development and participation in the educational community stand out. The most used social media in bMentoría's for communication are WhatsApp and email, with a response rate of 56% and 40%, respectively. The resolution of important issues is performed in the context of the associated center, preferably. The bMentoría model shows the importance of combining formal and informal spaces, both face-to-face and virtual, in the development of the relationship between peers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-149
Aniesa Puspa Arum ◽  
Nurdin Ibrahim ◽  
Etin Solihatin ◽  
Jhoni Lagun Siang

The purpose of this study was to determine the student engagement in hair style learning. The sample of this research was 90 students taking hair style learning in the Cosmetology Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. The type of research used is quantitative descriptive. Data collection was carried out by distributing learning engagement questionnaires to students consisting of 4 indicators including: skills, emotional, participation and performance, using a Likert scale. After the data is collected it is processed with SPSS. The results of the study revealed that as many as 47 (52.2%) students had high engagement in hair style learning and 43 (47.8%) students had low engagement in hair style learning.

10.26539/1223 ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Rosmawati Rosmawati ◽  
Donal Donal

Tracer study is one of the studies that need to be done regularly to find out the relevance level between academic programs organized by an educational institution (study program) with the needs on the field, in the end will be a reference to the study program to create competitive advantage through the opinion of the alumni. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method. The Sampling method used purposive sampling method. In this, research will be seen completed the alumni career that includes alumni who go on education, the reason for continuing education alumni, alumni cumulative achievement index, waiting time to work, alumni satisfaction, and suitability between the field of education and employment. Tracer study results produce a number of conclusions and implementation suggestions that are very useful for improving the learning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Maryam Rahim ◽  
Meiske Puluhulawa

Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas pengelolaan program studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Universitas Negeri Gorontalo berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh melalui tracer study. Secara khusus, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang lulusan, yang meliputi (1) rata-rata masa tunggu lulusan, (2) jenis pekerjaan yang ditekuni, dan (3) tanggapan terhadap pengguna lulusan.Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah: (1) berapa rata-rata masa tunggu lulusan?, (2) jenis pekerjaan apa yang ditekuni lulusan?, dan (3) bagaimana tanggapan pengguna terhadap lulusan?. Anggota populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 408 orang, dari jumlah tersebut 58% (238 orang) dijadikan sebagai anggota sampel dengan menggunakan cluster sampling. Indikator penelitian meliputi: (1) rata-rata masa tunggu lulusan, (2) jenis pekerjaan yang ditekuni lulusan, dan (3) tanggapan pengguna terhadap lulusan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen tracer study. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara kuantitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) rata-rata masa tunggu lulusan adalah 3 bulan; (2) jenis pekerjaan yang ditekuni lulusan terdiri dari 13 kategori yakni (a) Guru BK (PNS) sebanyak 27.31%; (b) Guru BK (Non PNS) sebanyak 50.00%; (c) Guru PAUD sebanyak 0.84%; (d) Guru TK sebanyak 5.04%; (e) Guru SD sebanyak 4.20%; (f) Guru SLB sebanyak 0.42%; (g) Pegawai instansi pemerintah sebanyak 2.52%; (h) Pegawai perusahaan sebanyak 0.84%; (i) Dosen sebanyak 1.26%; (j) Dosen luar biasa sebanyak 1.26%; (k) Wirausaha sebanyak 3.78%; (l) Anggota DPR sebanyak 0.42%; (m) dan lain-lain sebanyak 2.10%; dan (3) tanggapan pengguna terhadap lulusan, yang menyangkut: (a)  integritas (etika dan moral) = 89.60 (sangat baik); (b) keahlian berdasarkan bidang ilmu (profesionalisme) = 82.92 (baik); (c) bahasa Inggris = 67.89 (cukup); (d) penggunaan teknologi informasi = 81.71 (baik); (e) komunikasi = 84.06 (baik); (f) kerjasama tim = 85.04 (sangat baik); dan (g) pengembangan diri = 83.83 (baik).      AbstractThis research is expected to improve and improve the quality of the management of Study Program Guidance and Counseling of State University of Gorontalo based on information obtained through tracer study. Specifically, this study was undertaken to obtain information about graduates, which included (1) the average waiting period for the graduates, (2) the type of work being undertaken, and (3) responses to graduate users.The problems of this research are: (1) what is the average waiting period of graduates ?, (2) what kind of work is graduated ?, and (3) how is the user's response to the graduates ?. The population members in this study amounted to 408 people, of which 58% (238) were used as sample members using cluster sampling. Research indicators include: (1) average waiting period for graduates, (2) types of work occupied by graduates, and (3) user responses to graduates. Data collection was done by using tracer study instrument. The collected data is analyzed quantitatively.The results showed: (1) the average waiting period of the graduates was 3 months; (2) the type of work occupied by graduates consists of 13 categories, namely (a) Teacher BK (PNS) as much as 27.31%; (B) Teacher BK (Non PNS) as much as 50.00%; (C) PAUD teachers as much as 0.84%; (D) Kindergarten teachers as much as 5.04%; (E) elementary school teachers as much as 4.20%; (F) SLB Teachers as much as 0.42%; (G) Employees of government agencies as much as 2.52%; (H) Company employees 0.84%; (I) Lecturer as much as 1.26%; (J) Unusual lecturer as much as 1.26%; (K) Entrepreneur as much as 3.78%; (L) Members of the People's Legislative Assembly of 0.42%; (M) and others as much as 2.10%; And (3) user responses to graduates, which include: (a) integrity (ethics and morals) = 89.60 (excellent); (B) expertise by field of science (professionalism) = 82.92 (good); (C) English = 67.89 (enough); (D) use of information technology = 81.71 (good); (E) communication = 84.06 (good); (F) teamwork = 85.04 (excellent); And (g) self-development = 83.83 (good). 

2017 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Nur Hidayah

There has been a concern over a high unemployment rate among graduates of Islamic higher education and a low proportion of entrepreneurs in Indonesia. In fact, a high proportion of entrepreneurs is one of indicators of a country’s welfare. This has generated a question: to what extent do Islamic values cultivate entrepreneurial culture among its adherents? How to cultivate entrepreneurial culture in Islamic higher education? This paper will investigate this matter using a case study of Faculty of Islamic Law and Economics at Banten State Institute for Islamic Studies.  The paper argues that the curriculum at the faculty of Islamic Law and Economics has not been oriented towards building entrepreneurial culture. The curriculum consists of subjects to enhance the students’ competence and skills to prepare them as bachelors of syari`ah economics for the professions such as manager, lecturer, researcher, syari`ah auditor, etc, instead of preparing them for entrepreneurs who are capable to build his or her own business from the scratch.    To propose Islamic entrepreneurship study program at the FSEI of IAIN SMHB, it is important to have a strong political will not only from the internal IAIN but also higher authoritative body such as the Ministry of Religious Affairs to facilitate this from not only the accreditation process but also financial support. A further feasibility study needs to be undertaken to build its infrastructure such as qualified lecturers, appropriate curriculum structure, and recruitment student system. Since this field has a strong link with a ‘real sector’, there has been an urgent need to build cooperations with business sector to enable the students to undertake their apprentice and build their networks to facilitate their ability to develop their own business.     Keywords: Islam, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial education.

Danang Prastyo ◽  
Rarasaning Satianingsih ◽  
Ida Sulistyawati ◽  
Arif Mahya Fanny

Professional teachers can be seen from the ability of teachers to produce quality Classroom Action Research (CAR). If seen not all teachers are able to produce research in accordance with CAR standards. Through Community Service Program, Unipa Surabaya PGSD Study Program with the theme of Classroom Action Research Writing (CAR) for Elementary School Teachers in Gayungan II Elementary School in Surabaya is expected to help teachers in producing quality CAR. From the results of the training that has been carried out, it seems that the enthusiasm of the SDN Gayungan 2 Surabaya teacher in following the CAR was very good. The majority of participants felt they needed to get CAR training. Participants feel the benefits after receiving CAR training.

Aliv Faizal M ◽  
Akhmad Alimudin

English pronunciation has long been taught through the delivery of phonetic symbols to study the sound of each phoneme in English. In Multimedia Broadcasting study program at Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic, pronunciation has long been delivered to the students through guidebooks in the form of phonetic symbols that teach basic sound pronunciation in English. English teachers practice the sound of each phoneme directly to thestudents. After going through various observations based on the track record of student achievement of this pronunciation material, I as a teacher as well as researcher found that my student achievement was less than the desired target. This was due to the limited source of English pronunciation learning where students only learned face-to-face in the classroom. Through the use of English learning media of pronunciation interactively using speech recognition technology, it was expected that Multimedia Broadcasting course students in Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic could improve their English pronunciation ability. After students complete the English pronunciation training sequence using pronunciation application using speech recognition technology, the data from the interview stated that the students felt more confident and improved their pronunciation ability and also felt the increased motivation to learn English pronunciation using English pronunciation learning app using speech recognition technology.Keywords: English pronunciation, teaching, multimedia, speech recognition technology, and pronunciation app.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Syamsu S

This study aims to determine the effect of parenting program on the development of early child self-reliance at PAUD Paramata Bunda Palopo. The type of this research is descriptive quantitative expost facto model, which result is described in the form of percentage or number. The study population amounted to 172 people (160 parent learners, 12 teachers) parent sample of students taken 20% = 32 people (variable X). While the population as well as the sample of teachers as many as 12 people (variable Y). Data collection techniques are questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Further analysis of quantitative descriptive data in the form of percentage technique and mean score. The results showed that the implementation of parenting programs positively influences the development of child self-reliance in PAUD Paramata Mother of Palopo City. The implication of this research is that every parent has moral obligation to participate in the implementation of educational programs so that synchronization between parent and school side toward early child development stage.

2021 ◽  
Esma Kilinc ◽  
Sumeyra Akkaya ◽  
Metin Kapidere

This study was conducted to reveal the aspect of distance education studies on teaching of mathematics with the evaluation by class teachers during the Covid-19 Pandemic period. 24 primary school teachers from Onikisubat district of Kahramanmaras province have participated in the research. The semi-structured interview form developed in line with the expert opinions was applied to the primary school teachers separately. This study was required in order to evaluate the events experienced in the distance education process due to the coronavirus pandemic and the effects of the pandemic on the field of education in the direction of the opinions of the class teachers. Qualitative research was carried out to interpret any situation from a different perspective in the study, and a case study has been conducted to reach the depth of the situation. As a data collection tool, a semi-structured interview form was prepared with the approval of expert opinions. After the data were brought together, content analysis was carried out by giving similar descriptions and describing them in a way that the reader could comprehend. The sample of the study consisted of teachers who personally experienced the process in the nearby environment, which consists of easily accessible situation sampling in order to accelerate the study. It is thought that it will be important to work properly execution of the processes that may occur in such times by determining the causes and consequences of the situations experienced in the field of education due to reasons such as the suspension of face-to-face education and the cessation of schools after the pandemic in the world. As a result of the research, suggestions will be made for the studies that can be done about teaching mathematics in distance education.

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