scholarly journals Gambaran Histologi Ginjal Tikus Wistar Yang Terpapar MSG Setelah Perlakuan Diberikan Jus Tomat Dan Diberhentikan Perlakuan Saja

Yeti Eka Sispitasari

MSG causes many side effects on the body, but MSG has long been used as a food flavor that can bring tastes (umami) and play a role in strengthening the taste. The chemical structure of MSG is no different from Glutamic Acid (glutamate), it is one of the 20 amino acids that make up proteins in the body. So the use of MSG needs to be discontinued to prevent kidney damage due to continued consumption of MSG, two research were conducted to determine the effect of discharging of MSG consumption by being given tomato juice (1) and discharged without treatment (2), the second study was seen from the histology picture of rats wistar mouse.Methods were experimental with post test only control group design. The research (1) used 15 wistar rats divided into three groups: group I without treatment (pellet AD II and drinking water), group II was given MSG for 14 days and group III was given tomato juice and MSG for 14 days. The study (2) used 27 rats divided by 9 groups. The sample is selected by simple random sampling method. The mice were then gradually turned off on the 29th, 43rd and 57th days. There was no significant difference in mean number of normal and damaged proximal tubules in all treatment groups. The renal histologic features in the treatment group I (MSG) and the treatment group II (MSG and tomato juice) showed normal glomeruli, tubular epithelial tubules, and lumen tubular narrowing whereas in mice discharged without treatment there was no apparent difference between the two MSG Giving groups damage to proximal tubules and renal corpusculum and regeneration after 14 days of discontinuation of MSG. Conclusions from these two experiments occurred damage to the renal tubules Keywords: MSG, Kidney, Wistar Rat

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 247
Nur Insani ◽  
H.M.T Kamaluddin ◽  
Swanny Swanny

Glutathione (GSH) transferase deficiency due to paracetamol exposure causes further oxidative stress to liver necrosis. To reduce oxidative stress that can cause damage to the liver of the body requires antioxidants. One plant to treat liver disease is the kelor leaf (because it has an active flavonoid material also has antioxidant activity). This study was conducted to determine the difference of glutathione hepar levels of male white rat induced paracetamol toxic dose by giving kelor leaf extract. The type of research is experimental laboratory in vivo with rancagan randomized post test only control group design. With the stages as follows 1.Leaf Extract Kelor with Ethanol 96%, 2.Perpeteration of experimental animals, 3.Treatment of experimental animals by giving extract of 3-dose of kelor leaf that is KP I 250 mg / 200 gr BB rat, KP II 500 mg / 200 gr BB rat, KP III 1000 mg / 200 gr BB rat  for 14 days combined with paracetamol dose 2 gr / 200 gr BB rat compared with the negative control group (group given only paracetamol dose 2 gr / 200 gr BB rat) and control group positif only fed regular feed for 14 days). The result showed that there was a significant difference mean of GSH levels between all treatment groups obtained p = 0,000 (p <α) p values smaller than 0.05. There was the highest increase of GSH in treatment group II (142,7525 μmol / mg) and lowest dose of GSH in positive control group (57,1812 μmol / mg), dose paracetamol toxic dosage and kelor leaf extract 500 mg / gr BB rat can increase GSH hepar p = 0,000 (p <α) p less than 0 , 05. The conclusion of the test results showed that giving of kelor leaf extract at dose of treatment group II can increase GSH hepar level significantly

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Eka Sari Tappi ◽  
Poppy Lintong ◽  
Lily Loho

Abstract: Liver is the largest organ in the abdominal cavity. As the center of metabolism in the body, liver is potentially damaged by exposure of toxic substances, inter alia carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Metabolism of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) produces CCl3 free radicals that can damage the liver. In Indonesia, there are a lot of natural ingredients that have antioxidant properties, such as tomato. Lycopene in tomatoes contains antioxidant compounds that can prevent damages due to free radical. This study aimed to obtain liver histopathological changes of wistar rats fed with tomato juice after being induced of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). This was an experimental study, using 10 wistar rats which were divided into 4 groups. Group I was the negative control; group II was induced with CCl4 0,05 cc/day and was terminated on day 6; group III was induced with CCl4 0,05 cc/day and was given tomato juice 3 ml/day, and terminated on day 13; group IV was induced by CCl4 0,05 cc/day, given regular pellets, and terminated on day 13. The results showed that group II had histopathological changes of the liver indicating fatty liver, meanwhile group III showed regeneration of nearly all liver cells. Conclusion: Administration of tomato juice after the induction of 3 ml carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) for 7 day showed regeneration of almost all liver cells. Keywords: histopathological changes of the liver, carbon tetrachloride, tomato juice.   Abstrak: Hati merupakan organ terbesar dalam rongga abdomen, dan pusat metabolisme tubuh dengan fungsi yang sangat kompleks dan sangat berpotensi mengalami kerusakan akibat terpapar oleh bahan-bahan toksik, salah satunya yaitu karbon tertraklorida (CCL4). Metabolisme CCl4 menghasilkan radikal bebas CCl3 yang dapat merusak hati. Di Indonesia terdapat  banyak sekali bahan-bahan alami yang mempunyai kandungan antioksidan, salah satunya yaitu tomat. Tomat mengandung senyawa likopen sebagai antioksidan yang dapat mencegah kerusakan jaringan akibat radikal bebas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran histopatologi hati tikus wistar yang diberi jus tomat pasca induksi karbon tetraklorida (CCl4). Metode penelitian ialah eksperimental. Sampel sebanyak 10 ekor tikus wistar yang dibagi dalam 4 kelompok. Kelompok I sebagai kontrol negatif; kelompok II diinduksi CCl4 0,05cc/perhari dan diterminasi hari ke-6; kelompok III diinduksi CCl4 0,05 cc/hari kemudian diberikan jus tomat 3ml/hari;  dan kelompok IV diinduksi CCl4 0,05 cc/hari kemudian diberikan pelet biasa dan diterminasi hari ke-13. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada pemberian CCl4 pada tikus wistar selama 5 hari terdapat gambaran morfologik perlemakan sel hati. Pemberian jus tomat dosis 3 ml pasca induksi karbon tetraklorida (CCl4) menunjukkan terjadinya regenerasi pada hampir seluruh sel-sel hati. Simpulan: Pemberian jus tomat dosis 3 ml pasca induksi karbon tetraklorida (CCl4) selama 7 hari menunjukkan regenerasi pada hampir seluruh sel-sel hati. Kata kunci: gambaran histopatologi hati, karbon tetraklorida, jus tomat.

2018 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 99 ◽  
Alhidayati Asymal ◽  
Eha Renwi Astuti ◽  
Rini Devijanti

Background: Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease caused by specific microorganisms that attacks tooth-supporting tissues, P. gingivalis bacteria are mostly found in patients suffering from chronic periodontitis which is usually diagnosed by means of clinical and radiographic examination. The latter play important roles in the management of periodontitis, including: establishing diagnosis, determining treatment plans and evaluating the results of treatment. Unfortunately, the use of X-rays to perform such radiographic examination has negative effects since the body’s various parts, especially the head, are not well protected from the effects of X-ray radiation. Purpose: This research aimed to analyze the effects of dental X-ray exposure on the number of macrophages and lymphocytes in experimental subjects suffering from periodontitis. Methods: 36 rats that had been diagnosed with chronic periodontitis were divided into three groups, namely: a control group, treatment group I (exposed to a 0.16 mSv dose of radiation) and treatment group II (exposed to a 0.32 mSv dose of radiation). These subjects were subsequently sacrificed on the third and fifth days after treatment. Thereafter, histopathological examination was performed to identify any changes in the number of macrophages and lymphocytes. Results: The results of an HSD test confirmed that, on the third day, there were significant differences in the number of lymphocytes between the control group and treatment group I, as well as between the control group and treatment group II. On the fifth day, there were also significant differences in the number of lymphocytes between the control group and treatment group I, as well as between treatment group I and treatment group II. Similarly, there was a significant difference in the number of macrophage cells on the third day between the control group and treatment group I. On the fifth day, there were also significant differences in the number of macrophage cells between the control group and treatment group I, as well as between treatment group I and treatment group II. Conclusion: Dental x-ray exposure at a dose of 0.16 mSv can elevate the number of macrophages and lymphocytes on the third and fifth days. On the other hand, dental x-ray radiation at a dose of 0.32 mSv can reduce the number of macrophages on day 3 as well as the number of lymphocytes on the third and fifth days.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Reshma Shireesha ◽  
Obulesu Obulesu

Background: Aim: To assess the effect of exercise on body composition in obese and overweight. Methods: A total of seventy- two overweight subjects of either gender were enrolled for the study. Two groups were prepared. One group was experimental group (n=36) and the second group was control group (n=36). Parameter such as age, height and weight was recorded. On the basis of variables body mass Index and body fat percentage of every subject was determined. The experiment group were put on aerobic exercises spread over duration of four weeks. Results: The mean height in group I was 163.7 cm and 165.4 cm in group II. Weight was 65.2 kg and 63.5 kgs in group II, BMI (Kg/m2) was 29.4 and 29.1, body fat was 29.3% and 29.6% in group I and II respectively. A significant difference was observed (P< 0.05). The mean pre- test BMI was 29.6 and 38.5 and post- test value was 26.4 and 38.9 in group I and II respectively. A significant difference was observed (P< 0.05). Conclusions: Regular physical activity appears to confer a health benefit to the people. There was a positive relationship between aerobic exercises and overweight women in order to reduce the value of fat in the body.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Christantio Legoh ◽  
Martha M. Kaseke ◽  
Taufiq F. Pasiak

Abstract: Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is one of the ingredients used as flavour additive. However, excessive consumption of MSG could damage the liver. This study was aimed to obtain the impact of MSG exposure on histopathological findings of the liver of Wistar rats administered with tomato juice. This was an experimental study with the post-test only control group design. Subjects were Wistar rats divided into three groups, as follows: the negative control group, treatment group I, and treatment group II. The negative control group was given AD2 pellets; the treatment group I was given AD2 pellets and MSG, while the treated group II was given MSG and tomato juice. This study was conducted for 14 days. The histopathological examination of the treatment group I showed fatty degeneration of hepatocytes and infiltration of inflammatory cells meanwhile of the treatment group II, there was less fatty degeneration of hepatocytes compared to the treatment group I and no inflammatory cells. Moreover, there was no fatty degeneration and inflammatory cells in the negative control group. Conclusion: Wistar rats treated with MSG showed fatty degeneration of hepatocytes and infiltration of inflammatory cells which could be reduced by administration of tomato juice along with MSG.Keywords: tomato juice, MSG Abstrak: Monosodium glutamat (MSG) merupakan salah satu bahan makanan yang sering digunakan sebagai penyedap rasa namun konsumsi MSG berlebihan dapat merusak hati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pajanan MSG terhadap gambaran histologik hati tikus Wistar dengan dan tanpa disertai pemberian jus tomat. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimental dengan post-test only control group design. Tikus dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif, kelompok perlakuan I, dan kelompok perlakuan II. Kelompok kontrol negatif hanya diberikan pelet AD2; kelompok perlakuan 1 diberikan pelet AD2 dan MSG; kelompok perlakuan 2 diberikan MSG dan jus tomat. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 14 hari. Hasil pengamatan gambaran histologik hati tikus Wistar pada kelompok perlakuan I mendapatkan adanya degenerasi lemak pada hepatosit dan sel-sel radang PMN. Pada kelompok perlakuan 2 masih ditemukan adanya degenerasi lemak pad hepatosit tetapi dengan jumlah yang lebih kurang daripada kelompok perlakuan I, serta tidak ditemukan sel-sel radang PMN. Pada kelompok kontrol negatif tidak ditemukan adanya degenerasi lemak pada hepatosit dan sel radang. Simpulan: Pada tikus wistar dengan pemberian MSG terdapat degenerasi lemak pada hepatosit dan adanya sel-sel radang. Pemberian jus tomat bersamaan dengan pemberian MSG berefek menurunkan terjadinya degenerasi lemak pada hepatosit dan tidak disertai sel-sel radang.Kata kunci: jus tomat, MSG

Lyvia Lovin ◽  
Nyoman Ehrich Lister I ◽  
Edy Fachrial ◽  
Sukirman Lie

Doxorubicin is an effective drug used in cancer therapy but produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are toxic to heart cells. The purpose of this study was to determine the cardioprotective activity of Mengkudu fruit ethanol extract against the heart induced by doxorubicin. Mengkudu fruit ethanol extract was obtained by maceration. Cardioprotective activity test is done by measuring blood LDH and CK-MB levels as well as cardiac histology. Animals were induced with DOX 5 mg/kg BW on day 1,7,14 and 20th. Administration of Mengkudu extract 100 mg / kg bw, 300 mg / kg bw, and 500 mg / kg BW given from day 1 to day 20 and on the 21st day cardiac serum levels of CK-MB normal group had a significant difference (p <0.05) with a negative control treatment group, treatment group I, treatment group II, and treatment group III and did not have a significant difference (P> 0.05) with a positive control group with vitamin e supplementation and serum LDH levels the normal group had a significant difference (p <0.05) with the negative control group, the treatment group I, the treatment group II, and the treatment group II and did not have a significant difference (P> 0.05) with the positive control group with vitamin e supplementation. Cardiology histology of the Mengkudu extract 100 mg/kg bw + DOX and the Mengkudu extract 300 mg/kg bb + DOX, and the negative control group showed bleeding, fragmentation and myocytolysis, in the treatment of group III, the group normal, and the positive control group did not show heart muscle damage. Based on the description above it can be concluded that the ethanol extract of Mengkudu fruit containing flavonoids has cardioprotective activity by inhibiting the formation of ROS. The higher the dose of an extract, the greater the decrease in LDH and CKMB levels and increase protection against heart damage.

2022 ◽  
Makaeva Ayna Maratovna ◽  
Sizova Elena Anatolevna ◽  
Atlanderova Ksenya Nikolaevna

Determining which forms of mineral feed additives can increase farm animal productivity is a key area of research. This study assessed the mineral composition of ruminal fluid and the effectiveness of calcium and phosphorus used by animals after the introduction of finely dispersed particles (FDP) of SiO2 (group I) and FeCo (group II) with a hydrodynamic radius of 109.6 ± 16.6 and 265 ± 25 nm, respectively. The deposition and use of calcium and phosphorus in the body of the experimental animals exceeded the control values. In group I, 30.8% more calcium was deposited (p ≥ 0.05), and in group II, the value was 30.3% (p ≥ 0.01). In the experimental groups, the calcium utilization rate was 27.3% higher in group I (p ≥ 0.05), and 28.2% higher in group II (p ≥ 0.01) compared to in the control. Phosphorus deposition was 34% higher (p ≤ 0.01) in experimental group I and 6% higher in experimental group II, compared with the control. Group I had a high utilization rate of phosphorus from the feed (with a 29% difference compared to the control). Comparison of the experimental groups revealed that the introduction of SiO2 FDP promoted an increase in the concentration of silicon, phosphorus, and calcium in the ruminal fluid. The introduction of FeCo FDP was accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of iron and cobalt in the ruminal fluid. Thus, the use of feed additive in finely dispersed form in the diet of animals was accompanied by an increase in the use of calcium and phosphorus by the animal’s body, which is advisable when intensifying milk and meat productivity. The obtained results require further research. Keywords: finely dispersed forms of microelements, ruminants, calcium and phosphorus exchange, feeding

Laksmi Wulandari ◽  
Gatot Soegiarto ◽  
Anna Febriani ◽  
Farah Fatmawati ◽  
Wirya Sastra Amran

Abstract Introduction There are a substantial number of lung cancer patients with negative mutations in Indonesia. This type of cancer is deemed to be the major contributor of lung cancer patient’s death. However, reseaerch related to therapy using vinorelbine combined with platinum-based compounds is still scarce in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy and tolerability between vinorelbine and carboplatin with vinorelbin and cisplatin in stage III-IV epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations-negative non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods The participants were divided into two groups—group I(vinorelbine–carboplatin) and group II (vinorelbine–cisplatin). The participants were assessed based on several measurement criteria. Not only Eq-5D was performed, but the body weight and response evaluation criteria for solid tumors (RECIST) were also examined. The participants received chemotherapy for four cycles (1 cycle = 21 days). Results The quality of life was considered stable in 60% of group I and 60% of group II (p=0.255). In both groups, 46.67% of participants had an increased body weight, while the other 20.00% was stable (p = 1.000). In terms of RECIST evaluation after the second cycle, 80.00% of group I and 86.67% of group II were considered to have a stable disease, with 20% of group I and none of group II had partial response (p = 0.027). However, after the fourth cycle, there were no significant difference between the groups (p = 0.734). Conclusion In EGFR mutation-negative NSCLC patients, the combination of vinorelbine and carboplatin showed comparable outcomes to vinorelbine and cisplatin chemotherapy with no significant differences.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
Laily Rahmawati ◽  
Erma Sulistyaningsih ◽  
Rosita Dewi

  The niacin in energy drinks has metabolic product that cause oxidative stress and liver damage, while the liver damage can be prevented by hepatoprotective agents. Scoparone in Artemisia vulgaris L. can act as a hepatoprotector by its antioxidant effect. This study aimed to investigate the effectivity of Artemisia vulgaris L. extract as a hepatoprotector in wistar hepatocytes induced by niacin. This study used 25 male rats which were divided into 5 groups: normal, the negative control, the positive control, the treatment group I, and II. Treatment was conducted for 28 days. The samples were terminated and the hepatocyte were prepared for histological examination. Histological appearance was catagorized as mild, moderate, and severe damage with or without inflamatory cells activity. The data analysis by Kruskal Wallis showed significant difference (p<0,001). Further analysis by Mann Whitney revealed significantly difference (p<0,05) between normal group and all groups, negative control group and positive control group, and positive control group and treatment group I, but not significantly difference between negative control group and treatment group I, negative control group and treatment group II, positive control group and treatment group II, and between treatment groups. The study concluded that the effectivity of Artemisia vulgaris L. extract has not been proven as a hepatoprotector but further study is needed to draw a definite conclusion.   Keywords: energy drink, niacin, Artemisia vulgaris L., hepatoprotector  

2010 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. CMAMD.S4461 ◽  
Hanan Mohamed Farouk ◽  
Afaf Abdel Alim Mostafa ◽  
Sahar S. Youssef ◽  
Moataz Mohammed Samy Elbeblawy ◽  
Naglaa Youssef Assaf ◽  

Objective To evaluate the utility of entheseal ultrasonography and serum COMP in the preclinical diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. Methods 60 psoriatic patients were divided into: 30 patients with psoriasis (group I) and 30 patients with psoriatic arthritis as control (group II). They underwent independent clinical and ultrasonographic examination of both lower limbs at the calcaneal insertions of Achilles tendons. Psoriatic arthritis disease activity and severity was assessed by modified DAS28 and Steinbrockers scores. Serum levels of COMP were measured for all patients by ELISA. Results On clinical examination, no entheseal abnormalities were detected in group I while they were present in 23.3% of group II with statistically significant difference between them ( P < 0.001). Ultrasonographic entheseal abnormalities were detected in 33.3% of group I and in 46.7% of group II with no significant difference between them ( P > 0.05). Serum COMP were significantly elevated in group I and II with no statistically significant difference between them (mean ± SD 5.9 ± 3 and 6.8 ± 12 respectively, P > 0.05). Entheseal ultrasound was more specific (67%) while serum COMP was more sensitive (87%) in the preclinical diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. Serum COMP levels were significantly correlated with CRP in both groups and with DAS28 and Steinbrockers scores in group II ( P < 0.01). Conclusion Entheseal ultrasonography and serum COMP levels may be used complementary to each other for preclinical diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. Serum COMP seems to be promising prognostic marker for psoriatic arthritis patients.

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