scholarly journals Modification and Performance Test of Prototype I Washer Machine

The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatara L.) is one of the world’s important tubers with a production of more than 133 million ton. In 2019, the Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery designed a Prototype I Washer The machine is not optimal, reaching 67.13%, and it needs to be modified because the skin of the sweet potato is cleaned and exfoliated so that it can reduce the quality of the sweet potato. The method used in this research is engineering, which is a non-routine design activity with new construction of process and product. Base on Matlab program, the result of the modification research and performance tests, is by using the prototipe I washer, the percentage of the level of cleanliness was 80.02%. Where with an increase 67.13% using the performance machine. Based on the evaluation of technical feasibility and engine performance tests, it is found that the propulsion power needs 1 HP and the deflection of the frame is only 13.06 mm. The theoretical capacity of the engine is 231.68 kg.hour-1, the actual capacity is 100 kg.hour-1 with an efficiency of 44.39%, the noise level of 77 dB and the engine vibration of 13.43 m.s-1.

Noor Hamidah ◽  
Dwi Anung Nindito ◽  
Tatau Wijaya Garib ◽  
Waluyo Nuswantoro ◽  
Mahdi Santoso

ABSTRACT The sterilization chamber is designed to sterilize the body using a filler formulation that is not harmful to the skin surface. Formulation, namely the composition of filler fluids (type, dose and amount) using substances that are safe for the body accordingly, certainly provides benefits. The use of the sterilization booth uses the correct and safe filling fluid. The sterilization chamber uses a mist nozzle sprayer (with the appropriate discharge) to spray the filling liquid so that the user is safe. This sterilization booth is named "White Box". This "White Box" research aims to design (functional and structural) and test (function test and performance test) on a system and mechanism for condensing the condensation of a humidifier that can fill the sterilization room optimally. The design method of the "White Box" sterilization booth uses a qualitative method with the following phases: (1) The preparation stage, namely the functional design and the structural design of the "White Box"; (2) The implementation stage is analyzing the use of tools and materials and making sterilization booths; (3) Post-implementation stage, namely testing the sterilization chamber, including the function test and performance test of the sterilization chamber. The design activity of the "White Box" sterilization booth was carried out by testing various variations of the prototype, including variations in the dimensions of the distribution pipe, the shape of the distribution pipe, and variations of the piping system. The validation process includes: (1) The diameter of the pipe against humidifier dew bursts; (2) The shape of the piping against humidifier dew spray; and (3) the length of the pipe passage to the humidifier dew spray. ABSTRAKBilik sterilisasi didesain untuk mensterilisasi tubuh dengan menggunakan formulasi zat pengisi yang tidak berbahaya bagi permukaan kulit. Formulasi yaitu komposisi cairan pengisi (jenis, takaran dan jumlah) menggunakan zat yang aman bagi tubuh yang sesuai, tentu memberi manfaat. Penggunaan bilik sterilisasi menggunakan cairan pengisi yang benar dan aman. Bilik sterilisasi menggunakan mist nozzle sprayer (yang debitnya sesuai) untuk menyemprotkan cairan pengisinya sehingga pengguna aman. Bilik sterilisasi ini diberi nama "White Box". Penelitian "White Box"ini bertujuan merancang (fungsional dan struktural) dan menguji coba (uji fungsi dan uji kinerja) pada sebuah sistem dan mekanisme penyaluran pengembunan dari alat humidifier yang mampu memenuhi ruang bilik sterilisasi secara optimal. Metode rancang bangun bilik sterilisasi "White Box" menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan tahap kegiatan meliputi: (1) Tahap persiapan yaitu rancangan fungsional dan rancangan struktural"White Box"; (2) Tahap pelaksanaan yaitu analisa penggunaan alat dan bahan dan Pembuatan bilik sterilisasi; (3) Tahap Pasca Pelaksanaan yaitu pengujian bilik sterilisasi antara lain uji fungsi dan uji kinerja bilik sterilisasi. Muatan kegiatan rancang bangun bilik sterilisasi "White Box" dilakukan dengan cara menguji coba berbagai variasi prototipe, meliputi variasi dimensi pipa penyaluran, bentuk pipa penyalur, variasi sistem perpipaan. Proses validasi yang dilakukan meliputi: (1) Diamater pipa terhadap semburan embun humidifier; (2) Bentuk pipa penyalur terhadap semburan embun humidifier; dan (3) Panjang lintasan pipa terhadap semburan embun humidifier.

2020 ◽  
Vol 142 (6) ◽  
Jianjiao Jin ◽  
Jianfeng Pan ◽  
Zhigang Lu ◽  
Qingrui Wu ◽  
Lizhong Xu ◽  

Abstract In this paper, a novel one-dimensional matching method of an asymmetric twin-scroll turbine (ATST) with a small scroll bypass wastegate is initially presented for energy improvement. The developed method presents further insights into efficiency prediction of the ATST and the small scroll exhaust bypass in the matching process of model characterization. The efficiency of the small and large scroll turbines was approximately assessed with two times flow parameters of the small and large scroll turbines, respectively, as well as according to turbine efficiency prediction curves. Subsequently, given the matching results of a 9-L engine, a targeted ATST was developed; its effectiveness was verified by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and the performance tests of a turbine and an engine. As revealed from the results, the prediction efficiency of the ATST well complies with that of the numerical calculation and performance tests of turbines and engines. Compared with the common large scroll exhaust bypass wastegate, the small one exhibits better engine performance and can save nearly 0.5–1.5% fuel consumption at middle and high engine speeds. Moreover, the reasons of which were explored for better understanding of the mechanism accordingly.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-69
Dian Fitria Prihandini ◽  
Sri Joeda Andajani ◽  
Asri Wijiastuti

Abstrak: Siswa tunagrahita mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami informasi abstrak tentang konsep pubertas dan langkah – langkah menggunakan pembalut wanita. Penggunaan metode pemodelan menyediakan model atau contoh konkret yang mudah diingat oleh siswa tunagrahita. Penerapan pembelajaran langsung dapat memandu siswa langkah demi langkah untuk memahami suatu konsep dan menguasai suatu ketrampilan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman konsep pubertas dan ketrampilan menggunakan pembalut wanita dengan pembelajaran langsung menggunakan metode pemodelan pada siswa SMALB Tunagrahita. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research) dengan analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif yang dilakukan dalam satu siklus untuk pembelajaran konsep pubertas dan dua siklus untuk pembelajaran ketrampilan menggunakan pembalut wanita. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMALB tunagrahita yang berjumlah 6 orang. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dokumentasi, observasi dan tes. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data meliputi instrumen pengamatan proses pembelajaran, soal tes pengetahuan dan format penilaian tes kinerja. Ketuntasan belajar klasikal tentang pemahaman konsep pubertas dapat dilihat dari hasil tes pengetahuan siklus I yang menunjukkan 83 % siswa telah mendapatkan nilai tes pengetahuan ≥ 70 %. Peningkatan ketrampilan menggunakan pembalut wanita dapat dilihat dari hasil tes pengetahuan dan tes kinerja. Hasil tes pengetahuan siswa siklus I menunjukkan 67 % siswa mendapatkan nilai tes pengetahuan ≥ 70 % dan meningkat 83 % pada siklus II. Hasil tes kinerja siswa siklus I menunjukkan 67 % siswa mendapatkan nilai tes kinerja ≥ 70 % dan meningkat 100 % pada siklus II. Ketuntasan belajar klasikal siklus II dibandingkan siklus I pada tes pengetahuan meningkat 16 % dan tes kinerja meningkat 33 %. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pemahaman konsep pubertas dan ketrampilan menggunakan pembalut wanita siswa SMALB tunagrahita meningkat dengan pembelajaran langsung menggunakan metode pemodelan.Kata Kunci: Konsep Pubertas, Pembelajaran Langsung, Metode Pemodelan.Abstract: Mentally disabled students have difficulty understanding abstract information about the concept of puberty and the steps to use sanitary napkins. The use of modeling methods provides a concrete model or example that is easily remembered by mentally retarded students. The application of direct learning can guide students step by step to understanding a concept and mastering a skill. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in understanding of the concept of puberty and the skills to use sanitary napkins with direct learning using modeling methods for students with mental retardation. This research is a classroom action research with the analysis of quantitative descriptive data conducted in one cycle for learning the concept of puberty and two cycles for learning skills using sanitary napkins. The subjects of the study were 6 students with mental retardation. Data collection methods in this study are documentation, observation and tests. The instruments used to collect data include instruments of learning process observation, knowledge test questions and performance test assessment formats. The completeness of classical learning about understanding the concept of puberty can be seen from the results of the cycle I knowledge test which shows 83% of students have obtained a knowledge test score of ≥ 70%. Improving skills in using sanitary napkins can be seen from the results of knowledge tests and performance tests. The students' first cycle knowledge test results show 67% of students get knowledge test scores ≥ 70% and increase 83% in cycle II. The results of the first cycle of student performance tests showed 67% of students got a performance test score of ≥ 70% and increased 100% in cycle II. Classical learning completeness cycle II compared to cycle I on knowledge tests increased 16% and performance tests increased 33%. The results of the study concluded that understanding the concept of puberty and the skills to use sanitary napkins for mentally retarded students increased with direct learning using modeling methods.Keywords: Concept of Puberty, Direct Learning, Modeling Methods.

This paper discusses about various methods involved in detection of avian pox in the birds using images. Digital images are corrupted while sending and receiving the images because of noisy sensors which degrade the quality of image. Pre-processing becomes an initial and crucial step in image processing to remove the noise and maintain fine details and texture of the image. Pre-processed images can be used for further work. Mean, Median, Weiner, Mean Maximum, Mean Minimum filters are used and performance tests are made using Signal Noise Ratio. Based on the performance test, removal of impulse noise is well done by Median filter and produces the best result when compared to other filters. K-Means clustering and SVM are used for identification of the disease.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-26
Wahyu K Sugandi ◽  
Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata ◽  
Fetriyuna Fetriyuna ◽  
Yoga Prabowo

Technical specification of the spinner at the Pilot Plant of FTIP Unpad was needed to be reviewed through technical analysis and performance test. Experimental Design method of the research was carried out by on the spot observations, measurements, and recalculating machine main components. Results obtained from technical analysis showed that the machine required a driven power of 216 W, one single belt, a minimum shaft diameter of 16 mm, as well as a pin diameter at the main roller and at the pulley of 5,46 mm and 6 mm, respectively. It had a deflection torsion of 0,0460 a critical shaft speed of 1338 RPM, a bearing life of 3.227.817,96 hours, a frame deflection of 0,24 mm, and a frame welding load of 503,74 N. Sofar, the machine has fulfilled its technical feasibility. While the results of performance tests showed that the best taste sensation of the crackers was termed at an engine speed of 650 rpm at an actual capacity of 3.6 kg/h and at a power of 120 W, a specific spin energy of 120 kJ/kg, a spin yield of 97.38 %, an engine efficiency of 65.60 %, an engine performance index of 0.95 at a level of noissiness of 86.86 dBA. The data has fulfilled the performance requirement, but due to its vibration frequency of 21.44 mm/s – which was dangerous, improvements related to it had to be done. Keywords: technical analysis, oil spinner, performance test ABSTRAK Spesifikasi teknis mesin peniris minyak (spinner) di laboratorium Pilot Plant FTIP UNPAD perlu dikaji-ulang melalui analisis teknik dan uji kinerja. Metode analisis deskriptif dalam penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pengukuran, pengamatan dan  perhitungan terhadap komponen-komponen utama mesin. Hasil analisis teknik menunjukkan bahwa untuk mengoperasikan mesin ini dibutuhkan daya penggerak 216 Watt, satu sabuk, diameter poros minimum 16 mm, defleksi puntiran 0,0460, putaran kritis poros 1338 RPM, diameter pin pada motor penggerak 5,46 mm, diameter pin pada roll utama dan diameter puli 6 mm. Sementara umur bantalan 3.227 jam, lendutan rangka 0,24 mm, dan beban las rangka 503,74 N. Secara teknis mesin ini telah memenuhi kelayakan teknis. Hasil uji kinerja mesin menunjukkan bahwa sensasi rasa kerupuk terbaik diperoleh pada kecepatan putaran motor 650 RPM dengan kapasitas aktual 3,6 kg/jam pada daya 120 Watt, energi spesifik penirisan 120 kJ/kg, rendemen penirisan 97,376 %, efisiensi mesin 65,60 %, indeks performansi mesin 0,95, dan tingkat kebisingan 86,86 dBA. Data ini telah memenuhi spesifikasi kinerjanya. Namun dengan frekuensi getaran 21,44 mm/s (berbahaya). Perbaikan teknis terkait masalah ini masih perlu dilakukan. Kata kunci: analisis teknik, mesin peniris minyak, uji kinerja

Paul Lee ◽  
Ligong Yang ◽  
Caner Demirdogen

Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) tools have been widely used in the design of automotive components and systems. Methods, procedures and measurables for analyses involving Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) components are well-defined and well developed. Comparatively, significantly less attention has been paid to the design and analysis of test cells. Better designed test cells will lead to increased test cell availability and thus also increases engine performance test opportunities. This trend was observed in Cummins Inc. where CAE-guided test cell designs improved test-cell availability and rate of engine development. Here, improved conversion efficiencies in test cell Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) modules were predicted using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools, and validated against data collected from the test cells. The resultant improvements resulted in dramatic increases in test cell up-time. This paper documents how CAE tools commonly used in engine design were successfully expanded to aid the design of Cummins Inc. test cells. It presents the CFD methods that were used in this analysis, compares CFD predictions to actual conversion efficiencies in the SCR module, and also proposes a set of analysis tasks and methods that can be applied to improve test cell design and performance in the future.

1981 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-44 ◽  
Unna H. Jeon ◽  
Robert K. Branson

This study evaluates the effectiveness of three different media in teaching a specific motor skill. Validated lessons utilizing three different media — motion/sound, slide/sound, and story boards — were used to teach basic manipulations of the M203 Grenade Launcher. Written and performance tests, derived directly from the instructional objectives, were used to evaluate the learning. As evaluated by the performance test, learners using motion film performed significantly better than those using either slides or workbooks, and required significantly less time. Written tests, however, failed to detect this difference. These results suggest that much previous research comparing media may have been inconclusive due to defects in experimental design, such as using a written test to measure motor skills taught by visual media.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Md. Saiful Islam ◽  
Abu Saleh Ahmed ◽  
Aminul Islam ◽  
Sidek Abdul Aziz ◽  
Low Chyi Xian ◽  

This paper presents the result of investigations carried out in studying the emission and performance of diesel engine using the castor biodiesel and its blend with diesel from 0% to 40% by volume. The acid-based catalyzed transesterification system was used to produce castor biodiesel and the highest yield of 82.5% was obtained under the optimized condition. The FTIR spectrum of castor biodiesel indicates the presence of C=O and C–O functional groups, which is due to the ester compound in biodiesel. The smoke emission test revealed that B40 (biodiesel blend with 40% biodiesel and 60% diesel) had the least black smoke compared to the conventional diesel. Diesel engine performance test indicated that the specific fuel consumption of biodiesel blend was increased sufficiently when the blending ratio was optimized. Thus, the reduction in exhaust emissions and reduction in brake-specific fuel consumption made the blends of caster seed oil (B20) a suitable alternative fuel for diesel and could help in controlling air pollution.

2014 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 327-337 ◽  
Budzyńska Monika ◽  
Kamieniak Jarosław ◽  
Krupa Wanda ◽  
Sołtys Leszek

Abstract In many countries completing the performance test requirements is obligatory only for stallions, but some breeders also decide for the assessment of their mares’ performance under standardized conditions. This study is aimed the evaluation of sex related effects on behavioral and physiological reactivity in fearfulness test and performance test scores in Polish warmblood horses of Małopolska breed (22 mares and 34 stallions) assessed at the training station. Equine reactivity to potentially frightening stimuli was assessed in the fearfulness test by behavior scoring and heart rate monitoring. Horses of both sexes were assessed in standardized performance tests accordingly to the rules of performance tests given in the Breeding Program for the Małopolski Horse Breed by the Polish Horse Breeders Association. The mares showed a significantly more quiet response in the fearfulness test in comparison to stallions. A relation among some reactivity and performance traits in both sexes was found. The behavior scores of the fearfulness test were positively correlated with character and temperament only in mares. However, the better the scores for temperament and character the stallions received, the lower the heart rate before testing. The present study demonstrates that temperament and character assessment, as a part of the standardized performance test, should involve not only a subjective trainer’s evaluation, but also a horse reactivity assessment based on objective behavioral tests and heart rate monitoring. The results showed that sex has an effect on behavioral reactivity of horses. Thus, it is important to consider the horses’ sex during selection for a particular type of riding, and performance assessment should be obligatory for both sexes. The assessment of the same performance traits in both, stallions and mares, significantly improves good breeding practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-64
Agung Bayu Pamungkas ◽  
Bagus Dwi Handoko ◽  
Akhmad Haris Sulistiyadi

Background : The Knee joint is a hinge joint with a change formed by the two condyls of the femur that are jointed with the superior surface of the tibial tube. Radiographic examination of the knee joint on AP weight bearing and lateral weight bearing projections is a good projection in revealing joint gaps in the knee joint. The constraints on this examination are when patients who have little difficulty standing on one leg when doing lateral projection of weight bearing. So that a knee joint examination tool is needed in the case of osteoarthrithis.Methods : The purpose of this study was to describe the design, study the function tests and performance tests of knee joint hearing aids in the case of osteoarthrithis.This research is a type of experimental research with the design of a one shoot case study. Data collection is obtained by a check list of results of functional tests and performance test tools. The data obtained was assessed by Guttman's scale and conclusions and suggestions were drawn.This study produced a design in the form of a knee joint examination tool. The tool is made of stainless steel pipes, on a pedestal made of wooden boards, foam and cloth. Based on the calculation of the check list using the Guttman scale.Result: The function test results were 100% and the performance test results were 96%. Until the knee joint examination tool in the case of osteoarthrithis is said to be feasible to use.Conclusion : This knee joint examination aid has a number of parts, a pedestal made of wood sheets, adjustable footrests, and a patient's padded arms. The auxiliary framework uses a 3 cm diameter stainless steel pipe with a thickness of 1 mm. Based on the functional tests in the Radiology Installation of Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto obtained results 100% for knee joint examination in osteoarthritis cases with AP weight bearing projections and lateral weight bearing. Based on performance tests which involved 5 respondents who were radiographers were said to be very appropriate with a percentage of 96% with an excess of ease in operation, reducing the movement of patients, and helping the radiographers to produce informative radiographs.

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