Pro Food ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 343
Wiharyani Werdiningsih ◽  
Baiq Dwintarahma Putri ◽  
Sri Widyastuti

ABSTRACT               Wrapper has a very important function, which is as a protection from deterioration. The type of wrapper can be used to package tempeh produced by natural and synthetic wrapper. The aimed of this research was to determine the effect of wrap types on quality of lablab bean tempeh during fermentation process. The experiment was conducted by a Randomized Complete Design (RCD) menthod with single factor (variation of lablab bean tempeh wrap) 5 types of wrapping as treatment 4 replications. The parameter were moisture content, ash content, protein content, total fungus, observation of mycellium, value of raw tempeh appearance such as compactness of mycelium, flavor , taste and tekstur. The observed were analyzed using diversity analysis (ANOVA) at 5% level more over. The significant result were tested by using the further Test of Honest Real Difference (HRD). The results indicated that using several types of wrapping had a significant effect on protein content, preference of mysellium and the taste of lablab bean tempeh but they are not show significantly effect in ash content, moisture content, preferences of texture, and preferences of flavour. Lablab tempeh wrapped by teak leaf produces the best treatment with protein content 11.64%, moisture content 63.37%, and ash content 0.51%, taste, aroma, texture and misellium compactness rather preferred by panelists. Keyword : lablab bean tempeh, tempeh wrapper             ABSTRAK Pembungkus memiliki fungsi yang sangat penting, yaitu sebagai pelindung dari kerusakan. Jenis pembungkus yang dapat digunakan untuk mengemas tempe berasal dari jenis pembungkus alami maupun sintetis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh beberapa jenis pembungkus terhadap mutu tempe kacang komak selama proses fermentasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental dengan rancang percobaan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan faktor tunggal yaitu jenis pembungkus tempe kacang komak, yaitu: daun pisang, daun jati, daun waru daun kakao dan plastik.Parameter yang diamati meliputi parameter kimia (kadarair, kadar abu, kadar protein) parameter pengamatan misellium, parameter pengamatan mikroorganisme (total jamur), parameter organoleptik (kekompakan misellium, aroma, tekstur dan rasa). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan jenis pembungkus memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kadar protein, kesukaan kekompakan misellium dan kesukaan rasa tempe kacang komak tetapi memberikan pengaruh yang tidak berbeda nyata terhadap kadar abu, kadar air, kesukaan tekstur, dan kesukaan aroma tempe kacang komak. Jenis pembungkus daun jati menghasilkan tempe kacang komak terbaik dengan kadar protein 11,52%, kadar air 63,64%, kadar abu 0,51%, rasa disukai, dan aroma, tekstur, dan kekompakan misellium agak disukai panelis.   Kata kunci : tempe kacang komak, pembungkus tempe.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-147
Chairil - Anwar

Fish is one source of animal protein that is widely consumed by society, is easy to get, and the price is cheap. But fish quickly experience the process of decay. Therefore, fish preservation should be known to all levels of society. One of the products of fish processing through the process of preservation is abon. Abon fish is a type of preserved food made from fish that are seasoned, processed by boiling, frying and pressing or separating oil. The resulting product has a soft shape, good taste, distinctive smell, and has a long-lasting power. This study aims to examine the effect of fish species and the method of cooking fish meat is the steaming and boiling treatment of the quality of fish produced abon. The results showed that fish species had a significant effect (P ? 0,01) on protein content, moisture content, fat content, ash content and color organoleptic value, and not significant (P> 0,05) to yield, the organoleptic value of texture, aroma, and flavor. The method of cooking fish meat was very significant (P ? 0,01) to protein content, fat content and not significant (P> 0,05) to yield, water content, ash content, the organoleptic value of texture, aroma, color, and flavor. The interaction between fish species and cooking method of fish meat had no significant effect (P> 0,05) on all parameters except on yield of abon fish produced.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-187
SM Adnan ◽  
SC Bhattacharjee ◽  
S Akter ◽  
D Chakraborty ◽  
M Ahmad

The study was done to investigate the chemical constituents of a developed canned pineapple (Ananas comosus) product and to evaluate the microbiological quality of the product. A water bath canner and quart glass jars equipped with cap having top rubber were used for canning of pineapple (A. comosus). The thermal processing was done for the canning of pineapple. The raw fresh pineapple and canned pineapple were analyzed for their moisture content, ash, fat, crude fiber and protein contents. The moisture content, ash content, fat, crude fiber, protein content of fresh pineapple were 81.5%, 0.38%, 0.2%, 1.4% and 0.5%. The moisture content, ash content, fat, crude fiber and protein content of canned pineapple were 70%, 0.35%, 0.4%, 1.9% and 1.5% respectively. These Chemical constituents of the canned pineapple were almost similar with the raw fresh pineapple except the crude fiber and protein. The yeast and mould present in the product were also counted by using PDA (potato dextrose agar). The yeast and mould count for the product was within the consumer safety limit.J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 10(2): 183-187 2017

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 232
Sussi Astuti ◽  
Suharyono A. S. ◽  
ST Aisah Anayuka

Flakes merupakan produk sarapan siap saji yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kalori karena mengandung karbohidrat cukup tinggi. Perpaduan umbi garut dan kacang merah serta penambahan tiwul singkong sebagai sumber serat dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku produk flakes yang kaya gizi dan menyehatkan. Penelitian disusun secara tunggal dalam  Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan satu faktor yaitu formulasi pati garut dan kacang merah dengan enam perlakuan dan empat  ulangan. Perlakuan faktor tunggal yaitu formulasi pati garut dan kacang merah dengan perbandingan 100% : 0% (F1); 90% : 10 % (F2); 80% : 20% (F3); 70% : 30% (F4); 60% : 40% (F5); dan 50% : 50% (F6). Data dianalisis sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan uji Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa formulasi flakes terbaik adalah formulasi F6 (50% pati garut dan 50% kacang merah) yang menghasilkan tekstur (fisik) sebesar 1,47 kgf, sifat sensori flakes dengan skor tekstur sebesar 4,32 (renyah), skor warna sebesar 2,67 (coklat muda), skor rasa dan aroma sebesar 3,47 (agak berasa langu), dan skor penerimaan keseluruhan sebesar 3,87 (suka).  Flakes formulasi terbaik memiliki kadar air sebesar 5,17%, kadar abu sebesar 2,81%, kadar protein sebesar 11,53%, kadar lemak sebesar 1,25%, kadar karbohidrat sebesar 79,24%, dan kadar serat kasar sebesar 2,55%.Flakes is a ready to eat product for breakfast that only needs less than 3 minutes to serve.  Flakes can supply calories need because it contains high carbohydrates.  Combination from roots that contains carbohydrates such as arrowroot and beans which are protein sources such as red beans, with “tiwul” cassava addition as fiber source can be used as raw material for flakes that nutrient rich and healthy.  The research was a single factor, arranged in a Complete Randomized Design with sixreplications. The factor was the formulation of arrowroot starch and red beans flour consisted of sixlevels, i.e. 100% : 0% (F1); 90% : 10 % (F2); 80% : 20% (F3); 70% : 30% (F4); 60% : 40% (F5); dan 50% : 50% (F6). The data were analyzed by using ANOVA and weretested with LSD test at 5% level of significant. The best formulation was found onflakes produced from 50% arrowroot starch and 50 % red beans flour (F6) with physic properties (texture) was 1,47 kgf, the colorscore of 2,67 (light brown), the flavour and aroma score of 3,47 (little rotten taste), and the overall acceptance score at 3,87 (like).  The best flakes has moisture content of 5,17%, ash content of 2,81%, protein content of 11,53%, fat content of 1,25%, carbohydrate content of 79,24%, and crude fiber content of 2,55%. Keywords : arrowroot, red beans, tiwul cassava, flakes

Pro Food ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 200
Muhammad Triyono ◽  
Nazaruddin Nazaruddin ◽  
Wiharyani Werdiningsih

Banana pulp can be used as a substrate in the manufacture of tempeh inoculum. The aimed of this study was to determine the activity of the  tempe inoculum from banana pulp to the quailty of chemical, organoleptic and microbiological soybean tempeh. The experimental design used in this study was completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor was the concentration of inoculum (LIPI inoculum and banana pulp inoculum) with different concentrations on each treatment. Parameters measured were moisture content, ash content, protein content, total fungi, misellium observations, and also favorite sightings include compactness misellium raw tempeh, aroma and texture. The results showed that LIPI inoculum concentrations of 0.2%, Banana Peel (KP) 0.1%; 0.2%; 0.3%; and 0.4% had no different effect on moisture content, protein content, and ash content, but significantly different effect on the misellium compactness, texture, and flavor. The use of 0.3% inoculum of banana pulp is the best treatment for the quality of soybean tempeh with misellium compactness, texture, and aroma which preferred by the panelists with a moisture content of 58.66%, ash content of 0.73%, and protein content 20,31 % according to SNI 01-3144-1992. Key words: banana pulp, inoculum, soybean tempeh   ABSTRAK Limbah kulit pisang dapat dijadikan sebagai substrat dalam pembuatan inokulum tempe. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas inokulum bahan limbah kulit pisang terhadap mutu kimia, organoleptik dan mikrobiologi tempe kedelai. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor yaitu konsentrasi inokulum (Inokulum Buatan LIPI dan inokulum limbah kulit pisang) dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda pada tiap perlakuan. Parameter yang diamati adalah kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein, total jamur, pengamatan misellium, dan juga kesukaan penampakan tempe mentah meliputi kekompakan misellium, aroma dan tekstur. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa faktor konsentasi inokulum LIPI 0,2%, Kulit Pisang (KP) 0,1%, KP 0,2%, KP 0,3%, KP 0,4% memberikan pengaruh tidak berbeda nyata terhadap kadar air, kadar protein, kadar abu, tetapi memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap kesukaan kekompakan misellium, tekstur, dan aroma. Penggunaan inokulum kulit pisang dengan konsentrasi 0,3% merupakan perlakuan terbaik terhadap mutu tempe kedelai dengan kekompakan misellium, tekstur, dan aroma yang disukai oleh panelis dengan kadar air 58,66%, kadar abu 0,73%, dan kadar protein 20,31% sesuai dengan SNI 01-3144-1992. Kata kunci: inokulum, kulit pisang, tempe kedelai

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 130
Wa Ode Sriyani ◽  
Moh Nuh Ibrahim ◽  
Kobajashi Togo Isamu

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi kimia dan kandungan Polycyclic Aromatic Hidrocarbon (PAH) pada ikan teri asap “kaholeo” yang diproduksi dari Kota Baubau, Sulawesi Tenggara. Sampel diambil dari tiga produsen di Kelurahan Waruruma, Kota Baubau. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk memberikan gambaran umum tentang data yang telah diperoleh dengan ulangan sebanyak 3 kali (n=3). Parameter yang diamati yaitu uji organoleptik (warna, aroma, tekstur, dan rasa), uji kimia (kadar air, kadar protein, kadar lemak, dan kadar abu) serta uji PAH. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas ikan teri asap terbaik terdapat pada produsen III dengan nilai warna 3,96, aroma 3,79, tekstur 3,32, dan rasa 3,69. Hasil uji kimia menunjukkan bahwa nilai kadar air tertinggi terdapat pada produsen III sebesar 7,72%. Nilai kadar protein tertinggi terdapat pada produsen I sebesar 29,06%. Nilai kadar lemak tertinggi terdapat pada produsen III sebesar 4,12% dan nilai kadar abu tertinggi terdapat pada produsen I sebesar 0,12%. Hasil uji kandungan PAH menunjukkan bahwa produsen I memiliki kandungan PAH tertinggi yaitu naphthalene 8,19 ppm, acenaphthene 8,55 ppm, phenanthrene 21,96 ppm, pyrene 22,59 ppm, benzo(a)anthracene 4,21 ppm, dan benzo(a)pyrene 12,98 ppm. Kata kunci: Stolephorus sp., kaholeo, pengasapan, komposisi gizi AbstractThis study aims to determine the chemical composition and content of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) in "Kaholeo" smoked anchovy produced from the City of Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi. Samples were taken from three producers in Waruruma village, Baubau city. This study use a descriptive method to provide a general description of the data that has been obtained by three times replication (n=3). The parameters observed were organoleptic test (color, odor, texture, and taste), chemical test (moisture content, protein content, fat content, and ash content) and PAH test. The results of this study indicate that the best quality of smoked anchovy is found in producer III with a color value of 3,96, odor of 3,79, texture of 3,32, and flavor of 3,69. The chemical test results showed that the highest moisture content was producer III at 7,72%. The highest protein content value was producer I at 29,06%. The highest value of fat content was producer III at 4,12% and the highest ash content was producer I at 0,12%. The results of the PAH content showed that producer I had the highest PAH content, namely naphthalene 8,19 ppm, acenaphthene 8,5% ppm, phenanthrene 21,96 ppm, pyrene 22,59 ppm, benzo(a)anthracene 4,21 ppm, and benzo(a)pyrene 12,98 ppm. Key words: Stolephorus sp., kaholeo, fumigation, nutritional composition 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Bernaulli Putri Mulyanto ◽  
Yustina Wuri Wulandari ◽  
Akhmad Mustofa

      Brownies merupakan cake coklat yang terbuat dari tepung terigu, lemak, telur, gula pasir dan coklat. Metode pemasakan brownies ada dua yaitu pemanggangan dan pengukusan. Penelitian ini menggunakan tepung jewawut dan tepung maizena agar dihasilkan brownies kukus bebas gluten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui formulasi tepung yang memiliki kadar protein tertinggi pada brownies dan untuk mengetahui lama pengukusan yang optimal sehingga menghasilkan brownies kukus tepung jewawut dan tepung jagung yang paling disukai. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan dua faktorial yaitu faktor pertama ratio tepung jewawut dan tepung jagung (50:50, 40:60 dan 30:70), sedangkan faktor kedua lama pengukusan (30 menit, 40 menit dan 50 menit). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Brownies kukus tepung jewawut dan tepung jagung dengan ratio 50:50 dan lama pengukusan 50 menit merupakan ratio yang terbaik karena memiliki kadar protein paling tinggi yaitu 5.828%.  Pada perlakuan ini menghasilkan 19.967% kadar air, 1.585% kadar abu, 1.786% gula total, serta uji organoleptik terhadap warna 3.590 (coklat gelap), tekstur 3.340 (lembut), flavor jewawut 2.855 (sedikit terasa) dan kesukaan keseluruhan 3.285 (disukai). Kata kunci : Brownies, tepung jewawut, tepung jagung, kadar protein.  ABSTRACT      Brownies is chocolate cakes made from flour, fat, eggs, sugar and chocolate. There are two methods of cooking brownies namely roasting and steaming. This study uses millet flour and maizena flour to produced gluten free steamed brownies. This study aims to determine the best of flour formulated which has highest protein content in steamed brownies and to knew the optimal steaming time that produced the most favored  of  steamed brownies millet flour and  corn flour. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factorials, the first factor is ratio of millet flour and corn flour (50:50, 40:60 and 30:70), while the second factor was the duration of steaming process (30, 40 and 50 minutes). The result of the study showed steamed flour of millet flour and corn flour with ratio of 50:50 and with steamed process duration 50 minutes is the best ratio because it had the highest protein content of 5.828%.  In this treatment yielded 19.97% moisture content, 1.585% ash content, 1.786% total sugar and organoleptic test is 3.590 (dark chocolate) colors, 3.340 (soft) texture, 2.855 (slightly felt) millet flavors and 3.285 (preferred) overall preferences. Keywords :  Brownies, millet flour, corn flour, protein content

Ni Made Darmadi ◽  
Dewa Gede Semara Edi ◽  
I Made Kawan

Indonesia’s government is attempting to improve the leading economic sectors such as the fishing industry, together with its processed products that could strengthen the national economy. Therefore, small industries should be able to improve the quality and security of their products for consumers’ assurance. Fish Skin Cracker is one of the products from domestic industry in Serangan, Bali, which made from Tuna and Shark. Those kinds of crackers are processed by adding spices, in which the spices would be different among processors and result in different quality. This research was aimed to investigate the best-quality fish skin cracker among the processors, based on the microbiological, chemical, and organoleptic analyzes. This research used Descriptive Method. Based on the results of analyzes, it was discovered that the best Tuna Skin Crackers were those from processor number 2 with values of quality analyzes; Moisture Content 6.1%, Ash Content 0.04%, Protein Content 59.33%, Fat Content 25.98%, TVB 14.21mg N %, TMA 7.45mg N%, Micro Analysis 4.9 x 104 Colony/gr, Organoleptic rates: texture 6, taste 7, aroma 6, and color 6. Processor number 2 used garlic, salt, and flavor enhancer as the seasoning. Meanwhile, the best Shark Skin Crackers were those from Processor number 5 with values of quality analyzes; Moisture Content 9.3%, Ash Content 0.04%, Protein Content 86.94%, Fat Content 3.7%, TVB 20.08mg N%, TMA 10.64mg N%, Micro Analysis 2.1 x 104 colony/gr, Organoleptic rates: texture 6, taste 6, smell 6, and color 6. Processor number 5 used garlic, coriander, turmeric, flavor enhancer, and lime juice as the seasoning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Lucky Arisonna Roring ◽  
Ni Wayan Wisaniyasa ◽  
I Dewa Gede Mayun Permana

This study was aimed to determine the effect of wheat flour comparison with red bean sprout flour on the characteristics of pancakes and to determine the exact concentration of red bean sprout flour that was able to produce pancakes with the best characteristics. This study used a randomized block design with the ratio of flour and red bean sprouts (100%: 0%, 60%: 40%, 50%: 50%, 40%: 60%, 30%: 70%), repeated three times to obtain 15 units of experiment. The data obtained were then analyzed by variants and if there was any effect on the treatment, then continued with Duncan test. The variables observed were moisture content, ash content, protein content, fat content, carbohydrate levels, coarse fiber content, and sensory characteristics. The results showed that the addition of red bean sprout effected moisture content, ash content, protein content, fat content, carbohydrate content, crude fiber content, colour, aroma, taste, texture, and overall acceptance of pancake. The best characteristic of pancake substitution was 50% wheat flour and 50% red bean sprout flour that produced moisture content 36.14%, ash content 1.86%, fat content 24.15%, protein content 8.31%, carbohydrate content 29.53 %, crude fiber content 16.81%, light brown colour (liked), typical aroma of red beans (liked), soft texture (liked), flavour of red beans (liked), and overall acceptance (liked). Keywords: wheat flour, red bean sprouts, characteristics, pancakes.

Yusraida Khairani Dalimunthe ◽  
Sugiatmo Kasmungin ◽  
Listiana Satiawati ◽  
Thariq Madani ◽  
Teuku Ananda Rizky

The purpose of this study was to see the best quality of briquettes from the main ingredient of coconut shell waste<br />with various biomass additives to see the calorific value, moisture content, ash content, and volatile matter<br />content of the biomass mixture. Furthermore, further research will be carried out specifically to see the quality of<br />briquettes from a mixture of coconut shell waste and sawdust. The method used in this research is to conduct a<br />literature study of various literature related to briquettes from coconut shell waste mixed with various additives<br />specifically and then look at the best quality briquettes produced from these various pieces of literature. As for<br />what is determined as the control variable of this study is coconut shell waste and as an independent variable,<br />namely coffee skin waste, rice husks, water hyacinth, Bintaro fruit, segon wood sawdust, coconut husk, durian<br />skin, bamboo charcoal, areca nut skin, and leather waste. sago with a certain composition. Furthermore, this<br />paper also describes the stages of making briquettes from coconut shell waste and sawdust for further testing of<br />the calorific value, moisture content, ash content, volatile matter content on a laboratory scale for further<br />research. From various literatures, it was found that the highest calorific value was obtained from a mixture of<br />coconut shell waste and bamboo charcoal with a value of 7110.7288 cal / gr and the lowest calorific value was<br />obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste and sago shell waste with a value of 114 cal / gr, then for the value<br />The highest water content was obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste and rice husk with a value of<br />37.70% and the lowest water content value was obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste 3.80%, then for the<br />highest ash content value was obtained from a mixture of coconut shell waste and coffee skin with a value of<br />20.862% and for the lowest ash content value obtained from a mixture of coconut shell and Bintaro fruit waste,<br />namely 2%, and for the highest volatile matter content value obtained from a mixture of coconut shell and coconut<br />husk waste with a value of 33.45% and for the value of volatile matter levels The lowest was obtained from a<br />mixture of coconut shell waste and sago skin waste with a value of 33 , 45%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 233
Indrati Kusumaningrum ◽  
Andi Noor Asikin

Abstract<br />Belida (Chitala sp.) bone is one of the waste from amplang processing which not treated properly<br />yet until now especially in East Kalimantan. One type of the usage of this waste is processed to fish bone<br />powder as calcium source which can be added to various food formulations such as keropok. The aim of<br />this study was to determine the chemical characteristics of belida fishbone powder added keropok Observed<br />parameters in this study were moisture content, ash content, protein content, fat content, calcium content,<br />phosphor content and whiteness. The method applied the experimental design was Completely Randomized<br />Design with five treatments of 0% (K0), 5% (K1), 10% (K2), 15% (K3) dand 20% (K4) fishbone powder<br />addition with three replications to each treatments. The results showed that the addition of belida bone<br />powder hadn’t significant effect to moisture of fortified keropok while had significant effect on ash, protein,<br />fat, calcium, phosphor content and whitness. The higher addition of fishbone powder increasing the value of<br />ash, calcium, phosphor and whiteness but decreasing protein and fat content of fortifief keropok. The result<br />showed that K3 was the best treatment with 5.64% calcium content.<br /><br />

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