scholarly journals HBA1c

2011 ◽  
Vol 18 (03) ◽  
pp. 430-435
K.M. YAHYA ◽  

Background: Type-2 DM is an epidemic globally and is the major heath problem. Public awareness has lead to increased screening and treatments. But unfortunately, control is very poor overall. People get treatment but do not check the advantages of treatment. Objectives: To see the success and accuracy of treatment of DM, this study was conducted. Diabetic control was assessed by HBA1C level. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Department of Medicine OPD of All major Hospitals Faisalabad. Period: From 01-03-2009 to 14-05-2009. Methods: This multicentric was carried out in different hospitals of Faisalabad. Total of 67 patients of both sexes and different age groups with Type-2 DM were evaluated for primary goal of control of DM by measuring HBA1C with point of care (POC) technology. Various secondary features ware also noted. Results: Total n = 67 males = 38 females = 29. Study revealed a poor control in all patients. Mean HBA1C in male was 85% and in female 87%. There were differences in HBA1C as regards to level of education, socio-economic status but there was no difference with regard to truncal obesity & type of transport used. Conclusions: DM control was very poor in all groups with respect to age, sex, and type of treatment. This is a matter of concern both to the patient and their attending physicians. Poor control has far reaching implications to the patients, society, and the family.

2020 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 139-143
David Lionardi ◽  
Chrismis Novalinda Ginting ◽  
Linda Chiuman

Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (Type 2 DM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by an increase in blood sugar caused by decreased insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells and/or impaired insulin function (insulin resistance). This study aimed to determine the specific levels of estradiol hormone in reproductive age women with diabetes mellitus in different age groups. This was an analytical study in September at Royal Prima Hospital, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Twenty women participated in this study after informed consent and were divided into two age groups: 40–45 years old and 46–50 years old. Blood samples were collected after 10-12 hours of fasting to assess blood sugar and estradiol hormone levels. Data were then analyzed using the dependent t-test dependent and compared. No significant difference in blood sugar level was found between the two age groups (p-value=0.113, p-value> 0.05) that there were no significant differences in blood sugar levels between the two age groups. The estradiol hormone level in the age group 40-45 years was lower than in the age group 46–50 years, and the difference was significant (p-value =0.000, p-value<0.05). No significant correlation was seen between type 2 DM and estradiol hormone level in this study. In conclusion, age is not the main contributing factor for the increase and decrease in blood sugar level, and type 2 DM does not correlate with estradiol hormone.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Yuli Wahyuni ◽  
Nursiswati N ◽  
Anastasia Anna

Karekteristik pasien diabetes melitus (DM) tipe 2 yang dapat memengaruhi kualitas hidupnya meliputi umur, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, sosial ekonomi, lama menderita DM, dan status pernikahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran kualitas hidup berdasarkan karekteristik pasien DM tipe 2. Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif ini melibatkan 89 responden yang diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner karekteristik responden dan Quality of Life Instrument for Indian Diabetes Patients (QOLID)yang terdiri dari 34 pertanyaan. Data yang terkumpul dikategorikan menjadi kualitas hidup tinggi/rendah berdasarkan nilai mean. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas hidup (QoL) pasien DM tipe 2 secara keseluruhan adalah tinggi (56,18%). Berdasarkan umur, QoL tinggi terbesar adalah lansia (65,9%) dan QoL rendah terbesar adalah dewasa madya (53,84%). Jenis kelamin, QoL tinggi terbesar adalah laki-laki (58,97%) dan QoL rendah terbesar adalah perempuan (46%). Tingkat pendidikan, QoL tinggi terbesar berada pada perguruan tinggi (78,26%) dan QoL rendah terbesar berada pada SD (65%). Berdasarkan sosial ekonomi, QoL tinggi terbesar adalah penghasilan lebih dari >5 juta (87,5%) dan QoL rendah terbesar adalah <1 juta (66,67%). Berdasarkan lama menderita, QoL tinggi terbesar adalah >10 tahun (66,67%) dan QoL rendah terbesar adalah < 1 tahun (53,33%). Berdasarkan status pernikahan QoL tinggi terbesar adalah menikah (56,16%) dan QoL rendah terbesar adalah janda/duda (46,67%). Perawat diharapkan dapat membantu pasien dengan karekteristik tingkat pendidikan SD, usia dewasa madya, penghasilan <1 juta dan lama menderita <1 tahun dengan cara mengembangkan aktivitas yang dapat mendukung peningkatan QoL pasien DM tipe 2.Kata kunci:DM tipe 2, karekteristik pasien, kualitas hidup AbstractAges, sex, education levels, economic status, marital status, and the length of life with diabetes mellitus are characteristics of patient with type 2 DM that can affect to their quality of life. The purpose of this study was to describe type 2 diabetes mellitus patients’ quality of life based on patients’ characteristics. Descriptive quantitative approach with purposive sampling was applied to 89 respondents. Data were collected using Quality of Life Instruments for Indian Diabetes Patients (QOLID), which consists of 34 questions. Data were analyzed using means scores. The result showed that quality of life (QoL) of patients with type 2 diabetes were high (56.18%). Based on age categories, the highest QoL was the elderly group (65.9%) and the lowest was the middle adulthood group (53.84%). Men had higher QoL than women with (58.97%) and (46%), respectively. This study also found that university graduates had the highest QoL (78.26%) and the lowest were elementary school graduates (65%). Based on the economic status, people with income >5 million (50%) had the highest QoL and the lowest was people with income <1 million (35.90%). Diabetic patients who suffering for more than 10 years (66,67%) had the highest QoL and the lowest was people who suffer of type 2 DM for less than a year (53.33%). Based on marital status, the highest QoL was married people (56.16%) and the lowest was widow (46.67%). Nurses are expected to help patients with low level of QoL and develop some activities to enhance the QoL of patient with type 2 DM.Key words: Patient’s characteristic, quality of life, type 2 DM

Muneedej Suwattipong ◽  
Thitima Thuramonwong ◽  
Chanita Tantipoj ◽  
Pornpoj Fuangtharnthip ◽  
Supanee Thanakun ◽  

This study aimed to compare the screening methods between point-of-care (POC) testing and hospital-based methods for potential type 2 DM and abnormal glucose regulation (AGR) in a dental setting. A total of 274 consecutive subjects who attended the Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, were selected. Demographic data were collected. HbA1c was assessed using a finger prick blood sample and analyzed with a point-of-care (POC) testing machine (DCA Vantage®). Hyperglycemia was defined as POC HbA1c ≥ 5.7%. Random blood glucose (RBG) was also evaluated using a glucometer (OneTouch® SelectSimple™) and hyperglycemia was defined as RBG ≥ 110 mg/dl or ≥140 mg/dl. The subjects were then sent for laboratory measurements for fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and HbA1c. The prevalence of AGR (defined as FPG ≥ 100 mg/dl or laboratory HbA1c ≥ 5.7%) and potential type 2 DM (defined as FPG ≥ 126 mg/dl or laboratory HbA1c ≥ 6.5%) among subjects was calculated and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed using FPG and HbA1c for the diagnosis of AGR and potential type 2 DM. The prevalence of hyperglycemia defined as POC HbA1c ≥ 5.7%, RBG ≥ 110 mg/dl, and RBG ≥ 140 mg/dl was 49%, 63%, and 32%, respectively. After the evaluation using laboratory measurements, the prevalence of AGR was 25% and 17% using laboratory FPG and HbA1c criteria, respectively. Based on the ROC curves, the performances of POC HbA1c and RBG in predicting FPG-defined potential type 2 DM were high (AUC = 0.99; 95% CI 0.98–0.99 and AUC = 0.94; 95% CI 0.86–1.0, respectively) but lower in predicting AGR (AUC = 0.72; 95% CI 0.67–0.78 and AUC = 0.65; 95% CI 0.59–0.70, respectively). This study suggested that POC testing might be a potential tool for screening of subjects with potential type 2 DM in a dental setting.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Lesi Kurnia Putri ◽  
Jazil Karimi ◽  
Dimas Pramita Nugraha

Management in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is aimed diabetic control required antidiabetic drugs(OAD). The aim of this study was to know data about the profile of diabetics control in patients with type 2 diabetesmellitus followed in department of endocrinology Arifin Achmad General Hospital Pekanbaru. The type of researchwas descriptive. The samples are 96 people included all patients with type 2 DM according to inclusion criteria. Theidentity patients and patients knowledge were determined using questionnaire, used of antidiabetics drugs and diabeticcontrol were detemined using medical record. The characteristics of patients with type 2 DM were most at group ofage 50-59 years (45,8%), female sex (58,3%), duration of DM 1-5 years (52,1%), complication of diabetic neuropathy(25%) and frequency of the Doctor once a month (64,6%). The used OAD predominant oral antidiabetic drugs (83%)combinations sulfonylureas and biguanid (73,7%), combinations oral antidiabetic drugs with insulin (14%) arecombinations biguanid with long acting insulin (69,2%) and intensive insulin (3%) are long acting insulin with rapidacting insulin (66,6%). Diabetic control of patients with type 2 DM are fasting blood glucose, post prandial 2 hoursblood glucose, total cholesterol, LDL and HDL was bad (68%, 74%, 46,9%, 61,5% and 70,8%). This researchshowed that used of antidiabetic drugs was not satisfactory of diabetic control.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Maria Karolina Selano ◽  
Veronica Ririn Marwaningsih ◽  
Niken Setyaningrum

AbstrakDiabetes mellitus (DM) merupakan salah satu penyakit kronis yang paling banyak dialami oleh penduduk di dunia. Penyakit DM menempati urutan ke-4 penyebab kematian dinegara berkembang. Salah satu jenis penyakit DM yang paling banyak dialami oleh pendudukan di dunia adalah DM tipe 2 (85-95%), yaitu penyakit DM yang disebabkan oleh terganggunya sekresi insulin dan resistensi insulin. Peningkatan jumlah kasus DM tipe 2 tersebut berdampak pada peningkatan komplikasi yang dialami pasien DM tipe 2. Komplikasi tersering yang dialami pasien DM tipe 2 adalah neoropati perifer (10-60%) yang akan menyebabkan ulkus diabetic. Menurut American Diabetes Association (ADA) bahwa �salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya diabetes mellitus adalah faktor risiko yang dapat diubah meliputi obesitas berdasarkan IMT =25 kg/m2 atau lingkar perut = 80 cm pada wanita dan = 90 cm pada laki � laki, kurang aktivitas fisik, hipertensi, dislipidemi dan diet tidak sehat. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah melakukan skrining awal penderita hipertensi dan penderita diabetes mellitus serta sebagai upaya peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat terkait deteksi dini penyakit hipertensi dan diabetes mellitus. Metode yang dilakukan dengan melakukan pemeriksaan gula darah sewaktu (GDS) dan tekanan darah kepada masyarakat. Hasil evaluasi telah teridentifikasi 18 orang (13,84 %) memiliki gula darah sewaktu (GDS) > 180 mg/dl, sedangkan hasil pemeriksaan tekanan darah didapatkan 20 orang (15,38 %) memiliki tekanan darah > 120/80 MmHg.�Kata kunci : Diabetes Mellitus; Hipertensi; Pemeriksaan GDS; Pemeriksaan Tekanan Darah�AbstractDiabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common chronic diseases experienced by people in the world. DM disease ranks 4th place in the cause of death in developing countries. One of the most common types of DM disease experienced by occupation in the world is DM type 2 (85-95%), which is DM disease caused by disruption of insulin secretion and insulin resistance. The increase in the number of cases of type 2 DM has an impact on the increased complications experienced by patients with type 2 DM. The most common complication experienced by type 2 DM patients is peripheral neoropathy (10-60%) which will cause diabetic ulcers. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) that one of the risk factors for diabetes mellitus is a risk factor that can be changed include obesity based on BMI =25 kg/m2 or abdominal circumference = 80 cm in women and = 90 cm in men, lack of physical activity , hypertension, dyslipidemia and unhealthy diet. The purpose of this community service activity is to conduct initial screening of hypertension sufferers and people with diabetes mellitus and as an effort to increase public awareness related to early detection of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. The method is carried out by checking blood sugar (GDS) and blood pressure to the public. The evaluation results have identified 18 people (13.84%) have blood sugar when (GDS)> 180 mg / dl, while the results of blood pressure examination found 20 people (15.38%) have blood pressure> 120/80 MmHg.�

Sem Samuel Surja ◽  
Melyawati Hermawan ◽  
Meiliyana Wijaya ◽  
Pramanta Pramanta ◽  
Hanna Yolanda

Background <br />The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is increasing. Diabetic patients have a higher risk of getting dermatomycosis. Dermatomycoses, although a common health problem amongst DM, is often misdiagnosed and consequently undertreated. Studies on the association between dermatomycosis and type 2 diabetes are lacking, especially in Indonesia. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence, etiology, and association of dermatomycosis with diabetic control of type 2 DM. <br /><br />Methods<br />A cross-sectional study was performed involving 87 subjects with type 2 DM. Demographic and clinical data, including age, sex, and blood glucose level, were collected. If a dermatomycosis lesion was found, a specimen would be taken for identification. Determination of serum glucose level was conducted using Roche c111 analyzer®. Statistical analysis was performed with the chi-square test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-independent sample test.<br /><br />Results<br />Seventeen (19.55%) subjects had dermatomycosis. The predominant age group affected was 51 - 60 years (42.4%). The number of clinically apparent dermatomycosis was greater in the uncontrolled than in the controlled blood sugar group, but the difference was statistically not significant (p &gt; 0.05). The lesions were mostly found on the nails (74%) and the most common etiology was candida (50%) followed by dermatophyte (25%) and non-dermatophyte molds (25%). <br /><br />Conclusion<br />Uncontrolled blood sugar tends to increase the risk of dermatomycosis in type 2 DM patients. Fungal skin infections are common in type-2 DM patients, especially in those with poor glycemic control.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 201-208
Dewi Ulfani ◽  
Safruddin Safruddin ◽  
Sudarman Sudarman ◽  
Sudarman Sudarman

Diabetes mellitus is a serious problem for global health regardless of socio-economic status or national boundaries. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that cannot be completely cured and greatly affects the patient's quality of life. The incidence of DM continues to increase both in the world and in Indonesia, so far more research has been about the problem of DM clinics so that more research is needed on the quality of life. In addition, low quality of life and psychological problems can exacerbate metabolic disorders, either directly through a stress harmonic reaction or indirectly through complications. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between depression and quality of life of type 2 diabetes mellitus sufferers at the West Kabaena Health Center, Bombana Regency. This type of research is quantitative, with a cross sectional study design. The sample determination is done by using purposive sampling technique with a sample size of 35 respondents. The relationship test was performed using the Continuity Correction test with a significance level of α <0.05. The results showed that there was a relationship between depression and the quality of life of type 2 DM patients (p = 0.001 <0.05). The conclusion of the study is that the higher the level of individual depression, the less individual perceptions of the quality of life of type 2 DM patients. From this conclusion it is hoped that nurses will carry out health education and overcome depression in DM sufferers to improve the quality of life.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-3
B Shanthi

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases which if not controlled can cause life threatening complication. The objective of the study is to assess the correlation of urine microalbumin (MAU) with (HbA1C) in type 2 DM patients. Total 180 patients diagnosed for type 2 DM, age 30-60 years were selected and fasting plasma glucose, creatinine,HbA1C and MAU were estimated.HbA1C levels and MAU levels shows significant positive correlation (r = 0.429, p<0.01) and the relationship is significant for all the three age groups. The study concluded that there was an increased prevalence of MAU and high HbA1C level among the patients with type 2 DM, and also highlights that there is a significant correlation betweenMAUlevels andHbA1Cfor allthe three agegroupswhichnecessitatesfor earlydetectionofnephropathyanduncontrolled diabetes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 440-444
Amar Kumar Sinha

Type 2 DM is the common and rising on the world wide. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of Type 2 DM in eastern region of Nepal. The objectives of this study ware to find out the prevalence of type 2Diabetes Mellitus in different age groups and gender i.e. male & females of eastern region of Nepal. This was a hospital based retrospective study was carried out between the age group of 0-75 and 76 and above yrs during April 2015 to Feb.2016. Sample size 9,765 subjects who were attended outdoor patient department (OPD) and indoor patient department (IPD) investigated for estimation of blood glucose levels were selected. Family history of Type 2 DM (Diabetes Mellitus) was recorded by questioner. Blood Glucose estimation was performed by Glucose Oxidase Peroxidase (GOD/POD) enzymatic method used. Diagnostic criteria of Type 2 DM recommended by American Diabetes Association and WHO.Statistical analysis was done using Excel. Total of 9,765 patients were included in the study. Among the total population 9,765 found1, 195 patients elevated casesin which 829/5,612 were males and 366/4,153 were females. The highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes 47.03% in the age group of 26-50 yrs and the second highest was 44.77% in 51-75 yrs age group. Male were found to be higher 69.4% in all the age groups than females 30.6%. Out of 1,195 diabetic patients, 27.20% have family history of Type 2 DM (Diabetes Mellitus). It has been observed that Type 2 DM is the most common among the age group of 26-50 yrs. It is also evident that the higher prevalence group was found to be males than female’s. Recently it was found that the prevalence of Type 2 DM (Diabetes Mellitus) was increasing which could be due to ignorance of the problems and poor medical service in the country. Int. J. Appl. Sci. Biotechnol. Vol 7(4): 440-444

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-103
Tapas Pramanik ◽  
R. Dhakal ◽  
R. Pandit

 Peripheral neuropathy is a common complication of type 2 diabetes in patients with poor diabetic control where reaction time increases in comparison to normal individual. Early detection of neural dysfunction denoted by increased reaction time will be helpful for the patient, to control blood sugar in order to avoid diabetic complications. This study was conducted to find out the neural deficit in diabetes by comparing the visual reaction time using ruler drop method between non-diabetics and diabetics and assessing the relationship of reaction time with increase in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) titre. It was a case control study among 38 diabetics and 31 healthy volunteers. Among the volunteers of age groups 20-39 years and 40-59 years, all patients with poor diabetic control showed significantly high reaction time in comparison to their non-diabetic counterparts (180.66 ms vs 231.11ms; 197.27ms vs 224.44 ms respectively). In age groups of 60-79 years, reaction time was also more in patients with high HbA1C in comparison to their non-diabetic counterparts (224.00 ms vs 230.90 ms). In comparison to non-diabetics, diabetics with increased HbA1C (7- 9%, 9-11%, 11-13%, >13%) all showed significantly higher reaction time (193.54 ms vs 219.00 ms; 193.54 ms vs 225.83 ms; 193.54 ms vs 236.66 ms and 193.54 ms vs more than 250 ms respectively). A positive Pearson Correlation (r = 0.4) was also noted between HbA1C (%) and reaction time (ms) amongst the patients with poor diabetic control. Damage of vasa nervosum and formation and accumulation of sorbitol and fructose in Schwann cells might disrupt structure and function of peripheral nerves leading to neuropathy and altered visual reaction time in diabetics.

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