scholarly journals Determinants of Teacher Performance with Job Satisfactions Mediation

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 845-860
Arief Tukiman Hendrawijaya ◽  
Muhammad Irfan Hilmi ◽  
Fuad Hasan ◽  
Niswatul Imsiyah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 316-324
Syukrani Kadir

periodically in preparing learning plans, implementing learning, assessing learning achievement, carrying out follow-up assessments of student learning achievement that can improve teacher performance. This performance improvement is through periodic collaborative educational supervision. Based on the results of educational supervision in cycle I and cycle II, teacher performance increased, namely in cycle I, teacher performance in preparing learning plans in cycle I reached 71.98%, while cycle II was 92.44%. Teacher performance in implementing learning cycle I reached 72.44% while cycle II reached 93.81%. Teacher performance in assessing learning achievement in cycle Im reached 81.30% while cycle II was 90.56%. Teacher performance in carrying out follow-up assessments of student learning achievement in the first cycle reached 59.76% while the second cycle was 83.00%. Thus, the average action cycle II was above 75.00%. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the teacher's performance has increased in preparing learning plans, implementing learning, assessing learning achievement, carrying out follow-up assessments of student learning achievement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 763
Asniarny Asniarny

This research is motivated by poor teacher performance. For this reason the aim of this research is to improve teacher performance by carrying out academic supervision. This study uses a school action research design that has stages of planning, implementation, observation, reflection. This research was conducted at the target schools in Dumai city from March 4 to April 27. The subjects of this study were grade IV elementary school teachers totaling 11 people. Data analysis instruments use observation sheets that are analyzed and described according to the criteria set. The results showed that the teacher's performance in the first cycle had an average percentage of 65% with sufficient criteria, classically the number of teachers who achieved the indicator of success was 3 people (27%). After repairs with academic supervision, the performance of teachers in the second cycle increased with a percentage of 81% with sufficient criteria. Classically the number of teachers who achieved good performance was 9 people (81%). The conclusion of this study is the implementation of academic supervision can improve the performance of elementary school teachers in the city of Dumai.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 660
Ranirizal Ranirizal

Performance is the performance shown by educators, both in quality and quantity in carrying out their duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to them professionally. Educator performance development is a very decisive factor in the success of the education and learning process. In fact, in Kindergarten Rayon IV, Dumai City, there is still a low level of competency standards possessed by educators. The intended competency standard is from the standard academic qualifications and four competencies that must be possessed by a kindergarten educator, namely pedagogic, professional, social and personality competencies. This is evidenced by educators not yet mastering learning material with the maximum known when the learning process educators are not able to explain well the subject matter, and educators have not shown maximum performance in carrying out their duties and functions. The purpose of this study was to see whether there was an influence on teacher professionalism on teacher performance in Dumai IV Rayon Kindergarten. The results of the study prove that there is a significant relationship between the professionalism of Kindergarten educators and the performance of educators in Kindergarten Rayon IV, Dumai City. This is evidenced by the value of Sig (2-tailed) professionalism on educator's performance of 0,000, so the calculation shows 0,000 <0.05. This means that Ha is accepted, that is, there is a significant relationship between the professionalism of Kindergarten educators and the Performance of Educators in Kindergarten Rayon IV, Dumai City.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-120
Maulana Khusen

Abstract: The results of the study show that: (1) Tahfidzul Qur'an learning planning is done through the preparation of memorization targets and the determination of effective weeks and days in each semester; (2) Organizing is carried out through the division of tasks and responsibilities as well as the construction of the structure of the tutoring teacher; (3) The mobilization is carried out through the coordination meeting of the Tahfidz coordinator as a shering forum for decision making and direction of the Tahfidzul Qur'an learning program and the implementation of learning is carried out every Monday-Friday; and (4) Supervision is carried out through assessing teacher performance at the end of December and June. The highest achievement target for the second year of the implementation of the Tahfidzul Qur'an's 2017/2018 year program is juz 29 and 30, the lowest target for class 1 is juz 30 to Surat al Ghosyiyyah. For class 1, 85% of the target is achieved and 11% of students exceed the target. Class 2 targets reached 19%. Class 3, 10.86% reached the target and 0.35% of students exceeded the target. Class 4 tarjet reached 12.44%. Class 5 targets reached 4.24%, and the last grade 6 target reached 13.79% and 1.5% of students exceeded the target. Keywords: Learning Management, Tahfidzul Qur'an.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 124
Mohamed Buhari Mufitha ◽  
Su Teng Lee ◽  
Chen Chen Yong

Compared to others, professionals share distinguish workplace characteristics: one such is the high commitment to the professions over to working organizations. Information Technology (IT) professionals demonstrate higher turnover rates compared to others: their commitments to the profession has been suspected as a source of turnover. Considering their job satisfactions the present study aimed to investigate the influence of professional commitment on IT professionals’ turnover intentions. Data were collected from a sample of software engineers from Sri Lank using a survey questionnaire. The results of the structural equation model analysis concluded that professional commitment weakens IT professionals’ turnover intentions, which is partially mediated by job satisfaction. Professional commitment stimulates IT professionals’ job satisfaction. The findings challenge the presumption that IT professionals leave their organizations due to high commitments to the profession. Few factors were identified as significant in their job satisfactions: supervision, co-workers and work design. Pay and promotions were the least influencing job satisfaction factors. Managers may employ few strategies in their retention strategies: facilitate professional advancement needs within organizations, closely monitor supervision activities occurs and provide challenging and meaningful jobs. The study contributes to the turnover literature through empirical evidence on the influence of professional commitment on knowledge workers’ turnover intentions.

2016 ◽  
pp. 109
Wagner Bandeira Andriola

RESUMOO texto proporciona reflexões sobre a formação do Pedagogo, enfatizando as limitações mais visíveis na área da avaliação educacional. A partir da análise de matrizes curriculares de cursos de graduação em Pedagogia, constatou-se que algumas das principais demandas da sociedade atual não têm sido atendidas. Propôs-se que as matrizes curriculares fossem revistas, para permitir o desenvolvimento de cinco competências básicas: a) capacidade de compreender os resultados de avaliações externas realizadas pelos municípios, pelos estados e pela federação; b) capacidade de usar os resultados das avaliações externas para aprimorar a atuação docente; c) capacidade de usar os micro-dados das avaliações externas para obter diagnósticos mais detalhados da situação da escola; d) capacidade de usar os resultados dos diagnósticos mais detalhados para planejar ações de aprimoramento da gestão escolar; e) capacidade de avaliar a execução e adequação das ações de aprimoramento da gestão escolar.Palavras chave: Formação do pedagogo, ensino superior, avaliação educacional.Limitations and challenges in the formation of pedagogue in the area of education assessment.ABSTRACTThe study provides reflections on the formation of the pedagogue, emphasizing the most visible limitations in the field of educational assessment. From the analysis of matrices of education curriculum, it found that some of the main demands of today’s society have not been addressed yet. It proposed the revision of the curricular matrices to allow the development of five skills: a) ability to understand the results of external evaluations conducted by municipalities, regions and the government; b) ability to use the results of external evaluations to improve teacher performance; c) ability to use external evaluation microdata for a more detailed diagnosis of the school situation; d) ability to use results of the most detailed diagnostics for planning actions to improve school management; e) ability to assess the implementation and adaptation of the measures to improve school management.Key words: Teacher training, higher education, educational evaluation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-110
Buyung Syukron ◽  
Andi Thahir ◽  
Tin Amalia Fitri ◽  
Asep Rohman

The learning process in madrasas (Islamic-based elementary schools) is seen as being able to contribute to instilling values and norms in students following Islamic teachings. The issue of organizational culture and teacher performance also becomes a determining factor in creating a quality learning process. In this research, the aim is to determine: 1) the effect of organizational culture on the quality of the learn-ing process; 2) the effect of teacher performance on the quality of the learning process; and 3) the influ-ence of organizational culture on teacher performance. Respondents in this study were all class teachers from three madrasas as a sample representing all public madrasas in the city of Bandar Lampung, Indo-nesia. The results obtained indicate that the variables of organizational culture and the quality of the learning process have an influence, with R squared of 0.67 or 67%, which is classified as moderate. This shows that madrassas have implemented predetermined work culture values, namely: a) integrity, the harmony between correct thoughts, words, and deeds; b) professionalism, working in a disciplined, competent, and timely manner with the best results; c) innovation, perfecting existing and creating new and improved techniques and ideas; d) responsibility, working thoroughly and with thought for the con-sequences; and e) being exemplary, setting a good example for others.

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